Criminal Dancers

avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
I have been watching the news a lot this summer, and it seems like every time they arrest someone at one of these riots, they turn out to be convicted felons with long rap sheets. They are out burning and looting every night because they don't work a job; very few employers will hire criminals.

Over the years, I can recall more than a dozen dancers who told me they were stripping because that is the only job they could get as ex-convicts. I recall many of them were caught selling or using drugs, but we also knew of one local dancer who beat up her boyfriend really bad, almost killing him. I remember a 21 year old former high school cheerleader who told me she had just finished a three month stint in jail less than a week ago. She was actually pretty hot and down for OTC.

What percentage of dancers do you think are ex-cons? Have you ever had a fave that was a criminal?


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avatar for RockAllNight
4 years ago
Probably a decent percentage, but criminal past has never come up in conversation.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
I try to make sure that every dancer violates at least a few city ordinances when I am with them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I would assume it's higher than the avg population but still the minority of dancers - whether it's in SCs, StripperWeb, or here, have not heard this being an issue of dancers not being able to get mainstream jobs b/c of criminal-records - many dancers may not be that far removed from working non-dancer jobs and probably a good # bounce back-and-forth b/w dancing and non-dancing-jobs - there often seems to be other factors that are more common as to why dancers don't work non-dancing-jobs.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
Theyre not criminal dancers. Theyre criminals who happened to dance
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I once knew a criminal dancer...
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
And I've met a few strippers that did time, mostly drug stuff. I was never really close with any of them to dig deeper though.
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
I'd say at least 25% of dancers I've worked with in every club had some type of misdemeanor or felony charge (drugs/shoplifting/illegal firearms/fun stuff like that). The ones on probation would always find an excuse to leave the club if they even suspected a little bit that the club was going to get raided.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Dancers on probation? This is a stupid question, but are their probation officers cool with that?
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
I'd say 10-25% have some type of arrest record. Mostly things like DUI, drug possession and prostitution busts, but I have had a couple of girls that I saw regularly have serious issues.

The first was about 15 years ago a girl that I was seeing a few times a year both ITC and OTC tell me that we would have to meet at her apartment for a while because she had gotten placed on house arrest for violating her parole by failing a drug test. When I asked why she was on parole she told me about how she stole her boyfriend's car because he cheated on her and that when the guy tracked her down to get it back she tried to run him over with it.

The second was about 7 years ago when my CF at the time was arrested along with her boyfriend and a few others for welfare and food stamp fraud as well as some type of tax evasion charges.
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
I dunno. I've never been on probation.

But cool with them being a dancer? I don't see why they wouldn't be.
... Unless there is the off chance that there IS a raid and the girl got caught without an active permit (in a club/county that requires them), got caught soliciting sex or drugs to an undercover, or caught wearing an outfit that violates costume regulation (ahh, bikini bars.). In my turf, they just arrest the girls and don't even ticket anymore, I don't think.
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
@winex ^
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
I also think it’s probably just a minority of dancers that have a serious record. But one of my faves got busted in the club parking lot a some years ago for a probation violation. She tried to run from the cops but there was a fence around the parking lot and she couldn’t scale it fast enough.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Eve - well, I have never been on probation, but I am pretty sure that the goal is to prevent people from ending up in jail.

Drugs are pretty common in topless clubs, so I just kind of assumed that probation officers would frown on people working in topless clubs.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
"... one of my faves got busted in the club parking lot a some years ago for a probation violation. She tried to run from the cops but there was a fence around the parking lot and she couldn’t scale it fast enough ..."

LOL - looks like an episode of Cops
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
As regular viewers of Cops know, there is a segment of the population where getting arrested is viewed as a normal part of life. For them, it’s not something to be ashamed of, or worry about. It’s just something unpleasant that can be expected now and then.
avatar for kingcripple
4 years ago
Depends on what you mean by convicted felon. I know a girl who was on probation for getting into a fight or something. Another girl has a drug charge and for some reason isn't allowed to strip because of that
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
"Do they do book and release type of thing?"

I believe so.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
There was a time when getting a DUI wasn’t something serious. It was joked about, not hidden. The TV show Mad Men accurately portrayed that attitude.

I’m not saying that getting arrested is normal. I’m saying there is a portion of the population, including some strippers, that see no shame or embarrassment for certain crimes like drugs or fighting.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
About 15 years ago met a dancer at the Columbia Platinum Plus. We talked but I didn't buy any dances as she was not my type.

Next day I hooked up with mt ATF(TUSCL gridget) at PP. I mentioned to her about meeting this other dancer the afternoon before. She said "OMG if that is who I think it is". She got up and went over to talk to the other dancer and then came back to me with the report.

The other dancer said that she had just been released from 6 years in jail on drug charges. But my ATF recalled the real truth. The other dancer had lured a customer to her hotel room for sex and her BF came in and killed the and robbed the guy. I have since forgotten her real and stage name but did bust her in my next review.
avatar for Nidan111
4 years ago
I was at a regular bar in middle nowhere USA when I met a couple who each (guy and gaL) just got released from prison the previous week. The bar closed and we were all ushered out behind the bar where there was a patio with a few chairs. The gal was pretty hot and she started having a detailed conversation with her boyfriend, but she asked me if it was ok for her to grind on me while she and he talked. Damndest thing. That is why I love shithole towns and dive bars!
avatar for boomer79
4 years ago
I know a few who I'm pretty sure have something going on. They work at a club I go to sometimes that is a bit of a dive. They've mentioned they can't get license to dance somewhere else. That probably means they have something on their record, most likely related to drugs or prostitution. I'd never ask. I don't want to embarrass anyone and it's not necessary especially if your relationship is inside the club. I suppose if I was inviting them home or something I'd want to know something about who I was dealing with, but I don't usually do that. I suppose it could be reassuring for OTC depending on what they had a record for.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
If you are curious you can do a google search on a girl, if you know her real name, a few years ago there was a thread about this, some of us did deep dives looking, and most of the girls that we knew had major felonies like assault, armed robbery in addition to the usual domestic violence and DUIs
avatar for minnow
4 years ago
I would guess in the locales that require a sheriff's card (or similar) that having a felony conviction on record would preclude a dancer from working there. Atlanta, Las Vegas, and San Diego come to mind. As for misdemeanors, I would guess it would depend (on the number, and class of the misdemeanor.)
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
@Minnow Funny I would have thought that also but here in Palm Beach County Florida an employment certificate is required issued by the county not the sheriff but I remember looking up a few girls that I knew and there were quite a few class one and two felonies on their record.
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
My former, but longest running ever fave had a criminal record. She had an attempted murder charge and was ultimately convicted for battery w/ deadly weapon or something if I remember correctly. She told me the story and I looked it up online and the two accounts seemed to match. I had her over for OTC countless times, and she often would stay over for a few days to "take a break." Never had the slightest hint of an issue with her. She was clearly hampered by the charge/conviction, she was in her 2nd year of community college when it happened. Couldn't get a regular job, much less one that would enable her to cover her court costs/fees which were considerable. The inability to pay those fees led to followup violations of probation, which led to more fees and worse job prospects.

My first fave also had a record, a DUI and drug possession start. Then she had a few repeats for driving without a license and intent to distribute.

I generally don't look them up though. I'll search a stripper phone number to see if pops up with online escorting ads but that's it. Those two girls told me about their issues while we were drinking and chatting in the lead up to dances or whatever ITC. Like others, I suspect the percentage of those with records is higher among dancers relative to most other professions. If there is any causation there, I don't know which way it goes. If the record leads to stripping, or the stripping leads to the stuff that gets them a record.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I managed to find this information free about a dancer that had come to my house twice before legal circumstances prevented her from continuing our business.

Date Booked: 01/14/2016
Arresting Agency: OTHER
Charge Desc: 1
Charge Description: FAILURE TO APPEAR
Charge Class: 17-7-90
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 196
Charge Desc: 2
Charge Description: *VGCSA OF C/S
Charge Class: 16-13-30(A)
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 3500
Charge Desc: 3
Charge Description: * DUI-MORE THAN 0.10%BLOOD ALCOHOL
Charge Class: 40-6-391(A-5
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 3500
Charge Desc: 4
Charge Class: 16-10-25
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 1850
Charge Desc: 5
Charge Class: 16-9-4
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 1850
Charge Desc: 6
Charge Description: @ * THEFT BY TAKING
Charge Class: 16-8-2
Charge Code/Statute: OCGA
Charge Bond: 1850

Too bad she was young, cute and a lot of fun.
avatar for sinclair
4 years ago
I am guessing OTC would be easier to procure from a dancer with a criminal record than one without. If the strip club is slow, it is not like she can just go pick up a part time gig at Walgreens.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I’m guessing the percentage of dancers with criminal records is a bit higher than that of the mainstream population. That’s a guess, based only on the prevalence of drugs and sketchy characters in the low end clubs in enjoy.

I’ve been OTC with a dancer for most of the pandemic. She’s older than most dancers, and she can hold a decent conversation. She’s tried many money making schemes that are on the fringe. She recently got caught up in one of those scams where you use Western Union to send $1000 - and they are supposed to send you $2000 back. They say there is a “loophole” they are exploiting - but it’s just wiring money down the toilet.

Sometimes things don’t work out, and some schemes cause the dancers to get arrested. It sucks, but it can lead to criminal records.

I know a few dancers who are single moms, and they have been abused by their baby daddies. It’s sad, and some of the fights/abuse can lead to criminal charges.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Last week was a slow AF shift and I was sitting with one customer. I had to go on stage and when I got off to start walking back over, there is a a dancer sitting with him. She sees me heading over, and started standing up to leave. I told her it was okay, and feel free to stay if she feels like it. Since most of the rest of the room was insipid , she was relieved and happy to stay. Then all three of us were chatting and I get the impression she’s a very sweet individual. Then somehow my vanilla job comes up in the conversation...I think the customer said something about it. And she thought that was “so cool.” I replied that it’s not a difficult job to get at all—just need money for a license. Then she replied that she was going to fail any background check, so she never would.

I wouldn’t be surprised if many dancers did have a record. Or anybody else in any other industry doing something that is 1099 commission only. I remember when I did a brief stint selling tv/internet services, most of the people I worked with had criminal records as well.

avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
I've known many dancers who have been arrested and spent a night or two in jail. DUI, drug possession, shoplifting, and similar offenses. None of my favs have spent time in prison. But they often have brothers or fathers or boyfriends who have been to prison--or are still there. Burglary, home invasion, drug dealing, assault and battery, possession of a deadly weapon by a felon. The dancers are poor whites (also known as trailer trash), and they grew up in neighborhoods where many people have criminal records.
avatar for magicrat
4 years ago
I remember that dancer that was in jail for 6 years. I got dances from her later at Heartbreaker's. Her VIP dances were quite good. I certainly didn't angle for OTC!
avatar for irishbob
4 years ago
It's mostly drugs and DUI'S, but I know one dancer convicted of tampering with evidence and abuse of a corpse. She had 3 DUI'S and drug abuse charges also. They violate probation and go to jail. Hard to get regular employment with felony charges and jail time. What else are they going to do !
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I've known plenty over the years, especially in places where no license was required to dance. I couldn't really peg a %, but I'm guessing that it's not a small percentage in some areas.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
"abuse of a corpse"

you mean like this?…
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