The Milwaukee Bucks decided to boycott game 5 of the inane NBA playoffs. Orlando was on the floor when the overpaid glandular cases from Milwaukee refused to come out of their dressing room. Three cheers for the Bucks and hopefully the rest of the playoffs will be cancelled. Go the fuck away No Brains Allowed league. We have Hockey.
The NBA postponed all 3 scheduled game 5s. No forfeits. If sports is going to be mixed with politics and I have to listen to athlete's opinions on politics, I can do without sports. Haven't missed them that much anyway; except for March madness, which might be back.
Adam Silver is a panty-waste of a Commissioner. He is not so slowly destroying what David Stern built. I used to be a real fan. Now I couldn't care less.
the commisioner did everything right but the players are the ones fucking things up. the fans already decided prior to the boycot…
This would actually have some power and meaning if they sat out games on ESPN. Dont know if/how woke TNT is but ESPN is a division of Disney and they are one of the most powerful entities supporting the social justice bullshit. Hurt these companies bottom line even further and lets see if they continue supporting black lives matter and the far left agenda which is actually more detrimental to black people (and the larger society but thats only after the black "community" feels the effects). As it is, this will only continue and I see no change anytime soon. This accomplishes absolutely nothing.
NBA rankings have tanked with all this SJW shit and virtue signalling. What's funny was pro wrestling was moved off of TNT tonight (typically 8-10 ET) to show the NBA playoffs instead. I'm pretty sure more people tune into AEW than a NBA game.
I keep trying to think of one athlete, in any amateur or professional sport, who has an opinion on any subject other than their sport, that I care about.
I feel bad for these dudes being killed, but every single one refused to listen to the cops. These athletes disgust me. Wasn’t it the great MJ who was once asked a political question, shrugged, and then said ‘Republicans buy shoes too.’ Anyway, the NBA is dead to me. The 80s and 90s were better, the players weren’t all tatted up, most had college degrees, almost every one could hit a jump shot, and the game wasn’t pussified where if you breathe on someone it’s a flagrant foul.
Why is everyone acting like they are done watching sports because athletes are protesting like it is something that is happening for the first time? Did you stop watching sports because of protests by people like Jesse Owens, Jack Kemp, Bill Walton, Arthur Ashe, Billie Jean King or Carlos Delgado?
Have you watched any sports since big name athletes like Jim Brown, Bill Russell and Mohammed Ali started protesting?
How about after President Carter used the US Olympic team as a form of protesting against the Soviet Union?
The challenge with americans isnt racism, but pure laziness. And im talking about all sides. Both sides are quick to point fingers not towards sensibility but to whatever point helps them sleep well at night. America is fucked up. We rely on news that isn't based in credibility, but whatever gets clicks. And our forums of discussion have devolved into message boards. Now anonymity is great when exchanging reviews on strip clubs, but on race and politics? I pray for the day when noone can beat thier chest behind a username and point fingers without being held accountable. Thats when the interesting debate will behind.
really? what kind of difference can these fuckers possibly make by not playing in these games exactly? in all honestly the only reason why i follow these fucks is because i have a fanduel addiction.
I don’t get it. What are they protesting, making a living? Must be nice, wish I could just choose to opt out for 6 months and take a vacation. Why not play and donate their salaries to a cause or create a scholarship fund for underprivileged youth?
making this prediction here: should there be a regular nba season would it not surprise if this: "all teams throughout the league have voted not to play the remainder of games scheduled for november due to our disapproval of certain elected official(s)."
Lebron at the end of his career is going to make a political stand, and if youre black and still want to play ball youre anti black movement. Lebron got his while all these young black men trying to get theirs will be a sacrafise for the greater good for the advancement of black dont feel the same for my people. Fuck "my" people.
As long as they aren't trying to shutdown other sports through "boycotting". All NHL games were played on Wednesday, and I believe only 3 MLB games were postponed.
Honestly, you guys keep mentioning all these names that I have never heard of. I quit watching all “Professional” sports over 6 years ago. Have absolutely ZERO intentions of ever starting to watch such again. High school sports is a different story. I’ll watch that as often as I can find time to go.
You White guys talking shit are the problem. Hope your brothers, sisters, and children start getting killed by cops too. I’m so glad baseball is protesting, I love seeing you white boys mad, brings me joy.
∆ Fuck you and baseball. My family learned to stay alive and not get ourselves killed. You assholes learn like squirrels crossing the road. Blake did it to himself.
After four decades as a die-hard baseball fan, when I saw those opening day ceremonies with BLM plastered everywhere including patches on the uniforms, the kneeling, the pathetic George Floyd tributes... I flipped it off like a light switch. No intention to ever watch again.
Lol white racist mad. Love to see it! Stay mad pink ass😂 those white hockey boys protesting too. Your family is not harassed because of their color lol that def ain’t shit to brag about 😂 just shows what we are saying. That cop did it to Blake like that one cop did it to George floyd. What about the 12 year old boy TAMIR Rice they killed some years back? He had a toy gun, yet a 17 year old cac can roam the street with his gun and wave it by cops. When u see this cause prosper and u white racist get even more mad it’s gonna be so glorious. I’m already happy you’re in your shit about it now 😂
Wah said the pussy who failed at life. Blake and Floyd killed themselves. Tamir Rice was a tragic accident, that scum such as yourself use to vent your ignorance. The 17 year old will get what he asked for as well. Me? I will work hard today; take a swim; have dinner with my wife and go play poker. This is just fascinating to watch a community of squirrels running back and forth learning nothing. My life is was and always will he good because I earned it. Yours will suck because you earned it. Capiche?
You didn’t earn shit old white loser 😂 and if your wife would leave you for a black dick or prolly has cheated on you with one. Y’all have a good swim. ✊🏾#BLM
U can call me a pussy online all u want. Bet when a black man walk past ya card door u curl like a female and lock your doors. Who the real pussy? 😂
@Brehnamedwavey Wannabe gangsta Tamir Rice got popped because he was brandishing what looked like a real gun in a city where Democrat politicians and the sheep that elect them, have effectively abolished the 2nd Amendment, resulting in paranoia anytime someone sees a gun, and dumb kids like Tamir showing off for the shock effect. Open carry is legal in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and is relatively commonplace, so it's not so "cool" to show off a gun because everybody's got one. I know it's hard for a moron like you to believe there are still a few places left where the Constitution is respected.
Racist people are really retarded like the president they voted for. Y’all can never call me a moron 😂😂. Ok justify a black kid getting killed for having a toy gun. Keep being a dickhead. Keep proving our point.
I’m not even gonna respond no more. Imma just let y’all type out your anger online all day. Let u say things u wouldn’t say in real life because you’re scared 😂✌🏾✊🏾 #BLACKLIVESMATTER
What happened to tamir rice was a failure of the parents. IIRC he was by himself playing with a bb gun when some old white guy called the cops on him. I also have a problem with white people(or anybody really) calling the cops when theres no actual crime being committed. Theres too many variables in a situation like that to just say he got killed because he was a "dumb kid". Kids are dumb. Thats why they have parents.
The white guy who called the cops specifically said he thought that the gun might be a toy. Sadly the police dispatcher failed to mention this when putting out her call.
@ski I guarantee u wouldn’t say that shit irl. I just know it. You’ll be like the other thousands of racist getting fucked up and then crying that someone hit u. Fuck up cac
wavey is a perfect example of blacks promoting their toxic culture with catchy phrases. waveye has a big cock and white girls of white men are the prize. what about black women, are they not good enough to deserve his big cock....clown keep drinking the koolaid. when black people get encountered by the police they should treat it like an armed robbery and do what the person holding the gun is saying.
Couldn't care less if these privileged limousine liberal millionaires play their games or not so they can sit home and play video games and do absolutely nothing to actually solve the problems we have.
The thread was obviously going to get political, but it's gone way off the rails. Argue if you want, but this can't possibly be the only forum where you can scratch this itch. The "you aren't the boss of me" crowd is overrepresented on the boards and in the hobby, I'm in that crowd, but can you guys take this off the front page so people can filter it? I took this thread off ignore after seeing Breh's post because it was obviously linked, and also in the front room forum.
It's funny how people can complain so loudly about not caring what athletes think outside of sports, but fail to recognize the same might be true for themselves by bypassing the countless sports and "________ lives matter" forums to talk incessantly about off topic stuff here. But it's really not the OT, it's you bringing your deeply personal baggage here if it's not related to strip clubs and strippers. Thinly disguising political footstomping as sports talk doesn't make it any more interesting to people who don't care about your politics.
I am proud of the NBA for making a martyr out of a man wanted for sexual assault that was shot while violently resisting arrest and reaching for a knife.
I fully support their plans to cancel the rest of the season.
just about the nba game by itself i lost interest in the game when: -popovich started with sitting kawhi on the 2nd game of back to backs -kobe approaching towards the end of his career -durant signing with the warriors and not staying in okc
mlb and nhl are my main faves. nfl is still kinda ok but my interst is graually waning as each year passes by. if the nba was gone i wouldn't care. i would just easily replace that with pga and nascar, both of which i discovered during covid.
last commentif someone gets robbed blacks are "the streets dont play"
If someone is selling drugs blacks are "out here hustling.."
I can keep going but you should get the point.
forgot how the saying goes but something about shit running the asylum.
Now Roger Goodell is bending over and spreading both butt-cheeks apart.
Meanwhile 12 black children (pre-teens) lost their lives last month as collateral damage in criminal warfare. They don't care.
Have you watched any sports since big name athletes like Jim Brown, Bill Russell and Mohammed Ali started protesting?
How about after President Carter used the US Olympic team as a form of protesting against the Soviet Union?…
in all honestly the only reason why i follow these fucks is because i have a fanduel addiction.
But I am never shy about speculating.
The NBA should continue the playoffs without them. Their decision not to play is forfeiture.
But that’s not what I think will happen.
I think that the season is over.
As long as they aren't trying to shutdown other sports through "boycotting". All NHL games were played on Wednesday, and I believe only 3 MLB games were postponed.
U can call me a pussy online all u want. Bet when a black man walk past ya card door u curl like a female and lock your doors. Who the real pussy? 😂
Wannabe gangsta Tamir Rice got popped because he was brandishing what looked like a real gun in a city where Democrat politicians and the sheep that elect them, have effectively abolished the 2nd Amendment, resulting in paranoia anytime someone sees a gun, and dumb kids like Tamir showing off for the shock effect. Open carry is legal in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and is relatively commonplace, so it's not so "cool" to show off a gun because everybody's got one. I know it's hard for a moron like you to believe there are still a few places left where the Constitution is respected.
Take your racist ass out of here and get the fuck on.
It's funny how people can complain so loudly about not caring what athletes think outside of sports, but fail to recognize the same might be true for themselves by bypassing the countless sports and "________ lives matter" forums to talk incessantly about off topic stuff here. But it's really not the OT, it's you bringing your deeply personal baggage here if it's not related to strip clubs and strippers. Thinly disguising political footstomping as sports talk doesn't make it any more interesting to people who don't care about your politics.
I fully support their plans to cancel the rest of the season.…
-popovich started with sitting kawhi on the 2nd game of back to backs
-kobe approaching towards the end of his career
-durant signing with the warriors and not staying in okc
mlb and nhl are my main faves. nfl is still kinda ok but my interst is graually waning as each year passes by. if the nba was gone i wouldn't care. i would just easily replace that with pga and nascar, both of which i discovered during covid.…
Good riddance I say - I have no interest in liberal Hollywood nor one-side-politics sports