
Comments by rl27 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Getting attention from the woman you want
    The way the question was formed, I wonder if your definition of current favorite matches what most of us would consider a current fav. If you mean a dancer you have consistently gotten dances with, or in other words her regular, then you won't have to do much, she'll come to you and ask if you are ready. However if your current fav, is your current dancer infatuation who you may have gotten a few dances from, then that might be your problem. Get up and ask her for a dance. The same goes for a potential favorite. It's not that hard to figure out how a dancer prioritizes who she sees. It's a balance between who she knows is a sure thing, and how much she thinks she can get from each guy. For instance, a guy who typically spends a hundred fifty or more each visit comes in, she will prioritize him over someone she doesn't know who asked her first. Even if he comes off as someone who will get a lot of dances and tip well. Now there are exceptions to this, but more often than not this is what occurs. There are ways around it, such as letting a dancer know you will spend a lot, but even that isn't guaranteed. Dancers get told by many guys they'll spend a lot, and quit after two songs. If all the typical stuff that normally works isn't working, then think about changing things up, such as visit when the club isn't as busy. Try coming in early in her shift, or visit her a day she works that isn't busy. I have found if a dancer regularly works Sundays, then showing up on Sunday helps. A few times it backfired, and usually it's because others of her regulars had the same idea, but more often than not it works.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Worth it
    Desert Scrub must have been sleeping, I thought for sure he would have tagged this one as a Shill Review and Club ad.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    give me all the bacon and eggs you have
    Gets the job done
    Notzuckerberg, that's basically the same as it is with me. Except for a few, I rarely remember the dancer's names at H8 lately.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Clean and classy, but very dull
    X is a strange club. It was good maybe 5 to 10 years ago, but every time I have been there the last few years, it's always been around 8 to 10 dancers, and very few customers, and there would be large periods of no dancer on stage. I would see maybe 2 or 3 dancers sitting with customers, the rest chatting with each other. No one seemed enthused and I would typically leave a half hour later.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discuss this email I received
    What support scrub?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Still looking for an ATF
    Good weekend visits
    I had a similar experience with an ex-FC dancer with FC pricing from a statuesque blonde with large implants named Arie, wanted $300 for minor and $500 all the way, and didn't budge. Thankfully the rest still agreed on $150 to $300 depending on what I wanted with no fuss.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Based in Detroit, Cali born and raised
    A couple visits to LS
    There were several ex Flight Club girls at Landing Strip the last time I was there. Which explains the downturn in hotness at FC, and the upturn at LS. Both visits LS had a higher number of 8's and 9's than FC, and overall just prettier. Unfortunately, most of them are still trying to get FC rates.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Found a gem but said to not disclose her name.
    A dancer at H8 asked you to not name her, yet you named the entire lineup of 8 dancers. Even if I hadn't seen and gotten dances from Nicole, which I have and they are amazing, your description of "easily the best looking among the dancers today" points that it likely is Nicole. Nicole is highly recommended on every review site I know of, and her prices are well known, and exactly what you paid.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Infamous V
    Are pregnant dancers enticing?
    It depends on the dancer. Up until about two and a half months before their due date most dancers can still dance fairly well. Especially if she's one of my favorites, I'll go until the belly gets too big for a comfortable lap dance. Some gals get very horny during their second trimester, and I have had some of the best dances from many dancers while they were pregnant. One of my favorites, who was a strong "all the touching and contact you want, but no extras," gave me my first of many extras with her while she was pregnant. I still to this day remember it. Song started as normal, except when I pushed the boundaries, instead of pushing my hand away she let me continue. I continued to push the boundaries through the first of a three for 50 special, and she kept letting me go. I was having so much fun I went for an additional 4 for 75 special. She was so happy that I was continuing that she starts kissing me and basically making out, and soon we are going to town, all without any prodding on my part. Did that for two more months until she got too big. Showed up about 4 months after giving birth, and stayed just as open to extras. Lasted another two years until she disappeared. Another dancer was the exact opposite. He tits and body was so sensitive that shortly after she started showing I couldn't touch her anywhere, and basically didn't get a dance from her for nearly a year. She made it up to me after she had given birth.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rate this dance -Summer
    Dance looks very good. Not sure how a dance with her would have been normally without the camera crew there. One of my favorites used to dance very much like that including similar sexy talk the first song and a half before we got to the good stuff.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Ohio State Turf causing problems
    OSU's defense sucks this year. I suspect losses at Penn State and Michigan state, along with 2 more loss at least among Rutgers, Purdue, Indiana and Maryland. At least we don't play Wisconsin.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    flight club vs landing strip
    It's not how much a dancer charges in a club that determines how quickly she can make a few thousand. You need to factor in how much of a cut of the dance the club gets, any fees and whether most dancers actually get dances or just go their to watch hot women on stage and maybe BS a bit at the table. Of the two clubs, I typically see the popular dancers getting VIP dances more often at Landing Strip than Flight Club. While dancer's are a bit cheaper at LS compared at FC, it's mostly due to how more friendly and hotter on average at LS lately. Even though FC has more dancers, LS as a whole had a higher percentage of the hottest dancers than FC. I actually saw three dancers at FC who were below the upper tier at Bogarts, while none at LS were under an 7. As for price, don't fall for the gals that tell you it's $300 to $500 minimum for any extras and $1000 all the way. Don't fall into the trap that it's all or nothing. Three of the last four visits at FC I left without getting dances because not one gal wanted less than $500, and as far as I could tell none of them got dances in the entire time I was there. Before I could typically get $150 to $200 minimum and $300 to $500 all the way, at both FC and LS. Each time I left FC without getting a dance, I would head to another club, which was often LS where I spent over $200 each time on dances. You might have a lot of competition from regulars, but if you are reasonable in prices, you'll likely make bank. The last time I was at LS the dancer I got a dance from was quite reasonable for LS. In addition to me, she had gone down three previous times all of whom were obvious regulars, and was heading back down for her 5th VIP dance, as I left a bit under 2 1/2 hours after I entered the club. Two of those times she was down there for over a half hour, for likely at least $400 each, the other guy about 15 minutes. Assuming she got quickies the from me and the guy after me, she sold over $1400 in dances, which including optional tips, stage tips including three idiots making it rain when she was on stage, she likely netted well over $1000 after tip out and the club lap dance cut. An equally hot dancer at FC who held out for the high price, and likely sold maybe one dance for $500,. After tip out, fees and room charges she would be lucky to leave with $200. The last part was actually told to me by the dancer I got a dance from that day, when I mentioned how reasonable she was compared to FC.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How long does it take you to get over a stripper?
    Once the song's over and I am looking for the next dancer.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Last time I will be at FC in a while
    I did some more research on Thai on a few other sites, and several posts and PM's mentioned Thai pulling the same thing on them. Typically ending the dance after four dances, even though she mentions there is no time limit, just getting up and leaving. The DJ calling her to the stage is also recent. The fact that what I assume is a dancer at FC defending her and insulting me, makes me wonder if this is a common scam that is now occurring at FC. If it is them it's a shame, since even though FC has been expensive, it has always been a very well run club. Which is why I specifically mentioned this in a review. Anyone who gets a dance at FC should be very sure of the dancer you choose.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Last time I will be at FC in a while
    Ok here is some more information. "Dancers at the Flight Club pay a $100 fine if they miss their stage show" When did that occur? The dancer being called on stage has happened to me a few times before, but it's rare. Each time the dancer would say something like "don't worry about it the attendant knows I am on stage, and the DJ was likely not informed." And sure enough a new dancer was called. If that's a new rule then another reason for me to miss it. ". And if that was her first session of the night the fine plus her tip out would have put her in the red. Sounds to me like the DJ screwed this one up." She was on stage at least two times, and she came up to me immediately after the third song, we talked a bit for one or two songs and then we went up. Literally everyone knows FC is the most expensive club in Michigan. My attack at him whining over $300 derives from that. If this dumb fuck didn't know FC was so expensive, he should have done more research." I had been to the club many times, and know that FC can be expensive, but have also had some great times there for a very reasonable proce. I was actually planning on agreeing to $300 if she was good, so that's why went up to try a few dances. Her lap dance was good enough that I was actually considering paying for the one dance and the $300 when she offered $200 "for as long as it takes, as long as it's for a half hour" , and I immediately jumped on that offer. In hind sight I should have just left and went on, but she was hot. "She may have been on stage shortly before you guys went up, but how many songs were you there discussing VIP for? And how many stage positions were being run at the time? If the DJ is running three to four stage positions," I probably wasn't clear in the review, but it was three songs, two on the main stage and one on the middle stage. The dance rotation was consistent when she came on stage the second time. So with over 20 dancers, and at most 5 songs from when she started to we went to the VIP, she should have not been back on stage for another 15 songs. "And if getting your rocks off was such a big deal for you, you could have considered paying her skip fee. We don't get automatically skipped on stage for being in VIP." There was no skip fee mentioned. She stopped immediately after her name was called and got dressed. "And you sound somewhat picky (and cheap complaining over $300), so I'm assuming it was probably two songs worth of discussion for you guys to go to VIP. Some dancers and some customers want to use the restroom before heading to VIP as well so I don't know if you guys did that or not." We went strait to VIP, with her practically dragging me up the stair. I had just used the restroom right before she went on stage and she didn't mention having to use it. "did the OP hear the DJ call her name and that it was her turn on stage; or did the dancer just claim she had to leave the room b/c it was her turn on stage?" I heard her name called. "Maybe next time, unless you're still too broke to visit, I suggest being more patient and teleporting straight to vip. It would save you so much time and then you would have far less to bitch and whine about." She stopped by immediately after she got on stage and we talked maybe two songs before heading up.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Where did all the good times go?
    Just like my last experience. Two of the dancers at LS, and one of the prettier gals at Bogarts who I had a fun time with, all used to work at Crikets.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Amazing time at Landing Strip
    It was around 296 $8 valet + $1 tip to valet, $7 drink + $1 tip, $75 + $20 room fees for the dance with Unique, $14 in stage tips, $20 for the room fee for Violet and $150 for the dance Violet. I had an amount set and I stuck to it
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Good but strange experience…….question
    I have had similar happen once with a dancer named Onyx who was my favorite warmup dancer at the time, no extras but always got my juices flowing. One day shortly after I entered she comes up to me and says, "I was hoping you would be here today," and we head to the back for some dances. Right off the bat her dance was a lot more hands on than normal. Second song she starts pulling off my belt, saying it was hard on her butt. Typically this is a move done by all the extras dancers, and I was wondering what was going on. She then asks me, "some dancers were telling me they make a lot more money seeing guys outside the club. Do you ever see girls outside the club?" I go "yeah, but none here so far." She asks me why and I say, "it's a bit of a drive, and most of the dancers come from even farther away than the club." She then says, "I don't think I can do that, even if the money is good," and starts back dancing, and then shortly after she stops again and asks me, "you get extras with Heather and Ivy right?" I answer "yes." She then says, "have you ever thought about extras from me?" I answered, "yes," and she asked, "why haven't you brought it up." I answer back, "because the few times I asked you said you don't do that." She smiles and says, "oh yeah you did." She starts back dancing then starts kissing me deeply, while rubbing her hand on my crotch. Something she has never done, before. Next thing I hear her whisper, "you are my favorite customer, and I was hoping my first time going all the way back here would be with you. How far do you want to go? I know Ivy is here and you typically see her after me, do you want to do some light extras or all the way?" I ask her "seriously?" and she says "yes." I told her that her sucking my dick through my pants always felt nice, and I had always wondered if her pussy was as tight as it looked. She offered a blowjob that day, and maybe next time we could go farther. I ask how much, and she says, "as much as you think it's worth, and if it's as good s Heather or Ivy, then the same you give them." She then unzips me and off she goes. She was a bit awkward, so I gave her about 80% of what I typically gave the others. She hands me back a bit under half of it saying, "that was my first time, and I think I got off as much as you." I saw her a few more times, each at about a 30% discount "because I was her favorite customer." Then a few months later she eventually quit.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Strippers making more $$$ in one night than most people do in a week
    It's not hard on some nights for a dancer to make $500 or more a shift, it's hard to do it consistently. As others have said, many dancers aren't good with money, not to mention the ones dancing to pay for their habbits. I have known a few who danced specifically to either pay for college, or save up lots of money so they didn't have to work later. One of my current favorites who has danced at least 8 years at various clubs, mentioned she would likely retire from dancing sometime early next year. She had finally saved enough money buy the business she and her husband wanted, and was still only dancing to replenished their savings. For every one like her, there are hundreds other who make thousands a week and burn it all up.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Holy Ducking Crap!
    After watching how badly they played against Minnesota the week before, and how the local press was touting how good our quarterback was. Hopefully the current wonderkind QB they have for next year pans out, because Stroud isn't it. Even though he had a lot of yards and touchdowns, he was very inaccurate 48/76 (63% accuracy) 2 INT in two games is bad. Sure he gets lots of yards, but his decision making is horrible. The defense also looked mediocre, had trouble stopping the run giving up 200 yards. I suspected they would get beat, and was actually shocked the game was that close. Two things I can see. OSU needs to get a different defensive coordinator, and a real QC coach.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Nevada Ranches
    I did meet up with a few outside the Ranches. The best was back in 2004 or with a gal from the Chicken Ranch. That happened to be the first visit to CR, and most of the gals that day were 7-9 in looks. The gal I picked was a definite 9. I initially failed getting her to agree on a reasonable rate. No sooner had I left and out comes the Madam asking if I would see her for $300 for 45 minutes, still a bit higher than I wanted but agreed. At one point she mentioned that she danced at Spearmint Rhino in Vegas, and that she was working starting Monday, which was two days later, and to come and see her if I was still in town. I was planning on visiting Olympic Garden, but I decided to try Spearmint instead. Sure enough I got there, git a few very good lap dances from her, and as I left she slipped me her phone number, and I met up with her that night. Next time I visited the Chicken Ranch was 2006, the quality had dropped significantly, hottest was a 7, and most were out of shape 6's.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    1 1/2 months later
    Club update. While the number and quality of dancers had been steadily going up from April to then end of June, the last two visits have been downright disappointing. The number of dancers dropped from nearly 30 dancers, the vast majority of whom were hot, to around 18 dancer on 7/17. Dancer quality took a massive downturn, only five were what I would consider the minimal in looks, and only two of whom I consider getting a dance from. While the club was the most crowded I have seen it, even before the pandemic, the dancer quality was so mediocre that most of the customers, me included, paid more attention to either Game 5 of the NBA finals, or whatever UFC match was on the TV's than watch the dancers on stage.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Climaxing during a lap dance?
    I have had it happen many times over the years, but since I have started going to extras clubs, it's much rarer. I can only recall three who didn't like, one because my dick slipped out of underwear and it leaked through her pants and got her bottoms covered. One hadn't danced very long, maybe three months. She grinded very well and seemed quite surprised that I came, and she said, "Oh my god I can't believe you came," and left quickly after I paid her. The third dancers got a strange look on her face, and said, "I hope you give me a good tip for getting you off." I had actually planned on tipping her quite well, but lowered it significantly due to her sarcastic tone. The rest of the dancers, even if they didn't like it, didn't act like they hated it. In fact many, including my favorites would encourage me to cum. Several had even acted a bit put out if I didn't cum.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Cricket Dayshift
    I haven't had a consistent good time at Criket since 2018. This review sounds about the same as what I encountered during my most recent review. Far too many dancers 6 and below.