
Is Seeking Dates/Sex from Strippers Unethical/A Bad Idea

Monday, February 27, 2006 7:16 AM
Is it unethical to go to strip clubs with the objective of seeking dates and/or unpaid sex from strippers or waitresses? If it is not unethical is it a bad idea for other reasons? Anyone ever tried going to a strip club and when asked, by strippers, why you were there said "To pickup strippers w/o spending any money on them." How did they react? If it isn't a bad idea how does who go about maximizing ones chance of success when doing it?

1 comment

  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    Is it unethical? I don't think so. Is it a bad idea? I think if you're upfront about it with yourself than no. I think it's unrealistic that you're not going to spend any $$$ at some point and prolly alot of it, if not in the club than outside as you try to show her a decent time (and yourself)
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