
Car brands you stick to

Thursday, February 18, 2021 7:25 AM
I wouldn’t say I’m exclusive to Honda but the ones I’ve driven have given me pretty good zip and stayed out of the repair shop. I think they make solid cars that are affordable/reliable. I’m a fan. But I’d be willing to jump ship if I find something better how about y’all out there?


  • Longball300
    3 years ago
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    great topic muddy, since the country is in a deep freeze, any AWD or 4X4 will work with me, any brand, but a good website is car complaints, it shows that all car manufactors have their lemons
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    my dream car is 2022 corvette z-06 ,will have the new flat-plane-crank V-8 engine
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Yeah Jeep seems to have a cult like following. And I'll be honest I don't live in a rural area. I'm in a very urban area and maybe it has significant snowfall three maybe four times a year at most. So me personally I don't look for a vehicle for just those times but hey Midwest out in the woods I would guess you gotta have something if need be up there.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    And part of what helps me afford strip clubs is I don't do car payments. I just save up and buy the damn thing, I can't really do that with new cars but used is cool I just got to make sure I get it right.
  • loganshard
    3 years ago
    Hondas are some of the best drives ever, and they last forever. No I drive a KIA, also very happy
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    cars are expensive
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    We are on our 4th Acura. They are basically upscale Hondas. Have had great luck with them. I'm also on my 4th BMW. Have not had any problems with any of them either. Had a couple of Fords that were in the shop all the time. Had one Jeep and will never have one again. Piece of crap.
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    I have owned Chevrolet, Volkswagen, Nissan, Toyota, and Mercedes, all purchased new. I have also driven almost every major brand for rentals. My easy pick for favorite: Toyota. Rock solid dependable, and economical to operate and maintain.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’ve tried several different manufacturers over the years. So far - Toyota (Lexus if you like a fancy Toyota) and Honda (Acura if you like a fancy one) - have given the most reliable and comfortable drives. I don’t look for the high powered, and super sporty vehicles. I like a comfortable ride for my aging ass! If I can avoid the shop - and avoid needing to buy a new one - that’s great. I’ve had a Volvo which was more performance oriented. It moved well and handled well. But it didn’t age well (like some strippers - it would leak - and the high performance tires seemed to blow out). I enjoyed my Nissan. But it wasn’t as solid and comfortable as the Toyota’s or Honda’s. It was useful to get around NYC - as it would move nicely. Sadly, I had two Volkswagens and they didn’t last long at all. I had Jetta’s and they seemed to be built too light, and I swear they had lawn mower engines in them. I was driving home from work one a two lane highway at night - the car in the other lane hit a deer - and it went flying into my Jetta. The car was totaled. The engine was toast - and it smelt like sautéed deer. My second Jetta was even worse.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
  • rick_the_cheesestick
    3 years ago
    What a bunch pussies. When you buy a car the only thing you need to consider is if it’s a pussy magnet or not. Also it has to be sturdy because when I drive while getting a BJ from a hot stripper it’s gotta survive hitting a telephone pole in case I get distracted. I may be a cheesestick but I’m still a Rick. What does Rick the cheesestick drive? A mother fuckin Pontiac Aztec
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    Wienermobile: [view link] Located in one of my favorite museums.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    The Koreans have caught up to Japanese in reliability and, in my opinion, surpassed them in style and value. The most recent models from Korea are especially impressive.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Since october of 2002 I have driven a subaru wrx - fast, amazing handling, awd (best one for snow) and reliable. I drove my 02 247,000 miles on the original clutch. Drove 5,000 miles last week in my 2015. Every car we own is a subaru.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    My last two vehicles are Mercedes the one I have now is an 2021 AMG E coupe brought it brand new in May for my birthday present to myself
  • silverton3
    3 years ago
    I’ve been in the automotive business for far too many years. Any Toyota or Honda, especially built in the USA are top notch for quality and reliability. Kia and Hyundai are rising fast and likely equal. Ford and GM have coma a long way but still behind. Chrysler, Jeep and ANYTHING European are simply not to be trusted for reliability or value. That said, I own a 2020 Jeep Wrangler but it is not a daily driver and only sees off-road use. Crap for quality but great ability. My daily is a hi line Toyota.
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    Toyota family here. Previous car was a BMW but chose to stop spending so much play money on upkeep. The problem wasn't that something went wrong often, it was when work was needed it was a minimum of $1000.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Been mostly a Ford man all my life but that was basically because my father was a sales manager and I got deep discounts. Loved my"73 ranchero but had to give it up when I became a family man. Now in my final stage of life I'm definitely a Mustang GT fan. On my 3rd now and I constantly get attention on its looks/color. [view link]
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    From a Ford family so its hard to turn down the deal they give to family. I would love to get one of the Shelby GT 500's but they are damn near impossible to get new (the dealership owners lock those up for themselves). Maybe a 350 in my near future.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Have mostly owned Acura/Honda b/c of their rep for reliability – the ones I’ve owned I owned them 10+ years w/ hardly any issues (no big repair bills – few repairs with a once-in-a-blue-moon repair of around $500). Currently own a Nissan that I got into in a jam (had accident w/ last car and wasn’t worth fixing) – did not want to get into a new car at the time and needed something ASAP – the used-cars have gone up in price a lot in the last few years (mostly post the ’08 financial-crisis) – when I was in a hurry shopping for a used-car, they were expensive and very-high-miles although I was looking at cars around 3 years old or so – the Nissan I got is not bad but def not the quality of the Hondas I’ve had. Never owned a Toyota/Lexus but would buy one in lieu of a Honda/Acura – to me if feels the Toyota have bit-stronger/bit-more-powerful engines than Hondas – although to me it seems in recent years the Toyotas/Lexus have lagged a bit in terms of reliability, and modernization (latest tech; etc). Have traditially been into sedans – was never an SUV guy until I’ve rented a few in years past and I liked how they rode and particularly the extra-room, and higher-roof and seating position – will likely get into an SUV for my next vehicle but mostly likely a compact or mid-size as I don’t have to constantly have to haul a family around – at 51 ys/o I’m in the beginnings of my midlife/YOLO crisis and would consider a sports-car in the future but that would have to wait as I at times have to drive my 91 y/o mom around and also my 84 y/o aunt (sometimes at the same time) and a sports-car would not do – I also find sports-cars a bit too cramped and uncomfortable even if it’s just me in it – and I would also get raped w/ the insurance downhere in Miami (when I moved from Dallas to Miami in late 2009, my car-insurance doubled). I’m not one to usually be an early-adopter, and I’m no tree-hugger, but EVs have my interest – I def like the looks of Teslas – but I’d be hesitant to get an EV in the near-future b/c of the lack of infrastructure (not enough fast-charging stations particularly near my Cuban-hood where I live) – if I had an EV I would not have access to a gasoline-car as a 2nd emergency car – for me to feel comfortable having an EV, the charging-infrastructure would have to be somewhat close to the gas-station infrastructure. Cars have gotten very-expensive (and they are a depreciating asset; w/ some rare exceptions) – and they are also more complicated than ever and often more expensive to repair (up to now I’ve been able to depend on local Cuban-guys to fix my cars and they charge cheap and often do good work) – thus I’d be hesitant to buy a new car and keep it for 10-years as I’ve done in the past and why I’d rather lease a new car so I wouldn’t have to worry about potentially costly repairs down-the-line – and that is one thing that attracts me about EVs in that I assume they don’t have major/expensive components that need repairing (engine, transmission, etc).
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    All the manufacturers will be offering electric vehicles in the next year or two. Within a few years, electric vehicles will be mainstream rather than the niche vehicles they are now. As a result, prices will go down.
  • loper
    3 years ago
    I love my Hyundai, almost $200,000 miles -- comfortable and few problems. I also have a RAV4, which I bought because the cargo size to price ratio was best available, but would have preferred another Hyundai for other parameters.
  • sideshow_bob
    3 years ago
    Toyota, Honda, Acura are solid. I haven't owned anything else for decades. New Jeeps are like 85% Chinese made garbage. The older ones can be decent.
  • TFP
    3 years ago
    Haven't really been loyal to any brand. I've had Mazda, Volvo, Honda, Nissan, and Acura. The Acura has been my favorite, but not a fair comparison since it's the newest car I've bought and thus has a bunch of new features. I am also intrigued by the Tesla, but I'm not balling enough to get a model S or X, but the Model Y is right up my alley. Might fuck with that soon if they bring back the $7,500 tax credit.
  • SerenitySinn
    3 years ago
    2 Honda’s in garage and Infinity and FEW motorcycles, right now!!(Here in Florida) Ford Explorer & Ford Fusion and Honda Goldwing motorcycle (Up in Pennsylvania) Probly gettin Chevy 1500 & Jeep Gladiator soon????
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    if gas prices were cheaper i honestly prefer the 60s and 70s chevy/ gmc trucks and suburbans. butt with the higher gas prices i put up with my bad ass prius.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    I'm a lease guy so I only rent the car for ~ 3 years at a time. It's rare that I have had any issues with any of 20-30 cars I have leased over the years (yeah, some two at a time when I worked for Ford). The quality / reliability of most cars has improved in the past 15-20 years that my decision usually boils down to looks, performance, features, seat comfort for my larger frame and who is giving the best deals at the time. Here's a list on US content BTW: [view link]
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    For my large sedan itch (I have no interest in SUV's nor crossovers) it was late model pre-owned Cadillac for the last 2 decades. I'm pissed at Cadillac for discontinuing XTS and CT6 production. I guess I'll have to go for Toyota Cressida or largest Hyundai. I'm not enthusiastic about laying out $$ (nor thinner dealer network) for Mercedes etal on European side.
  • DeclineToState
    3 years ago
    Toyota for my last 4 (including 1 Lexus), and will stick w it so long as they have vehicle I like better than similar Honda/Acura. First 2 bought used, recent 2 new. Before that, had a Honda but switched to Toyota because Honda I owned, and then those I test drove before buying the Toyotas, had what I perceived to be significantly more road noise intrusion into cabin. Have you Honda folks not experienced same? Will not consider Tesla or other electric until competitively priced and can go at least 500 miles on a charge, I have no interest being on road trip seeking a charging station or pausing for charge. Or til 2035-2040+ if I’m forced to if can’t get gas vehicle
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ I’m with you on electric. Typically 95% of my road trips aren’t much over 300 miles one way and that seems to be the limit on electric cars. As for a 300 mile trip I often only stop once to go to the rest room and depending on the vehicle I’m driving get gas. That would drive me insane if I’d have to stop and wait 45 min to do a quick charge during that trip. Back to the cars - I’ve owned a bunch and here’s my summary: Keep in mind these are cars spanning the last 25 years. Ford - junk GM - junk with crappier interior than Ford Chrysler - junkiest of them all (with exception to Jeep) Jeep - great 4wd - easy to fix although these days a lot of companies make SUVs just as capable off road and in bad wether conditions. Subaru - originally the “poor mans 4wd” great cars would take one over a Honda or Toyota Jaguar - I think I replaced almost every part on this car, also one of the sexiest cars I ever owned Infiniti - bulletproof. Owned one for 6 years never even replaced a light bulb. Only issue is every time I had to change brake pads I also had to replace the rotors because it loved to chew them up. Porsche - always a minor issue somewhere luckily never a major one but so many small ones it will drive you nuts trying to keep up. Much more simple to work on than you’d think for a German car. Mercedes - luxurious, complex to work on. Hyundai/Kia - next gen Toyota/Honda, becoming better everyday day. BMW - don’t even get me started. If I were to go buy a new SUV today I would strongly consider the Acura RDX SUV with the SH-aspec package or the newer Audi Q8/SQ8 crossover SUV I have never owned an Acura.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    What I've stuck with has varied over the years. In my younger days it was GM only, Chevy or Olds, then a couple Jap brands, Toyota Nissan, then German, Audi Mercedes,and now it's looking like I'm going to circle halfway back to Toyota, Honda. Only owned 1 Ford in my life, a couple Jeeps, pre Chrysler, for very short periods, never owned a Chrysler product.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    Muddy mentioned the Midwest and out in the woods. That calls for a Polaris or Arcticat snowmobile. Works well much of the year.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I have owned 3 chrysler products: 1967 Dodge Coronet Station Wagon (loved it); 1985 Dodge Daytona Turbo - z fun to drive crappy car; and 1990 Dodge Daytona Shelby turbo z beautiful, fun to drive, crappy car.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Hey here’s something - thinking back to my most “fun” cars I’ve ever owned - all were sticks. Sticks are really fun, but at my older age I don’t really want to own one sitting in traffic. BTW paddle shifters are nowhere close to the same experience and for me are just more of a nuisance
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    2010 VW Jetta (Wolfsburg Edition) was probably the best (and worst) car I ever owned. I loved it because it was sporty and stylish with leather seats, great sound system, and all the bells and whistles available at the time. With 6-speed manual trans and 2.0 Turbo it was fun to drive. On the down side, it was ALWAYS in the shop, and the problems it had were never a simple fix. It was usually something that required disassembling half the engine or some shit. The intake manifold (whatever the fuck that is) went bad three times, among other problems. And the low profile tires blew out and damaged the rims every time I hit a pothole. Fortunately for me, I had bought it "certified used" with only 18,000 miles on it, so there was plenty of original warranty left, and I negotiated tire and rim coverage for cheap. As part of the "certified" program the dealer added an extended full warranty for free, so it actually had a better "bumper-to-bumper" warranty than a brand new car. That came in handy when the window wouldn't go up during a freezing rain storm. It never cost me a dime to get it fixed, but it was a pain in the ass always taking it in. On the plus side, the dealership was really good about always giving me a loaner. And they did me a solid on the third manifold repair, because I was about 100 miles past the extended warranty, but they covered it anyway. When I finally got rid of it, I bought a new 2017 Mazda 3 (Grand Touring). It's also a 6-speed manual, but doesn't have anywhere near the kick of my old Jetta. I think it's a 2.5 (non-turbo). But it's really comfortable and still pretty fun to drive, and a 9-speaker Bose sound system that is fucking sick. Ironically, I paid extra for an extended warranty and tire/wheel coverage, and have never used it once in four years. Favorite car I ever owned: My first, a 1976 GMC Van. My dad gave it to me when I turned 17 and got my driver license. He had used it for his business, it was a disgusting burgundy color, had 100,000 miles on it and was all beat up. It had a 3-speed on the column (3 on the tree), a straight six, and it could haul ass. The shift would jam up sometimes and you had to pop the hood and manually pull the linkage back into line. I was (at first) embarrassed to drive it to school, but it quickly became the "Party Bus" because we all went out there during lunch to smoke weed and drink beer, then we'd drive it over some raised railroad tracks where you could get "air time". If it was raining we'd drive through a deep puddle at the bus stop and soak all the people waiting for the bus. Eventually it became known as the "Love Bus" because so many people got laid in it. Awesomest car I ever drove: My cousin's 1976 Camaro LT. 350 four barrel, 4-on-the-floor, navy blue, cheesy white vinyl roof, and a a Blaupunkt 8-track tape player. It had a custom Hurst gearshift assembly and you could shift without using the clutch. It was my cousin's first car, he got it brand new, but eventually let it go to shit. Rust on the hood, vinyl peeling, dents all over. It looked like hell but the engine was in perfect shape. I had driven it a few times, and then he lent it to me when my car had to go in the shop. Dropped off my girlfriend in West New York, NJ and was driving home on Tonnelle Ave. At a red light, some hot shot pulls up next to me in a beautiful new Porsche 911 and starts revving the engine like he wants to race. Okay asshole. He's got his girlfriend with him, she was gorgeous, and he was about to be embarrassed. The light changed and he was a little faster off the line, but by the time I shifted into 3rd I could barely see him in the rear-view mirror. Fucking stupid douchebag.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    Hmmmmm, most "fun" cars I've owned / leased regardless of who was in the back....errr, front seat riding next to me: 1972 Monte Carlo, 402 big block / TH400 tranny 1982 Mustang GT, 5.0L V8 / 4 on the floor 1986 Mustang LX, 5.0L V8 / 5 speed manual Police Interceptor notchback 1989 Ford F150, 5.0L V8 / 5 speed manual 4WD regular cab, short bed 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP Coupe, supercharged 3.8L V6 / automatic 2006 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L V6 / Auto, 4WD (of course) 2012 Jeep Liberty, 3.7L V6 / Auto, 4WD 2020 Grand Cherokee, 3.7L V6 / Auto, 4WD.... like driving a 5000# Jeep M1A1
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    ^^ @skibum My first wife had a Daytona Shelby when I first started dating her. I think it was an '86? No shit, that car was fun to drive. It was red with t-tops. We took a trip down to North Carolina one time and I went out to "buy cigarettes." I got on some long country road and pushed that car to the limit. When she asked, "What took you so long?" I said, "Well it shakes a little at about 130 mph."
  • rockie
    3 years ago
    Toyota forever! We’ve owned many for 10 years or more.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Mr Orange - mine was read and gray - just a beautiful car.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    ^^ It had those racing pedals, aluminum with holes, and was fast as hell. Awesome car. I don't know about the quality because we got married, quickly had two kids, and traded it in for a "family car." I should have dumped the wife and kept the car.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    J D Power just issued their annual reliability survey. Biggest surprise is that Honda is near the bottom. Toyota, Lexus, Kia, Hyundai, Genesis near the top.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    w.r.t. EVs, the battery is often the most-important thing - saw this video recently talking about the different types of EV-car-batteries in the works although nothing seems imminent nor a sure-thing but found the info interesting: [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    "... J D Power just issued their annual reliability survey ..." Link?
  • mark94
    3 years ago
  • rockie
    3 years ago
    Minnow: The last Toyota Cressida came out in 1992. I am guessing you might consider the Toyota Avalon among your choices in this ccentury?
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    Oops, it is the Avalon
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    My mom had a Toyota Avalon. Really nice fucking car. Might as well have been a Lexus but for the signage. She had it for about 6 or 7 years, and she died 5 years ago. My son is still driving it today, and it's as good as new.
  • Nidan111
    3 years ago
    I absolutely loved my Chevy VEGA. Best damn car in the world. Can’t beat that Aluminum block!
  • CarlitosPeligro
    3 years ago
    Ive gotten great value out of 2005 and 2009 Acura’s but looking at recent models haven’t been convinced they’re still good value. I sold our 2005 with 150k miles on it because of a move and the wife had tangled it on a fire trucks bumper. The 2009 is up to 185k miles and doing ok. As you might guess the first things to go are the fancy electronics. I’m on my second nav system and my second Bluetooth and need a third of each if I keep this thing. The mechanical systems have been pretty solid and I follow pretty close to recommended maintenance. Very happy with 2017 kia sorrento but only with the biggest v6 they offer. Love my 1998 Jeep Wrangler, but for different reasons and have had to put a crate engine and rebuild the tranny. Next car will likely be Tesla model Y Lexus seem overpriced to me.
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    yugo didnt make JD list
  • WavvyCain
    3 years ago
    Infiniti has never let me down!
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    ^^ Yugo, but you don't come back.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    i have a 1975 vega for sale.
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    i always liked those toaster looking vans = astro/safari , never had one
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    i hope the vega is low mileage lol
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