Getting attention from the woman you want
How much do you tip and when do you do so to a potential or current fav to make sure you are their priority? I have had a few trips left not seeing the woman I want because they are busy with others. I want to change this but I don't want to under do it or over do it in the money department.
Giving her 2-4 singles vs 2-4 fives, I'd say there's a 50-50 shot she doesn't even notice she got the 5's until she's sorting her money afterwords and at that point doesn't know who they came from or if they were from the same person. On the 50% chance she does notice it's $20 and not $2, if she's with a regular she's not leaving him. Maybe you'll be the next person she approaches after he leaves, but thats about it. Sure, you could start going higher. At $50 or so you'll almost always get a personal thank you after she gets down. If she's with a regular, she'll probably tell you she'll be right back and then go sit back with him. If it's just a potential big payday she's sitting with, you've got a good shot.
My advice, be friendly and honest. Give her any sort of tip & ask her for a dance or to join you, whichever you prefer. If she doesn't come over, move on. Unless you've got money to waste, it's probably not worth trying to out-bid all comers. You'll end up spending a ton and probably only attracting the attention of other dancers who are looking for prey, not customers.
Agree with CMI. You gotta read the room to determine the sweet spot for a given club on that day.
I used to get a hand full of $1s when I arrived at a club. No more.
If I just want to give some attention, I usually drop a 5 or 10.
If I really want a girl to stop by? I walk up during her stage dance and tuck a $20 in her garter or waistband. I'm close to 90% success with this method if it's a dancer I've never met before. The few times this fails? Either they stuck with a regular or its so busy they have multiple generous guys competing for attention.
Keep tipping $1 or $3.... have fun with the second and third tier dancers.
Or, sometimes the regular isn't spending money that night (for whatever reason) and she'll move to you. That also happens.
If she's busy with regulars and not budging, then ask what shifts she usually works or ask if she's got a burner number so that you can plan to meet her when she's available.
Often, though, if a dancer is with a regular, then that's an uphill battle that you have to be prepared to lose. You'll feel better about that dynamic when you're the regular she's sitting with.
Guaranteed 100% success rate
There was actually only one dancer I gave $10 per minute and saw frequently. She would complain it wasn't enough, but wouldn't say how much would be enough. She eventually ditched me, but would not explain why.
Bottom line, there is no answer to this that will apply to all dancers. I decide what it's worth to me, and stick to it. Sometimes that means I will be ignored by or low-priority to certain dancers. But that's pretty much how life works in general, you accept you can't afford everything, or end up broke.
If there's really only one dancer that interests you, maybe you need to consider if you can road trip to other areas with more dancers and better clubs.
Easiest is at stage side. But you can approach anytime she is not with a customer.
Be generous right off, but never act like money buys her or you except her to be subservient. Be open and honest and tell her what you want her to know about yourself, and what you know she will want to know.
More often than not I think she will respond positively.
It's not that hard to figure out how a dancer prioritizes who she sees. It's a balance between who she knows is a sure thing, and how much she thinks she can get from each guy.
For instance, a guy who typically spends a hundred fifty or more each visit comes in, she will prioritize him over someone she doesn't know who asked her first. Even if he comes off as someone who will get a lot of dances and tip well. Now there are exceptions to this, but more often than not this is what occurs. There are ways around it, such as letting a dancer know you will spend a lot, but even that isn't guaranteed. Dancers get told by many guys they'll spend a lot, and quit after two songs.
If all the typical stuff that normally works isn't working, then think about changing things up, such as visit when the club isn't as busy. Try coming in early in her shift, or visit her a day she works that isn't busy. I have found if a dancer regularly works Sundays, then showing up on Sunday helps. A few times it backfired, and usually it's because others of her regulars had the same idea, but more often than not it works.
"Stay away from men you're attracted to. They smell giddy school girl." --Bharlem (dancer).
Just one example of the many non-obvious criteria a dancer may have for which customers she prefers. Maybe you just look like her pedo uncle who use to sneak in the shower on her when she was a kid. You generally can only guess why people do what they do. Guessing quickly turns into brooding, and then resentment and disappointment, not what we go to the club for. Better to find other dancers you also like, and make them aware you want a dance. Dancers who are shy about approaching customers often give the best dances. They know their shyness is a big disadvantage, and in many cases compensate for it by getting extra wild on you in the couch room.
I've got about a 90% success rate if I tip a $20 at the rail and ask her to come see me.
Tipping at the rail while she is on stage is the best way. Eye contact and a charming smile is a close number two. Tipping at the rail can get expensive. I once got into a bidding war with a regular of hers. The funny part is, she did not want to be around him because was a fat, disgusting loser who treated her like property. I still have trouble believing a stripper asked me to stop stage tipping her, because the other guy was giving her $20-$50 in stage tips at a pop to outbid me.
IME the exception to this is a handful of large urban markets where "making it rain" is common. Whether a guy wants to compete with that is entirely his call, but I generally leave the arrows in the quiver for another day. Blowing hundreds on stage tips alone is not my idea of a fun time, at least not anymore. I know that soon enough I'll be back in a saner environment where a $20 is enough to get a gal's attention.
1. Make eye contact and smile 😃 (that works the majority of the time and doesn’t cost you anything)
2. If she’s hanging out with someone, next time she’s on stage Tip, Compliment, Request ( I love your smile, can I get a couple of dances when you’re done?). If she knows you’re interested in more than just shooting the breeze, she’ll decide if it’s worth cutting away from the dude she’s been hanging with.
3. You might have to read the room a bit for this last one, but I literally went up to a guy and told him ‘You’re a lucky man, getting to hang out with the hottest girl in the place!’ The dancer immediately said, ‘Oh I’ll come by and give you a couple of dances!’ She came by and told me she had called her regular and asked him to come in because things were slow. She gladly gave me a few dances, thanked me and went back to her regular.
Point is, make sure she knows you’d like to get a couple dances and see how it goes.
Golly gee you're sooo super right D. He really must have struck a nerve! 😲
Taking a bit less of a Drama Queen view, maybe a handful of folks posting on a strip club forum found a discussion about stage tipping strategies to be interesting? 😉
We're unaccustomed to on-topic threads...
privilege does exist in strip clubs. Not saying it’s right, but it exists.
"How much do you tip and when do you do so to a potential or current fav"
To be a little pedantic, if she's my CF, it means I don't have to tip to compete for her attention. If she's my current fave, I will have texted her in advance to make an appointment, she'll make herself available at that time and we'll hang out together for a few hours -- in other words, I'm the regular you're competing for her attention with 🤣 As a regular, I come in often enough and spend enough each time, that I've earned this treatment from her. Everything I said earlier was for how I get the attention of a stripper I haven't earned any time with yet
Want them to 1. Dress and paint up, 2. To follow your lead, 3. To give up their inputs without reserve.
But this is impossible when guys do not lead.
Just to clarify I am talking about a really hot dancer / very personable who seems to always be busy. Trying to pull her away from the crowds so to say. Her slow days seem to be as busy as a normal dancers busy days.
Don't necessarily give up on her, just don't let your desire for her destroy all the other fun you can have. If you spend money regularly and consistently, a couple of things might happen.
First, you might find someone you *actually* enjoy, which beats *potential* enjoyment any day of the week. My ATF found me this way. She wasn't my first choice; hell, she wasn't event really my type, but turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me in a strip club. Bar none.
Second, when she sees you spending, when she *does* get some down time, she might come see you. A couple of my current favorites are super popular, and basically have their pick of customers. One of them basically told me that she doesn't bother with most guys until she sees them spending regularly, then shoots her shot. She claims she used to waste too much time on "one dance wonders" (her words) that never developed into regular spenders.
But as always, be prepared for disappointment. If I'd turned down my ATF to wait on the one I was *really* after, I'd have lost out big time. Not just because of what we became, but also because the girls in whom I was actually initially interested at the time turned out to be totally uninteresting and not worth even *my* time.