I recently bought a bottle of water in a strip club and then was stopped by the security guy when I was leaving and told I couldn't leave with it, so I set it on a table and then left. I think that was the first time anyone on a strip club security team confronted me about something. Nothing ever during a lap dance. What type of run ins have you had with strip club security, and do you think it was appropriate? Do you have any suggestions for improvements in the area of strip club security?
I'm sure there is some local law that prohibits customers from taking alcohol out of a club or restaurant. Your security guy just didn't distinguish between alcohol and a bottle of water.
I was in the Cheetah in Atlanta. This is years ago. The club has these long stages where several girls would dance at one time. The stairs to the stages were at the end. To get to the Men's Room, you have to walk passed these stairs. So I'm coming out of the Men's Room about the same time that a girl is walking down those stairs. I don't see her until I'm right on top of her. When you are surprised by something being in front of you suddenly, you do things like put your hands in front of you to protect yourself. Well, I guess when I raised my arms and hands to shield myself, I must have grazed the young girl's butt. She then yelled at me " You can't do that".
I'm not sure at that point what I did. Maybe I should have just plowed her over. But I go back to my seat. About 3 minutes later, a bouncer comes over to me and asks if I would go over to the side away from the stage so he could ask me something. I'm young and. clueless back then so I follow him over to the side of the club. He yells at me and says girls are complaining about me touching their butts. He then pushes me against the wall. The wall is actually a door to outside, and in seconds, I'm standing outside the club. I didn't go back to that club for years after that. No, that was NOT appropriate .
I'm happy to say that I haven't had any direct run-ins with security. I'm neither an angry or stupid drunk. I try to keep a low profile. In some clubs, security is fine; they do good work. In other clubs, security can be a horror show. It's my job to never find out how good or bad club security is.
I made the mistake of taking a recently divorced buddy to a strip club (his idea; I recommended against it). The divorce had been mushroom-cloud bad and he was a raw hot mess. He got too drunk and took a dancer to VIP despite me telling him we should go home. About 15 minutes later a security guy came to my table and told me that I had to take my buddy home. He was sitting in VIP and bawling loudly in that operatic way only a sloppy drunk can bawl. It wasn't his best moment... as I've reminded him in the years since then.
I’ve never had a run-in with security but years ago I was in very strict no touch in Fort Wayne, Indiana. They didn’t even any kind of lap or table dances. The stage was slightly raised so when you were at the stage you just dropped tips at the dancer’s feet. An older guy and presumably his son were a few chairs down from me and the older guy lightly touches the leg of the dancer when he tipped. Didn’t seem to bother her, but the bouncer saw it and went over and talked to the guy.
At first the guy didn’t react, but after it sunk in he started to steam how silly the rule was and “spilled” his beer on stage. Security was on this guy in a split second, put him in a choke hold and dragged him out. Reminder, this was an older distinguished looking guy - not the look of a trouble maker
I’m a law and order guy, but this was a way, way over the top reaction on the part of the bouncer
Places don't let you take alcohol out but I've never had a problem with water. I've never had a problem with security at a strip club. They're usually really chill.
What did it take to get kicked out of Follies? I've never had a problem at any club but I can relate this story involving your beloved juicebox69. He got kicked out of Follies. Reason? He did a VIP with a dancer named Savannah who I have no use for. Apparently she tried to charge him more than he had previously paid her for the same service. It got loud and security got involved. He got kicked out for his loud mouth not because of his refusal to pay. My source for this is Barry, the bouncer that kicked him out. Barry is now day manager at Vivide and well liked by the dancers and customers.
I don’t cause trouble in clubs. I’ve had a few girls fry to overcharge me and while I stood my ground, it’s never gotten hostile. I’ve also had other drunk dudes try to start with me. I either de escalated or refused to engage. They aren’t worth it and I have too much too loose to worry about my ‘rep.’ Fuck them. I prefer to stay invisible.
Q: What type of run ins have you had with strip club security, and do you think it was appropriate?
A: in an occasion the following situation happened to me with a new, to me, dancer, and this is how it unfolded.
After 3 dances I asked her to stop, because she was not performing to my standards, and I handed her the money for the 3 dances and she said we did 5, and I said no we did 3.
She insisted we did 5, I said no we did 3.
She then threatened to call the bouncer/security and I said go ahead, the bouncer came and took her side. I explained to him the situation and told them, it is not the money, it is the principle.
He asked that we to go outside to the lobby and once there he said to pay her for the 2 extra dances or I won’t be allowed to go back inside the club.
I immediately asked the guy at the cash register/entry to call the manager.
The manager came and I explained to him the situation and said loud enough for the bouncer and the dancer to hear “Are we going to have to call the “Boys in Blue” to solve this situation?”
The bouncer immediately walked away and the dancer walked away too.
The manager said that it was OK for me to go back inside, “just don’t talk to them please.”
I said OK went inside and acted like nothing happened.
Mentioning the Boys in Blue helps oftentimes, because they most likely have warrants and would not want to risk being arrested.
Q: Do you have any suggestions for improvements in the area of strip club security?
A: Security/Bouncers are more of a deterrent than anything else, they are just doing their job.
in most cases it is some customers and some dancers that cause/create problems/drama.
As long as you behave like a normal human being, a gentleman you will be treated like a normal human being, a gentleman.
Only time I have been tossed out of a club or hassled by security was about 10-12 years ago at the Rustic Frog in rural Indiana not far across the river from Louisville KY. It was totally deserved but at the same time it was in no way my fault. It was my first time at the club and I went for some dances with a dancer I had known from one of the dive clubs in Louisville and that I had gotten extras from several times in the other club. It was her first night at the Frog and in fact I was the first person who had bought any dances from her since I had gotten there less than an hour after her shift started. We went into a little booth down the hallway in the back and the booths were each walled off on three sides but open towards the little hallway so anyone that was going past could see you. Since we were in the very last booth nobody was going to be walking by so it seemed pretty private.
After a couple of songs she offered a bj for the same rate she had always charged at the other club so I took her up on it. About 5-10 minutes later another dancer looked into the booth trying to find an empty spot for her and her customer and clearly saw what was happening but didn't say anything or even visibly react at all and just turned around and walked away. Neither my dancer or I thought twice about it and kept going. Less than a minute later two big bouncers came bursting in yelling and kicked both of us out of the club. Apparently this type of thing wasn't allowed at this club (at least not outside of the high dollar vip rooms I later found out) and I was told never to come back and the dancer was instantly fired.
I ended up taking her back to my hotel for a little otc fun and then drove her to a different club down on 7th street where she got hired and started that night. In the end it all worked out fine for both of us and it even saved us from having to give the club their fee for the 8 or 9 songs we had been back there already since they didn't ask to be paid for the songs as they were kicking us out.
I was hassled at shooter alley buy the owner. I was topping the girls and had been there more than once. I went to the mens room and I’ll never forget he comes in and says I need to leave because he thinks I’m a cop. I’m like I’ve been here and I’m tipping what makes you think that he says get out. So I didn’t go back for quite awhile. When I saw him again he didn’t even remember me. I also had a run I at shooter alley when I did a vip as a rookie paid the girl she said she had to go to the bathroom. I said your not coming back are you. Said she was so I waited about 5 minutes and saw her leaving the club. Bouncer and dj were very apologetic wanted to give me a credit for another vip. Ur the night was ruined chalked it up to lessons learned.
I had a few run in at fantasy plaza i Houston with Rob’s but you club long enough you will. Now I leave at the first sign of trouble. I always pay with cash and never tell anyone anything but my first name
"...it all worked out fine for both of us and it even saved us from having to give the club their fee for the 8 or 9 songs we had been back there already since they didn't ask to be paid for the songs as they were kicking us out."
So the lesson here from whodey is when you're ready to leave just whip out your dick and you get your dances comped.
Ah, Shooter's Alley! I had a run in there. A new girl took me to VIP and we were getting it on. At the end of the hall there was an inconspicuous mirror. The bounder could look in the mirror and see what was happening in the last couple of rooms because the rooms only had beads over the doorway. This bouncer barges in on us and starts yelling at the girl that he is not stupid and knows we are having sex. He goes on an on about if she is not going to respect him, there was going to be trouble, etc. He said this is NOT the first time I have told you this. She quietly asks me to tip him a $20. He slapped me on the shoulder and said "back to work, my man!"
By respect he meant he got a $20 tip from the girls to look the other way. This new girl had been stiffing him, and not in a good way.
When I left this guy was outside the front door and wished me a good night.
I later realized this was the same guy that had thrown me out of Follies for having sex in VIP. That was a long time ago and extras were just starting to happen there. There were only two VIP rooms and they just had beads over the entrance. Plus, they face a crowded pool table area. I think it varied with the floor guy. Most tolerated or looked the other way but this guy was a killjoy.
Can you take empty champagne bottles out of the club?
I once got additional dances with a dancer to where we went beyond closing time... when leaving one of the bouncers playfully was telling me i need to start tipping them since they stayed late for me. I gave him some cash next time i saw him.
I don’t get drunk in clubs so I’m not really an issue. One I did have was Sapphire 39 in Manhattan, the guys kept perstering me during my LD’s. One didn’t like that I had my bear in my back pocket.
I remember one door dude at Pharoahs in Buffalo, terrible club, air dance spot. The guy kept angrily telling me about the mask thing. Huge fucking dickhead.
Usually though nobody is worried about me. I’m solo and clean cut. I don’t go all thugged out
Several years ago I was in a club in Manhattan where I was a semi-regular. I worked up there quite a bit back then and clubbed a lot when I was in town. So I was semi-regular in the sense that I might be three or four weeks between trips, but when I was in town I would be in some club every night. This was a go-to place for me. Several of the dancers knew me, and I assumed I had been around enough for the rest of the staff to recognize me as a good customer.
I would often do a dance or two in the main room before picking a dancer for a booth in the back. It was officially a hands at your side place, but it could get pretty touchy in the back, very touchy with the right girl and the right tip. The front room had padded bench seating all around the outside of the room, and that is where the dances were done. You could usually get away with light, friendly touching.
On this particular evening I was with a dancer I had seen there before. I had danced with her, but it had never worked out to take her to the back. And I was dying to take her back. I was so smitten. She was young, fit, sweet, drop-dead gorgeous head to toe, with one of the nicest racks I have ever seen. So we did a song, then another, and then a third. I was so worked up near the end of the third song that I really wanted her to ease up a little bit.
I kinda said something in her ear when she had her head close to mine, but the music was so loud she apparently didn’t hear me. So as I was nearing critical mass, I just, almost reflexively, moved my hands up to her waist and gently encouraged her to move off the spot she was on. The bouncer just happened to be walking by at that moment, and he read me the riot act.
The touch wasn’t in any way sexual, and I was just trying to be a gentleman and not cum on her ass. The music was too loud for me to even offer an explanation, had I been so inclined. And once the bouncer moved on, she was no longer in danger of getting a sticky ass. She knew what was up and didn’t charge me for the third dance (told you she was sweet) so I tipped her the $20 anyway, Unfortunately, I never saw her again.
I got freaked out and scared security was going to bust me one other time. At a different club, also in Manhattan, the VIP hostess walked in at a most in opportune time. This club, which has long since been closed, wasn’t really an extras club. It was more like a brothel. The hostess would take you to the VIP room and tell you “no sex,’ even though she, you, the dancer, and everybody else in the club knew that the only mystery about what you were about to do was where you were going to finish.
So the hostess reads me the rules while the dancer is freshening up. I tip her. The dancer comes in, closes the curtain behind her, and asks me what I want. I asked how much for everything. She clarified what I meant and quoted a price. We made a deal. I handed her the cash and she invited “him’ to the party and helped him on with his party hat. Literally as he was entering the party, the curtain opened. She plunged down as far as she could go, and the three of us (me, dancer, & hostess) proceeded to have a brief conversation while I was balls deep, but apparently somewhat covered by the dancers very short skirt. The hostess left, the fun resumed, and nothing was ever said by the hostess or the bouncer.
last commentI was in the Cheetah in Atlanta. This is years ago. The club has these long stages where several girls would dance at one time. The stairs to the stages were at the end. To get to the Men's Room, you have to walk passed these stairs. So I'm coming out of the Men's Room about the same time that a girl is walking down those stairs. I don't see her until I'm right on top of her. When you are surprised by something being in front of you suddenly, you do things like put your hands in front of you to protect yourself. Well, I guess when I raised my arms and hands to shield myself, I must have grazed the young girl's butt. She then yelled at me " You can't do that".
I'm not sure at that point what I did. Maybe I should have just plowed her over. But I go back to my seat. About 3 minutes later, a bouncer comes over to me and asks if I would go over to the side away from the stage so he could ask me something. I'm young and. clueless back then so I follow him over to the side of the club. He yells at me and says girls are complaining about me touching their butts. He then pushes me against the wall. The wall is actually a door to outside, and in seconds, I'm standing outside the club. I didn't go back to that club for years after that. No, that was NOT appropriate .
Your money, your choice of clubs.
Anyway, overall security was cool about it.
At first the guy didn’t react, but after it sunk in he started to steam how silly the rule was and “spilled” his beer on stage. Security was on this guy in a split second, put him in a choke hold and dragged him out. Reminder, this was an older distinguished looking guy - not the look of a trouble maker
I’m a law and order guy, but this was a way, way over the top reaction on the part of the bouncer
try to overcharge
too much to lose
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
Q: What type of run ins have you had with strip club security, and do you think it was appropriate?
A: in an occasion the following situation happened to me with a new, to me, dancer, and this is how it unfolded.
After 3 dances I asked her to stop, because she was not performing to my standards, and I handed her the money for the 3 dances and she said we did 5, and I said no we did 3.
She insisted we did 5, I said no we did 3.
She then threatened to call the bouncer/security and I said go ahead, the bouncer came and took her side. I explained to him the situation and told them, it is not the money, it is the principle.
He asked that we to go outside to the lobby and once there he said to pay her for the 2 extra dances or I won’t be allowed to go back inside the club.
I immediately asked the guy at the cash register/entry to call the manager.
The manager came and I explained to him the situation and said loud enough for the bouncer and the dancer to hear “Are we going to have to call the “Boys in Blue” to solve this situation?”
The bouncer immediately walked away and the dancer walked away too.
The manager said that it was OK for me to go back inside, “just don’t talk to them please.”
I said OK went inside and acted like nothing happened.
Mentioning the Boys in Blue helps oftentimes, because they most likely have warrants and would not want to risk being arrested.
Q: Do you have any suggestions for improvements in the area of strip club security?
A: Security/Bouncers are more of a deterrent than anything else, they are just doing their job.
in most cases it is some customers and some dancers that cause/create problems/drama.
As long as you behave like a normal human being, a gentleman you will be treated like a normal human being, a gentleman.
After a couple of songs she offered a bj for the same rate she had always charged at the other club so I took her up on it. About 5-10 minutes later another dancer looked into the booth trying to find an empty spot for her and her customer and clearly saw what was happening but didn't say anything or even visibly react at all and just turned around and walked away. Neither my dancer or I thought twice about it and kept going. Less than a minute later two big bouncers came bursting in yelling and kicked both of us out of the club. Apparently this type of thing wasn't allowed at this club (at least not outside of the high dollar vip rooms I later found out) and I was told never to come back and the dancer was instantly fired.
I ended up taking her back to my hotel for a little otc fun and then drove her to a different club down on 7th street where she got hired and started that night. In the end it all worked out fine for both of us and it even saved us from having to give the club their fee for the 8 or 9 songs we had been back there already since they didn't ask to be paid for the songs as they were kicking us out.
I had a few run in at fantasy plaza i Houston with Rob’s but you club long enough you will. Now I leave at the first sign of trouble. I always pay with cash and never tell anyone anything but my first name
So the lesson here from whodey is when you're ready to leave just whip out your dick and you get your dances comped.
By respect he meant he got a $20 tip from the girls to look the other way. This new girl had been stiffing him, and not in a good way.
When I left this guy was outside the front door and wished me a good night.
I later realized this was the same guy that had thrown me out of Follies for having sex in VIP. That was a long time ago and extras were just starting to happen there. There were only two VIP rooms and they just had beads over the entrance. Plus, they face a crowded pool table area. I think it varied with the floor guy. Most tolerated or looked the other way but this guy was a killjoy.
I once got additional dances with a dancer to where we went beyond closing time... when leaving one of the bouncers playfully was telling me i need to start tipping them since they stayed late for me. I gave him some cash next time i saw him.
I remember one door dude at Pharoahs in Buffalo, terrible club, air dance spot. The guy kept angrily telling me about the mask thing. Huge fucking dickhead.
Usually though nobody is worried about me. I’m solo and clean cut. I don’t go all thugged out
I would often do a dance or two in the main room before picking a dancer for a booth in the back. It was officially a hands at your side place, but it could get pretty touchy in the back, very touchy with the right girl and the right tip. The front room had padded bench seating all around the outside of the room, and that is where the dances were done. You could usually get away with light, friendly touching.
On this particular evening I was with a dancer I had seen there before. I had danced with her, but it had never worked out to take her to the back. And I was dying to take her back. I was so smitten. She was young, fit, sweet, drop-dead gorgeous head to toe, with one of the nicest racks I have ever seen. So we did a song, then another, and then a third. I was so worked up near the end of the third song that I really wanted her to ease up a little bit.
I kinda said something in her ear when she had her head close to mine, but the music was so loud she apparently didn’t hear me. So as I was nearing critical mass, I just, almost reflexively, moved my hands up to her waist and gently encouraged her to move off the spot she was on. The bouncer just happened to be walking by at that moment, and he read me the riot act.
The touch wasn’t in any way sexual, and I was just trying to be a gentleman and not cum on her ass. The music was too loud for me to even offer an explanation, had I been so inclined. And once the bouncer moved on, she was no longer in danger of getting a sticky ass. She knew what was up and didn’t charge me for the third dance (told you she was sweet) so I tipped her the $20 anyway, Unfortunately, I never saw her again.
I got freaked out and scared security was going to bust me one other time. At a different club, also in Manhattan, the VIP hostess walked in at a most in opportune time. This club, which has long since been closed, wasn’t really an extras club. It was more like a brothel. The hostess would take you to the VIP room and tell you “no sex,’ even though she, you, the dancer, and everybody else in the club knew that the only mystery about what you were about to do was where you were going to finish.
So the hostess reads me the rules while the dancer is freshening up. I tip her. The dancer comes in, closes the curtain behind her, and asks me what I want. I asked how much for everything. She clarified what I meant and quoted a price. We made a deal. I handed her the cash and she invited “him’ to the party and helped him on with his party hat. Literally as he was entering the party, the curtain opened. She plunged down as far as she could go, and the three of us (me, dancer, & hostess) proceeded to have a brief conversation while I was balls deep, but apparently somewhat covered by the dancers very short skirt. The hostess left, the fun resumed, and nothing was ever said by the hostess or the bouncer.