
Comments by davids (page 9)

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    19 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
    Sure FONDL: based on your, and SCs description of your ATFs and the questions you asked here (is she really into me?) I'm sure you had no interest in dating them. Yep, umhmmm, ahhhaaa... You are fooling us all and yourselves too, THAT's FOR SURE. (And we all know for a fact that Yoda has dated strippers so he clearly is interested in dating strippers. Perhaps he just realizes that the odds are so high against it it's only going to happen once every decade or so even if he is in there every day or however often it is?) I, on the other hand, will be honest here: I only met one stripper I would have definitely been interested in dating (the non-stripper who lost the bet); then there were let me see, 2 maybes who I never got to know well enough to say for sure but who probably won't have been my type since they were too businessy, and then there was another maybe who was nice, but way too nice so again another likely no. Yeah so 1 definite and 3 maybes out of 500! Way less than I meet in normal environments like work and school where it might be as high as 10 or 15%. Now that is dating in the sense of actually liking them. If you are talking about were there ones I would have liked to fuck if it was free and no strings attached, well if I was paying them money for LDs, etc. what do you think? But if you think that is why I disliked strippers (couldn't fuck them for free) then by the same reasoning I should hate every woman I've ever wanted to have non-commital sex with but was unable to. And that simply isn't the case. I disliked strippers (before my ephiphany) because of how (I mistakenly thought( they so readily they adopted the evil world view which is part of their culture. Make of this what you will.
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    19 years ago
    I Changed My Mind... (Last Post for a Bit)
    parodyman--> I used to think Yoda was a total cunt before my ephinany, but know I just think of him as well balanced, wise, and not easily upsettable. Kind of a little Buddha, in fact.
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    19 years ago
    Strippers Are Good
    FONDL: I realize that strippers are good and that it is money well spent. I think nearly all guys would feel the same way if they really got to know strippers too. I think that some of society's sterotypes such as they are just a bunch of low class, sleazy scam artists might get in the way of most guys getting to know them better. Hence I post this topic to suggest that guys try and look beyond the predjudices in determining where to spend their money. Simple.
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    19 years ago
    Strippers Are Good
    I am not saying all guys should spend their money on strippers, either. Some might feel better about giving it to a charity to help immunize children in lesser developed countries against disease, for instance.
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    19 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
    Abbie: So might think that touching old guys (especially fat ones) is ickier though. For instance.... Oh scratch that story.
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    19 years ago
    private dancers
    In case there is anyone from the Seattle area reading this board: I am told that "most" girls at Rick's will do private (as in OTC) shows. I myself would be careful to lock up any valuables first though. In fact it might be a good idea to get a motel room instead (kind of a more appropriate mood anyway isn't it?) so they don't know YOUR address.
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    19 years ago
    Strippers Are Good
    Wonder why FONDL took that personally? (I hope I don't need to point out to the readers the logic flaw in his arguement (based on AGE differences...)) Oh well, he always struck me as kind of a sissy anyway.
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Yoda: because you back peddle: You will try the position most favourable to strippers that you can advance e.g. they are normal girls with normal demographics no stastical differences from other groups. If on some board nobody challenges you on that then you are fine. If you start to lose however, then you gradually fall back to weaker and weaker positions. Also you are never proactive about admitting anything bad about strippers, you basically only do it when you are cornered. Hence you have little credibility and I am sure you will realize it's not just with me who thinks that way. Oh, wait, that's the old davids talking... I forget everything you say is gospel to me now. Scratch my whole post.
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    19 years ago
    My do-not-read list
    Can I ever redeem myself from such a disgrace? davids <--- *very sad*
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    19 years ago
    My do-not-read list
    Oh, I see RL is on the list too. Nevermind: Now I take it as an honour to be in such good company!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I Changed My Mind... (Last Post for a Bit)
    I don't even know how to respond to parodyman--> or if it's even necessary. "He" doesn't make any claims about the strip club culture, all he does is sit back and say I disagree with you are a douche bag, cunt, etc without advancing any ideas of "his" own. "He" had a few funny posts at first but what has "he" done for us lately?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Oldest/youngest dancer/stripper you've met at a club.
    I can beat you at both: Youngest=Nicole at DV in Lake Forest (She is a PORN STAR who is one of the best looking women IN THE WORLD, IMO. A very nice person too and a good conversationalist too, but unfortunately super low mileage so I can't recommeend her unless you have some atypical reasons for going to SCs) Oldest=Some fat, ugly looking woman in her mid 40s at Rick's. You will HURRLE she is so gross. A super evil scam artist too (I will tell you guys a story one day.)
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    19 years ago
    South Carolina
    Oldest/youngest dancer/stripper you've met at a club.
    Sorry Nicole was 18 when I first met her. I think she is 20 now. (Funny because 21 is the drinking age in WA.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    "Meanwhile years go by and I continue to meet beautiful, intelligent women in strip clubs and have a great time with them simply by respecting them and their need to earn a living. " And it's only costing you what? Tens of thousands of dollars. Surely an admirable acheivement.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Those who disaprove of adult entertainment:
    parodyman-->: I have no problem with strip clubs being legal. On the other hand I would up the stakes even higher: make prostitution legal and subject it to strict health regulations. Then we would see how well strip clubs fair when given some real competition. On the other hand, I think that customers ought to have access to ACCURATE information about the true nature of strip clubs so they know what they are getting into. The strippers certainly aren't going to provide this information unless you can trick or bribe them into telling the truth. Well I already did the tricking and the bribing so now I'll share my knowledge with others for free (at least till I ge bored). ;-) Unfortunately customers are at a big disadvantage going into a strip club. The strippers already have an established community to draw upon (dressing room conversations) as to how best to scam customers. That and years of experience in the scamming business. The situations is approximately equivalent to a fishy tourist sitting down at table full of cheats playing poker in Vegas. The tourist needs access to accurate educational materials to avoid this! Unfortunately the situation online is lopsided for reasons I've alluded to before: a) stripperweb is incredibly censorous b) those who disagree with the "strippers are wonderful" position don't have much motivation to stay and argue for their position. Why WON'T they just leave? c) Some who know that strippers aren't wonderful do not have motivation to tell the truth because of financial interests. In fact their financial interests lie in advocating the opposite position. d) ass-kissers dominate many forums. They think it gains them some redeemption or wins them favour with strippers. Almost too pathetic to beleive but if you don't beleive me just monitor stripperweb for a week and you'll see what I'm talking about. Unfortunately the whole strip club mess probably stays the way it is until prostitution is legalized. Not this decade, that's for sure. Maybe the 2010s or 2020s (man I'll be an old fart by then).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    The regular vs the casual Stripclubber... How their mentality differ
    I think a big difference will be that the casual customer is going to care far less about personality than the regular. Since he is only in there for a one time shot, he will probably have only mild interest in personality. Probably more likely he just wants some hot chick to make him feel good physically. As long as she isn't blatanly offensive he's not going to care too much about what she is like. He does his social interacting mainly outside the club. The regular, on the other hand, will place big value on personality, since this will be an important social interaction for him: possibly spanning months or even years. Many of the regulars here (SC, FONDL, and Yoda for instance) seem to be spending big bucks in search of that special relationship and when they finally get it they might think it was worth the price. The casual, on the other hand, knows that more fulfilling and cheaper relationships await him outside the club. Another big difference is the attitude toward spending money: The regulars here seem to have the attitude of keep spending till you finally win them over. The casual, on the other hand, knows that the more they spend the more you lower your chance of success. Now over the course of a decade of regular attendance the regular here might actually succeed in working around the underlying problem (poor self esteem), but where would he have gotten if he had instead invested the money and energy into self improvement and FREE relationship instead? If you send a casual and regular together the casual will probably assume that the regular is just into for "sex" with a variety a large variety of women and might even think "that would be cool if I could afford it". He will be quite confused, however, if the regular shows signs of getting emotionally attached to these women (as the regulars here do). Even though the regulars are dumping the big bucks, ask any stripper and you will learn that they have far more respect for the (polite) casual customers.
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    19 years ago
    The regular vs the casual Stripclubber... How their mentality differ
    (I thought I was on his "no read list". Looks like SC is as bad as keeping his promises as I am. LOL!) Anyway, yeah, most strippers I've asked say they make most of their money off their regulars. What I said is that they RESPECT them less. I mean look at if from their point of view: Who are you going to respect more: Someone who thinks they have to pay for a relationship or someone who is doing their relationship OTC and putting in effort and will only pay a little bit for a bit of fun once in a while. There's a no brainer.
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    19 years ago
    Have you developed a serious monogamous relationship with a dancer?
    No and I don't think it will ever happen either given that strippers and I are very, very likely to have incompatible values and personality types. Let's do the math for fun though: in a year I met 4 that I thought might be ok for a first date. So let's say I was a regular for 10 years and that I didn't not become less attractive due to aging. That would be about 40 first dates. Let's say that 1/4 of first dates lead to second dates. That would be about 10 second dates. Let's say that 1/12 second dates lead to serious monogamous relationships. That's 10/12 of a serious monogamous relationship per decade. Don't know about the rest of you but I don't like those odds.
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Well let's say you went to strip clubs regularly for 10 years. That's 520 weeks. So if you are spending an average of $20/week that $10k right there. I let the readers of this board judge for themselves whether or not it's likely that yoda is spending more than an average of $20/week.
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    "When I was your age, I had better things to do than post on a strip club discussion board." Hmmm... Well it's almost to easy to point out the flaw with this logic: They had strip club discussion boards or even an internet 40 years ago? Anyway, I'm keeping busy working, stuyding, and playing on the internet this weekend, don't you worry about me. (GF is out of town for a bit.) "I got married and had 2 kids, raised them and a step daughter." Yep and you ended up marrying a great woman didn't you? "I am not looking for any kind of serious relationship." Sure, sure based on your "is the stripper really into me?" posts I REALLY beleive that. " I am the most eligible batchelor" LOL! Yeah bitter, lonely old guys really do it for the ladies I hear. "If you have a problem with that then go find a board for lonesome young guys that don't have a life." Between work, study, exercise, and girls I would say life is fine. How about for you?
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Yoda: I think the fact that you feel you need to pay for friendship says something about you. You ought to work on that. Like I've said a couple of times before only one stripper I definitely would have wanted to go out with: She got $50 from me (not even close to all my money). Wasn't able to ask her out due to geographical circumstances.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers who WAIT for a stripper to ASK THEM OUT while spending MONEY
    It's pretty common knowledge that the more you spend on a woman the more it decreases her chances of being attracted to you. Essentially they think you cannot ride on the merits of your personality so have to spend your way around the problem. My prediction would be that the best way to get a date from a stripper would be to get zero or one dances from here and then ask her out. Of course you would also need to do the normal things like exude confidence, be funny, don't act desperate, etc... Those strippers either don't know what they are talking about or they just want customers to keep spending money in futile hopes that it will make things better and ultimately lead somewhere. Really terrible advice there. I actually think that a stripper is going to have more RESPECT for the guy who asks her out after their first meeting than the guy who sits around being polite and spending money and waiting for something to happen. The guy is supposed to make things happen.
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    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Yoda: you (and FONDL) keeping paying for dances from them ITC the club, right, even if they are occasionally meeting you OTC for free? Yes, yes, insiders have told me all about this: Sometimes it is necessary to throw a regular an occasional bone for free (usually on a day when they have absolutely nothing planned anyway), but in the end customer pays for the relationship. One stripper put it this way: "I think nearly all dancers end up occasionally having to go out with their regulars once in a while."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    jctone: I constantly post about my experiences and offer my interpretation of the culture. It's not popular, I know, but sometimes the truth is not popular. It remains the truth nevertheless.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Yoda: Wow, I actually agree with your position on something. That was my policy with strippers too: if they started hinting at OTC friendship stuff I told them fine but then I cease to be your customer. Incredibly effective at getting them to stop their non-sense. Wow, can't beleive we actually have the same take on something. Incredible.