Life changing events

avatar for motorhead
George Floyd sparked the defund the police movement

Result -

Shoplifting is at an all time. You can’t even go into some Walgreen”s or Wal-Marts or CVS stores without finding the damn toothpaste locked up


last comment
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
The George Floyd death was a low point of my life. While overdosing on fentanyl may have contributed to his death, the indifference to his suffering during the last few minutes of his life by the arresting police officer bothered me. The violent protests after his death led to most of downtown Indianapolis having boarded up buildings and no people on the sidewalks. An epidemic was sweeping through the country, killing large numbers of people. In my personal life a cat I had owned for 13 years and dearly loved died. My all-time favorite stripper who I had been seeing for six years was diagnosed with cancer and had to quit stripping for surgery. The epidemic had caused the closing of the building where I had worked for forty years and I couldn't see my coworkers while working from home. I wasn't seeing friends or family due to the epidemic. I have never felt more depressed, lonely and isolated than that month and I have never felt things ever went back to normal after that.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
Correlation, causation and coincidence - primer from the Open University.…

avatar for misterorange
2 years ago
^^ Hey man, just a quick PSA here. I got sick of that locked up merchandise at CVS mostly because of the razor blades. I decided to give Harry's mail-order a try and I love it. It's almost like I look forward to shaving now. And their stuff is like 1/2 the price of name brands like Gillette or whatever.

OTOH I wonder sometimes if the government "acceptance" of shoplifting and robbery is just a way to promote online ordering and shut down traditional retail. It's easier to control an online digital marketplace than all those brick and mortar stores.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Trump elected president. Bigots think bigotry is okay. You can't go anywhere without young and middle aged white trash acting like the kkk and old white men channeling Hitler. Plus prices going way up coz the rich can
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
“old white men channeling Hitler”

You might want to read some history before throwing around comparisons to Hitler. He was even worse than an old white guy using the wrong pronoun. Look it up.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Icee how do they act like the kkk? You’re saying the kkk just used bad words? Why didnt you report these people acting like the kkk? What about people acting like blm? You approve of blowing things up?
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
“Bigots think bigotry is okay”

So…who said anything about the shoplifting countermeasures being targeted towards POC?

Who’s the one racial profiling now?
avatar for CostaTheCrazyGreek
2 years ago
If you treat people like garbage and second class citizens, the fuck did you expect??
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
I would say the falling of the Berlin Wall was an even that signified a series of events that happened that changed the lives of millions of people in Europe. It led to freedoms that were never known for many and signified the end of the "Cold War."

It didn't affect me much personally, but I did get a chance to go to an Eastern European country in 2011 and see some of the beauty, including people and places, that I wouldn't have had a chance to see if that didn't happen.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
For my mother the assassination of President Kennedy was a life changing event. For one grandmother it was Pearl Harbor. For one of my grandfathers, it was the 1929 stock market crash. For me it was Covid and the Floyd death. For mike710 above it was the fall of the Berlin wall. Every generation has some life changing event that comes along.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I would put the assignation of John F. Kennedy as a life changing event way beyond any of the others mentioned, I would say that event profoundly changed America like none of the others and is still causing differences today.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
^. I also believe Pearl Harbor and 9-11 were life changing events of that magnitude
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I think there is a pre 9/11 world and a post 9/11. The pre 9/11 is never coming back.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
In my forty-some years, there's 9/11 and then everything else. It's in a class by itself; it consumed the rest of GWBush's presidency and is still influencing the dynamic 21 years later.

The fall of the Berlin Wall (and communism) was big, but the latter wasn't just one day so the impact was spread out.

The BLM riots were bad but didn't directly affect a lot of people. Jan 6 even much less so.
avatar for dustyj
2 years ago
For all the talk about defunding the police it will never actually happen. Interesting that red states have a 40% higher murder rate than blue states. For all of the law and order claims Republicans refuse to ban assault rifles leading to many needless mass shootings. I grew up in a family where my father was an avid hunter and I was hunting and regularly shooting guns by age 10 with many guns in my home but we both agree that absolutely no regular citizen needs an assault rifle something that the supposedly law and order Republicans always block is banning assault rifles.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
9/11 was horrifying but didn't change my life at all. It was the same before and after. That is not true of everyone. The day it happened I went to the cafeteria in the building I worked in. Soldiers who worked in the building were standing around the television set there with grim looks on their faces. They knew it meant war and they would be heading off to that war.
avatar for shailynn
2 years ago
COVID - if it weren’t for COVID a lot of the events that happened specifically in the summer that doc was talking about may have not been as significant if life was normal during those times. Would an event like George Floyd have gotten as much attention if the entire world wasn’t sitting at home with nothing to do? Half the country was drawing unemployment because they weren’t able to go to work (think: unrest). Whether you blame COVID or George Floyd a lot of other things happened over the next year which has results we will deal with for years to come.

Most of us here, we got through the COVID era and have moved on but it’s just still very weird for me. I look at everything in life differently, and the simple things I used to enjoy before COVID - which many I was not able to do during COVID - just do not bring me the same joy they used to. Since the world stopped during COVID, I did too and it made me slow down and appreciate things I often didn’t in the past, that’s the good. The bad is ever since then I have a weary feeling like something worse is coming down the road so I can’t be as frivolous as I was before.

Side note - I think COVID was way more a disrupter than 9/11. I knew people who died in 9/11 but nobody close to me. 9/11 changed the way we travel, probably for ever here in the United States as well as abroad. Someone who lived/s in the NYC metro area during that time may feel differently than me and that completely understandable.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Covid wasn’t the disrupter, it was the political decision to lock down the country for two years and mandate vaccines. Sweden did none of that and they weathered Covid better than most.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
“ we both agree that absolutely no regular citizen needs an assault rifle”

What’s an assault rifle ? Seriously, define it.

If you mean an automatic fire weapon, those are already illegal.

As best I can tell, people who use the term assault rifle mean “ scary looking gun”.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
"Interesting that red states have a 40% higher murder rate than blue states"

Interesting that this is driven by blue cities, no matter the color of the state, and law enforcement policies are driven at the city level.

Baltimore, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, New York don't even have the "red state " excuse. It's Democrats at every level. Why are they some of the most miserable places in America?
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
So sick and fucking tired of George Floyd. He was on the path to a violent death from his violent drug addicted felonious childhood. That fucking rat held a loaded pistol to the stomach of a pregnant women during a home invasion, so fuck him.

Covid was the biggest event. 9/11 the biggest East Coast event. In reality, for me the biggest event was "counting chads" and the Democrats election denialism and cheating. Democrats became my enemy because of it. The hypocritical lying Democrats just picked election denier Hakeen Jeffries, making them not only the original election deniers, but the longest running.
avatar for dustyj
2 years ago
People voted in record numbers in 2020 largely because many people despise Trump. There was fraud because the biggest liar in the world Trump said so? For some reason the courts found no evidence and Trump lost badly. You would literally have to have shit for brains to still be believing the election fraud claims.
avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"People voted in record numbers in 2020 largely because many people despise Trump"

That's what all these MAGA-Tards never understood --- just because they attended Trump's fascist hick rallies and put a sign in their yard, doesn't make them part of the majority. It just makes them look like squealing stuck pigs!

The real majority in America are the many millions of proud Democrats who go to school and work every day and make this country truly great with their words and actions. They are the "silent majority" that the MAGA-Tards always feared when heading to the voting booths in the last three election cycles.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^^or be a fucking left wing lying sack of shit progressive.
avatar for dustyj
2 years ago
Great Republican candidates! Hershel Walker is painful to listen to. If you put Hershel Walker into a 1st grade class, he'd be the dumbest person in the class. Another Republican retard!!
avatar for dustyj
2 years ago
You aren't smart enough to argue with desertscrub.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I never understood the obsession with JFK. He was a pinko sunuvabitch and the US was better without him. His refusal to provide air cover for the Bay of Pigs led to the Cuban Missile Crisis - he created the scenario which he is famous for. His idiotic "advisor" policy is what lost the Vietnam War. The Cold War could have been severely curtailed if had provided material support for the freedom fighters in the Prague Spring. He was as much of feckless weakling as Obama. Yet the dumbass east coast voters kept putting that family into office. Unreal.
avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"2020 election was average at best"

2016 election was average at best --- Commie Trump wasn't a "movement" because he only got 2 million more votes than McCain in 2008.

That's just solid proof that Republi-Cunts are fading into obscurity and Democrats are only getting STRONGER as the years go by.
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Yeah, George Floyd was another piece of shit thug who got what he deserved. I am not saying the cop was wrong and that Floyd's death was unavoidable, but he was a career criminal who made the world a worse place. The national reaction to his death was a watershed moment in this country for all the wrong reasons and for all the reasons the OP described.

9/11 was a world-changing event. Everything from air travel to Biden's botched Afghan pullout was a direct result of that. No single secular event, except for assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand or the signing of the Declaration of Independence, has had so large an impact on world civilization.

COVID was a disruptor for a couple of years, but things are getting back to normal. I no longer even give a second thought about SARS-COVID-2019. You could argue the effects of inflation and MRNA vaccines, etc., etc., but a lot of that was in the pipeline and would have occurred regardless.
avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"I never understood the obsession with JFK. He was a pinko sunuvabitch"

You can't be a pinko if you're staring down Soviet nukes in Cuba and telling Khrushchev to go fuck himself or get turned into molten glass, ya dumb cunt

If JFK was pink then it makes Commie Donnie redder than a virgin's busted hymen on prom night --- we all saw what he did in Helsinki and that one sentence he spewed like a traitorous pig is enough to get him the firing squad according to our Founding Fathers
avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"George Floyd was another piece of shit thug who got what he deserved"

We'll see how you low-IQ MAGA-Tards react when the indictments start raining down on a piece-of-shit career criminal like Tax Dodger Donnie.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander -- George Floyd tried to pass a counterfeit bill at a liquor store --- China Don tried to subvert an election and sold top secret information to his buddies in Russia and Saudi Arabia --- now let's see you Communist righties try to dream up false equivalences on that
avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"Hershel Walker into a 1st grade class, he'd be the dumbest person in the class"

White racist good ole boys in the GQP picked Walker because he's a dumb House Negro they can bark orders to and he just says "Yessa, massa" to all of it.

As usual with elections, the Mighty Dems are playing chess and the Republi-Cunts are playing checkers.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Funny to bash Walker when the Democrats got a fucked up retard who cannot even speak named John Fetterman elected. Rather have Walker than a left wing feeb.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
JFK was an early example of the media falling in love with a politician and doing whatever they could do to help him. Even after his death, at the hands of a communist, the media blamed his death on right wing hate in Texas.
avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"Democrats got a fucked up retard who cannot even speak named John Fetterman"

Fetterman is a Harvard grad, Ski-Fagg. That's a lot better than whatever fraudulent law school you went to (and finished dead last).
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
"at the hands of a communist" - who? castro?
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Lee Harvey Oswald. An avowed communist who had lived in Russia and had ties to communist Cuba. Didn’t you learn this in school ?
avatar for BabyDoc
2 years ago
Just opining here but I think that events like 9-11 can cause societal changes but mostly at the margins. (***Admittedly, Covid or rather the orchestrated unnecessary response to it may be the elephant in the room exception.)

For the average person, 9-11/George Floyd/wars etc. really have little impact on their day to day life if we are to be honest about it. In fact, many of these life changing events would in all likelihood go unnoticed if you (the generic you) were unplugged from TV and the internet and social media (I don’t know what that last one is but it seems to be something the kids are always on).

Real life changing events tend to be much more personal. Loss of a job, death of a spouse/child, a terminal medical diagnosis, etc. These are life changing events for individuals while largely meaningless to the masses.

Control what you can control, be grateful for what you have and live the best life you can manage. Don’t let the rest of it control you.
avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"Covid or rather the orchestrated unnecessary response to it may be the elephant in the room exception"

There was no "un-necessary response to COVID. It killed 1.2 million Americans when the average flu season kills around 30,000. Numbers actually matter when it comes to public health emergencies, contrary to whatever a low IQ right wing dickhead says about it on Fox Fake News.

But I will agree and say the safety measures put in place were no big deal. So we all had to wear a piece of fabric on our face for a few months and avoid congregating in large groups for a year, so what? Most of us got the vaccine and that probably saved another million lives being lost. These are simple, common-sense measures that every modern nation was putting into place. No amount of right wing lying and propaganda can outweigh the public health recommendations in over 130 countries around the world.
avatar for rattdog
2 years ago
got confused from reading all of the above regarding cuba, hence asked castro. and yes i did learn of oswald while in school.

was oswald ordered by lbj via the cia to perform the task? mafia? approaching 60 years since that event and still that mystery remains unanswered.

castro was asked if he had anything to do with jfk' death and he replied no way, as doing so would have resulted in american militia bombarding the shit out of cuba.

avatar for Thick-5-Incher
2 years ago
"castro was asked if he had anything to do with jfk' death and he replied no way"

There's been a lot of circumstantial evidence that Castro and the American mafia were colluding on the JFK assassination. However, I think there are too many loose-lipped snitches in both those organizations to keep a secret that big for 70 years. The whole LBJ/CIA doesnt really make sense either since LBJ didnt run for re-election in 1968 so how would losing power help him or his goons continue to make boatloads of money?

However, most rational people find it incredible that Oswald acted alone and actually pulled it off, with Ruby tying up loose ends and going to his grave without giving away any secrets. It's the biggest mystery in American history and will probably never get solved.
avatar for Heaven-sent
2 years ago
The closest I’ve ever got to talking politics at a strip club or on a strip club site is a dancer told me unsolicited she was not vaccinated and didn’t plan to be. I didn’t follow up in any way. I changed the subject and it was never mentioned again. As it should have been in the 1st place.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
While we know it was a communist who pulled the trigger on JFK, it was someone with organized crime ties ( Jack Ruby ) who killed Oswald before he could talk. The mafia had helped JFK “win” Illinois. Then, JFK and his attorney general brother, RFK, turned on the mafia. So, they had motive too.

We’ll never know what really happened.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^Why would anyone assume Oswald would have talked?
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
I don’t blame George Floyd for the unrest caused by his death - I blame that idiot cop who knelt on his neck! If that cop wasn’t such an asshole, the rest of the BLM crap - and the defund the police crap - would have never happened!

George Floyd was a career criminal, and a drug user. He would not have lived a long life. He never contributed anything positive to society. He was a parasite who wasted his life. It was that asshole cop who made him a symbol - and he is why there is artwork and a statue of George Floyd.

The most life changing world event - in my view - is 9/11. The country changed after that event. Things will never be the same again. The George Floyd crap is nothing by comparison.

A worthless thug being killed by a cop is nothing of significance - but it’s the BLM scum who profited from that death who have prolonged the suffering of many folks. Where is the accounting for the contributions made to BLM - and the accounting of the money BLM has invested in the communities that need the support.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Incorrect mr Cashman... incorrect and partially correct

Floyd was engaging in Christian preaching or some sort of religious youth group service after he was released from jail for armed robbery. So maybe he did contribute something positive to society, over the years.

The BLM movement was already going strong since trayvon martin, which wasnt even a cop situation. Its a very racist and anti cop movement. Look at how theu behaved with jacob blake. Any sane normal person would do the same thing the cop did in jacob blake situation. To blm it wasn’t acceptable because they believe in racial superiority hence will protest and destroy if any race harms a black person but do nothing if a black person harms a different race or if other races harm each other.

Steven crowder and others have reinacted the george floyd knee tactic, so that alone doesnt kill someone. At best it was a contributing factor and, combined with floyds drug use killed him. Its possible floyd would have died anyway, if he swallowed his drug stash before the cops came to his car. But the cop having the knee on his neck while it happened, means the cop will get some blame anyway. It shows that its risky dealing with or touching someone whos on a dangerous drug overdose. If you’re touching them in certain ways, and they die while youre touching them, you could be held responsible
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
BLM is a natural outgrowth of the race war started by President Obama.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Anyone see the irony in one of the site’s most prolific trolls (BTE) arguing that George Floyd didn’t lead a worthless existence?

Don’t argue with me troll. You can’t even stand up to a girl in lingerie!
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Dont troll me cashieman!
avatar for silverton3
2 years ago

December 4, 2022
For all the talk about defunding the police it will never actually happen. Interesting that red states have a 40% higher murder rate than blue states. For all of the law and order claims Republicans refuse to ban assault rifles leading to many needless mass shootings. I grew up in a family where my father was an avid hunter and I was hunting and regularly shooting guns by age 10 with many guns in my home but we both agree that absolutely no regular citizen needs an assault rifle something that the supposedly law and order Republicans always block is banning assault rifles.

Assault rifles have always been banned in the US. Yes, you can apply for and pay for a very expensive stamp (license) to own an automatic weapon but VERY few do. Now, if you are talking about hunting rifles that are semi-automatic, like my duck hunting Remington shotgun is and my Rock River AR-15 then you are just confused. Truth is, my Remington 1100 with its snow goose extended magazine is far more lethal than an AR-15 in any close environment. Saw off the barrel and load it with double ot buck and I can send over a hundred .22 projectiles (same as AR-15) down range in about four seconds. No AR-15 can even think about matching that indoor ability for mayhem.
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