
Comments by wallanon (page 32)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Valentines day is Tuesday.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How does a Goth Sugar Baby sound?
    On the road to becoming a stripper
    If you're looking at Dallas, I thought Silver City Cabaret was a solid club with a good range/mix of dancer looks and styles. It doesn't get talked about as a top club, but if I lived around there I'd go there first over a place like Baby Dolls.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Super Bowl Half Time Show
    "Critique all the bs you want but she’s got a ridiculous amount of talent and has worked her ass off." And she was very pregnant. You could tell she was limited out there but was still moving and dancing a bit. Would you have rather heard a pre-recorded track or a pregnant woman to trying her best to sing while dancing around and probably being exhausted in the process? If we can respect Patrick Mahomes for playing the Superbowl on a high ankle sprain, then we can respect Rihanna for putting on a show during the biggest tv event of the year while expecting. And quite frankly the NFL (which gets all kinds of PR shit wrong) for being on board with it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Super Bowl Half Time Show
    I thought it was just a nod to Apple corporate colors because they co-branded the Superbowl halftime show.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Beating the tip parade?
    I'm not in the hobby to join a tip refusing revolution, but can admire its principles lol. These discussions would be much easier to have if people stop telling experienced club goers they're wrong for not doing things the same way. I spent a lot of time at Millstream and McDoogals in Baltimore last year. At Millstream the dancers will walk to every single person in the club no matter where they are sitting looking a tip, but only after they've done a stage set. They're typically pretty good at knowing who was there and who wasn't there because the main floor is small and the stage is bar height. Can you refuse to tip? Sure you can, the dudes only really get bounced for groping the girls on stage. But the girls are hustling constantly and you can't always tell who's in what clique on your first visit. Why piss off the friend of the dancer you actually want by waiving her off? You save a few bucks (that's really all were talking about) and then spoil your visit. I've paid a stripper the price of a dance to go away when I needed her to move stat (to get the dancer I wanted sitting in her place), so a couple of bucks is cheap lol. At McDoogals if you're at the bar you're going to get hit twice by each girl, and there are usually 1 to 2 girls per set. Most guys will do $1 per round, so that's $2 per jukebox song every song. Girls I'm not crazy about get a dollar, girls I want time with get more because it's a big ass bar and you've got guys spending on stage, lappers, and rooms. If you're not at the bar you don't usually get hassled, but it's a small club and most of it is the wrap around bar. If you make one girl's night they talk a lot and you're marked, so just make sure you maintain the $1 a trip and you're ok. I pissed off a dancer on her birthday and a whole clique gave me the cold shoulder for a couple weeks til one decided she wanted my money. The birthday dancer got her tips but kept hassling me for a dancer and I finally said no thanks. This probably where someone is staying "you stood you're ground, good on ya" but that's not how the stripper brain works. The way that story got retold is I didn't take care of a girl on her birthday and that was a dick move lol. I wrote something I didn't post about Johnny A's in Paterson, NJ and it's tip situation during my visit. I'll see if I can dig it up. That's a club where I saw 4 or more girls up on stage all at once and it was the middle of dayshift.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Assjobs, are they possible ITC
    Now that's commitment to the cause.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Can a ROB also be an ATF?
    Lol. That actually makes a difference. At least you know I read what you write...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Can a ROB also be an ATF?
    "You’ve been kicking around this thing too long to understand how these girls operate." Is that a typo?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Beating the tip parade?
    "...if more of y'all followed suit, the the tip parade, would go away." It's really just a regional thing. Dudes should be able to tell just by looking around what the club culture is. Sometimes it's just a miss. When I was in Louisville I walked in a club and offered three dancers a drink because two girls talked me up right away but I wanted the third who was hanging back. $100 later I was sitting there laughing at myself on the inside, but could have had any girl in the club in any room I wanted after the first few minutes. That wasn't a tip walk issue, but I try to roll with the rules of the road wherever I end up.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OTC Post Nut Clarity
    How exactly did the thread turn into this?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    OTC Post Nut Clarity
    How many times can I say I'd be in AOC all day any day? Here's one more. After decades of stripper fun crazy is not an obstacle.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How does a Goth Sugar Baby sound?
    On the road to becoming a stripper
    I knew a dancer who was about 170 lbs and dropped way down. Last time I saw her she was basically skin and bones. When you get to a point where you feel good about how you look/get to your goal weight don't forget to stop losing weight. Your photo showed up as a broken link, so I didn't get a chance to look at it. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Stripper IGs: a mixed bag.
    IG I use for a few reasons, and none of them are really for schedule. I want to see what she thinks are her best looks, what stuff she's into, her friends, and which other dancers she's connected with. If she sends out pics of herself at work I'll make a note of it, but I don't usually respond to the cattle call. Some dancers I know prefer to message on IG, mostly the younger ones. I'll usually only write on IG if they write me first.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Can a ROB also be an ATF?
    "You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce.” I'm just sharing that I made a choice to ride the wave with a ROB for conversation. Other than gawker there aren't that many guys on the board who took that challenge (or at least "won"), because it defeats the purpose of the hobby to be in a situation that isn't fun. I'd agree with most of what was said about not even trying it. When ROBs are used to getting over on guys year after year they don't make it easy to gain a different result. And then they resent that they caved, so it becomes a cycle of them trying to get back on top. Every situation can be different, but that was my mine. For me the hassle was worth it for a while, until it wasn't. The way I look at it is each guy is responsible for his own fun and the consequences. I get bored, so bending the will of a queen bee to do what I wanted was an interesting challenge. So I played out the string more than once, but then what? Here's the same old disclaimer about this being a question about what you think for yourself. For you lurkers and noobs out there, if you've met a ROB that lights your fire and you think you can tame her, the question to ask yourself is what's at the end of that rainbow. You've got a lot of good input from longtime TUSCLers to read through now. Have fun.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Can a ROB also be an ATF?
    The takes on this went all over the place, which is what I expected. I think from a basic yes/no perspective my answer is "yes" because I ATF'd a ROB, and when that maybe unsurprisingly bit me in the ass she still was (and is) my ATF. I'll also add a little something into the mix that up until other dancers caused drama there were zero problems there. But the question on whether a known and unapologetic ROB should get ATF'd at all is a little murkier. If she reverts to form is the juice worth the squeeze? Is it just reinforcing bad behavior?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Valentines day is Tuesday.
    Oh shit. A dancer wrote me about Tuesday and I totally forgot what day that was lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Visit our remodeled site
    "Should my existing password work?" On a different thread McNulty said you can use the same password when you reset. I'm just waiting for the rollout because I'm lazy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Assjobs, are they possible ITC
    "I don't see why this is a big ask" Anything with your dick out is a big ask. Don't be fooled by what you read here. Some of these guys are in places where a dead body could get laid ITC if it had a dollar in its hand.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    OTC Costs: Seattle Prices
    "But like don't be telling her you will give her whatever money$ on Tuesday then flake out last minute? Cuz that is annoying/fucked up/ girls talk amongst each other." TUSCLers who post all those questions about how to this and that ITC should read this over and over. I'd say half of you have the problems you do in the clubs because of basic coworker gossip. You can't do much about lies other than show the girls it's bs, but you can do yourself a favor and not bring it on yourself.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Beating the tip parade?
    Lapdancealot you club in Portland, right? I've only been there once, but the clubs did seem a little more laid back on the tipping. Except Casa Diablo where they only wanted to give $2 bills to tip with lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Can a ROB also be an ATF?
    "If I were in that situation. I wouldn't be able to have a good time if I had to worry about her being sketchy or trying to play me. I'd call her out or if it was me a few years back I'd play her." That's a perfectly valid take. Just because people aren't having a big debate or insulting each other doesn't make a thread worthless. Thanks for weighing in.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Beating the tip parade?
    "if you say you're waiting to change the 20 once in a while you'll have a girl that'll reply with i have change. i then reply with that's ok and hope she moves on without any further drama." What happens when your change doesn't come lol? Some of these girls take shit really personal and I think I'd rather just take the hit for telling her to go away than get caught in some elaborate (for a strip club) lie. It's crazy when a girl decides you're her best shot at dollars and is watching you from afar, then comes back later and tells you all the stuff she noticed while club stalking you.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Beating the tip parade?
    "It’s easy to do by pulling the tip out and holding it in your hand but not putting it into their garter while you try your rap." McNulty is leaving out the part where he sways the tip in front of their eyes to hypnotize them. Make sure you guys do that and come back to let us know how it went.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Can a ROB also be an ATF?
    "...but I just don’t see it feeling good about myself. An ATF makes you feel good." Lol. I suppose that's the point. But that's where the body and the brain don't always agree.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Beating the tip parade?
    I tip $1 per song if I'm at the bar at a minimum. Some of these chicks get no love all shift, so to me it's the cost of doing business. If I'm somewhere else in the club I still tip, but maybe not more than $2 if I'm not watching the show. If I want a girl to come back I'll tip more. Now I get it if you're wanting to save your dollars for dances and it's a tradeoff. I lived those days, too. Back then I had a set amount I'd spend on the tip walk and if I didn't find a girl I wanted by the time I'd gone through it I'd leave. Unless I went with friends, but we figured out which clubs we could bullshit in for a while and not be out $100 just on tips. To me it's not worth the heat to skip a girl because you don't know who else she knows in the club.