
Comments by minnow (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Car person
    In the last 4 decades or so,purchased 11 cars: 7 new, 4 late model preowned.(Used sounds so de-classe) Median length of time I kept 9 prior vehicles to present ones was 7.2 years.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Car brands you stick to
    For my large sedan itch (I have no interest in SUV's nor crossovers) it was late model pre-owned Cadillac for the last 2 decades. I'm pissed at Cadillac for discontinuing XTS and CT6 production. I guess I'll have to go for Toyota Cressida or largest Hyundai. I'm not enthusiastic about laying out $$ (nor thinner dealer network) for Mercedes etal on European side.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Fun night
    Seem to be getting a spate of reviewers posting 1st review after a few years membership. Must be club mgt./ staff finally getting a club ad through the cracks.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Rush Limbaugh RIP
    RIP, Rush Limbaugh. The show where he revealed his Stage 4 lung cancer diagnoses was one of his best thoughtful/reflective broadcasts that he made.
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    4 years ago
    Tampa Trip Briefing
    I see that Garfield had the pleasure of meeting Amina and Kylie. Amina is the "big sister" ( ~ 3" taller, 2-3 years senior to Kylie.) They're Lebanese, not Persian. They're hard to tell apart individually. Both have enough silicon to caulk many bathtubs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Review structure change?
    Incog007, no butt hurt or burned sole on my end. You're the one who expressed annoyance at having to write about, or read about bar info. You also came across at being annoyed that someone would critique the lack of such info. Again, I just don't see this as an issue when submitting, evaluating, or reading a review. I have 2 suggestions for you. 1) If you don't want to spend 30 to 60 seconds to write certain info or see some downvotes on your submitted reviews (you do have several), just purchase VIP membership. 6 to 12 extra minutes of your time per year just might be worth it. 2) If you don't want to read certain things, scroll works very nicely. Oh, I forgot, some people don't know how to paragraph.(Hint- hit the "Enter" key.) Maybe have founder install an app that will do the paragraphing for you.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Review structure change?
    I don't see the need for another extraneous thing for founder to do. OP seems butthurt because he didn't get a gold star 7-0 vote for his reviews that were APPROVED. As one can see by the comments in OP's reviews, there were deficiencies in other areas besides not giving bar layout. I don't recall downvoting a submitted review solely on the basis of not mentioning the bar layout. What's next, Incog007 asking founder for a tissue for each 5-2 or 4-3 review vote that he gets ?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    RIP: Longtime Chiefs coach Marty Schottenheimer dies at 77
    Idk, d-scrub, several former players were nicer than you were in YT tributes to him. One can only speculate if he'll get HOF induction posthumously. Don't blow it off so quickly, 2 head coaches who were 0 - 4 in Super Bowl (Bud Grant, Marv Levy) have their busts in Canton.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What changes were made to the VIP Rooms at The Cheetah in Atlanta, GA?
    I-call, you need Joe Pesci to advocate your case. Just remember if you screw up 1 more time, Pesci will hit your head so hard your cowboy hat won't fit. (Re- "Casino" 1995 movie)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Congratulations Peyton Manning and Other 2021 HOF Inductees
    Absolutely no doubt that Peyton Manning would make it into HOF on 1st try. But as OSU pointed out, not everyone makes it on the 1st try, or multiple repeat tries. It seems like offensive players, especially QB's are treated most kindly on 1st ballot. Linemen and kickers don't fare so well. This was John Lynch's year (after falling short at least 2 - 3 occasions as finalist), but unfortunately not Clay Matthews.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Superbowl kicks off at 6:30 p.m.ET, Who will win KC VS Tampa
    Who will be MVP- Brady, Gronk, or Fournette ? Strong case for either 3. One more takeaway: The team making the least mistakes (penalties, turnovers) will usually win.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Congratulations Peyton Manning and Other 2021 HOF Inductees
    OOps, I meant John Lynch. Thanks for the catch, mike710.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Hotel Chains You Prefer
    Braidwood Inn, Kansas with the vibrating bed. Just don't leave some 6 packs of beer on the bed like John Candy did.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: What are your investing thoughts going forward?
    I've heard 115 bandied about as a "gouge." Subtract your age from 115, and that's the percentage of your portfolio that you should have in equities.(Stocks). So a 50 yo should have 65% of investments in stock.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Worst trend in tattoos
    I'll have to find a way to make this quote a sticky: " Putting a tattoo on a beautiful woman's body is like putting some bumper stickers on a Ferrari." (This is about the 3rd or so tattoo thread I've seen on tuscl.)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL MEETUP: Me, Minnow and Mikeym Running the Scene in Tampa
    Did mikey forget his meds again ? Would you care to show n-spice and b-harlem the disparaging remarks you made about 2001 dancers over the years ? Do you think they'd be favorably impressed with you after seeing them ? Fuck off, troll, the last sentence is absolutely untrue.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL MEETUP: Me, Minnow and Mikeym Running the Scene in Tampa
    Not bothered at all, Muddy, just calling it as I see it. I downvoted subject review (as did 2 others) because it came across as a club ad. As you well know, the reviewers identity isn't shown, so I did't know who submitted it when I cast my vote. As for humor- I harken back to a long ago zoo trip whereby a masturbating monkey proceeded to take a shit and throw it at people. I picture mikey m as the monkey whenever I read his posts/review tirades. That helps me overlook his delusional vitriol.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What's the funniest thing you've heard in a strip club?
    Almost 3 decades ago at a Newport, KY club, I heard a dancer fart on stage. The funny part was, she was trying to suppress the fart, and it wasn't working.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL MEETUP: Me, Minnow and Mikeym Running the Scene in Tampa
    A few things, spice: 1) I never considered myself to be in the run the scene club. 2) I was questioning Muddy about a point he made in earlier thread, not this one. You need to stop sucking on the hookah so much, and brush up on your reading comprehension proficiency. OK, I'm more convinced that Muddy is a troll who needs additional VIP credit like a fish needs a drink of water. He's giving juice a real run for his money by concocting bullshit reviews and articles. A legend in his own mind. Returning to a good YT clip.......
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Dying to be a sex symbol
    What's really sad is how some (many ?) women get so taken in by the rap big butt craze that they submit to such a surgical procedure in the first place.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL MEETUP: Me, Minnow and Mikeym Running the Scene in Tampa
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No, it wouldn't, Muddy. What would be interesting is that you ask Papi to explain his side of the story, wrt whether or not he and mikey m clubbed together and "ran the Florida scene." (Btw, a hearty welcome back to Papi.) Then tell me what your judgement is regarding mikey m's claim. Muddy, you seem like a guy who likes to indulge in fantasy more than the average guy. Indulging in a little bit of harmless fantasy is ok. Things like posting a YT clip saying "this is how (fill in the blank) spends his time in the club", or even "this is how (these 3 members) road trip MIGHT look like. But posting false, inaccurate statements about members, or lending tacit approval of someone making those statements by quoting them is not cool. Less so when done behind Papi's back when you likely knew he wouldn't be responding. (During a time when a "where is Papi" thread had multiple posters confirming his hiatus from tuscl.) Are you going to man up and admit your error in taking mikey at his word, or are you going slink off like a slimy little shit by evading/deflecting the issue ? RE- your earlier "Explain to me what it means to run the scene" thread.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    I went to a 7up Factory and all I got was this lousy t shirt
    What a hypocrite, mikey m. You're slamming Muddy as a shill, when in your 26 July 2017 review of this club, you say much the same things as Muddy in this one. (rating dancers 7 to 9, etc.)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL MEETUP: Me, Minnow and Mikeym Running the Scene in Tampa
    When muddy gets out of his drunken stupor, he'll come to realize that there's no middle ground in my story. There is ample evidence that mikey m is a delusional old man who hides behind a keyboard to play keyboard warrior. Meetup never occurred, because in a true meetup, all parties are in on it. Otherwise, mikey m is coming off as a liar, or a stalker, or a mixture of the two. Muddy, you seem to have visited a lot of clubs in a lot of different cities. You must make a bunch of $$ to be able to do this. I hope you don't rely on income as a podcast producer, because posted video in this thread sucks.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    $40 Dances and The End of Humanity
    Salty, you're probably thinking "Inflation Adjusted Salaries", not actual salaries. In my profession, the similar job description now pays ~ 5 times greater than it did in 1974 absolute dollars.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    $40 Dances and The End of Humanity
    If you check inflation data since 1982, you'll find that CPI doubles about every 22 years. I recall several clubs in the mid to late 90's where $20 dances were the norm in several clubs. Such as Olympic Gardens-LV, Crazy Horse 2-LV (1994 - 1996 visits), Men's Club - Dallas (1997), PT's - Indy (1993 - 1999 visits), Mons Venus and 2001 - Tampa ( 1990, on, though 3 for 50 at Mons was common in the 90's). At San Francisco- Centerfolds in 1998, $20 would get you a bikini only dance, $40 would get you a "good" nude contact dance. In the early 2000's, price went up to $60, some dancers were asking $80. I quit going to club after that. A quick perusal of ssa.gov average salary figures from 1990 on show that it takes ~ 23 years for average salary to double. I don't like it, but some inflation adjustment is inevitable.