Have you developed a serious monogamous relationship with a dancer?

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.......that you first met as a customer.


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avatar for LapFanM20
20 years ago
Meet the love of my life 7 years ago. We are still together
Monogamous now thats a different story, besides she likes the kitty also :)
avatar for lopaw
20 years ago
I don't remember KOH specifically, coz I have only been living in El Segundo for a few years (funny that you happened to mention that city). I'll bet that club was on Imperial Hwy somewhere. I wonder if that became The Jet Strip, which later moved around the corner to Hawthorne Blvd in Lennox. One of these days I'm gonna have to do a club run in the area and investigate all of this.

Yeah...it's always risky taking a wife/GF/SO into a SC. Sometimes while in a club I'll look around and wish there were more women customers inside for me to share stories with (I'm usually the only woman custy there), but then I remember the few times that other women "customers" have come in and made the dancers lives hell. These were the angry GF/wife/SO's that should have never come in the first place. Can't blame you for saying "never again".
avatar for chitownlawyer
20 years ago
No, but a colleague in my hometown married a stripper 26 years younger (he: 49 at the time.) That was five years ago, and they are still together, married, and seem to be very happy.
avatar for DJDICK
20 years ago
I was married to a stripper for 5 years, we are divorced now but still very good friends and im with another one.
So far so good but it helps to be in the same business.
I dj and she dances. It gives us both a better understanding of what we each have to deal with.
We both work very hard at what we do, but when we are off work we are off work. She is not a stripper at home or when we go out. And i am not the same at home as at work.
I know several girls where i work have been dancing for several years and are happily married. Its a job, thats all.
There are girls that dont know when to stop being a stripper.
But if you are going to a strip club looking for your next girlfriend or wife, you might be better off going to church this sunday
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
No. However I am now wondering what is the definition of a serious relationship with a stripper?
avatar for driver01
20 years ago
Everytime I get a 3 for $50 it is serious and monogamous. I give 100% to making the relationship the very best it can be. I'm faithful and attentive. I try to be a good listener and while we're together I never even think about other women. Fortunately, each relationship only lasts about 10 minutes.
avatar for lopaw
20 years ago

I still go to the Goose regularly, once every couple of weeks or so. Relatively little has changed about the place in terms of it's neighborhood divey-bar feel. The food is still good, you can get a pitcher of beer for $6 at happy hour, and the pool tables now cost $1. I doubt that there are any girls still dancing there that you would remember from 20 years ago, although there is an older dancer named Candace that just might fit that bill!

The biggest gripe lately is the dance prices jumping from $10 to $15, with the girls setting their own prices. Some even charge $20! We are talking about mostly air dances here....alot of girls are seeing their nightly income plummet, and it's no surprise why - the clientele here is primarily blue collar workers from the surrounding airport area, and we ain't gonna fork out $20 for a bikini air dance! Other than that, tho, I bet if you walked back into the Goose tomorrow, you'd swear time has stood still!
avatar for T-Bone
20 years ago
Serious, yes once.

Monagomous, no.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
davids: I don't understand your obsession with these meaningless mathematical equations and statistics that you continualy conjur up, apperently for your own amusement. Are you some sort of a statistics or math major? In each instance your core facts are totaly arbitrary. This stuff means nothing and proves nothing.
avatar for lopaw
20 years ago
Been with my stripper for 13 years now.
So far so good.
avatar for davids
20 years ago
No and I don't think it will ever happen either given that strippers and I are very, very likely to have incompatible values and personality types.

Let's do the math for fun though: in a year I met 4 that I thought might be ok for a first date. So let's say I was a regular for 10 years and that I didn't not become less attractive due to aging. That would be about 40 first dates. Let's say that 1/4 of first dates lead to second dates. That would be about 10 second dates. Let's say that 1/12 second dates lead to serious monogamous relationships. That's 10/12 of a serious monogamous relationship per decade. Don't know about the rest of you but I don't like those odds.
avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
Serious, yes. Monogamous, no.
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