
From Honeymoon to Divorce in Hours

Avatar for BabyDoc
BabyDocWayfaring Stranger

I chose not to write this as a drunken rant but now I’m sober and its more of entertainment rather than rant.

Last night I was out with pockets full of money intent on having a good time. After a disappointing start in other locales, I ended up in a strip club where I sat down next to an attractive girl at the bar. We naturally began a conversation and go from “Come here often?” to joking around. She is amiable with a hypnotizing smile and not at all pushy about even bringing up the subject of dances or buying her drinks.

I ask for some dances and we move to a sofa for more comfort and she performs admirably. Sensual and very much hands on. Drinks all around with easy conversation we are both having a uniquely good time. So much so that our strip club romance seems destine for the next level – a strip club marriage. But after more and more dances and drinks our honeymoon phase is clearly waning.

She seems to be losing interest with each successive dance becoming more mechanical and detached than the previous. I spend more money trying to save us but even with the help of the waiter it looks to be beyond repair. She goes from the smitten subservient “whatever you say” girl to a more and more demanding woman. It started slowly at first and its not like she reached the level of a shrew but this was no longer a fun time for me.

These things happen I tell myself and I start thinking about calling it a night. She suddenly senses that she is about to lose her catch of the night and goes straight into insisting that we need to go back to my hotel. It goes from a strong suggestion to an outright demand. She no longer wants to be at work and “WE” need to go fuck. When I balk, she is literally (and I mean literally) begging and fake crying.

At this point it’s a case of have your lawyer call my lawyer, I no longer find you the least bit attractive.


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Avatar for rickdugan

How many dances did you make her do? LOL. Do you think that maybe she just got tired?

Avatar for rickthelion


rick my brother, I suspect she just saw somebody she’d rather be dancing for enter the club. You know, the thing that happens when we enter the club and the girls are al “ooh I wanna dance for a frickin’ rick”. Hell, it could of been me. I was in an alcoholic fog last night and have no idea what I did. ROAR!!!

Avatar for twentyfive

Sort of like when you have that third beer, and it no longer tastes good, right ?

Avatar for rickdugan

It sounds to me like she just got physically and mentally worn out. Tbh I probably wouldn't have made it to that point because, if the rapport was that good, I would have been feeling her out for OTC before she got to that point. Nobody can keep that stuff up forever. Idk BD, I hear what you're saying, but I wonder if you missed out on an even better time last night in your hotel room with a very motivated girl.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Strip club activities aren’t consistently rational. While we say here it’s just about the money, that’s not always true. Add in alcohol, other substances, emotions, multiple personalities and poor decisions and rationality is not a 100% occurrence. Just go with the flow and roll with whatever opportunities are in the club. No good comes from over analyzing it (he posts on a board dedicated to over analyzing strip clubs).

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I talked to a stripper at the Foxy Lady one time who was complaining about a guy who would come in pick a dancer, and buy a lot of lap dances. No VIPs; just lap dances. Apparently, at some point in the double-digits of dances he complained that she was getting boring and doing a lot of the same moves. Even though she was making money, she was getting tired and frustrated and blurted out "If you want interpretive dance and a puppet show, find another girl. I only know so many ways to shake tits and rub your dick." He ended things right there and stormed out.

For what it's worth, she gave very good dances, but I stuck to four. They're not robots (although I'm sure that day is coming...). Customers need to know when to move to the next thing, whether that's finding another dancer ITC, asking about OTC, or just going home.

Avatar for Champphilly

OP has 5 reviews in total, and none of them from US. Those reviews are for clubs in Mexico, El Salvodar, Panama etc. May be those clubs happy ending in hotel is a common thing? OP is just trolling?

Avatar for mark94

It’s fun to pretend that strip club relationships are real. The successful dancers can make you believe that it’s about something other than extracting money from you. But, if you choose to go along with that fantasy for too long, it always ends in disappointment.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s worth it, but you’ve got to accept the fantasy has a “sell by” date. Sometimes the sell by date is measured in number of dances. Sometimes in months. But, it always ends.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Maybe she's really subservient, rather than just faking it. Subservient people are always more or less mental. As are people who like someone being subservient to them.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I guess that TUSCL is one of the few places where posting a thread that's completely on-topic could be considered trolling...

Avatar for BabyDoc

Okay, okay. I appreciate the well-intentioned comments but I’m going to give some background and explanation.

This really wasn’t so much a rant as a bit of tongue-in-cheek frustration on my part. First, I will say that I am not in the States nor was I when my day started at 4 AM with a 3-hour bone jarring ride to the airport and a lot of waiting around in a lot of lines. After arriving here for the first time since “The Troubles” (that is my A-political term for all things coof related – sorry @londonguy for co-opting the term) all I wanted to do was scope things out, have a few beers and be entertained before going to sleep (alone).

The disappointing start to my evening that I mentioned had as much to do with the fact that you can’t swing a dead cat around here without hitting some woman offering sex or some guy offering some woman for sex. STOP BADGERING ME! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE DAMMIT. I can find my own thank you very much and I was too tired to play bouncy-bounce all night to begin with. But I wasn’t too tired to drink some beer and watch and/or play with some boobies until I was ready to go to sleep in a king-sized bed with clean sheets and air-conditioning for the first time in weeks.

As to making her dance too much, uh no. I’m actually not that into dances but I know that dancers are there to make money and until the end of the night when I tip, I just can’t bring myself to be one of those guys who just hands a dancer money. A job earning money is always better than welfare. So, I buy dances often enough to make it worth a girl’s time. Simple as that.

Now I didn’t write this to be an analysis of her business practices. Another thing that I’m not is one of those creepy guys who thinks he can give advice to a dancer on what she should and should not do or wear or whatever to make better money. I think most of the guys and all of the women here know what those individuals are like.

However, the back drop is that the ratio of customers to women was about one customer to six women when I sat down. So, she had the option of going with the flow and entertaining me, which is why I spent so much time with her (I know, I know the fact that I wasn’t looking to get laid is TUSCL sacrilege) or she could kill the goose laying the golden eggs and end up back in the pool with a shit load of competition and no money coming in.

She got tired or bored or whatever. I’m not judging her nor am I punishing her by not returning to rekindle our strip club relationship now that I’m rested. Come to think of it I don't even know her name. Anyways, in whatever circumstances, I am a customer and the choice to make a purchase or not rests with me. If I want what you’re selling at the price you’re asking then we have a deal. If not then no harm no foul.

They say that if you have to explain a joke then it wasn’t funny to begin with. Though my post was not meant to be a joke, having to explain it strikes me the same way.

Avatar for rickdugan

So you ended up in a place where pretty much every guy who goes there is looking for sex, especially those flying solo. She, thinking that she's going to make the big sale, slogs it out for what seems to her like forever while she waits for you to make your move. After all, she simply can't imagine why a guy would just want her to rub on him clothes when he could fuck her.

But as time drags on, she gets frustrated and starts wondering when it's going to happen. Then BD decides he's had enough and its time to leave, at which point it becomes clear that her efforts were all for naught. She's understandably baffled. She's thinking, "Did he find someone else? Did I spend all of that time with him for nothing?" Cue the desperation and "fake" tears.

This shit is just too funny. 😆

Avatar for CJKent_band

Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


Bad Times, Bad Times.

Avatar for BabyDoc

@rickdugan. Thank you for your comment. I always learn soooo much from you.

Avatar for gammanu95

The last comments from RD and BD sum up the problems that guys who prefer mileage to extras run into. We'll throw money at you all night for TNA, and we can keep afford to keep that going longer than she wants to.

I became smitten with new dancer in Lookers. She's a 9, and she's a 9 only because her perfect tits are fake. 6 lap dances later she's soaked with sweat and begging me to take her VIP so she can rest. Nope, I'm here for sensual, not sexual. ATF material, though, she's fucking gorgeous.

Avatar for Studme53

Drugs. She may have needed a bump.

Avatar for rickdugan

@Gam: BD is no babe in the woods. Just by scanning his reviews it's clear that he's used to visiting places where the primary objective for a lot of girls is to sell their asses out the door. His shocked innocent victim act is just that - an act. He was not confused about what she was trying to achieve by spending all that time with him.

I'm not saying that he should have done something that he didn't want to. It seems that in a lot of third world countries it is considered customary for the girl to spend the night and he didn't want that. But he might have done her the courtesy of letting her know, much earlier on, that we wasn't looking for company that night.

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