How concerned are you about pathogens in a club?

avatar for ClubFan81077
A) Terrified - I start taking precautions when the GPS says I'm within 30 minutes of the club.

B) Moderately concerned - I try to touch as little as possible while in the club, but as long as I have my 68 oz. jug of hand sanitizer, I'll get by.

C) Neutral - a strip club floor doesn't get the benefit of the five-second rule, but other than that, it's all good.

D) Not overly concerned - about half the time, about half of the clubs have soap in the restrooms, so that's good enough for me.

E) Totally unconcerned - if 47 customers were just motor-boated before me, I'm happy to be #48.

When writing this post, I couldn't help but think of the five poetic words someone once said to me... "Let's be careful out there."

Happy hump day everybody! :)


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avatar for funonthaside
4 months ago
Need for pussy trumps concerns over safety....E-V-E-R-Y time.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
E, always E. I am lucky in that nothing bad can ever happen to me so I can live life free from daily concerns. My strip club rule is simple: what's the most I can do without a condom? Then it's all systems go.
avatar for RTP
4 months ago
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
avatar for Dolfan
4 months ago
Probably C. But with elements of B and D.

I do try not to touch things unnecessarily, and I try to avoid touching my face & eyes. I'll generally avoid the club if I've got any little nicks or cuts on my hand that are exposed. I don't carry hand sanitizer, but I do make sure to wash my hands with soap and generally use paper towels to dry.

But, when it comes to touching the girls, I'm not the least bit restrained from grabbing some tits or ass because I'm concerned they may have cooties.

Strip clubs probably aren't anywhere near the dirtiest place I go though. I'm sure plenty of hotels I stay at are much dirtier, and I mostly stay at higher end places for work. Gas stations, grocery stores, etc, are all likely as dirty.
avatar for whodey
4 months ago
I mean I always wear a condom while having sex with strippers, but other than that I am not the least bit concerned about catching anything in the club.
avatar for shailynn
4 months ago
COVID went from - this shit can kill you, to now, it’s just another form of the flu.

Today, the only difference I have than before COVID is my antennas go up a little more if someone’s coughing around me.

It’s crossed my mind to wear a mask on long flights, but I don’t because I don’t want to look like a tool box. Why would I do that? Because I’ve caught COVID twice while on a flight/in an airport.
avatar for shadowcat
4 months ago
At 82 years I'm being held together by 5 doctors and 12 -15 medications a day. I don't follow all of my doctors orders and I have not used a condom since I was a teenager. I know I'm living on borrowed time.
I'm not about to let the fear of another illness stop me from doing what things that I can still do and enjoy.
avatar for Rightfield
4 months ago
Every time I catch myself getting too concerned about germs, I remind myself that the people who give zero thought to germs seem to be no sicker than the germaphobes.

I often find the toilet seats in a hotel room have not been cleaned underneath the seat. My theory is they are usually cleaned by women, and women are not in the habit of lifting the seat. I call that out to the front desk, out of self respect. I don't want to use a dirty toilet if I can help it. But in general, humans are filthy and we have evolved to survive it.

My biggest dilemma would be trying to decide if a blemish on a strange pussy would be cosmetic, or a venereal wart.
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
@skibum - the first E of the thread...I thought you might grab that one... :)

@Dolfan Do they have vaccines for cooties now anyway? I was never really clear on how cooties was transmitted...

@shailynn I'm coughing right now, so keep 6FT away from your screen... :)

@shadowcat Good outlook...sounds like you're still able to have some serious fun!

@Rightfield At least a few times, I've done a little cleaning myself on a supposedly clean hotel room. I haven't had too many problems, but sometimes my cleaning standards seem higher than even some very good hotels...
avatar for rickdugan
4 months ago
Somewhere in between D and E. I don't want to deal with a girl who is obviously sick and definitely don't want to be #48 in the service queue. But otherwise fuck it, lol.
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
@rickdugan Best reply so far...I actually DID laugh out loud on this one. :)
avatar for Icey
4 months ago
I take extra vitamin C. Shower and disinfect my clothes after the club.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
It depends on the club. Why would it be the same in a non extras place compared to an extras factory where every surface is probably covered in syphilis-laden cum?

I average a C/D.
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
Between C & D, I don’t usually think about it unless something or someone skives me, but generally not concerned.
avatar for Dolfan
4 months ago
I don't know the transmission mechanisms for cooties. I think there is a vaccine though, I'm pretty sure I was given the circle circle dot dot shot back in elementary school.
avatar for gSteph
4 months ago
If someone's coughing or looks unwell I'll probably move over there, but that's true most places.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 months ago
Yeah. Somewhere between C & D. I've had guys sit near me who obviously had the flu for a wingman, and I moved as a result.

Strip club is a tough place if you're a germaphobe.
avatar for jaybud999
4 months ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago

I would guess about a hundred different escorts and lap dancers over the years. There was only one time I got sick, and had been in close contact with a sex worker with the sniffles beforehand. I seem to catch contagious diseases less frequently than most. I've read that, unless you've had a lower number of sex partners, even if you haven't had an outbreak, you are probably an asymtomatic carrier of herpes. I only ever did bareback with sex workers for oral.
avatar for PAWG_Patrol
4 months ago

I went clubbing all through 2020. In April, as soon as clubs reopened in Georgia. But I do wash my hands every couple of dances when I think about how many asscheeks I've touched 😂
avatar for Jascoi
4 months ago
I think most of us are Eskimo brothers.
avatar for stripperlover777
4 months ago
☀️ 🚦 When @ Da' Club, Da' Strippers Be Sooooo Hot Dat' It Doesn't Cross Mi Mind!
avatar for sfrsox
4 months ago
Strippers I feel are more hygienic than most women, and certainly more than men. They always seem to go to wash up after I lick their titties, but I could be wrong.

I'm mostly between D and E but try to not use strip club bathrooms in RI/MA. They're much cleaner in FL I've found, and Cheetah's usually gives you alcohol wipes with lunch.
I do hate the bathroom hobbits though, I can use a faucet myself thanks.
avatar for mike710
4 months ago
There was a time when it was considered wise to expose yourself to contagions to make yourself more immune. Parents even used to expose their children to childhood diseases so their children would get it and move on. Right or wrong, that was just the way of thinking.

I work in hospitals and have seen some scary stuff. If you are a patient, you get exposed to some very contagious infections.

That being said, the times I've worked in a doctor's office during flu season, seemed scarier. In hospitals, the contagious patients were usually confined to their beds as they were pretty sick. In a doctor's office, the contagious patients are walking aroud
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
@Puddy Tat whatever category I might have been in before, after reading that really graphic description, I think I'm back to category A

@Call.Me.Ishmael "Strip club is a tough place if you're a germaphobe." Truth...

@PAWG_Patrol Right?!? I mean, touching booty is great and all, but then I have to think about where all that nice booty has been sitting for

@stripperlover777 it is tougher to focus on germs and cleanliness when the eye candy is really abundant... :)

@sfrsox yeah, some club bathrooms are about as appealing as a dirty porta potty in Death Valley in the middle of summer...
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
Seems common that sex workers are OCD clean at home. They force themselves to be tolerant of unhygienic customers for the $. Makes them zealous about cleanliness when they can be.
avatar for JamesSD
4 months ago
Are you talking about the club in general or just general dancer colds and bugs, or STIs?

I would never walk around a strip club barefoot like some dancers do. I wash my hands frequently when I'm there. I do eat at the strip club, the restaurant next door is pretty good and they do wipe down the tables at the club.

During cold and flu season I do think about the fact being in close proximity to multiple girls who are cuddling with dozens of guys a shift probably is exposing me to germs. It's a risk I take for boobs.

Finally, I would never raw dog a sex worker. I view BBBJ as low risk on my end.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
@ClubFan - You ever been to Pleasant Moments Bridgeport? You'll want to shower with bleach after going to one of their VIPs.
avatar for Lurker-X
4 months ago
Never really think about it much so I guess somewhere between C and D. Not E because when I do think about I realize the club isn’t the most sanitary place.
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
@ilbbaicnl I've been to two dancers homes personally, and neither struck me as overly tidy, at least not by my standards! Your experience has been different?

@JamesSD I intentionally left the question open-ended. I mean, I kind of worded it almost as if I was only thinking about germs on surfaces like tables, but some pathogens are much more frightening than others!

@Puddy Tat I have not been there. Do they ever clean the rooms???
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
@CF I'd say about 50% their places looked neat freak clean.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
When I am hosting, the toilet and the bedding are always freshly cleaned. Beyond that, all I could claim is, above average for a straight guy.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
You shouldn't drink alcohol; you shouldn't do drugs; you shouldn't go bareback; you shouldn't drive so fast; you should stop tailgating; why do you have to jump off something to see how long the drop is, can;t you look first; wear a helmet; she's a hookah don't ___, or ______, or ______; look both ways; eat healthy; dont stay up too late....My response? Fuck off; fuck off; fuck off; fuck off; fuck off; fuck off; fuck off; fuck off; fuck off; fuck off. Seriously. Still alive, healthy and active at 67, despite the above.
avatar for JamesSD
4 months ago
I've been in two stripper homes. The one I was paying was spotless. The one I was fucking for free was a fucking mess.
avatar for ClubFan81077
4 months ago
@ilbbaicnl I'd have to do much more research to truly establish any links between stripping and the cleanliness of strippers' homes. If anyone wants to donate funds for such a study, I'm happy to make the sacrifices and do the necessary research... :)

@skibum609 This was just a curiosity thread, not a judgemental one! lol I'm certainly not going to tell anyone how conservative or wild they should be in a club! Okay, I MIGHT raise an eyebrow if I ever see someone raw dogging the club ATM, but considering the fees those things sometimes charge, I'd probably shrug at that too. :)

@JamesSD maybe the former could afford to hire a professional cleaning service? :)
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