How concerned are you about pathogens in a club?
A) Terrified - I start taking precautions when the GPS says I'm within 30 minutes of the club.
B) Moderately concerned - I try to touch as little as possible while in the club, but as long as I have my 68 oz. jug of hand sanitizer, I'll get by.
C) Neutral - a strip club floor doesn't get the benefit of the five-second rule, but other than that, it's all good.
D) Not overly concerned - about half the time, about half of the clubs have soap in the restrooms, so that's good enough for me.
E) Totally unconcerned - if 47 customers were just motor-boated before me, I'm happy to be #48.
When writing this post, I couldn't help but think of the five poetic words someone once said to me... "Let's be careful out there."
Happy hump day everybody! :)
B) Moderately concerned - I try to touch as little as possible while in the club, but as long as I have my 68 oz. jug of hand sanitizer, I'll get by.
C) Neutral - a strip club floor doesn't get the benefit of the five-second rule, but other than that, it's all good.
D) Not overly concerned - about half the time, about half of the clubs have soap in the restrooms, so that's good enough for me.
E) Totally unconcerned - if 47 customers were just motor-boated before me, I'm happy to be #48.
When writing this post, I couldn't help but think of the five poetic words someone once said to me... "Let's be careful out there."
Happy hump day everybody! :)
I do try not to touch things unnecessarily, and I try to avoid touching my face & eyes. I'll generally avoid the club if I've got any little nicks or cuts on my hand that are exposed. I don't carry hand sanitizer, but I do make sure to wash my hands with soap and generally use paper towels to dry.
But, when it comes to touching the girls, I'm not the least bit restrained from grabbing some tits or ass because I'm concerned they may have cooties.
Strip clubs probably aren't anywhere near the dirtiest place I go though. I'm sure plenty of hotels I stay at are much dirtier, and I mostly stay at higher end places for work. Gas stations, grocery stores, etc, are all likely as dirty.
Today, the only difference I have than before COVID is my antennas go up a little more if someone’s coughing around me.
It’s crossed my mind to wear a mask on long flights, but I don’t because I don’t want to look like a tool box. Why would I do that? Because I’ve caught COVID twice while on a flight/in an airport.
I'm not about to let the fear of another illness stop me from doing what things that I can still do and enjoy.
I often find the toilet seats in a hotel room have not been cleaned underneath the seat. My theory is they are usually cleaned by women, and women are not in the habit of lifting the seat. I call that out to the front desk, out of self respect. I don't want to use a dirty toilet if I can help it. But in general, humans are filthy and we have evolved to survive it.
My biggest dilemma would be trying to decide if a blemish on a strange pussy would be cosmetic, or a venereal wart.
@Dolfan Do they have vaccines for cooties now anyway? I was never really clear on how cooties was transmitted...
@shailynn I'm coughing right now, so keep 6FT away from your screen... :)
@shadowcat Good outlook...sounds like you're still able to have some serious fun!
@Rightfield At least a few times, I've done a little cleaning myself on a supposedly clean hotel room. I haven't had too many problems, but sometimes my cleaning standards seem higher than even some very good hotels...
I average a C/D.
If someone's coughing or looks unwell I'll probably move over there, but that's true most places.
Strip club is a tough place if you're a germaphobe.
I would guess about a hundred different escorts and lap dancers over the years. There was only one time I got sick, and had been in close contact with a sex worker with the sniffles beforehand. I seem to catch contagious diseases less frequently than most. I've read that, unless you've had a lower number of sex partners, even if you haven't had an outbreak, you are probably an asymtomatic carrier of herpes. I only ever did bareback with sex workers for oral.
I went clubbing all through 2020. In April, as soon as clubs reopened in Georgia. But I do wash my hands every couple of dances when I think about how many asscheeks I've touched 😂
I'm mostly between D and E but try to not use strip club bathrooms in RI/MA. They're much cleaner in FL I've found, and Cheetah's usually gives you alcohol wipes with lunch.
I do hate the bathroom hobbits though, I can use a faucet myself thanks.
I work in hospitals and have seen some scary stuff. If you are a patient, you get exposed to some very contagious infections.
That being said, the times I've worked in a doctor's office during flu season, seemed scarier. In hospitals, the contagious patients were usually confined to their beds as they were pretty sick. In a doctor's office, the contagious patients are walking aroud
@Call.Me.Ishmael "Strip club is a tough place if you're a germaphobe." Truth...
@PAWG_Patrol Right?!? I mean, touching booty is great and all, but then I have to think about where all that nice booty has been sitting for
@stripperlover777 it is tougher to focus on germs and cleanliness when the eye candy is really abundant... :)
@sfrsox yeah, some club bathrooms are about as appealing as a dirty porta potty in Death Valley in the middle of summer...
I would never walk around a strip club barefoot like some dancers do. I wash my hands frequently when I'm there. I do eat at the strip club, the restaurant next door is pretty good and they do wipe down the tables at the club.
During cold and flu season I do think about the fact being in close proximity to multiple girls who are cuddling with dozens of guys a shift probably is exposing me to germs. It's a risk I take for boobs.
Finally, I would never raw dog a sex worker. I view BBBJ as low risk on my end.
@JamesSD I intentionally left the question open-ended. I mean, I kind of worded it almost as if I was only thinking about germs on surfaces like tables, but some pathogens are much more frightening than others!
@Puddy Tat I have not been there. Do they ever clean the rooms???
@skibum609 This was just a curiosity thread, not a judgemental one! lol I'm certainly not going to tell anyone how conservative or wild they should be in a club! Okay, I MIGHT raise an eyebrow if I ever see someone raw dogging the club ATM, but considering the fees those things sometimes charge, I'd probably shrug at that too. :)
@JamesSD maybe the former could afford to hire a professional cleaning service? :)