Comments by minnow (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Chevy reveals new 2020 Corvette Stingray as it guns for Ferrari with first m
    I've been less enamored of the new Corvette model looks ever since the C4 was replaced by the C5. The C5 looks were good, just didn't like them as much as the C4, and the 63 - 67 Stingray look. I didn't care for the chopped off rear look of the C6. I got over that after taking a test drive, and experiencing the much better night vision afforded by the then new HI Headlights, and the much better shifting feel /shorter throw of the newer 6 speed compared to the clunker in my C5 version. As for C7- it looks too much like a Camaro for my liking. I'm not too crazy about the C8 looking too much like Acura NSX. One feature that I could learn to like (not sure if it's going to be standard, or part of an option package) is the "front lift". What it does is hydraulically lift front end up 2" so that front bumper will clear speed bumps, and curb entries to homes and businesses. No more scraped front fenders, one of my biggest gripes on C6 ownership experience. Oh, and taking a test drive just might be curtains for me.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sweaty Saturday
    I think that D-fan accidentally hit the wrong button.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    TJ Lee
    The ultimate strip clubs goer.
    Airlines cancelling flights to TJ/SD
    Only 3 US airlines (American, Southwest, and United) have the 737 MAX in their fleet. I would suspect that the non 737 MAX airlines would get some flow over passengers from those 3, so one desiring to go to SAN would need to be quick on their feet when making reservations.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Aesthetically, what type of girl do you go for?
    Here's another data point for r529 (thanks for the pics): Although I favor medium-thick dancers with moderately large natural breasts followed closely by tall (5'6" or more) athletic build dancers, over the years I have bought multiple repetitive dances from dancers ranging from 5' spinners to a 6'3" blonde enhanced porn star. I'm "EO" with dancers who project a nice engaging personality, and can at least deliver a good dance experience. I've bought dances with plenty of brunettes, blondes, redheads, even a few 2 toners. I'll also confess to a slight bias towards platinum blonde porn star or Marilyn Monroe like dancers- they can grab my initial attention from across the room. But if I dancer wants to keep my attention, she'd better have some good personality traits mentioned by many posters while minimizing the flaws listed by "Book Guy". (Now you can see how he got that nickname.) Now that I've (hopefully) answered your question, I have a couple for you: 1) What is your age threshold for someone to be labeled as an "older man" ? 2) What standards/signs do you observe/look for to label someone a "man with money" ? Did they show you their bank/brokerage statements ? Were they a principal officer in a major public held corporation where you could look up their compensation package on Yahoo finance ? Or do you judge them by the car they drove up in, the clothes/jewelry that they wear , the drinks they buy in club, etc. Or do you ask them what they do for a living ? Or ask where they live or if they're in town on business, and they let on what they do for living or how large their house is ? I'm genuinely curious about your answers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Aesthetically, what type of girl do you go for?
    Please post some pictures of yourself before I answer. That's an informal tuscl rule.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A Thursday night in July at Dreamgirls
    Ask founder. The easiest edit would be deleting her name, and physical description in the next sentence. Simply say that "after an hour, a 8/10 dancer asked me... Delete 2 sentences later the 8/10 spiel. Otherwise a well written review.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    DD is not worth it anymore
    If you're (ita7) too lazy to write a review that conforms to review guidelines, or too cheap to purchase VIP membership, what's stopping you from posting in club comments section , freeloader ?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    DD is not worth it anymore
    @ll- "What else is there ? 1) Tuscl review guidelines- Club is still open, isn't it ? How about $$ info, some more info on dancers there. 2) Reviewer background- I just looked at this guys past 6 or so "reviews" (I'd hesitate to call them reviews). He's tweeted the same 5 - 6 line BS submission. Is this how we want Tuscl to look like- a bunch of tweets ? Or an intelligent well thought out and composed reviews ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Pet Peeve: When dancers/customers stare at you and your fav during a dance.
    Papi & gS +1. In most communal setups everyone is concentrating on the same thing (their own lapdance enjoyment) so that even though someone else is sitting next to you, you feel a privacy of sorts because nobody else besides your dancer is paying any attention to you. My gripe at clubs with open LD areas during slack times is that so many "pet rock" type customers (those who just sit there without stage tipping or getting LD's) plop themselves on LD wall couch when there are many regular stage or table seats available. Even though they may not be staring at you, you get the kind of invasion of privacy feeling you might get if someone were just standing around in the middle of the restroom(with plenty of available urinals or stalls) while you took a whizz. Hey, maybe that's why I hate bathroom trolls.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Lapdance factory clubs?
    CR Factory = Champagne Room ? One of those clubs where dancers "only" do CR's, and don't allow customers to do a test drive prior to committing a few Benjamins to CR ? "Tbnt". Now if by CR factory you mean simply ample CR space to break away from the maddening crowd if one so desires and dancers are open to singular dance test drives, I could probably buy into that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The story behind the space ship on Tampa's 2001 Odyssey strip club.
    sc- Thanks for the link and interesting story. There weren't that many Futuro houses built. Several years ago, another Tuscl member told me about the Futuro house. Several months back shortly after Tampa dodged a major hurricane bullet (clobbered Key West, Tampa was projected as possible bulls eye hit for Cat 3 hurricane, but ended up dying down to tropical storm strength) I asked club manager how much wind the spaceship could take without being toppled/blown away. He stated he didn't really know, guessed maybe a Cat1 hurricane tops.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strippers influencing your political stance
    J-frock +1. However, when considering ages of dancers, I think in terms of the earliest presidential election that they could have voted in. During the last year, I've bought dances ranging from dancers who barely missed being able to vote for Clinton's 2nd term in '96 to dancers too young to vote for Hillary in "16. ** Disclaimer- These examples do not necessarily represent my actual choices for POTUS.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Above Average Saturday In Browns
    Did rick accidentally hit wrong button ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    $ in Reviews
    w4t- OK, is anything stopping them from conveying info via PM, or placing in club comments section ? If writing a proper review per guidelines is such a herculean task, perhaps other methods of communication are appropriate. Should the effort expended in batting out a quick 5 line submission be accorded the same credit as many members who put much more thought and effort into their submissions ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    $ in Reviews
    w4t, who's the little bitch here ? The critical reviewers (btw, I approved your review below the 1 that I rejected), or a whiny poster who apparently sees adding a few more sentences to fill out the review to be a monumental task ? You do realize that by making your wild accusation that you're laying yourself open to have members check on your prior review history to decide for themselves whether you're credible or "FOS".
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Mostly in Florida
    I Prefer this Side of Dale Mabry
    With latest site revisions, Daddillac link n/g.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Mostly in Florida
    Diamond Club
    Does anything mm writes make sense ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anybody else getting unsolicited PMs for sex
    I'm calling Muddy on doing a (not so) humble brag here.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Relative value of money
    We can get distorted $$ value in the strip club world. I'll buy up those 99c 3 liter water jugs to refill 0.5 - 1 liter bottles, yet "blithely" spend $3 - $6 in club for a 10 oz bottle. Ditto on buying 64 oz OJ for ~ $3.50 at grocer, and slapping down aforementioned $3 - $6 for 10 - 12 oz cup. Yet on another front, we can sometimes do irrational things with both time and money. Lately I've taken to spending more at nearer grocery store for some things vs. driving 5 more minutes to Walmart. Even though I'm spending more, I'm saving some measure of time by less driving time and less waiting in line. I just think life is too short to waste it standing in line at Walmart. Otoh, I've also driven 7 - 10 further miles to bypass an otherwise good club for one more of my liking. Bypassed club had license scan policy, a deal breaker for me. I'm hoping the later doesn't gain too much traction because I don't easily budge on deal breaking items. Yet I don't want to forego club going either.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Lapdance factory clubs?
    Of the 3 that you mentioned, Mons Venus epitomizes "lap dance factory" simply because it lacks many amenities. There is no alcohol, no VIP room, no food service. There really isn't much in the way of tables like a "normal" bar or eatery. So why are people there ? Besides looking at hot naked women- LAP DANCES ! That 2 out of 4 walls in the place have lap dance couches adjoining or against the wall says it all. That contact customs are relatively liberal stage side and on the couch just feeds the fire to get a LD. I could name some other clubs, but none have near the singular focus on the lap dance that the Mons does.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Who is blahblah?
    Spice- who are you calling bitches ? Link n/g, talk ratchet talk, tends to sway me towards the opinion that you might be a troll.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Jeffrey Epstein, Billionaire Long Accused of Molesting Minors, Is Charged
    Some snippets from my web search on Epstein: 1) It appears that a lot of reporters are latching on to the billionaire label, and running with it. If they really did their homework, they might just have noticed that Epstein has never been on Forbes 400 list. 2) Although much of his wealth may be outside of reporting constraints (Virgin Islands based), some sources have listed his net worth as being ~ $2B. Can we really believe every thing that we read on the web ? (roll eyes emoji) 3) According to wiki, Epstein attended college, but did not graduate. Yet he still taught math at school for a few years. Looks like he was one of the exceptions for lack of a degree holding him back. Now go back to speculation on legal proceedings..........
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dress codes
    I would guess they put the underwear requirement in because they didn't want a kilt wearer playing (with) his bagpipes in the club. Now that's discriminating against Scotsmen.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The value of time
    This is 1 of 2 follow up posts: That example is specious to post here since the vast majority of active Tuscl DB posters are over 40 yo, and very few 20 somethings. So that 19 yo investor train left the station a long time ago for many tusclers. The question for many is what they should do with what they already have. One guideline I read by a financial pundit was that the percentage of your portfolio that should be in stocks is 115 minus your age. So, a 25 yo portfolio should be 90% stocks, a 40 yo 75% stocks, a 65 yo 50% stocks. The oldest tuscl member I've corresponded with is 82, so he should be 33% invested in stocks. The missing link in this is how old pundit assumes people are going to live. I'm guessing he picked 95. This guideline is practically useless for people at either age extreme, but probably useful for the vast majority in the middle range.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The value of time
    Yea, Papi_C, someone once said that compounding interest is the 8th wonder of the world. The 10% return figure seems a bit optimistic. I seem to recall that stocks return an average of ~8% per year. Under the 10% return figure, one would double their money every 7.2 years, while 8% return would double your money every 9 years. Still, point is well taken, even with 8% number the 19 yo early investor might still come out ahead, or at worst very nearly match the late starter.