Comments by how (page 46)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How Slutty Is Too Slutty?
    Dang, wallanon. That's not just "slutty," that's criminal...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    You are wise to remain unintimidated by the tactic you described, sexci. Good luck, and welcome!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Consultant
    That's a great plan, motorhead. Meanwhile, I think I'll start a different consulting business, advising customers how to get the most bang for the least buck. Everybody wins!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How Slutty Is Too Slutty?
    Here's a possibility for "too slutty" -- She wants to get nasty with some _other_ guy...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Perfect Gentlemen = PL?
    When she thanks me for being a perfect gentleman after I just came inside her, I don't worry that something went wrong.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How Slutty Is Too Slutty?
    Exactly right, gatorfan. Well said.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How Slutty Is Too Slutty?
    The gal in my example (Miss "Wanna Fuck?") was not just offering a line. When I replied in the affirmative, she took me to a darkened area of the club and rode me as if we were honeymooning.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How Slutty Is Too Slutty?
    Nice smackdown, JJ. I treat ladies as ladies, but I don't mind interacting with the occasional tramp. To me, "slut" is an inherently negative term, and I associate it with "skanky" women who look like they don't take good care of themselves. As an example, one dancer who introduced herself at our first-ever meeting by grabbing my crotch and asking "Wanna fuck?" was such a lovely and well-groomed gal that I never even thought of her as a "slut."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Knowing a dancer.
    I had a friendly relationship (casually dated, but never became intimate) with a lovely gal who also danced. I saw her once at her club, and she said she felt "naked" suddenly since I was there. "You _are_ naked, Sweetheart." "Yes, but these other guys don't mean anything to me." I took that as my cue to exit, but that made me feel kind of nice.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    MG, my "Equal Opportunity" v "Equal Outcome" explanation proved my point, and destroyed yours. Your reply indicates that you lack the basic understanding necessary to communicate on this topic. Peace.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you get any sense that customers are spending less and Dancers are more Despe
    Actually, Steve, it was a personalized message; multiple messages. I quoted the payoff line unedited. Even if it were part of some Stripper Spam via text, that would be another indication of some desperation.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Consultant
    T_Bro, that "payout" line is possibly true at some clubs, but is more likely just a ploy for more $.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you get any sense that customers are spending less and Dancers are more Despe
    Are dancers more desperate? Hard to conclude, but here's some evidence. A dancer I've met only twice, who has provided ultimate mileage without request and at just-dance price, sent me a message asking me to return to her club. As this is anonymous, I'll share the text unedited: "My pussy is very wet and wants your big cock and my mouth wants to drink your milk umum." I could not claim to inspire such expressions of desire in nearly-strangers as a matter of course, so some desperation may be out there.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Another bizarre chapter in my neverending quest for extras
    Dick Johnson is a double-phallic name. As is Peter O'Toole, the renowned actor. And Dr Darby wins the "best response" award for this thread...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    T_Bro be big-pimpin'... j/k
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Another bizarre chapter in my neverending quest for extras
    Yes, chandler, my post here was overly harsh. I suppose Watchman's slam of DJ ("Maybe next time don't be a douche") set me off...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Good idea gone bad? Strip Mob for climate change (video).
    how: "Affirmative action is explicitly in opposition to equal opportunity." MG: "No, it isn' is merely a means to the end of equal opportunity. Someday, it will be unnecessary, but that day has not yet come IMHO." _____________ how: Equal opportunity is the Beginning. Equal outcome is the End. (Relative to your expression "means to the end...") Trying to create equal outcome is chasing the wind, and is wrong for the government to be involved in, regardless. Ensuring equal opportunity is important and I can acknowledge the government's role in that. Affirmative Action in no way limits itself to ensuring equal opportunity, and in fact destroys equal opportunity--explicitly and deliberately.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Rhode Island
    RI prostituion law change
    MG said, "Personally, I'd be more inclined to get the minors out of the strip clubs before I went after any of the 'happy endings' that are going on in any of the clubs or AMPs in RI." For the record: MisterGuy and I agree! Good post, MG.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    Clubber asked, "So you are saying what is tendered makes the difference? I think we both know that when a man takes a woman out, sex is most always an expectation of his." No, it's not so much "what is tendered" as the "directness" of the exchange. If you give a gal a present explicitly in exchange for a negotiated sex act, that is prostitution. But if you pay your girlfriend's phone bill (or even hand her the cash to pay that bill), when you two subsequently have sex, that does not equal prostitution. Otherwise, all sex would be potentially labeled prostitution. That is as ridiculous as the hardcore-feminist claim "all sex is rape."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    Direct payment for sex = prostitution Gratuities not obliging the recipient to repay with sexual favors = not prostitution, but consensual activity
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I missed him, too. And you, jj!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Barney Frank can be as upset as he wants. He is among the top 5 contributors to the destruction of the housing market. He is a worse-than-worthless piece of trash.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    +1 to arbeeguy's comments 7/28/09
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    First, JudyJudy, you need not worry if you are "the quality of girl they are looking for." The qualities you reveal here put you ahead of the pack in most meaningful ways. Second, the attitude you got from those "young hardbodies" is unfortunately prevalent in many clubs. Many dancers take this approach: "You must fail, so that I may succeed." I avoid such people as much as possible. Cheers!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Consultant
    Some great ideas, gk, but #20 would certainly draw adverse attention to your club from the local LE, as someone would claim it is prostitution.