
Comments by davids (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    One did not have to "look" for extras at Rick's: Extras came looking for you. Everyone in Seattle who went there knew that, or if they did't they did after their first visit. Well at least that was the old Rick's. Now it's tame since the cops have been cracking down. The new hot spot (so I have been told) is...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    shadowcat: Still doesn't make since. Why would any pretty girls with good personalities do extras then? Explain that one to me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Gedankenexperiment For Understanding The Stripper's "Mind"
    Yoda: you, on the other hand, cannot even grasp obvious things (with one or two exceptions). My point was that strippers are obviously much more desperate for money or just plain greedy than normal women because of the icky things they will do to earn it. The fact that it is so icky is evidenced by the fact that most beautiful women with good personalities do not become strippers even though it should theoretically to make a ton of money. Think about why, then tell if strippers are desperate for money or greedy or not.... Oh wait, I forgot you are so trained to be such a pussy whipped ass kisser that you can't even think a thought about strippers to yourself. Talk about living a total fantasy world.
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    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    Don't worry about it Yoda. You are truly without a clue.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Gedankenexperiment For Understanding The Stripper's "Mind"
    Yoda: and you as usual you completely gloss over the huge number who are doing to support drug, alcohol, and gambling addictions. Many others waste it on outlandish lifestyles: excessively expensive clothing, travelling, and what not. But I say what is the point in talking to you: Your agenda here is clearly not to see reality but to kiss some stripper ass since that is what they obviously trained you so well for in the clubs. You are a total joke, man.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Gedankenexperiment For Understanding The Stripper's "Mind"
    tiffany: Sorry you can use that rationalize what strippers do if you like. Heck, maybe you can even convince yourself, other strippers, and ass-kissers like Yoda of that, but it won't work for anyone with any sense. All though the vast majority of hot women do indeed use their looks in manipulative ways it not to primarily to get money or ahead career wise. There is something else they are after. Hot women (non-strippers) know that it would be a piece of cake to use their looks to get money, so they usually don't even bother after they've done it a few times. They are after bigger challenges... The bottom line is that strippers are as sleazy as the reputation the have earned. No assumptions here, I know this from direct observation. 100 or even one million Yoda ass-kissing posts to the contrary is not going to change the reality of what strippers are.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Probably mostly for guys with wives or girlfriends who don't mind if they look but don't want them to touch. Gets them out of the house, but not in trouble with their SO.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Gedankenexperiment For Understanding The Stripper's "Mind"
    In my experience the majority of "extras girls" are single mothers. Drug/Alcohol addicts come a close second, though. Needless to say most of them hate what they are doing and are only doing because they are desperate for money. Only a couple were single without any apparent addictions and just in it for the money. One was very strange and I think just off on the thrill of being such a bad girl.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    Sure Yoda, just to see how whipped/deluded/ass-kissing the responses I would get would be. Kind of surprised how people can look at a situation and only see what they want to see and what makes them look good as opposed to what's really there. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    I've admitted on previous occasions that up to 2% of strippers are good people. Here I will put it in writing again.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Getting a stripper's E-MAIL address is NO BIG DEAL
    Hey, I never got a single e-mail address from a stripper, even though it's supposedly no big deal, what gives?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    I think it's more a thing of people adopting "group think": Young girls get into the stripping culture and for the most part they absorb the attitudes of those around them: e.g. lying, stealing, and samming are ok, here are xyz lame rationalizations which demonstrate it. Some girls reject this right way and (I am told from inside sources) they typically hit the road within the first couple of weeks. Of course you don't hear from them to get their take on things because they aren't work there and probable are as far away from that culture as they can get. I would say an exceptional 2% of strippers are immune to the group think and have minds of their own: they don't adopt the evil attitudes of their coworkers despite incentives like (maybe) making more money by doing so and gaining greater acceptance from their peers. Those are the 2% I consider good. As I say, if you factored in the girls who start stripping but then bail in the first two weeks the number would be higher than 2%. (Needless to say people mindlessly adopting the evil attitudes of those around them is nothing new as any psychologist/sociologist/ or historian knows.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who LIE about being WORRIED about their SAFETY OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    casualguy: If they are asking strippers out it is unlikely they have an overabundance of pussy. Right????? Think a guy who is paying a girl for sexual things is going to seem attractive to her: unlikely. Doing some studying at home this weekend, and debating on the side for fun.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Getting a stripper's E-MAIL address is NO BIG DEAL
    I doubt it: I've got plenty of phone numbers. Maybe they aren't computer literate? (Not as smart as YOU think.) Hehe. Nice try.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    casualguy: are you judging me now? Some nice guy you are. I feel hurt.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who LIE about being WORRIED about their SAFETY OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    Impotent, lol... I just call 'em like I see him. Interesting how much hostility my and RL posts generate. Truth hurt?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Did Mouse really say "many strippers are troubled people with sundry issues, and many are flat-out dishonest and manipulative - qualities I can't respect." or did RL hack onto the board to make it look like he has more support for his side than he really does? Yoda, time for you to come the rescue of the strippers of the world! You better do some grade A ass-kissing to get them out of this jam!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    causalguy says: "when I see lots of negativity I tend to respond likewise". Me too. I also respond with lots of negativity to the lying, stealing, and scamming that the stripping culture (and its ass-kissing apologists like Yoda) condone.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    Why are so hostile toward me, parodyman? Is it because I don't worship strippers, but have a realistic attitude about who they are? Did I say something to hurt you, a lover, wife, daughter, or a "friend" of yours? Are you a stripper yourself, perhaps?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who LIE about being WORRIED about their SAFETY OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    Huh? I know this is going to shock the hell out of you, but who says I asked for their numbers? They were volunteered to me. Now I certainly am not going to pretend that is was because they were interested in dating me: they wanted me to phone them so I could find out their schedule. Oh yes, there was one exception to this rule, in which I did ask a stripper for her number, but that's was because I wanted to see if it would be hard to get. Strippers seem to be pretty liberal about giving out their numbers, but in all probability it's just for business reasons.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
    Ok, if you think Yoda is intelligent that shows how lost you are. LOL.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
    Yoda: u come here as a disingenuous, ass-kissing apologist who will is in total denial about reality. Why don't I worship strippers like you do? Think it could have anything to do with all the lying, stealing, and scamming they do? Oh wait you think they don't do that, so of course it's imcomprehensible to you. Or maybe you don't really think that but that's just your public opinion. Sometimes I really think you must have some money or something at stake in the whole venture to be as dishonest and disingenuous as you are.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Strippers Making Bank Without Doing Extras or Scamming Customers?
    I don't go to strip clubs anymore (well ok, once every couple of month just to see how things are evolving). I do, however, find this board interesting because of how deeply in denial some posters are about the true nature of strippers. The most amazing thing is that these strippers have some posters (Yoda, in particular) so whipped that they won't even post honest opinions in an anonymous forum. Very strange as to what Yoda's true motivation could be: certainly his posts are so devoid of objective truth that there must be something strange going on. Is he just a guy who can't accurately comprehend what he sees in reality and just misinterprets everything? Is he a guy with some financial interest in strip clubs? A guy in love with a stripper so he doesn't want to admit what strippers really are to himself or the world? Do strippers know his online identity so when he posts it's to impress them (and then he posts his true thoughts under the nick RL)? Maybe he just has no sense of right or wrong, so of course it's ok for strippers to lie, steal and scam. Why should that bother him? I guess if we just apply Occam's razor the simplest explanation is just that the guy's an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master (Part II)
    Sterotypes? Ok I will admit to having had sterotype about strippers: When I first started going to strip clubs I was where Yoda was at: Oh yeah, it's probably just some nice looking, friendly (maybe a bit naughty but most likely honest) college girls trying to make a little extra money to pay for school. Those were the sterotypes I brought in with me. But after careful examination of my experiences there and, in particular after talking with strippers, other staff members, and reading strippers who posted online, I concluded that my initial sterotypes were incorrect. At that point I had to drop them. (Kind of hard to admit I had been so naive in the first place, but I think it is best just to honestly admit to yourself when you were wrong so you can move on. ) I think the natural tendency of a board like this, if left unchecked, is for stripper worshippers to dominate without any good counter balance. There are a few reasons for this: a) Those who don't like strippers will just leave saying "leave these PLs to themselves". Then the only opinions you will be those of the stripper worshippers. b) Those who do post in favour of strippers may win some favour with them in the clubs (or least they may think they will). c) Finally once communities of like thinking people form on the internet it is natural for them to attack outsiders with different views quite ferociously. This often includes trying to have the outsiders squashed from speaking at all. (As bad as many posters mindless stripper worshipping is the far more offensive posts are those that cry to have RL or my barred from posting. As bad as Yoda is, at least he hasn't tried to pull that crap, I am thinking of others...) People don't like to have their ideas challenged is the bottom line: Especially when they might have a decades old lifestyle at stake. On the other hand, at least this board isn't stripperweb, in which a post critical of strippers has about a 10 nanonsecond life expectancy. LOL!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    hey davids
    Actually if she's got his number and is not phoning him up to come in and buy dances she might actually be into being friends. 29 y/o DejaVu girl are probably a safer bet than 21 y/o Rick's girls anyway. I knew a couple there who were 29. I think I can scratch one off based on your story, but not the other one. Is she a redhead? If so, then that is one I would put in the safe 2%. Good luck, man.