
Comments by giveitayank (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    I want to add something to my last post in response to Clubbers' blatant display of racism. I failed to mention that blacks don't have as good of an oportunity to education as whites either, making the playing field even more imbalanced. And I want to clarify something I said regarding public defenders. I refered to them as incompetant and inadequate. What I should have said was that public defenders (who have to pass the same bar exam as any other attorney) are spread so thin with so many cases that they can't adequately give any one individual a very good defense. Imagine what the outcome would been if the defendant in the trial of the century wasn't a former pro football player and had a public defender instead of the 'dream team'. Clubber... you must OPEN YOUR EYES!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    Clubber, It is true that a higher percentage of the entire black population is in prison than that same percentage of whites. It is also true that the percentage of blacks that have been charged with a crime, who can afford an adequate legal defense is much lower than their white counter parts who have been charged with a crime. So, in other words, a white person is more likely to hire a competent defense attorney where as a black person is more likely to get stuck with an incompetent public defender. Add racial profiling to the mix not just law enforcement but biased juries as well and WOOLA...well, it's whole other can of worms. I have a friend who is black. He called about a pizza delivery job. The manager was interested in hiring him and asked him to come in for an interview. My friend showed up in a suit for the interview. When the manager saw him, he said, "What do you want?" My friend replied, "I'm here for an interview sir. I'm supposed to meet with the manager." The manager said, "The manager's not here right now. I'll have him call you." My friend left and never got a phone call. Believe it or not, these scenerios play themselves out all the time. And even though we have anti-descrimination laws on the books, it still DOES happen. Blacks less likely to find employment than whites means NO MONEY and that means doing what they have to do to survive. Then NO MONEY leads to the inadequate and incompetant public defender so they are more likely to get convicted than aquitted than whites. If we had a level playing field to begin with, no racial bias and no social injustice then those percentages of incarcerated blacks would be no higher than whites. Clubber... It sounds like you're the one who needs to open your eyes. By the way, I'm white and I am NOT happy with my republican party or our last president. I voted for the democrat this time. 43 white presidents 1 half black and half white So, less than a quarter of one percent of our presidents have been black. But the percentage of black population is higher than that. Hmmm... That's not right.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Can you tell what kind of a dance it will be with an un-familiar stripper???
    I guess the 'not knowing' is half the fun. Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    respect for others goes a long way
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    Dudester, I heard that she died. Maybe I'm wrong. Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    Clubber, Biggotry is the same whether it's Dougster/Bobbyl calling people fags and doing his silly gay bashing or you putting down people of color. Most African Americans I know are hard-working, law abiding, upstanding, tax-paying citezens. And only a small percentage of them are crackheads and baggy-clothed gang-bangers. If you'd have an intellegent conversation with the average african american you might see that they don't fit the stereotype. But, don't try to convince us that you're NOT a racist. Instead, use that negative energy for more important things like klan meetings and cross burnings.
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    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    Well, you may have said, "I did not agree with him at the time." but, you continued with, "History has proved him correct to this point in time." It sounds like you agree with him now.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    Clubber, I have to agree with MisterGuy on this one. You must think that if, "the white man can be lowered to the level of the black man." then that must make the white man 2/3rds of a man. Were you a SLAVE OWNER or a member of the KKK in a previous life?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Salt Lake City "topless" clubs
    Sloth, Do you live in Salt Lake? I'm assuming you do. You might think about driving to Tijuana, Mexico.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer's Memory
    IMO, they usually try to remember you because it equates into $$$ for them. Although, sometimes there are a few dancers who will remember you with no ulterior motive behind it. But, I think that doesn't happen very often.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I'm not going to post that...
    CarolinaWanderer, That was a good one...LOL
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    Every time I hear of something like this I just want to know one thing.... WHY? Why did they do this? Was it because one or both of the dudes wanted to date this dancer OTC and she refused? Or, was it because they felt they were ripped off by this girl and they wanted revenge. I just have to wonder what is going on in the minds of these thugs that provokes them to do something like this. About ten years ago there was a young man who broke into a house and beat an elderly man in the head with a baseball bat until he was dead. There was no robbery. No revenge. When asked by the authorities why he did it, he replied, "I just wanted to see what it would be like to kill somebody.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    new to tuscl
    Like Carolina said, that glossery will help you a lot. GOOD LUCK!! Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    One-way contact or two?
    I don't like asking if I can touch them. And I don't like asking them to get inside my pants and touch me. I look at it as a sense of adventure. I like to progress, pushing the envelope (if you know what I mean) by starting off by feeling thier legs just above the knees. Then the breasts. After that, the kitty. By the end of the first song or into the second song, it should be 'anything goes'. Call it my fantasy, but I don't like asking. I just like it to happen naturally. And if it doesn't happen...well, that's just the way that one went.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    samsung, Tony Dungee has already won the super bowl and he is african american. Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you heard of the "LINGERIE" bowl???
    MisterGuy, Well, I must say I am dissapointed. I was so looking forward to watching this. What kind of a world do we live in when we can't even watch "almost" naked women beat the shit out of each other on a football field? Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What's really intersting about this post is we will still be responding to it after the game.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you heard of the "LINGERIE" bowl???
    And why was I NOT made aware of DIS til yestaaahday??? LOL. No, but seriously folks. Does anyone know what network it's on??? Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How many married guys visit clubs on the DL?
    I've been married for almost two years now. I don't "club" nearly as much as I used to. My wife doesn't know about it. Just like you, the way she would find out is because of missing money in my bank account. I know she suspects something is not right so, I'm thinking about giving it up altogether.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    Pinky, I've had that problem too. I just get a blank screen and then it stays that way. Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    If I remember it correctly, she said she'd come over to me AFTER SHE GOT OFF STAGE. And, "AFTER SHE GOT OFF STAGE." could have meant three hours later, or days later or a week and so on... So, I guess that's, technically, NOT lying. Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    I think what I failed to point out was this--> Dancer number one could have just said, "I can't come over right away after my stage show. I promised another customer some chit chat time." I would have been just fine with that. It's been mentioned time and time again on this board that most dancers don't have very good ethics, specifically in the area of truthfulness. So, I realize that. But, it's just always perplexed me because if they were simply honest with patrons, fellow dancers, management etc. it would be to thier benefit. The reason I say that is because it would NOT have turned me off to buying dances from her on future visits. Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    SuperDude, If you read it again you'll see it was the other way around. I had never seen her before and asked her for dances. She came off the stage and went over to chat with her "reg" customer. Thirty minutes later I left with a set of blue balls.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    SuperDude brings up a lot of shit that you're going to have to deal with. Talk with some present and former dancers, some of which post comments right here on this board. Try to find out what the club is like before you start working there. Read some of the reviews on the clubs in your area so you have an idea what to expect. Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    Hi Amanda, If I were you, I'd do some searches on the internet for instructional video's that you can order. Video's that will teach you the moves. I'd be curious what part of the country you are in. If you're in my part, then I'd consider relocating to just about anywhere. I live in Seattle and things are terrible here for both dancers and customers. Also, during a lap dance, how do you feel about being touched ANYWHERE??? There are many clubs where this goes on including other things like hand jobs, blow jobs and full service. I just want you to know this so you can make an informed decision. I knew a dancer and, ironically, her name was Amanda too. She made about 1,500 a day. So, the income can be very good. However, you will be expected to pay a daily house fee. They are different from one club to the next. And on slow days/nights sometimes dancers make just enough to cover the house or even lose money. I've heard of it happening and with todays economy...well, you can imagine. Hope this helps... Yank
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What would you like to see "new" in a strip club???
    Hey, I got another idea. How about trees and a waterfall?