The regular vs the casual Stripclubber... How their mentality differ

avatar for Jpac73
I was just sitting back today thinking about the last time a friend of mine who hasn't been to a stripclub in like a year reacted to a statement I made a while back. We had went to one of my regular clubs about 3months ago and I was mentioning some of the girls names that work there and he was like... Oh you know their names?(stage names). This statement made me think that a person who hardly ever goes to a stripclub thinks and acts differently from a person who goes on a regular basis. Regulars in most cases(not always) usuall spend more money than a person who only goes every now and then. A Casual customer could care less whether he remembers a stripper's name or not, since he more than likely won't be coming back for a while if at all. The regulars will make it his business to know her name and her work schedule so he can know when the best time to catch her again. Casual customers also usually don't care as to what time they get to the club. If they happen to get their early fine, but if they get their late that's fine too. They aren't in a rush because they aren't coming there to see anyone in particular. Do you have any other ideas on how the two differ? and also do you think a regular customer will enjoy hanging out at a stripclub with someone who is a casual visitor of stripclubs?


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avatar for LapFanM20
20 years ago
Denny you hit it on the head. Only other thing is if your a regular and you go in, dont take up 2 hours of the girls time and not tip accordingly. Remember this is her job, not her hobby. This is how she pays the bills. She doesn't have an office job by day, so when you go in and are feeling like company remember it is a buisness transaction.
avatar for dennyspade
20 years ago
I usually find myself in some strip club at least once a week, even if (or especially if) I'm on the road somewhere. I would consider myself to be a Regular (and possibly in need some intervention methodology). I enjoy the Club Experience (Dancers/Music/Bartenders/waitstaff and club management.) How can a simple business concept get so screwed up by so many?

REGULARS want to be treated as well as the occasional VIP or Big Spender who shows up at his club once or twice a year. Requlars know that they are the "bread & butter" of their home clubs and want club management/waitresses and security to show similar deference to their loyalty and financial outlay.

A REGULAR may be some dancer's "regular" and other dancers know that he comes there specifically to dance with her. She takes it seriously, even if the customer does not. There is a lot of unspoken communication in such situations. Once a REGULAR has narrowed his choices to 3 or 4 dancers, word gets around to the others that HE won't dance with you. He's waiting on either this one or that one.

A CASUAL clubber likes the Hotties immediately. He's attracted to hair/boobs/outfits, etc. He could give a hoot (all pun intended) about her stage name, marital status, tenure, physical/mental/emotional health, or place of origin. He may not even notice how she danced for other customers. He's gettin' a 20 sumptin' year-old Hot Blond to sit on his lap for 3 minutes for $20. It's like buying a hot dog and a beer at a major league ball park. It's the going rate and it must be good or they wouldn't sell 'em in here, right?

A CASUAL clubber is looking for instant gratification and could care less about coming back this weekend when REGULAR's ATF returns from her cruise.
avatar for DandyDan
20 years ago
I have gone to stripclubs with some of the people I work with, who can safely be described as casual stripclubbers. I personally think they are in awe of the fact some chick takes her clothes off in a bar for a living. The thing about them is, they get lapdances from chicks I would never get them from, but that's probably because they don't really care who they get them from, as long as they got them. In comparison, I don't want just any chick giving me one. She's got to have something extra that makes her desirable.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Regular clubgoers are more likely to see the girls as real people and to have an interest in getting to know them. Casula customers are just there for laughs and could care less about the dancers as people.
avatar for Clubber
20 years ago
To me, the biggest difference is usually the bartenders. First, they seem to stay longer then most dancers. They also tend to recomend the best VIP dancers to me. Also, they are usually just more enjoyable on a personal level.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
Did someone say casualguy? For the record, I am not a LEO.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
-There is no such thing as a free relationship.
-While dancers in Glitzy GC's may not care abut regulars, dancers in local clubs know that regular customers are their bread and butter.
-Most regulars do spend more money during their visits since they already know what to expect and are well aware of the fact that you don't have any fun in a club without spending some cash.
-Personality is definitely more important to regular customers but it's not about trying to find the perfect relationship, it's about having a good time with people you enjoy spending time with.

For regulars, strip clubs are not a mystery, we understand why the ladies are there and we understand why we are there. It's realy not as complicated as some would try to make it. It's all about having some fun.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
(I thought I was on his "no read list". Looks like SC is as bad as keeping his promises as I am. LOL!)

Anyway, yeah, most strippers I've asked say they make most of their money off their regulars. What I said is that they RESPECT them less. I mean look at if from their point of view: Who are you going to respect more: Someone who thinks they have to pay for a relationship or someone who is doing their relationship OTC and putting in effort and will only pay a little bit for a bit of fun once in a while. There's a no brainer.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
I think a big difference will be that the casual customer is going to care far less about personality than the regular.

Since he is only in there for a one time shot, he will probably have only mild interest in personality. Probably more likely he just wants some hot chick to make him feel good physically. As long as she isn't blatanly offensive he's not going to care too much about what she is like. He does his social interacting mainly outside the club.

The regular, on the other hand, will place big value on personality, since this will be an important social interaction for him: possibly spanning months or even years. Many of the regulars here (SC, FONDL, and Yoda for instance) seem to be spending big bucks in search of that special relationship and when they finally get it they might think it was worth the price. The casual, on the other hand, knows that more fulfilling and cheaper relationships await him outside the club.

Another big difference is the attitude toward spending money: The regulars here seem to have the attitude of keep spending till you finally win them over. The casual, on the other hand, knows that the more they spend the more you lower your chance of success.

Now over the course of a decade of regular attendance the regular here might actually succeed in working around the underlying problem (poor self esteem), but where would he have gotten if he had instead invested the money and energy into self improvement and FREE relationship instead?

If you send a casual and regular together the casual will probably assume that the regular is just into for "sex" with a variety a large variety of women and might even think "that would be cool if I could afford it". He will be quite confused, however, if the regular shows signs of getting emotionally attached to these women (as the regulars here do).

Even though the regulars are dumping the big bucks, ask any stripper and you will learn that they have far more respect for the (polite) casual customers.
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