
Review structure change?

Founder and mongers,greetings form Akron! I was wondering what your opinions are about maybe adding a section to reviews;like a pinned option for bar layout. It seems like almost every review I see there's somone critiquing for the review lacking bar info. It's somewhat annoying because things don't seem to change that much in Akron. Would it be possible to put like a pre filled in box that you can choose to edit or not when filling out the reviews that has the current bar info in it?
I think this would solve 2 problems. Firstly, it would make submitting reviews easier and cleaner to read and should someone be interested in the bar layout they could click a button to get to it specifically. Second only it would really encourage users to write a good bar review that will remain current instead of just trying to breeze through that part.

Let me know what you guys and girls think



  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Incog007 might be onto something here. Inclusion (or lack of inclusion) of club layout has been the topic of multiple discussion threads. The disclaimer "Layout of this place has been described many times before so I'm not going to repeat it..." has become a pretty common opening to reviews, yet the layout is obviously of interest to many readers.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    I’d like to see the old club title page come back that had day and night cover charges, dance cost, ethnicity, etc. You could add a layout section there. It’s another option to lessen the frequency of debate over reviews including basic info.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    This is not going to make anyone go or not go to a club. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Sgtsnowman
    4 years ago
    I think this might be worth exploring. The people who are really into that information will have it available and those who don't care won't have to worry about reporting it. Looks like a winner to me.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    I don't see the need for another extraneous thing for founder to do. OP seems butthurt because he didn't get a gold star 7-0 vote for his reviews that were APPROVED. As one can see by the comments in OP's reviews, there were deficiencies in other areas besides not giving bar layout. I don't recall downvoting a submitted review solely on the basis of not mentioning the bar layout.
    What's next, Incog007 asking founder for a tissue for each 5-2 or 4-3 review vote that he gets ?
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    It seems that bar layout and physical plant description can be largely removed from suggested review items.

    While it matters if the parking lot is too small or Sam's Club huge, how many floors, privacy in the VIP; it similarly does not matter if the bathrooms are to the left or right, the mainstage is in the back or on the side, etc. I agree that a pinned section is one option. Maybe offer an extra 4 weeks of VIP for submitting an approved drawing of the layout. Many of us here could verify if a layout of Diamond Dolls, Tootsie's, or of the Gold Club is accurate. I would also like to see drink costs, bar offerings, and dancer ethnicity returns to the top.
  • Incog007
    4 years ago
    Minnow, nah it really didn't have anything to do with my reviews honestly. I've just read a bunch and thought there's a redundant section on them. So I figured I'd start a discussion on it, seems there are some people willing to explore the idea. Strangely your response is the only one I saw with evidence of butt hurt. Sorry for my question burning your sole. There's plenty other reading on the site feel free to be a cunt somewhere else.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    How about just reading what interests you and skip over the rest?
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    @Incog007 I think that is a good idea. Whether a review needs to include stuff like layout is pretty fiercely debated. I think a template for some “overview” stuff is a good idea. And then each sectioned a template is something like layout and dance prices and stuff visible at the top of a club, and each reviewer clicks a check box to confirm things are still the same.

    And before the grouch reappears, of course it’s up to founder to run this site as he pleases and can ignore this thread completely if he wants to. It will be no big deal if that happens and also there is nothing wrong with somebody trying to post something constructive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    For me the club layout is nice to have not a must-have – a general description suffices (e.g. “club is a small midtier club with a decent amount of parking …”); but even that I can live w/o - but adding info like music-level; lighting; a description of the dance-areas/VIP; seating availability; stage(s) setup; smoking-allowed; although not a must-have it's nice to know for those unfamiliar w/ the club especially if there is something about these things worth mentioning for a particular-reason (e.g. "parking is often tight"; "the best seats to get a floor-dance are by the ..."; etc) - but again I would not down-vote a review if it didn't have this info - I think the club layout is often repeated b/c it's on the review-guidelines but I don't consider them a must-have.

    The details I personally care about are:

    + a solid description of the dancer *crew* (not just the girl you RILed on your visit and wanna marry) – I would like a description of the dancer-crew’s looks; builds; ages; ethnicities; and if fake-body-parts are dominant; etc

    + prices – dance-price; also mentioning if there are different dance-type prices (floor vs VIP/separate-dance-area; dayshift vs nightshift prices; VIP/extras prices; etc); to the extent the reviewer knows the different prices depending on what he partook in

    + mileage available (air/topless/nude dances? Extras availability; etc)

    For me any additional info is nice to have to better get a gauge of a club but not a must-have.

    There are some on TUSCL that feel having to give the basic-info above is “repetitive” and doesn’t need to be stated in every review; but I feel differently b/c:

    + IMO a review should be written from the POV of someone who’s never been to the particular club (some TUSCLers have been reading reviews of the same club(s) for years and thus assume that “everyone already knows that info"

    + another common excuse of the “never detailers” is “hey the price of dances have been given in previous reviews so it’s known” – as I’ve posted in the past, a reviewer should not have to go fishing for basic club info and hope he lands on a review that has it (this is more of a PITA when one is visiting an unfamiliar area and researching multiple clubs) – and the old “hey look at previous reviews for details” can become the default where 9 out of 10 reviews use this making details even harder to find

    I think certain details that can be considered “repetitive” should be hidden under a tab where one only sees it if expanding/clicking-on the tab/field – i.e. club info like (parking; cover-charge; dance-prices; VIP prices; etc) can be put in one hidden-field; and then layout details under a different hidden-tab – w/ the visit details (which includes dancer info, mileage-available, and maybe prices if not given in the club-info hidden-section) being displayed vs hidden – the hidden “club details” and “club layout details” would need to be filled in b/f allowing a review to be submitted – the info in the hidden-sections would not need to be super-detailed and perhaps have a message asking the reviewer to at least add some basic-info in those sections.

  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Incog007, no butt hurt or burned sole on my end. You're the one who expressed annoyance at having to write about, or read about bar info. You also came across at being annoyed that someone would critique the lack of such info.

    Again, I just don't see this as an issue when submitting, evaluating, or reading a review. I have 2 suggestions for you.

    1) If you don't want to spend 30 to 60 seconds to write certain info or see some downvotes on your submitted reviews (you do have several), just purchase VIP membership. 6 to 12 extra minutes of your time per year just might be worth it.

    2) If you don't want to read certain things, scroll works very nicely. Oh, I forgot, some people don't know how to paragraph.(Hint- hit the "Enter" key.) Maybe have founder install an app that will do the paragraphing for you.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Spice - I disagree that we need a preprogrammed format. We have the drop down menus for the basics. For the narrative, I’d rather have a free form where authors can use their own style. For those of us who read and write reviews, seeing what others do is helpful to improve our own writing and we get to see some pretty creative reviews. Let’s not homogenize them.

    I’m fine with the existing jury system to reject poor reviews. Some bad ones still slip through, but much less than when it was just founder by himself trying to approve 50 reviews a day pre coronageddon. Maybe founder makes the jury requirement to approve a review 5-2 or 5-3 instead of 4-3 to make it a little harder, but that’s just a tweak.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    The problem with forcing layout into a drop down is that everyone interpretation of “nice layout” is different.

    Kinda like the VALUE a button now. The value rating is losing its meaning and usefulness because some guys assume a high number means beer is $2 and no cover while other guys use it to denote a $200 bj is available, thus the $40 cover and $15 beer is “worth it”.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Fuck. I just hit submit on an article I meant to reject as it just pasted a Tijuana news story about a US marine murdering an Adelita’s girl. It should’ve been a forum post. If you see it and agree with me, please reject it and cover for my mistake. Also, my point is that the articles submitted seem to more often deserve rejection than the reviews.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    If some dude is in rant mode, I don’t want to slow him down by making go over the the way the coaches are set up. Let Em loose. Not everyone goes at things the same way.
  • trapdoor
    4 years ago
    I think club details are important as I've came across some reviews that were clearly submitted for the wrong club. Also, this does help prevent shill reviews if someone gives generic details that could be describing any club or dancer that doesn't provide value. While I don't think it's necessary for a reviewer to echo a layout that's been covered hundreds of times, it does help add legitimacy to the review showing that it is accurate (or recent, especially with COVID restrictions/modifications).
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    I only talk about the club layout in detail if there is something I found interesting/strange about it or it's not really covered elsewhere in recent reviews. If other people want to drop a lot of details on the decor in their reviews that's fine with me. Having a template is just going to be something else for lousy review writers to game and cause clutter.

    If a review provides some information of value based on the reviewers experience, I'll upvote it. This whole kick about encyclopedic recall of club minutiae for reviewers to prove they were there is a little much from my perspective, as is listing every chick in the club because I'm going to make my own mind up anyway. Things that were particularly good or bad about the place, and best/worst chicks are what I'm looking for in the reviews if I'm deciding to visit or not.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    I agree that the layout comments can be helpful but, not a must have. Papi summed it up nicely.

    It is good to have a general idea of a club's layout especially when visiting it for the first time. Parking, location and type of VIP's, seating, multiple bar areas and restrooms are all things I don't mind hearing about. Clubs do make physical changes and it is helpful to inform the rest of us when they do.

    I remember the time I mentioned the single hat restroom behind the upstairs bar at the Flight Club (no attendant, locking door) and at least 3-4 Tusclers got back to me with a thanks as they did not know it existed... It was added in a few years back but, was not always there.

    As far hyper analyzing reviews for what the author did or did not report on I have a much more lenient perspective there. We all have different writing styles, abilities and moods when creating a review and I try not to bash other members by holding them to some type of "review checklist".
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