
TUSCL MEETUP: Me, Minnow and Mikeym Running the Scene in Tampa

I got ‘em. I knew we had to get together for a legendary TUSCL meet up. When Mikeym (Alias: King and Ruler of Clearwater, Florida) tells tales of being wingmen with Papi and Minnow and running the Florida strip club scene I wanted in on some of that action. Curiously though minnow denies all of it, so I’m sure the truth is somewhere in the middle. Regardless the Gods of TUSCL got together to show everyone how to run the scene (AKA get milked for every dollar to our name in mere seconds) There was video of it. Behold.



  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Damn the shorter guy is Papi
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ stop talking about my dick
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    That ain't Minnow, that's Dugan
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    Can’t be Dugan. Remember, he’s too ashamed to meet anyone else in real life.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Muddy. I didn't know you had that kind of rhythm !
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    When muddy gets out of his drunken stupor, he'll come to realize that there's no middle ground in my story. There is ample evidence that mikey m is a delusional old man who hides behind a keyboard to play keyboard warrior. Meetup never occurred, because in a true meetup, all parties are in on it. Otherwise, mikey m is coming off as a liar, or a stalker, or a mixture of the two.
    Muddy, you seem to have visited a lot of clubs in a lot of different cities. You must make a bunch of $$ to be able to do this. I hope you don't rely on income as a podcast producer, because posted video in this thread sucks.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    How could these three guys avoid getting laid?🤣

    And mask up, for God's sake!😷
  • mikeym
    4 years ago
    25 is correct: This is a video that dugan, my favorite astrophysicist, and I made a few years ago as a promotion for how "The System" works. That is why we were not wearing masks. The video was shot as we were cruising down US-19 in Pinellas County. The club scenes were shot in Lollipops in Hudson. I am not sure who the 3rg guy in the video was because I was not a member of Tuscl yet- possibly muddy, pistola, or shanny but definitely not minnow.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    This thread is awesome 😂
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Look wouldn’t it just be much more interesting if we just took Mikey at his word here for the sake of entertainment I’m going with it. I’m all in on this story.

    And all of this brings to mind that they are so many lunatics from Florida. All of you are fucked but I love it. I come down here I kinda seem not that fucked up and I’ll take it.
  • minnow
    4 years ago

    No, it wouldn't, Muddy. What would be interesting is that you ask Papi to explain his side of the story, wrt whether or not he and mikey m clubbed together and "ran the Florida scene." (Btw, a hearty welcome back to Papi.) Then tell me what your judgement is regarding mikey m's claim.

    Muddy, you seem like a guy who likes to indulge in fantasy more than the average guy. Indulging in a little bit of harmless fantasy is ok. Things like posting a YT clip saying "this is how (fill in the blank) spends his time in the club", or even "this is how (these 3 members) road trip MIGHT look like.
    But posting false, inaccurate statements about members, or lending tacit approval of someone making those statements by quoting them is not cool. Less so when done behind Papi's back when you likely knew he wouldn't be responding. (During a time when a "where is Papi" thread had multiple posters confirming his hiatus from tuscl.) Are you going to man up and admit your error in taking mikey at his word, or are you going slink off like a slimy little shit by evading/deflecting the issue ? RE- your earlier "Explain to me what it means to run the scene" thread.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Minny losing his shit over something so minor is changing this thread from “awesome” to “fucking awesome” 🥂

    Guess he doesn’t like being effectively booted out of the “run the scene” club
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Wow minnow! You got to man the fuck up and mind your own business. Muddy is a professional troll and he is moving up and going places around here. If you don't watch your attitude, you will be GO E!!!! GONE!!! GONE!!!

    Signed Mackie! Kang of da trolls!

  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Fuck you Mackie!
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Minnow we’re all just fucking around you gotten lighten the fuck up. You just have to understand, you guys are begging for people to make fun of it. I can’t myself I’m sorry. It’s just right there. Sitting there all easy like.

    And Papi don’t give a fuck. Anyway the new crew is me, Mikeym and Shanny72 your gonna have take a break this weekend it’s for the best. *starts blasting What is Love by Haddaway*
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    That series of SNL sketches were classics but I didn't know that was you guys.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    A few things, spice:

    1) I never considered myself to be in the run the scene club.
    2) I was questioning Muddy about a point he made in earlier thread, not this one.

    You need to stop sucking on the hookah so much, and brush up on your reading comprehension proficiency.

    OK, I'm more convinced that Muddy is a troll who needs additional VIP credit like a fish needs a drink of water. He's giving juice a real run for his money by concocting bullshit reviews and articles. A legend in his own mind. Returning to a good YT clip.......
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    ^^^ minnow, you need to work on your troll comprehension. Your fired!🔥
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Some people are troll illiterate... smh
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Minnow it’s always something that’s bothering you. First off your the straight man if the whole thing, the Dean Martin nobody’s goin after you. Just enjoy it all man and relax there’s some stripper out there sucking your dick. Life is good it ain’t that serious. Not everyone walks around with their panties in a wad...
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    No I will not improve my reading comprehension. If my literacy got too gooder, then the content of a lot of posts on this site (yours included, Minny) would give me a serious migraine, rather than entertainment. Gotta stay at the dumb level to appreciate the dumb 😎
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Why do you guys get so spun up about having a little fun, if this wasn’t a fun hobby why the fuck do y’all spend so much time and money.
    For the record I’d rather laugh a bit, so I got no problem with anyone that needs some, information but when you get a bunch of serious mongers together there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be free to have a bit of good natured fun.
  • mikeym
    4 years ago
    I agree with 25, mack, muddy, and nicespice. Minnow is out of control and should apologize to nicespice or have his IP addresses banned. Founder has a stated goal of making Tuscl more inclusive of and welcome to dancers, and Minnow has seemingly soiled them with harsh and inflammatory rhetoric. For example, Minnow recently downvoted a poignant dancer's review and seemingly targeted her with his evil ways because the reviewer is a dancer: https://tuscl.net/review.php?id=372596

    My gut has been that minnow is a member of the FBI or some quasi governmental organization that is trying to suppress strip clubs by making them seem banal, dull, and hackneyed. For five years, he has only posted reviews for one club, which happens to be the most overpriced, disgusting rip off joint not only in the state of Florida, the continental US, but the entire globe. He acts like a club employee under the brawn of Mr. Trouse who rationalizes the catastrophic misuse of land ROB central club and makes the unsuspecting simps who enter its egress yearn to be anywhere else- I mean even the local watering holes in Sanaa, Yemen, or Kabul, Afghanistan.

    I propose that we form a board of directors comprising an eclectic swath of Tuscl users with an equal composition of the fairer sex such as nicespice and bharlem (https://tuscl.net/member.php?id=689621 ) and to include a fair share of weathered PLs such as myself and 25 and some young bucks suck as mack and muddy. Each board member will receive stock options and or warrants to purchase Tuscl stock. The board of directors will advise the CEO (founder) on pertinent matters and press for urgent matters such as the permanent banishment and expulsion of user minnow. The ultimate goal will be to help Tuscl do an Initial Public Offering (IPO) that will allow Tuscl and its users and share holders to unlock its billion dollar valuation to humanity.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    ^^^ Thank you for your support bro 😎
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Lets do this!
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Not bothered at all, Muddy, just calling it as I see it. I downvoted subject review (as did 2 others) because it came across as a club ad. As you well know, the reviewers identity isn't shown, so I did't know who submitted it when I cast my vote.

    As for humor- I harken back to a long ago zoo trip whereby a masturbating monkey proceeded to take a shit and throw it at people. I picture mikey m as the monkey whenever I read his posts/review tirades. That helps me overlook his delusional vitriol.

  • skibum6o9
    4 years ago
    You're all a bunch of regressive assholes and should be banned.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ LOL
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    "I harken back to a long ago zoo trip whereby a masturbating monkey proceeded to take a shit and throw it at people. I picture mikey m as the monkey whenever I read his posts/review tirades. That helps me overlook his delusional vitriol."

    ^^^ okay boomer

    You are making it clear why the tribunal has spoken and fired you. Keep proving us right... 🤣🤣😂
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Lemme reformat the Bharlem review where we can see if it’s “useful” or “shill”

    (1)Dancers Review....,—>minnow tried to refute mikeym by saying “As you well know, the reviewers identity isn't shown, so I did't know who submitted it when I cast my vote.” LOL what a silly comment, just the label at the beginning was enough to sway Minny’s opinion. Proving mikeyM’s point.

    (2) Since everything is closed in nyc my next option was NJ. —> information about what is open/closed nearby is useful

    (3)Because I have no car, ease of public transportation commute was a big factor. Hi beams is 5 minutes away from the NJ station. It’s located in an industrial area that didn’t feel sketchy. —>information of location is important. Maybe somebody may be interested in using public transit? Or what the general area would be like.

    (4) Because of Covid the only option is day shift. Hi beams is open from 12-10 pm. —>useful post covid update

    (5) The owner Mike is very nice and the bartender was pleasant too. —> I guess this is the part Minny might claim is “ad”? Except for a select few individuals who might be interested in greasing bouncers and stroking managers, this is just simply a minor detail where somebody can put in their personal opinion and would be unlikely to influence your average patron.

    Lots of reviews have personal opinion commentary that gets added in because the writer feels like it. Heck there was one review that was published on the same day as Bharlem’s that minnow described as “masterful” or something that was I think 1/3 or 1/2 personal commentary instead of anything about the club? Since people seemed to enjoy that review, whatever. (Ps not throwing shade at the review, most of us have done personal comments before including me)

    (6) A nice cozy local neighborhood bar feel. —>the adjectives are positive but “neighborhood feel” IS a useful detail. Some seek that kind of thing out specifically and others would know to avoid because “waaah this dancer in a locals club is ignoring me”

    (7) Hi beams has two floors, a lap dance private room on the 2nd floor. —>mentions layout, useful

    (8) I was disappointed to learn the 2nd floor was closed due to Covid restrictions, —> mentions where dances (nornally) takes place. And shared relevant detail that is useful.

    (9)after all I’m a lap dance queen. —> refer to my comment about (5), it fits here too

    (10) Dancers rotate on stage 15-20 minutes sets. —> useful for a patron. Maybe one may use that info to have a drink or use the shitter and time when he may want to tip a stage set.

    (11) I was able to grind on customers on the floor for singles —> mileage noted

    (12) and some were nice enough to slip me $20. But it’s hard work with no private area. FYI if they opened the private area I can see this club being a gold mine. The energy here is amazing, the dancers are lively. It just sucks I didn’t make much money. —> refer to my comment about (5), it fits here too

    (13) A lot of customers brought me drinks. —> some places customers buying dancers drinks is more the norm than others. Good way to increase likelihood of knowing what people will expect.

    (14) A shot was $10. —>even a drink price was mentioned! This passes the Rickster test lol

    (15) If I was a customer I could see how this would be my favorite spot. —> refer to my comment about (5), it fits here too

    (16) Oh and the crowd is very mixed. —> relevant information about club itself

    So out of 16 different sections...three of them are positive stuff about either about the self or the club. In my personal opinion, none really cross the line into “ad” category. The first section provided context in the review for anybody coming in to read. And there are 12 separate instances of actual *details*

    All in all, I agree with mikeym’s opinion that the review was blasted just for being a dancer review. I’ve seen minnow approve other reviews with similar amounts of detail before.

    (Clubber might have rejected it for lack of detail if he had the chance, but in his case, I get the impression he is just a purist for ticking off ALL the guideline checkboxes.)
  • mikeym
    4 years ago
    Clubber knew when it was time to leave, and now it is time for minnow to leave as he has the lowest review approval percentage of anyone on the website- under 25%. He has no business remaining on the website since all he does is repeatedly review the same turd of a ROB rip off joint and reject others' reviews. Now, minnow is insulting bharlem, nicespice, and other women and not offering an apology. This scary fellow stalked me with his array of DMs asking me to eat a steak dinner with him and invariably drove away papi, shurshot, and shanny by sending them unwanted DMs.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Did mikey forget his meds again ? Would you care to show n-spice and b-harlem the disparaging remarks you made about 2001 dancers over the years ? Do you think they'd be favorably impressed with you after seeing them ?
    Fuck off, troll, the last sentence is absolutely untrue.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    ^^^Mikey did not forget his meds. You forgot to forgot to take your anti asshole meds. 🤣😂🤣

    I be by later to dump a load in your basement 💩💩💩
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