Getting Older = No Longer Gving a F

As I get older, I'm realizing I no longer give a F about what people think.
Business woman in short and stockings? Yeah, I stare.
College girl wearing Lululemon? Yeah, I stare.
Ass cheeks peeking out of running shorts? Yeah, I stare.
Want to dress like a whore? Yeah, I'll give you the attention you seek. You're welcome, sweetie pie. Oh, and you look disgusted? Even more reason to look.
last commentEvery year, the more and more I check out of everything. Movies, tv, sports. I hardly give a fuck about any of it anymore.
As far as staring I mean they already they think your a creepy bastard, you might as well just lean into all of it.
They dress provocatively because they want to be stared at. They learn it early when they are teenie boppers.
While I have never given a shit about what other people think, at least since I was 15, I don't stare. It has nothing to do with anything other than my parents raising me to believe it was rude and that even if people want negative attention, it doesn't mean it has to come from me. I do glance, twice if they are super-hot, but quickly and move on.
^ 100% Agreement
You can look and DGAF without acting like some 15 year old acne ridden virgin who sneaks peeks at his older sister in the shower.
Acknowledge. Enjoy a second. Move on.
And if you're gawking at the gym, you aren't working out hard enough.
It’s fine to not give a fuck but no need to be a creep dick. I try to go through life not making other people feel bad. I’m not always successful but I try.
I still try to be discreet checking women out, but have noticed that I find a wider range of women attractive since the hobby has given me a better appreciation for how different body types look undressed (and in action). For me the biggest difference in getting older is I'm more likely to let a woman know I find her attractive the moment I notice.
With dancers that's easier to do because they're expecting to be hit on even in the age of Me Too. Pro tip..."my eyes are up here" also applies even if you're talking to a half naked woman with amazing tits. On the beach and in the club. Yes they're putting them out there but notice if you can show a bit of self-control lol.
I still try not to stare, but when I get caught looking I usually just smirk instead of looking away.
This thread reminds me of the Seinfeld episode about looking at cleavage.
The responses to this thread remind me of something that's happened several times in the last year or so. A cute puppy or a neat looking dog will catch my eye and I will probably smile. Then after a couple of seconds I will look up the leash and there'll be a woman wearing a sports bra and yoga pants giving me a hateful glare. Currently I just shrug it off. If I really didn't give an F I would walk up and say "No, no, you're a 6, it's your dog that's a 10."
They do it because they want the attention. It gives them validation. Whether they think youre creepy or not just depends on whether they think you're attractive or not. The older I get the more I realize everything is so superficial and impulsive. especially with women. All it comes down to is how you make her feel and make her think it's all her idea ...
I stare at dancers on stage. I like when they see me staring and make eye contact. In public, no.
Ive heard that line before, about girls thinking youre creepy or not based on you being attractive, but its not true. Its not based on physical attraction, at least. A good looking guy can quickly become creepy if he behaves improperly and an ugly or old guy can become attractive if he behaves right.
Women get creeped out by ogling, whether the ogler is attractive or not. And we’re in no position to assess whether they choose their attire to invite ogling. While ogling out in the real world is creepy, it’s SOP in the SC and in fact a solid strategy. Sometimes, when I’m out on the street, I have to mentally bitchslap myself to remind myself that I’m not in the club and keep it to a discrete glance or two
Manuellabore. Eye contact wnd appreciation are different from ogling. Ogling like you've never seen a girl before is even bad at the club.
I wonder why so much thought goes into something so basic.
Mr. P, nobody wants anything to do with a pimped out stripper to begin with. No ogling there
“ All it comes down to is how you make her feel and make her think it's all her idea ...”
Thats the exact same thing Icee junkie used to say.. lol
I'm with ski on this one.
I don't give a fuck about what people think, I don't avoid staring because I'm concerned the person I'm staring at or any other observers will think I'm a creep. The subject being attention seeking or not also doesn't play into my decision.
I avoid staring because I feel it's rude and creepy and I don't want to be rude and creepy.
I don’t stare, and I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks.
I thought I didn't give a fuck when I was younger, but it wasn't until I crossed the AARP threshold that I truly realized what not giving a fuck felt like.