You need to ask SJG how he set up his firewall, and how he sews peoples asshole shut over the computer. He has access to some advanced technology, i dont think he is kidding about being former military commando
I mean Jimmys got a point. Not all trolls are equal, I like some of the in and out prankster trolls but we all know who we’re talking about and they are not gonna go away if we keep responding. I used to do it but I wised up and used the ignore and haven’t looked back. It’s been great. The seagulls are gonna fly away if folks stop feeding them wonderbread.
I was gonna try to log into my old photobucket account just because I remembered using them to automatically format things like that. The last time I logged in probably 2008-2010 or so…and now it’s a subscription cloud service. Laaaaaaammmee
While I agree "don't feed the trolls" is good advice, unfortunately in the history of the internet I don't think it's ever worked. There are exactly two options: Mod your forum, or have it full of trolls. Hell, some of the guys who complain most about the trolls, are the ones who respond to most of their threads.
For those who don't ignore, how do you even use this site?
The front page, before I log in, is all SJG and Icee posts or replies. Once I log in, all that shit disappears and I can have discourse with people who do more than try to ruin everyone else's good time.
Also depends on how you define trolls. A 6roll isn't someone who doesn't share the views of a clique that tries to dominate the forum. It's those who incessantly attack other members and constantly derail threads with personal attacks
I’m not telling anyone who I consider the trolls are and whether anyone should respond to a particular thread. That’s up to y’all. We’re (mostly) all big boys and girls. Define “trolls” however you want. My advice? request? plea? stands. When some of the real members respond to trolls we get threads with 90% bullshit and 10% value and readers have to comb through the crap to get those kernels of undigested valuable posting corn. I’ve resisted using the ignore to keep picking those corn kernels but not for much longer. JMO. Proceed as you will.
The problem is yhe onea you label "real members" are trolls who attack anyone and any thread they disagree with then harass the op of said thread whenever they post in any thread. Stop being a passive aggressive bitch and just tell them to stop trolling
No you're passive aggressive. Calling people they troll, trolls. You're trying to be a board policeman. So at least be honest about what goes on here. 25 just gave an example of what the problem is
Well if anything, Founder did say in a past thread not too long ago that he was working on something. So maybe when the new site finally comes out they'll be some kind of troll shield.
Muddy, I missed that, but I wonder if you're misinterpreting him, or Nicepsice has the right answer :) Founders own statements always seemed to say that this is more about his notion of what free speech means, than some technical inhibitor . In fact he's given us tools in the past that worked pretty well, decided they constrained speec too much, and removed them again. The content of the forum is more directly related to Founders policies (which as the owner, he of course has every right to make), not some technical issue to be solved, it would be easy to address if he chose to.
And at this point I’d like to see maybe a mod elected like sherif on here. Deputize somebody and have an election every month. I mean when I’m logged out it’s such a shit show. I have ignore and use it but for a new, prospective member it’s gonna be a deterrent.
You're right, he doesn't seem to have been trolling. That said, he's made many, many statements about his policy choices that leave me skeptical that any technical change can be effective without more substantial policy changes... but now I'm definitely hoping for the best!
Muddy, if you want moderation then swallow yer pride and go join up on r/stripclubs. If subra hasn’t banned me yet I doubt you would be either. The best part is you can still hang out on here too while you’re at it.
@icee ‘No you're passive aggressive. Calling people they troll, trolls. You're trying to be a board policeman.’
Actually, I agree with you. The fact that I didn’t name the siracha (sp) Bob/3d eye account as being the straw that pushed me to the point of starting this thread was passive aggressive of me. You’re right. He is now so named.
I maintain my broader point. Everyone should make their own decisions about who they want to respond to. We’ve had a lot of troll posts lately (always?) and I wanted to draw a little attention before I went on a spree of using the ignore button.
As for calling me out for not policing the right wing extremism? Maybe gamma or mark94 or Dave can tell you how right wing I am.
"Hell, some of the guys who complain most about the trolls, are the ones who respond to most of their threads."
See what Subra did there? But McNulty does have a point. When it's obvious a thread has spiraled into spam territory it might be better just to cut it off.
lol... I was genuinely not aiming that comment at JimmyMac. I couldn't aactually name the top perps off the top of my head. But it's always obvious that people pour in to those threads, how many of Icey's have tons of replies from guys complaining about Icey? All of them.
I just want to point out the only reason Subraman is over at Reddit is to 1. Find someone to pick up his soap when he drops it in the San Francisco bathhouses 2. Recruit fat chicks for his silly organization with SJG and 3. Find recipes for his Keto diet.
Some people seem incapable of posting their own stuff. So they engage in rabid trolling to try and force it all down to their level. Shailynn is a prime example of this.
I mean I’m all for free speech, by all means say what you gotta say but I mean once you start projectile vomiting just leave for a little while, cool off, collect yourself and then come back. But how long do we gotta deal with the nonsense. It’s not a left/right it’s just incessant bullshit, we want to attract new contributors not appease these mentally ill lunatics on here.
SJG, I have half a mind to punish shailynn for his insolence by forcing him to accept an invitation to our organization. We'll see who gets the fattest, ghettoist, cellulite-ist laugh.
Thatxguy some people seem to be annoyed at anybody new to the site or strip clubs. Thats the impression im getting, some people will go after anybody new to strip clubs/any new users
on here isn't about political disagreement. It's sickening regardless of where you are on the political spectrum."
You've cried wolf on it too many times. I pride myself on the ability, online and offline, to have reasoned disagreements with people on any side. Yet you called me racist for supporting Ukraine against their invaders, or refusing to call antifa and BLM "civil rights organizations." That is why your cries mean nothing to me.
If you kept it to the real racist talk around here, which occasionally does happen, you might have a point.
Per the original topic, I'll admit I enjoy using the occasional troll as a scratching post and occasionally have taken it too far. But as long as Founder doesn't perma ban them, they can keep coming back under a new name.
He has said under the new site there will be a way to do it, but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm guessing that founder either enjoys the melodrama's that go on here, or he believes the bickering attracts eyeballs to his site, there was a perfect troll defense with the two way block but he wasn't getting enough of what he needed, so he turned it off.
Say what you like the short period that two way block was in effect the site was much better,
25: exactly, that's what I was referring to -- I think the troll thing is very easy to address far more effectively, but that block mechanism at least brought some oases of signal to the desert of all this noise. Which founder couldn't abide, so removed it. He knows this mess isn't bringing more eyeballs to this site, if anything it drives people away. Either it's his principles around free speech on the forum, or he is at a troll level that is so evolved that we cannot possibly understand him 🤣
It’s not my business but I’d monetize what ever I could to drive revenue this has got to be a money loser, at this point I doubt even if he were to bring it under control he’s lost a lot of business and after seeing the kinds of baloney many get away with I’m sure the folks with advertising dollars have made a conscious decision to make sure they don’t get associated with the repulsive idiocy that’s happening here regularly
I hope the anti troll measures are based on some sort of objectivity and not simply a voting process. Some people are massive trolls and go around accusing everyone of being trolls. One example is SJG, ive never seen him troll, he just says things which annoy some people, or for example is against paying for lapdances. That is bound to trigger a strip club website where most of the members are paying for lapdances...
The other hilarious thing is when Icey gets so angry you can tell hes misspelling stuff out of anger. Like he refers to CMI as CIM, and when he keeps posting on a thread calling everyone suck fucks. Hilarious!
"The other hilarious thing is when Icey gets so angry you can tell hes misspelling stuff out of anger"
That's a funny observation, I didn't realize anyone else noticed it. I used to have as my tagline a quote from him where he got so angry at me that he went double-dyslexic: not only misspelled every word but put the words in wrong order 🤣🤣
I detect some jealous disappointment that you see some people getting responses while your trolling is mainly ignored. Yeah in your mentally ill mind it's not that you're an out of touch psycho, everyone else is off.
Icey you only misspell certain things like CIM and suck fucks. When you only misspell those kinds of things it makes it look like youre furiously typing without patience
I was one of the first people who thought he was Dougster when he first showed up. At this point I have no idea anymore, other than that all that original reasoning as to why they might be the same person still stands
Yall do it on purpose. You troll me calling me dougster while not even addressing the fact that sirachabob third eye etc are dougster. Coz some of you were in on getting him back here to post coz you're fucking trolls and get off on this shit
Notice how none of dougsters enablers nicespice sjg cim theosu et al never say anything about dougster third eye . And I get attacked and called dougster when I call dougster out.
Yiu have to be fucking stupid or in on it to not see what's going on
They think calling me dougster will take attention from third eye dougster and that founder will just let dougster keep posting. And that no one will call him out.
Twentyfive, what is the two way block yoi mentioned how does that work?
Twentyfive, its not right to blame founder for this.
He’s given us the privilege of posting here for free, and accessing free strip club details.
The reason trolls continue to post and everything is cause founder believes in the ideals of free speech. Not many people in the US believe in those ideals today, but founder does, hence both trolls an regulars can post. He’s like the captain America of modern times.
^ No, not really. Because when you 'ignore' a frequent poster that "engages" with a lot of other users in a lot of threads, then those threads all read like everyone is talking to imaginary friends. Or, imaginary enemies as the case may be.
In any case, the current "Ignore" feature is great if you hate context.
I agree! That is a very reasonable description. The soft buttery type of dog shit - stuck to the sole of a white tennis shoe - is impossible to remove fully!
Cashman you and the other trolls just trolled me in this thread. You derailed and trolled and called me a troll coz I was there to troll. And if as you admit you do it hoping to bet rid of me. That's just cyber harassment. Go fuck off troll
The mainstream media are the real trolls. A few people trying to counter the MSM bias and lies and educate the public on internet forums should be welcomed by people who value diversity of opinion and alternate views.
The whole idea that a particular forum is about strip clubs, or sports, or cooking, or whatever, so only those topics can be discussed ignores the fact that there are few places for ordinary people to reach others with different perspectives than they get in the MSM.
Off topic discussions of alternative news, suppressed stories, and little publicized facts, allow people to hear things they would otherwise not be exposed to.
Some claim, "but I'm only here to talk about strip clubs." Sure but by the same token people are bombarded by things they aren't interested in everytime they turn on the TV or go to a major corporate website. Public service announcements and other propaganda are constantly shoved in everyone's face by the establishment no matter how much effort one makes to avoid it. Yet the same people who complain about "trolls" seem to have no problem with that. Advertising with unrelated political messages for example doesn't seem to bother them in the least.
Also there are the humorous "trolls" who's goal is to lighten things up and be funny. Humor has been shown in countless studies to improve people's health and well being.
"Trolls" are actually a force for good in society and should be praised not condemned or censored.
"A few people trying to counter the MSM bias and lies and educate the public on internet forums should be welcomed by people who value diversity of opinion and alternate views."
Have you considered that the only thing you're educating anyone on, is the fact that you haven't seen a woman's vagina in 10 years?
If anything if you wanted to advance conservative views you should pull reverse psychology and go for broke on woke shit, like how strip clubs are inherently anti-LGBT.
That's how much influence you have here--negative.
"Cashman you and the other trolls just trolled me in this thread. You derailed and trolled and called me a troll coz I was there to troll. And if as you admit you do it hoping to bet rid of me."
Oh isn't this cute!
My homie iceydougster is losing it, reduced to a babbling idiot lulz.
Icee has gone insane, he recently ordered 100 tacos apparently.
We should all be thankful he doesnt have the military intelligence and weapons that sjg has. Otherwise we would all have our assholes sewn shut by now!
Everyone knows that anyone who regularly seeks sexual gratification by buying dances in strip clubs is pathetic.
But to be a troll on a forum about strip clubs, posing negative meta-narratives about its members, trying to get people to believe nonsense and to keep repeating it, that is a new level of pathetic.
SJG said "Everyone knows that anyone who regularly seeks sexual gratification by buying dances in strip clubs is pathetic."
If everyone knew that, then you wouldn't be here s̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ six days per week solely during library hours posting that rubbish to multiple threads over and over again.
"...trying to get people to believe nonsense and to keep repeating it, that is a new level of pathetic."
That's actually true based on you doing exactly that s̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ six days per week solely during library hours. Also, you've achieved a Jedi-level absence of self-awareness.
SJG: when you say "Everyone knows that anyone who regularly seeks sexual gratification by buying dances in strip clubs is pathetic." you are knowingly antagonizing the many users here who do this, myself included. Troll - 2a: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content.
Since you know that we do this, this antagonism is not only inflammatory (arousing or intended to arouse angry or violent feelings), it is deliberate.
No, a troll is not just someone who is posting a controversial view. A troll is someone who is posting knowing falsehoods just to antagonize and provoke, trying to post stuff because others may likely think it true and keep repeating it.
Calling others "pathetic" is not controversial. It's inflammatory and aggressive. You are entitled to you own definition, but if you want to communicate with the rest of the world, it helps if you use standard definitions.
Actually the trolls are SJG and Iceefag neither one of them even try’s to find common ground, the com on this website and start fights, many of us don’t agree on everything but most of us are able to get along, Iceefag is much worse than SJG because he constantly manipulates him into positions that are fraudulent
If founder had kept Iceefag from coming back the trolling would be less than 25% of what it is.
No, its a minority opinion, but many on TUSCL do know that it is without a doubt true. These members have just been bullied into silence or into just leaving.
Trolling here is centered on making negative meta-narratives about members, trying to attack their f2f live, things which go way beyond the scope of anything they are posting on this board.
A meta-narrative is a conversation about the conversation.
You drewcarey did make a thread for talking about things like Buying Dances and about DFKing. And you contributed some rational posts to it. That is proper, that is how one can have a conversation. People may or may not agree, but there is still likely to be mutual respect.
The trolling on this board consists of people who try to stop conversation by making a conversation about the conversation, and ultimately an attempt to trash other members. Some are so extreme that they dare not use their main handle.
SJG has made threats to exterminate, assassinate, eviscerate, incinerate, and exsanguinate people, yet he talks about "keyboard kowards."
You're the biggest internet tough guy of them all. And I have you on record saying you'll never meet me F2F. And no, I'm not about to tour South Bay public libraries looking for you, so you'll notice I haven't threatened you once.
SJG since when is it your business how another man spends his own money and what activities he enjoys, it’s actually none of your business if you approached any person in a club telling them what to do and how to behave you’d find your commando training useless and you’d get thrown out for harassment, don’t believe me, you should try it sometime. Until you do that shut the fuck up.
Uh SJG if I met you in person I’d call you a pussy and beat your scrawny ass. Nobody is afraid to say anything to your face except maybe the goat on here because he can’t defend himself.
Guys please stop, Shailynn you Sjg Has military intelligence and is the real life punisher right? I dont know who of you would win hand to hand but sjg is heavily armed and has military commando training, thats not someone you want to mess with. Ive pissed my pants reading some of his posts, which ive never done from reading anything online before.
Twentyfive i would advise you to speak to SJG with respect, he has military expertise and can probably track you down easily. You can disagree but its better to do it respectfully, as he could probably easily expose you and all of us and sew our assholes shut.
BigThirdEye is it all about planning. I'd bring a box of aluminum cans and that would distract SJG he'd be looking at all those cans thinking "I could get 80 cents at the recycling plant for those" while I'd bop him on his noggin.
@CMI: LOL. By the way I was thinking about a review I need to write which involves a trip to a local that was frustrated by the presence of a whale. Working through various metaphors and storytelling props, I thought of your screen name. It occurred to me that it is a rather good one!
LMFAO at the lack of troll self awareness. Looking at you iceydodo and san_jose_creep. You both are in every single thread that has trolling. You both love wallowing in it and interaction with trolls. You both contribute to it, just like trolls. 🤭🤡
I post respectful things in response to the OP. I don't go into negative meta-narrative attacking the posters, except for when people are attacking me.
And for those who want only posts from those who live in the same retarded space they do, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms.
^^^thats the thing are we all so sure we aren’t trolls. Maybe I’m a troll I do show up on the ignored list ranking. That being said Icey and SJG are all time faggots and they won’t be topped anytime soon
Yeah respectful like lugnuts, hubcaps, serial killers, richard sex, gnocchi, fiats, bonding and raping women while they sleep, and all sorts of respectful stuff.
@SJG you can't say you're respectful when your initial post in a lot of threads flat out calls people chumps. Like drewcarey already mentioned, that's inflammatory and insulting. I know for myself it's what brings about my non respectful replies to you. We've had threads where we've conversed without the insults, and that was when you didn't start your conversation with that insulting line.
Until YOU are actually able to be respectful, you'll always get the kind of responses we've seen here.
Example #1 - "And for those who want only posts from those who live in the same retarded space they do, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms."
Example #2 - "this is what happens to someone when he goes for years with has asshole sewn shut."
^^^ here are two textbook examples of troll posts, yet san_jose_creep lacks the self awareness that he's contributing to the trolling here.
I do admit that by doing that I'm breaking the spirit of this thread by feeding a troll but it is what it is, everything I've said is true, you are a FUCKING TROLL and a creepy psychotic one at that!
Buying Dances is an idiotic ill fated twist in how McStrip Club arose. Were it not for our extreme commitment to eradicating prostitution, no such clubs would exist. These operators are not challenging these laws, they are profiting from them while hoovering out your wallet.
Buying Dances is a Chump's Game.
My f2f life is extremely well protected by using whatever level of force is indicated.
...and there we have it, your standard response insulting people who buy dances on a website full of PEOPLE WHO BUY DANCES.
Multiple users on this thread have called you out for being inflammatory, yet you persist. The relationship between deliberately inflammatory statements and trolling (per merriam-webster!) has been highlighted, yet you persist. We're literally in a thread about trolling, where multiple posters point out exactly how and where you are trolling, yet you persist! You obviously have the intellect to put this all together, yet you persist.
The simplest explanation is that you're just trying to wind people up. At this point, why would they NOT call you a troll?
Drew, you have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms available to you right now. That seems to be what you want, people who are like minded.
And not everyone on this board buys dances, its just that they have been driven off or into silence by bullying.
And I am not someone who tries to build siege scaffoldings to attack people's f2f lives.
"^ Why don't you find your own stuff to post about, instead of just posting negative meta-narratives?"
^^^ @san_jose_creep Hey dumbass this is a thread about trolling and you just posted examples of it. And I'm highlighting it.
And you could follow your own suggestion, dumbass. You don't need to be posting about how another man is a chump for getting a lapdance. You're a dumbass for not realizing you are being negative towards others by doing that. 🤭🤡🤦🤦🤦
They're like rabid hyenas coming out in packs to harass whoever they dislike. Truth is sjg is a target for his politics. And I'm a target for my politics and calling out others vile behavior. They feign offense. Look at all the disgusting shut that they and others post and no one bats an eye lash.
@SJG: "you have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms available to you right now"
Ok since you're not listening to the here's-how-you're-being-a-troll-and-why-don't-you-stop line of questioning, I'll try another.
What on earth are you talking about when you refer to these "underground circle jerk rooms"? Are these threads or rooms on this board? Or another board? You can't possibly mean an actual physical space.
@icy: "Truth is sjg is a target for his politics. And I'm a target for my politics"
I'll concede this to an extent. This board skews right, and you/sjg are more left. In general, you and I tend to agree on political points, with sjg and I it's a bit more patchy... at times we are very much on the same leftish page, other times we strongly diverge. However, I don't get targeted for this. I do get argued with, esp if I do something wild like share a mediabiasfactcheck link in the political discourse forum, that generated a long thread! But never the personal attacks, and never the "you're a psycho" type allegations. So there is more to it.
I could be wrong, but I think that it's not entirely unreasonable to expect that a person who walks into a forum that often centers on X, and then says "X is for chumps", is going to get a negative reaction. If they persist in this, they cannot rationally be surprised at a persistently negative reaction.
So the question remains: presuming rationality, why do it over and over if not to stir up reactions? The simple explanation is this is Trolling, but I'm certainly open to other ideas.
TUSCL is the only forum that is completely unmoderated that I've ever participated on. And I like it because of that alone. It makes people post differently and with that you get a perspective of humanity and humane nature in general because of it. So I accept that trolling and trolls are inevitable. And rather than ignoring and not feeding it, I try to overfeed and even force feed the trolls with trolling back. And the bigger the troll, the MORE I'll troll them. Until I get bored of it. I don't see trolling ever changing here, so I just take is as the cost of it being an unmoderated forum.
And if I really don't like a post, I just literally ignore it. No button needed!
What would be interesting to me is if it could stay unmoderated, but you'd have to post with a real picture of yourself and with your real name. I'd bet there would be a lot less trolling. LOL and less overall membership and participation.
" Troll - 2a: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content."
^^^@drew I too go by this in determining a troll post. It's interesting that both san_jose_creep and Iceydodo define trolling such that it doesn't include them, but the reality is they both post completely in-line with this definition.
For example san_jose_creep doesn't think calling someone pathetic or a chump is trolling. Same goes for Iceydodo calling OP a passive aggressive bitch or others geriatric tricks. In complete irony, they don't think they are part of the trolling here.
@cash “I’m guessing this discussion had the exact opposite effect than the OP intended.”
I was a bit surprised at how it took off. In retrospect it was pretty naive of me. I’m not naive enough to think we’ll get rid of the trolls. The thread has reminded me that we have a wide range of definitions of ‘trolling’ and that some members are emotionally invested in the subject. IDGAF. I just wanted to read less of the shit I don’t like. Happy ignore button for me.
@drew: it is factually false to state that Icee or SJG are targets because of their politics. I have not ignored them because of their politics. There are plenty of left-wing nut-jobs like Jimmy that I enjoy sparring with. He brings value and intelligent thought to our debates. Hell, sometimes I even almost wonder if there could possibly be a chance that I might not completely dislike him. Icee and SJG only like the sound of their own keyboards and only post to get a reaction out of others. It is doubtful that they believe what they write, but they have no lives and are maladjusted enough that trolling TUSCL is their primary source of entertainment. It is not that they do not care that their posts and nonsense spam up this board and thread, they do care and that is what brings them pleasure.
Don't think that only lefties are trolls. There are plenty of Republican/conservative idiots like Dixie and DaveAnderson on ignore as well. I wouldn't say that this board skews right. We could have that debate endlessly, and I'll be damned if I'm going to post that discussion and have my inbox clogged with 228 replies and counting.
I don't deal with bigots in real life and I'm not humoring bigoted nut jobs like you online. You'd never talk the way you do on here in normal company. I say my peace and you can fuck off. There's no sparring or debating with bigots
A troll is not just someone with some minority opinions, a troll is someone who uses the forum to attack its other members and the privacy of their f2f lives.
And when it comes to defending my f2f life and its privacy, there is only that smell of flesh burning up in the muzzle flash.
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"A troll is not just someone with some minority opinions, a troll is someone who uses the forum to attack its other members and the privacy of their f2f lives."
So you are attempting to make a distinction between a troll and a spammer?
"A 6roll isn't someone who doesn't share the views of a clique that tries to dominate the forum. It's those who incessantly attack other members and constantly derail threads with personal attacks"
... and here is her recent post and personal attack...
@gamma: I don't agree categorically with what you are saying... unless centrism for you is the center of the republican party, there are definitely more skewed-right perspectives here. Left wing views are certainly the target of some less than collegial comments. I seriously doubt that Icy and SJG "have no lives", while the bits of their lives that they share aren't for everyone, they certainly exist.
That all said, I think you and I are making a similar point: however broad the political differences, there is more to certain tusclers getting picked on here than just politics. I'll go further: "trolling" in the merriam-webster sense, is certainly a part of it. Regular inflammatory posts suggest an affinity for the negative reaction. Making the SAME inflammatory post over and over is weird but even more strongly suggests the affinity.
There is no other reasonable motivation that I can think of. It's dictionary definition Trolling, capital T.
BigThirdEye, Icey, and Dougster are all different people.
A troll uses the forum to attack other members and tries to get beyond their online avatar and violate their f2f privacy, and generally tries to run them off of the board. Usually a troll refuses to engage in the conversation at hand, and instead tries to start a meta-conversation, that is a conversation about the conversation, and they do this by attacking other participants. F2f no one would be stupid enough to do this.
A spammer is usually someone posting stuff motivated by commercial gain, advertising.
Minority opinions, so long as they are within the subject realm being discussed are not trolling or spamming.
The way I see it it's a simple equation, we have offensive and inoffensive trolls,
the issue is the offensive ones are also bullies and the majority of our members aren't really the type to be intimidated by a psycho who claims to be starting a sex cult, and a homeless pimp, if either of those two ever actually came face to face with anyone here, they'd soil themselves. I'm bored by both of them, neither one of them have any of the qualities that I'd ever look for in a friend, and truth be told I seriously doubt either one of them have any friends.
@sjg:"A troll uses the forum to attack other members and tries to get beyond their online avatar and violate their f2f privacy, and generally tries to run them off of the board. Usually a troll refuses to engage in the conversation at hand, and instead tries to start a meta-conversation, that is a conversation about the conversation, and they do this by attacking other participants."
...only in the SJG Dictionary. If you're using the same language as the rest of us, it's:
troll noun
Definition of troll
1: a lure or a line with its lure and hook used in trolling
2: a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content
No one except trolls, as I have defined them, are intentionally antagonizing anyone or posting anything inflammatory or irrelevant. As far as offensive, well when you have people who are addicted to the endorphin rush of ejaculation, anything which makes them look silly will offend them. And there isn't anyway of talking about their habitual practice without making them look silly.
And again, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms for people who only live for that endorphin rush.
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Although I completely understand why people put an obnoxious troll on ignore, I always tried for the opposite, like a game. If I could get an obnoxious troll to do that, I "won" my own game.
san_jose_creep, Iceydodo, and Nicole1994 were the three I played this game with and only Nicole1994 was the only one who never put me on ignore.
But all that said, both san_jose_creep and Iceydodo still read and replied to my posts so it didn't matter anyway. 😂🤷
"As far as offensive, well when you have people who are addicted to the endorphin rush of ejaculation, anything which makes them look silly will offend them. And there isn't anyway of talking about their habitual practice without making them look silly."
^^^actually there is a way. But a dumbass might struggle with it. 🤷
Good idea shailynn I'm going to do the same I've become bored with their game, hope at some point founder will smarten up until that time this board will continue to be a shit show, like a psycho circus.
I mean Icee is a retard, I noticed no matter what statement anyone makes he always makes an argument no matter what the statement is. If he acts even the tiniest bit like that IRL then there’s the reason the loser can’t keep a girlfriend.
SJG is truly mentally ill, and there is absolutely no reasoning with that. Feel sorry for his ex wife and kids, that had to be the most horrible of horrible marriages.
Shailynn, if you've got me on ignore I am very happy. And I would still point out that since you seem to want this forum to be limited to idiocy, you might find more of what you want in one of the Underground Circle Jerk Rooms.
Duran Duran -- Come Undone [[ Live Video ]] HD At London
"And I would still point out that since you seem to want this forum to be limited to idiocy, you might find more of what you want in one of the Underground Circle Jerk Rooms."
^^^And I will still point out that this is a troll post per this definition...
"A troll uses the forum to attack other members and ... generally tries to run them off of the board. ... and they do this by attacking other participants. F2f no one would be stupid enough to do this."
SLD, you and Shailynn post all kinds of stuff. I only object when you are trying to attack other members or trying to violate the privacy of their face to face lives.
You two are both keyboard kowards, saying stuff no one could ever say f2f.
I think the reason san_jose_creep is so against lapdances is because it's a defense mechanism protecting him from his traumatic past. I think he once enjoyed them at strip clubs, just like any other PL that clubs. But then he lost everything he had in life - his wife, home, and wealth - from excessive clubbing and getting lapdances. He failed miserably as a PL. And now, instead of acknowledging his own failures as his own, he's developed elaborate theories and excuses for anything BUT he himself as the cause of his own demise in life. These theories to him are absolute truths because otherwise he's his own failure. Getting lapdances is for chumps, his organization, front room making out - these are all just his defense mechanisms that he must hold as absolute "truths".
This is why he's clueless that he trolls others when he calls them chumps for getting lapdances. His psyche won't let him open his mind about them.
You are wrong Tetradon, I engage in reasonable conversation. I only show another side when people try to attack my f2f life and its privacy. With that, I do not compromise.
SJG is doing something phenomenal with the Organization. I haven’t seen any other members on here doing something like this. Id be willing to sew my asshole shut to join, if that’s what it takes!
"And again, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms for people who only live for that endorphin rush."
I think it's telling that san_jose_creep doesn't want to read about another man's enjoyment of a lapdance to the point that he wants to drive them away so the posts are out of sight and mind to him. Again I say it's because he harbors internal guilt and resent for being the same way. And in his case he lost his wife, home, and fortunes because of it. He doesn't like, rather, he hates, the constant reminder on TUSCL of an activity that he's EXTREMELY guilty about.
It's also telling that he calls the VIP and Verified Forums 'Underground Circle Jerk Rooms' out of spite. Especially when they aren't really that different than the Front Room in terms of content. There's maybe just less trolling. His disdain is out of resent that he can't get into them. He'd either have to pay for VIP or write a review - which he can do neither. And for Verified he just needs to submit a picture that proves he's a dude. Again he can't do this. But he does want full access to everything at TUSCL since it is an escape for him. A vacation from his destitute life, if you will. But since he is denied access he resents those areas and calls them names and assumes they are for "chumps" anyway. It's a sour grapes thing with him.
@sirL “san_jose_creep, Iceydodo, and Nicole1994 were the three I played this game with and only Nicole1994 was the only one who never put me on ignore.”
Nicole posted a lot of stuff and her opinions were wacky, but she was attractive and posted nude pics of herself. I’ll take that as a good trade.
@Jimmy she was a pretty girl but a mental wreck (but she knew this too). And out of those three she was the only one that owned and admitted to her trolling. I respected that in the end. And I really tried to break her. Hit her with every troll I had in my arsenal. But she never broke down and put me on ignore. I still don't consider her the queen of trolling but she made a good princess.
And her honesty and self awareness of it is why she was so tough. To me, the easiest troll kryptonite is the literal truth. In order to beat a troll by counter trolling you need to hit them with the brutal truth. It's something that cannot be countered because to do so would make them have to reply illogically or deflect the issue. They end up looking stupid by trying to deny the truth. So if you want to get under a troll's skin, troll them with the irrefutable truth. Best is to find the truth of why they are even posting here to begin with. Find out what motivates them to post. And Nicole never shied away from her true intentions here. That's why she could never be broken. She owned it!
Contrast that to dumbasses san_jose_creep and Iceydodo. They are in complete denial about their trolling. Oblivious actually. Even though it's painfully obvious. It's because their real agendas here are for psychological defense mechanisms that they don't want to admit themselves. Moreover admit it TO themselves.
In san_jose_creep's case he's here to escape from his past and current destitute life. He doesn't want to face it and TUSCL is his escape. Any reminder of it will trigger him to react with violence and attack back at you. Up to and including blocking you.
In Iceydodo's case she's here to boost her own fragile ego because she's secretly remorseful for using and abusing stripper whores. She uses TUSCL to hide from this and tries to turn the table in her head that she's some sort of stripper whore snake charmer. When she cannot refute getting called out for this she either deflects the issue or calls you a troll.
In both of their cases they want to keep up their facade and fantasy here as their defense mechanism/ escape. And so when I exposed them to their truths, they put me on ignore and then played the victim of troll card. OTOH Nicole never shied away from her intentions or dirty secrets.
LOL I always liked her nose and though her face was pretty. But if you analyzed her expressions in detail. There was a deep sadness there.
"In san_jose_creep's case he's here to escape from his past and current destitute life. He doesn't want to face it and TUSCL is his escape. Any reminder of it will trigger him to react with violence and attack back at you. Up to and including blocking you.
In Iceydodo's case she's here to boost her own fragile ego because she's secretly remorseful for using and abusing stripper whores. She uses TUSCL to hide from this and tries to turn the table in her head that she's some sort of stripper whore snake charmer. When she cannot refute getting called out for this she either deflects the issue or calls you a troll."
@Iceydodo Once again and as I predicted you try to deflect the issues from yourself.
Dumbass, I have posted numerous times, consistently, that you are EITHER a woman OR a highly effeminate man. I NEVER have outright claimed that you are a woman.
Get you facts straight, dumbass. Work on your reading comprehension while at it.
Oh and go back to putting me on pretend ignore too. LMFAO!
...all while stewing in your guilt from taking advantage of and using stripper whores for your selfish gain. LULZ. 🤭🤡
@twentyfive see how easy it is? Iceydodo trys to obfuscate, twist, and deflect from the truth and she ends up looking like a dumbass.
But she's not done. She so stupid AND narcissist that she'll either double (and triple and quadruple) on her dumbassery or she will just quit and play the troll victim/ignore card. Rather, the PRETEND ignore card. 🤭🤡
^ I don’t have any idea what she’s said, the sound of one hand clapping is great, in fact Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song about it, it’s called “The Sound of Silence”
Icey you are still misspelling, you referred to subraman as subhuman, among other things you spelled batching instead of bitching. And sometimes you post suck fucks 10 times in a row. With some peoplentypos are due to laziness but the way you do these typos makes it seem you’re furiously smashing away at your phone or keyboard
Icey often posts drunk/high/under the influence of whatever. It clouds her judgement and makes her stupid and careless. It's also why she can't correct her spelling. She's literally slurring her typed words to the point of sometimes being incoherent.
LMFAO and then when she's triggered it always gets worse. She makes even more mistakes. 🤭🤡
Looks like Iceydodo has now changed her name and troll persona to 'biggbubba'.
Seems like she wants to shake her reputation as a pathetic troll and is trying to reset and reinvent herself. I think biggdumbass is her trying to make a mockery of geriatric tricks.
But no, she's not a troll. She's just a victim surrounded and harassed by them. 🤦🤷
Given this evolution of her troll personas I'm pretty sure that she's lost and been heartbroken by many stripper whores to old guys with money. It must drive her crazy at times knowing that when she kisses or fucks her bottom bitch that she's making secondary contact with an old white dude's wrinkled dick.
Eltriste (I mean Iceydodo) you should at least try to type and misspell in a style that's different than Iceydodo. It's so obvious you're her new troll account.
What's interesting is that Eltriste (aka Iceydodo) is trying really hard not to be perceived as troll and will try to appear different than Iceydodo's account.
And now she's trying to run around pointing out how others are being trolls.
In effect, she actually might stop her trolling ways through all this!
But I'm not going to hold my breath. LMFAO trolling is her inner child. 😂
Just learned about the “Ignore” feature. Thankfully that asshole BigThirdEye, SJG, Icey, and several other time wasters won’t grace my browser screen anymore. Carry on gents….
last commentI apologize. I got sucked in. My mistake.
My/our timing of our posts was coincidental. 👍🏼
I might need to visit a support group!
Is there a way to stop feeding the trolls support group?
Resisting the trolls 101?
You’re in luck! There is a support group to improve your willpower. As a bonus, you’ll also grow some nads!
If we stop feeding them they’ll starve, this is America the greatest country in the world, we can afford to feed them a little bit.
You need to ask SJG how he set up his firewall, and how he sews peoples asshole shut over the computer. He has access to some advanced technology, i dont think he is kidding about being former military commando
Ah whoops, didn’t even notice the top part of the image there…discard the caption 😅
^^^ biggest troll on here, the fat guy that claims he’s a stripper!!!!
Spice has superpowers. When did you unlock the ability to embed pictures? That’s some next level shit.
How do you embed pictures?
And just block the trolls but too many on here are just here for drama
I mean Jimmys got a point. Not all trolls are equal, I like some of the in and out prankster trolls but we all know who we’re talking about and they are not gonna go away if we keep responding. I used to do it but I wised up and used the ignore and haven’t looked back. It’s been great. The seagulls are gonna fly away if folks stop feeding them wonderbread.
Some other individuals have already embedded photos on here.
Img src="
Figured it out lulz
I was gonna try to log into my old photobucket account just because I remembered using them to automatically format things like that. The last time I logged in probably 2008-2010 or so…and now it’s a subscription cloud service. Laaaaaaammmee
While I agree "don't feed the trolls" is good advice, unfortunately in the history of the internet I don't think it's ever worked. There are exactly two options: Mod your forum, or have it full of trolls. Hell, some of the guys who complain most about the trolls, are the ones who respond to most of their threads.
For those who don't ignore, how do you even use this site?
The front page, before I log in, is all SJG and Icee posts or replies. Once I log in, all that shit disappears and I can have discourse with people who do more than try to ruin everyone else's good time.
Also depends on how you define trolls. A 6roll isn't someone who doesn't share the views of a clique that tries to dominate the forum. It's those who incessantly attack other members and constantly derail threads with personal attacks
It's also not boreal for someone to spam a sc forum with right wing extremism
I’m not telling anyone who I consider the trolls are and whether anyone should respond to a particular thread. That’s up to y’all. We’re (mostly) all big boys and girls. Define “trolls” however you want. My advice? request? plea? stands. When some of the real members respond to trolls we get threads with 90% bullshit and 10% value and readers have to comb through the crap to get those kernels of undigested valuable posting corn. I’ve resisted using the ignore to keep picking those corn kernels but not for much longer. JMO. Proceed as you will.
The problem is yhe onea you label "real members" are trolls who attack anyone and any thread they disagree with then harass the op of said thread whenever they post in any thread. Stop being a passive aggressive bitch and just tell them to stop trolling
I thought I was being aggressive aggressive? I’m not a board policeman. Fight your own fight.
Iceefag quit your bullshit trolling, you bitchy little cunt.
No you're passive aggressive. Calling people they troll, trolls. You're trying to be a board policeman. So at least be honest about what goes on here. 25 just gave an example of what the problem is
^ I sure did you are the biggest part of the problem you little fucking twat.
If you would have succeeded in killing yourself the board would be 75% less trolling and 90% of the flaming would stop.
Since when are there trolls on TUSCL?
Well if anything, Founder did say in a past thread not too long ago that he was working on something. So maybe when the new site finally comes out they'll be some kind of troll shield.
Or maybe founder was trolling us when he said that 👀
Muddy, I missed that, but I wonder if you're misinterpreting him, or Nicepsice has the right answer :) Founders own statements always seemed to say that this is more about his notion of what free speech means, than some technical inhibitor . In fact he's given us tools in the past that worked pretty well, decided they constrained speec too much, and removed them again. The content of the forum is more directly related to Founders policies (which as the owner, he of course has every right to make), not some technical issue to be solved, it would be easy to address if he chose to.
Well it didn’t seem like it he was being sarcastic at the time but maybe. And it was in one of my threads so I remember /discussion.php
And at this point I’d like to see maybe a mod elected like sherif on here. Deputize somebody and have an election every month. I mean when I’m logged out it’s such a shit show. I have ignore and use it but for a new, prospective member it’s gonna be a deterrent.
OP, that’s like telling
People to stop being racist. It’s always going to happen. It’s just how are you going f to deal with it?
You're right, he doesn't seem to have been trolling. That said, he's made many, many statements about his policy choices that leave me skeptical that any technical change can be effective without more substantial policy changes... but now I'm definitely hoping for the best!
The ignore feature is enough. The only thing I'd change is to prevent blocked members from posting on your threads.
Muddy, if you want moderation then swallow yer pride and go join up on r/stripclubs. If subra hasn’t banned me yet I doubt you would be either. The best part is you can still hang out on here too while you’re at it.
I will feed you some Duck Sausage Jimmy 😜
@icee ‘No you're passive aggressive. Calling people they troll, trolls. You're trying to be a board policeman.’
Actually, I agree with you. The fact that I didn’t name the siracha (sp) Bob/3d eye account as being the straw that pushed me to the point of starting this thread was passive aggressive of me. You’re right. He is now so named.
I maintain my broader point. Everyone should make their own decisions about who they want to respond to. We’ve had a lot of troll posts lately (always?) and I wanted to draw a little attention before I went on a spree of using the ignore button.
As for calling me out for not policing the right wing extremism? Maybe gamma or mark94 or Dave can tell you how right wing I am.
I don't think we need heavy moderation just enforce the few rules that are common sense, and don't keep allowing banned members to rejoin.
OP's definition of "right wing extremism" is anything from the center of the Democratic party on rightward.
Anyone who wants political debates policed to that standard, go to DailyKos or if of the opposite persuasion, Breitbart.
Otherwise put on your big boy pants and learn how to fucking deal with being disagreed with on the internet.
"Hell, some of the guys who complain most about the trolls, are the ones who respond to most of their threads."
See what Subra did there? But McNulty does have a point. When it's obvious a thread has spiraled into spam territory it might be better just to cut it off.
^ Oops, not OP. Wrong thread. That's Icee with the out there definitions of extremism.
^ My bad Jimmy, not you
"See what Subra did there?"
lol... I was genuinely not aiming that comment at JimmyMac. I couldn't aactually name the top perps off the top of my head. But it's always obvious that people pour in to those threads, how many of Icey's have tons of replies from guys complaining about Icey? All of them.
Tetradon the constant racism and classic
on here isn't about political disagreement. It's sickening regardless of where you are on the political spectrum.
Jimmy yeah cacaplop and sirachabob/dougster were the ones to finally get me to start blocking too
Subhuman you mean how many of the trolls troll my threads
I just want to point out the only reason Subraman is over at Reddit is to 1. Find someone to pick up his soap when he drops it in the San Francisco bathhouses 2. Recruit fat chicks for his silly organization with SJG and 3. Find recipes for his Keto diet.
Ivey who is that in the pic u posted, amazing!
Some people seem incapable of posting their own stuff. So they engage in rabid trolling to try and force it all down to their level. Shailynn is a prime example of this.
Thatxguy, me and SJG are not trolls.
At best you could argue we are annoying or something
I dont know it you understand what trolling is...
and i havent seen anyone named randy peel
You shouldn’t take life so seriously mate...
SJG and shailynn, Subraman is part of SJGs organization? I didnt know about this
I mean I’m all for free speech, by all means say what you gotta say but I mean once you start projectile vomiting just leave for a little while, cool off, collect yourself and then come back. But how long do we gotta deal with the nonsense. It’s not a left/right it’s just incessant bullshit, we want to attract new contributors not appease these mentally ill lunatics on here.
SJG, I have half a mind to punish shailynn for his insolence by forcing him to accept an invitation to our organization. We'll see who gets the fattest, ghettoist, cellulite-ist laugh.
Thatxguy some people seem to be annoyed at anybody new to the site or strip clubs. Thats the impression im getting, some people will go after anybody new to strip clubs/any new users
"Tetradon the constant racism and classic
on here isn't about political disagreement. It's sickening regardless of where you are on the political spectrum."
You've cried wolf on it too many times. I pride myself on the ability, online and offline, to have reasoned disagreements with people on any side. Yet you called me racist for supporting Ukraine against their invaders, or refusing to call antifa and BLM "civil rights organizations." That is why your cries mean nothing to me.
If you kept it to the real racist talk around here, which occasionally does happen, you might have a point.
Until then, I say develop a thicker skin.
Per the original topic, I'll admit I enjoy using the occasional troll as a scratching post and occasionally have taken it too far. But as long as Founder doesn't perma ban them, they can keep coming back under a new name.
He has said under the new site there will be a way to do it, but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm guessing that founder either enjoys the melodrama's that go on here, or he believes the bickering attracts eyeballs to his site, there was a perfect troll defense with the two way block but he wasn't getting enough of what he needed, so he turned it off.
Say what you like the short period that two way block was in effect the site was much better,
^ Likes his own posts. Enough said.
The irony is strong in this thread.
CMI: makes you wonder exactly who will remain and who disappears when founder does his Thanos troll snap! lol
25: exactly, that's what I was referring to -- I think the troll thing is very easy to address far more effectively, but that block mechanism at least brought some oases of signal to the desert of all this noise. Which founder couldn't abide, so removed it. He knows this mess isn't bringing more eyeballs to this site, if anything it drives people away. Either it's his principles around free speech on the forum, or he is at a troll level that is so evolved that we cannot possibly understand him 🤣
First LOL
It’s not my business but I’d monetize what ever I could to drive revenue this has got to be a money loser, at this point I doubt even if he were to bring it under control he’s lost a lot of business and after seeing the kinds of baloney many get away with I’m sure the folks with advertising dollars have made a conscious decision to make sure they don’t get associated with the repulsive idiocy that’s happening here regularly
Written post: "I don't like you, because you're a troll." Poster's thought: " I disagree with what you believe, so you are a troll."
Kindergarten debate. "I'm not triggered, you're triggered." = "I'm not a troll, you're a troll."
I hope the anti troll measures are based on some sort of objectivity and not simply a voting process. Some people are massive trolls and go around accusing everyone of being trolls. One example is SJG, ive never seen him troll, he just says things which annoy some people, or for example is against paying for lapdances. That is bound to trigger a strip club website where most of the members are paying for lapdances...
That call me assmail name is hilarious
The other hilarious thing is when Icey gets so angry you can tell hes misspelling stuff out of anger. Like he refers to CMI as CIM, and when he keeps posting on a thread calling everyone suck fucks. Hilarious!
As per usual. See what the trolls did to the thread.
But of course troll enablers will blame the victims of said trolls for being trolled.
My homie iceydougster, nigga how can you even see this thread, don't you have everyone on ignore? Lulz
I da kang of da trolls and I eat good!!! Keep up da good work tuscl.
I work for food!!!
Macktruck posted, and that was all that was needed. Somebody lock the thread now
"The other hilarious thing is when Icey gets so angry you can tell hes misspelling stuff out of anger"
That's a funny observation, I didn't realize anyone else noticed it. I used to have as my tagline a quote from him where he got so angry at me that he went double-dyslexic: not only misspelled every word but put the words in wrong order 🤣🤣
Dougster did that too,hint
"Macktruck posted, and that was all that was needed. Somebody lock the thread now"
^^^^ dammit spice! Noooooooo Troll Loves Matter TLM
Jimmy sucks at trollin
I noticed that shit too but I don't like to disclose "Tells" I prefer to keep them for my own ammunition.
No way MackTruck, I da kang of trolls! Better than da juice mane, rip.
Dear troll
I don't misspell out if anger. I use my phone and don't bother fixing it if i mess up or it changes things
And if I'm high. Legally on weed things happen when I type lulz
And it's funny af how despite bitching so much about sirachabob/thirdeye/dougster they try to protect him on yhe board so bad
^ Fucking amazing what a stupid stiff you are, you never do anything rong, not even make a typo, you are the sickest fuck here GTFOH
Some people listen to the idiotic stuff that a few trolls are posting, and the take it as plausible reality. So they continue repeating it.
I detect some jealous disappointment that you see some people getting responses while your trolling is mainly ignored. Yeah in your mentally ill mind it's not that you're an out of touch psycho, everyone else is off.
Icey youre the only person saying im dougster, and some people say youre dougster
Which post were you referring to that was defending me?
Icey you only misspell certain things like CIM and suck fucks. When you only misspell those kinds of things it makes it look like youre furiously typing without patience
Da Jimmy Gasman thinks he is a troll! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 NO WAYYYY! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂
Hay JimmyMcnut how is da thread going so far
"Dougster did that too,hint"
I was one of the first people who thought he was Dougster when he first showed up. At this point I have no idea anymore, other than that all that original reasoning as to why they might be the same person still stands
What's the fastest TUSCL thread ever to get to 100 posts? Will this one be it?
Subraman who did you think was dougster
Yall do it on purpose. You troll me calling me dougster while not even addressing the fact that sirachabob third eye etc are dougster. Coz some of you were in on getting him back here to post coz you're fucking trolls and get off on this shit
Admit it, you are dougster!
Post #100 ta daaaa
Icey you are dougster, dont accuse others! Please, have some honesty
And you're icey too, AKA another dougster alias!
He created you to take the heat off his icey moniker, lulz
It's hilarious that this whole thread is basically all the trolls trolling me. And I'm called a troll 🤡🤣🤣🤣😭😭
My homie iceydougster, did the ignore function break or are you just admitting that I'm still ya nigga? lulz
All the trolls do is keep proving me right
Before dougster got deleted last time theosu also spammed the threads where I called dougster out. Calling me dougster
Notice how none of dougsters enablers nicespice sjg cim theosu et al never say anything about dougster third eye . And I get attacked and called dougster when I call dougster out.
Yiu have to be fucking stupid or in on it to not see what's going on
Not true but go ahead and be you homie, we like laughing at clowns, lulz
They think calling me dougster will take attention from third eye dougster and that founder will just let dougster keep posting. And that no one will call him out.
And my point keeps getting proven.
iceydougster just be you homie, tuscl's official..
Twentyfive, what is the two way block yoi mentioned how does that work?
Twentyfive, its not right to blame founder for this.
He’s given us the privilege of posting here for free, and accessing free strip club details.
The reason trolls continue to post and everything is cause founder believes in the ideals of free speech. Not many people in the US believe in those ideals today, but founder does, hence both trolls an regulars can post. He’s like the captain America of modern times.
Icey you have to restrain yourself, you typed you as yiu, cause you were typing too quickly and angrily I guess...
Icee is what we call in the real world someone who is easily triggered.
I will help you nut Mr McNulty 😜
Well, this went about as well as could be expected.
Ha. I wonder if I put my own thread on ignore if I’ll just vanish?
When you complain about "trolling", which you can solve on here wit the ignore button, isn't that trolling? Meta, as drewcarey would say.
^ No, not really. Because when you 'ignore' a frequent poster that "engages" with a lot of other users in a lot of threads, then those threads all read like everyone is talking to imaginary friends. Or, imaginary enemies as the case may be.
In any case, the current "Ignore" feature is great if you hate context.
<img src=/photo.php
Fuck. Tried to embed an image. Fail.
^^^how is your thread going Jimmy? Looks like you may be able to get some OTC out of it...
The trolls just did what they do to most threads.
I still have 2-50 pound sacks of troll kibble left
A riddle for y'all
What's more popular Iceefag or Herpes ?
I think Herpes is more popular - although Herpes hasn’t posted here in quite a long time…
A follow up question -
What is easier to get rid of - Icee or Herpes? The answer might be surprising!
^ Probably Herpes Iceefag is like dogshit stuck on your shoe
I agree! That is a very reasonable description. The soft buttery type of dog shit - stuck to the sole of a white tennis shoe - is impossible to remove fully!
Cashman you and the other trolls just trolled me in this thread. You derailed and trolled and called me a troll coz I was there to troll. And if as you admit you do it hoping to bet rid of me. That's just cyber harassment. Go fuck off troll
Icee - I see your boyfriend has an account here.
Cute photo of you two! I like that fancy new cell phone he has!
^ You’re being trolled because you love to dish it out but cry like a little bitch when it comes back on you
Cashman you could easily ignore me. But you're just here to troll. At least 20fags alcoholic ass admits to being a troll and to yountrolling me
You should calm down Icee. You have heart issues already, and getting yourself all worked up over the comments from a geriatric trick is not helping.
I’m just having some silly fun - that’s all.
You're a fucking troll.
Icey you should show some more respect to people like 25 and cashman
For starters they’re elderly men so its not the same if you insult them vs theu insult you
They post a lot of advice and reviews on the website. You mostly troll and post lulz
Icee how did you treat your grandpa? You insulted him, told him hes a suck fuck and lulzed at him?
Icee you accused cashman of cyber harassment
Hilarious! I cant believe it
You have all these old men schooling you, teaching manners!
The mainstream media are the real trolls. A few people trying to counter the MSM bias and lies and educate the public on internet forums should be welcomed by people who value diversity of opinion and alternate views.
The whole idea that a particular forum is about strip clubs, or sports, or cooking, or whatever, so only those topics can be discussed ignores the fact that there are few places for ordinary people to reach others with different perspectives than they get in the MSM.
Off topic discussions of alternative news, suppressed stories, and little publicized facts, allow people to hear things they would otherwise not be exposed to.
Some claim, "but I'm only here to talk about strip clubs." Sure but by the same token people are bombarded by things they aren't interested in everytime they turn on the TV or go to a major corporate website. Public service announcements and other propaganda are constantly shoved in everyone's face by the establishment no matter how much effort one makes to avoid it. Yet the same people who complain about "trolls" seem to have no problem with that. Advertising with unrelated political messages for example doesn't seem to bother them in the least.
Also there are the humorous "trolls" who's goal is to lighten things up and be funny. Humor has been shown in countless studies to improve people's health and well being.
"Trolls" are actually a force for good in society and should be praised not condemned or censored.
"A few people trying to counter the MSM bias and lies and educate the public on internet forums should be welcomed by people who value diversity of opinion and alternate views."
Have you considered that the only thing you're educating anyone on, is the fact that you haven't seen a woman's vagina in 10 years?
If anything if you wanted to advance conservative views you should pull reverse psychology and go for broke on woke shit, like how strip clubs are inherently anti-LGBT.
That's how much influence you have here--negative.
"Cashman you and the other trolls just trolled me in this thread. You derailed and trolled and called me a troll coz I was there to troll. And if as you admit you do it hoping to bet rid of me."
Oh isn't this cute!
My homie iceydougster is losing it, reduced to a babbling idiot lulz.
I think creating a post with the word “troll” in it increases the probability of trolling on that thread by 10,000%
Icee has gone insane, he recently ordered 100 tacos apparently.
We should all be thankful he doesnt have the military intelligence and weapons that sjg has. Otherwise we would all have our assholes sewn shut by now!
This board is being blockaded by trolls.
Everyone knows that anyone who regularly seeks sexual gratification by buying dances in strip clubs is pathetic.
But to be a troll on a forum about strip clubs, posing negative meta-narratives about its members, trying to get people to believe nonsense and to keep repeating it, that is a new level of pathetic.
SJG said "Everyone knows that anyone who regularly seeks sexual gratification by buying dances in strip clubs is pathetic."
If everyone knew that, then you wouldn't be here s̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ six days per week solely during library hours posting that rubbish to multiple threads over and over again.
"...trying to get people to believe nonsense and to keep repeating it, that is a new level of pathetic."
That's actually true based on you doing exactly that s̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ six days per week solely during library hours. Also, you've achieved a Jedi-level absence of self-awareness.
CMI, you are one of the worst trolls on this board. You post nothing of your own, just negative meta-narraitive attacks on other members.
Get your sorry ass to the Underground Circle Jerk Room!
SJG: when you say "Everyone knows that anyone who regularly seeks sexual gratification by buying dances in strip clubs is pathetic." you are knowingly antagonizing the many users here who do this, myself included. Troll - 2a: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content.
Since you know that we do this, this antagonism is not only inflammatory (arousing or intended to arouse angry or violent feelings), it is deliberate.
This is trolling behavior. Text. Book.
No, a troll is not just someone who is posting a controversial view. A troll is someone who is posting knowing falsehoods just to antagonize and provoke, trying to post stuff because others may likely think it true and keep repeating it.
Calling others "pathetic" is not controversial. It's inflammatory and aggressive. You are entitled to you own definition, but if you want to communicate with the rest of the world, it helps if you use standard definitions.
Actually the trolls are SJG and Iceefag neither one of them even try’s to find common ground, the com on this website and start fights, many of us don’t agree on everything but most of us are able to get along, Iceefag is much worse than SJG because he constantly manipulates him into positions that are fraudulent
If founder had kept Iceefag from coming back the trolling would be less than 25% of what it is.
No, its a minority opinion, but many on TUSCL do know that it is without a doubt true. These members have just been bullied into silence or into just leaving.
Trolling here is centered on making negative meta-narratives about members, trying to attack their f2f live, things which go way beyond the scope of anything they are posting on this board.
A meta-narrative is a conversation about the conversation.
You drewcarey did make a thread for talking about things like Buying Dances and about DFKing. And you contributed some rational posts to it. That is proper, that is how one can have a conversation. People may or may not agree, but there is still likely to be mutual respect.
The trolling on this board consists of people who try to stop conversation by making a conversation about the conversation, and ultimately an attempt to trash other members. Some are so extreme that they dare not use their main handle.
^^^ And these people are Keyboard Kowards, taking advantage of this online medium to say belligerent things they would never say f2f.
^^ project much?
SJG has made threats to exterminate, assassinate, eviscerate, incinerate, and exsanguinate people, yet he talks about "keyboard kowards."
You're the biggest internet tough guy of them all. And I have you on record saying you'll never meet me F2F. And no, I'm not about to tour South Bay public libraries looking for you, so you'll notice I haven't threatened you once.
SJG since when is it your business how another man spends his own money and what activities he enjoys, it’s actually none of your business if you approached any person in a club telling them what to do and how to behave you’d find your commando training useless and you’d get thrown out for harassment, don’t believe me, you should try it sometime. Until you do that shut the fuck up.
Uh SJG if I met you in person I’d call you a pussy and beat your scrawny ass. Nobody is afraid to say anything to your face except maybe the goat on here because he can’t defend himself.
Guys please stop, Shailynn you Sjg Has military intelligence and is the real life punisher right? I dont know who of you would win hand to hand but sjg is heavily armed and has military commando training, thats not someone you want to mess with. Ive pissed my pants reading some of his posts, which ive never done from reading anything online before.
Twentyfive i would advise you to speak to SJG with respect, he has military expertise and can probably track you down easily. You can disagree but its better to do it respectfully, as he could probably easily expose you and all of us and sew our assholes shut.
BigThirdEye is it all about planning. I'd bring a box of aluminum cans and that would distract SJG he'd be looking at all those cans thinking "I could get 80 cents at the recycling plant for those" while I'd bop him on his noggin.
The biggest internet tough guy here is 20fags alcoholic ass
The biggest loser IRL, or on the internet is Iceefag
20fag be like ...nothing like that first drink at 5am
@sjg: “ No, its a minority opinion,”
Minority or not, it’s deliberate and inflammatory. Thus, trolling.
Serious question: why do you think these guys pick on you so much?
Iceefag I wouldn’t know, BTW how’s that meth habit working out for you, seems like you’re posting around the clock,
You know I don’t like you and I know you don’t like yourself.
They pick on sjg coz of his politics. If he was posting racist and right wing bs they'd support his trolling as they do with other trolls
^You’ve picked on SJG yourself so shut the fuck up, you’re a fuckn liar and a troll.
And this is how Jimmy bought himself a lifetime of emailed response notifications via one TUSCL thread.
@CMI: LOL. By the way I was thinking about a review I need to write which involves a trip to a local that was frustrated by the presence of a whale. Working through various metaphors and storytelling props, I thought of your screen name. It occurred to me that it is a rather good one!
LMFAO at the lack of troll self awareness. Looking at you iceydodo and san_jose_creep. You both are in every single thread that has trolling. You both love wallowing in it and interaction with trolls. You both contribute to it, just like trolls. 🤭🤡
I post respectful things in response to the OP. I don't go into negative meta-narrative attacking the posters, except for when people are attacking me.
And for those who want only posts from those who live in the same retarded space they do, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms.
^^^thats the thing are we all so sure we aren’t trolls. Maybe I’m a troll I do show up on the ignored list ranking. That being said Icey and SJG are all time faggots and they won’t be topped anytime soon
Yeah respectful like lugnuts, hubcaps, serial killers, richard sex, gnocchi, fiats, bonding and raping women while they sleep, and all sorts of respectful stuff.
^ this is what happens to someone when he goes for years with has asshole sewn shut.
This is the kind of self thought snappy response you get from a mentally ill psychotic creep with a stranger's ass to his mouth fetish!
@SJG you can't say you're respectful when your initial post in a lot of threads flat out calls people chumps. Like drewcarey already mentioned, that's inflammatory and insulting. I know for myself it's what brings about my non respectful replies to you. We've had threads where we've conversed without the insults, and that was when you didn't start your conversation with that insulting line.
Until YOU are actually able to be respectful, you'll always get the kind of responses we've seen here.
Example #1 - "And for those who want only posts from those who live in the same retarded space they do, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms."
Example #2 - "this is what happens to someone when he goes for years with has asshole sewn shut."
^^^ here are two textbook examples of troll posts, yet san_jose_creep lacks the self awareness that he's contributing to the trolling here.
LMFAO!!! 🤭🤡
TFP, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms where you will only find like minded jerkers.
My f2f life is extremely well defended. And I do my best of defending my online life too.
Obviously your best defense isn't good enough retard!
^ TheeOSU, you really should find your own stuff to post about.
I do, my stuff is pointing out how big of a creepy fake poser you are, I'm doing a public service for TUSCL but you're too mentally ill to realize it!
I do admit that by doing that I'm breaking the spirit of this thread by feeding a troll but it is what it is, everything I've said is true, you are a FUCKING TROLL and a creepy psychotic one at that!
TFP said "@SJG you can't say you're respectful when your initial post in a lot of threads flat out calls people chumps."
Or...when you threaten to kill them.
Which he has done multiple times and that doesn't count the multiple times he's threatened other forms of violence against others here.
^^^^^^I think he's most respectful when he tells everyone that they're having fun rong, But that's just me.
Example #1 - "Stop being a passive aggressive bitch"
Example #2 - "Yiu have to be fucking stupid"
^^^ two textbook examples of Iceydodo being a bonafide troll.
LMFAO at the lack of self awareness. 🤭🤡
I have never said anything about FUN.
Buying Dances is an idiotic ill fated twist in how McStrip Club arose. Were it not for our extreme commitment to eradicating prostitution, no such clubs would exist. These operators are not challenging these laws, they are profiting from them while hoovering out your wallet.
Buying Dances is a Chump's Game.
My f2f life is extremely well protected by using whatever level of force is indicated.
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
^^^ textbook troll and textbook lack of self awareness. A 2 for 1 post! 🤭🤡👏👏👏
^ Why don't you find your own stuff to post about, instead of just posting negative meta-narratives?
The Funk Brothers & Chaka Khan What's Going On
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
@sjg:"Buying Dances is a Chump's Game."
...and there we have it, your standard response insulting people who buy dances on a website full of PEOPLE WHO BUY DANCES.
Multiple users on this thread have called you out for being inflammatory, yet you persist. The relationship between deliberately inflammatory statements and trolling (per merriam-webster!) has been highlighted, yet you persist. We're literally in a thread about trolling, where multiple posters point out exactly how and where you are trolling, yet you persist! You obviously have the intellect to put this all together, yet you persist.
The simplest explanation is that you're just trying to wind people up. At this point, why would they NOT call you a troll?
Drew, you have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms available to you right now. That seems to be what you want, people who are like minded.
And not everyone on this board buys dances, its just that they have been driven off or into silence by bullying.
And I am not someone who tries to build siege scaffoldings to attack people's f2f lives.
"^ Why don't you find your own stuff to post about, instead of just posting negative meta-narratives?"
^^^ @san_jose_creep Hey dumbass this is a thread about trolling and you just posted examples of it. And I'm highlighting it.
And you could follow your own suggestion, dumbass. You don't need to be posting about how another man is a chump for getting a lapdance. You're a dumbass for not realizing you are being negative towards others by doing that. 🤭🤡🤦🤦🤦
I only talk about buying dances when someone else mentions it. Otherwise it is not worth posting about.
And SLD you should find your own subject matter to post about.
"And I am not someone who tries to build siege scaffoldings to attack people's f2f lives"
Wait. You've threatened to do what to SirLapdancealot and I among others?
You are not just TUSCL's king, you are its God-Emperor, of writing checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash.
^^^dumbass, it doesn't matter WHEN you talk about lapdances, it's HOW you do it
In your case, you are a troll when you do.
That's the point, dumbass. Stay on topic!
And again I'm posting as per the thread topic, dumbass. Get some self awareness!!!
I am Almighty God when it comes to protecting my f2f privacy.
^^^ meant for san_jose_creep, not Tetra
"I am Almighty God when it comes to protecting my f2f privacy."
You aren't that important, trust us. In fact, you're fucking boring.
So then why don't you and a few others find your own stuff to post about.
"And I am not someone who tries to build siege scaffoldings to attack people's f2f lives"
@san_jose_creep FYI calling someone a chump for getting a lapdance is attacking and denigrating them for something they do in their real life.
So yes, you are one that does what you deny, dumbass.
They're like rabid hyenas coming out in packs to harass whoever they dislike. Truth is sjg is a target for his politics. And I'm a target for my politics and calling out others vile behavior. They feign offense. Look at all the disgusting shut that they and others post and no one bats an eye lash.
^ I'm sorry, what's the topic of this thread again?
LMFAO san_jose_creep tells others to find their own stuff to post about and then continues to denigrate those that post about getting lapdances. 🤭🤡🤯🤦
@SJG: "you have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms available to you right now"
Ok since you're not listening to the here's-how-you're-being-a-troll-and-why-don't-you-stop line of questioning, I'll try another.
What on earth are you talking about when you refer to these "underground circle jerk rooms"? Are these threads or rooms on this board? Or another board? You can't possibly mean an actual physical space.
And here comes in Iceydodo drawn to the trolling like a fly on shit. 🤭🤡
Iceydodo you're like a rabid hyena in here my niggette. 😂
@drewcarey kudos to you on trying to have a "logical" discussion with creep here. 👏👏👏👍👍
SLD, you either need to accept that there are different POV's here, or get thee to the Underground Circle Jerk Room. They are calling you.
@san_jose_creep you need to admit that you're a troll as much as those that you accuse.
Oh and also that your privacy wall sucks big fat donkey dicks because we all know you can only post from the San Jose Public Library free internet.
@icy: "Truth is sjg is a target for his politics. And I'm a target for my politics"
I'll concede this to an extent. This board skews right, and you/sjg are more left. In general, you and I tend to agree on political points, with sjg and I it's a bit more patchy... at times we are very much on the same leftish page, other times we strongly diverge. However, I don't get targeted for this. I do get argued with, esp if I do something wild like share a mediabiasfactcheck link in the political discourse forum, that generated a long thread! But never the personal attacks, and never the "you're a psycho" type allegations. So there is more to it.
I could be wrong, but I think that it's not entirely unreasonable to expect that a person who walks into a forum that often centers on X, and then says "X is for chumps", is going to get a negative reaction. If they persist in this, they cannot rationally be surprised at a persistently negative reaction.
So the question remains: presuming rationality, why do it over and over if not to stir up reactions? The simple explanation is this is Trolling, but I'm certainly open to other ideas.
^^^ So says dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
TUSCL is the only forum that is completely unmoderated that I've ever participated on. And I like it because of that alone. It makes people post differently and with that you get a perspective of humanity and humane nature in general because of it. So I accept that trolling and trolls are inevitable. And rather than ignoring and not feeding it, I try to overfeed and even force feed the trolls with trolling back. And the bigger the troll, the MORE I'll troll them. Until I get bored of it. I don't see trolling ever changing here, so I just take is as the cost of it being an unmoderated forum.
And if I really don't like a post, I just literally ignore it. No button needed!
What would be interesting to me is if it could stay unmoderated, but you'd have to post with a real picture of yourself and with your real name. I'd bet there would be a lot less trolling. LOL and less overall membership and participation.
@sirld:”I don't see trolling ever changing here, so I just take is as the cost of it being an unmoderated forum.”
Sensible approach.
" Troll - 2a: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content."
^^^@drew I too go by this in determining a troll post. It's interesting that both san_jose_creep and Iceydodo define trolling such that it doesn't include them, but the reality is they both post completely in-line with this definition.
For example san_jose_creep doesn't think calling someone pathetic or a chump is trolling. Same goes for Iceydodo calling OP a passive aggressive bitch or others geriatric tricks. In complete irony, they don't think they are part of the trolling here.
^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
Honestly, this thread could only have been made better if it had been titled
"Don't. Feed. The. Autistic. Trolls."
Because trigger words...
I’m guessing this discussion had the exact opposite effect than the OP intended.
^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
"I’m guessing this discussion had the exact opposite effect than the OP intended."
^^^@cashmere yeah I've always thought that a call out thread like this one is troll food on its own merits. It's ironic actually.
Every one of them I've seen on TUSCL just draws trolls into them.
Sure some folks chime in in support, but on TUSCL it gets dominated by trolls. But then again that's just about like any thread.
^^^ LOL cashman, not cashmere
"it is just too easy - SIRLAPDANCE (who has not had an erection in 2 decades) just validated the fact he sucks of truck drivers on weekends
^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
@cash “I’m guessing this discussion had the exact opposite effect than the OP intended.”
I was a bit surprised at how it took off. In retrospect it was pretty naive of me. I’m not naive enough to think we’ll get rid of the trolls. The thread has reminded me that we have a wide range of definitions of ‘trolling’ and that some members are emotionally invested in the subject. IDGAF. I just wanted to read less of the shit I don’t like. Happy ignore button for me.
^ I agree with you. The trolls are attracted to this type of discussion for some odd troll reason. Ignore works fine.
Since these discussions are unmoderated, and wide open, it’s like one of the last bastions of open trolling around.
The trolls are batching and whining about the 0resence of the people they troll and calling them troll for responding to them 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡
^^^ Projection from a clueless troll. 🤭🤡
@drew: it is factually false to state that Icee or SJG are targets because of their politics. I have not ignored them because of their politics. There are plenty of left-wing nut-jobs like Jimmy that I enjoy sparring with. He brings value and intelligent thought to our debates. Hell, sometimes I even almost wonder if there could possibly be a chance that I might not completely dislike him. Icee and SJG only like the sound of their own keyboards and only post to get a reaction out of others. It is doubtful that they believe what they write, but they have no lives and are maladjusted enough that trolling TUSCL is their primary source of entertainment. It is not that they do not care that their posts and nonsense spam up this board and thread, they do care and that is what brings them pleasure.
Don't think that only lefties are trolls. There are plenty of Republican/conservative idiots like Dixie and DaveAnderson on ignore as well. I wouldn't say that this board skews right. We could have that debate endlessly, and I'll be damned if I'm going to post that discussion and have my inbox clogged with 228 replies and counting.
I don't deal with bigots in real life and I'm not humoring bigoted nut jobs like you online. You'd never talk the way you do on here in normal company. I say my peace and you can fuck off. There's no sparring or debating with bigots
A troll is not just someone with some minority opinions, a troll is someone who uses the forum to attack its other members and the privacy of their f2f lives.
And when it comes to defending my f2f life and its privacy, there is only that smell of flesh burning up in the muzzle flash.
X - Your Phone's Off The Hook - Live 1980 Rare Early Performance!
"I say my peace and you can fuck off."
^^^ This is a textbook troll post right here, @Iceydodo.
Not to mention ironic with the 'peace' and 'fuck off' parts 🤭🤡
But nnnnoooooooo, Icey, you would never be a troll, no? Not even just a 'lil? Maybe a skosh? 🤭🤡
"a troll is someone who uses the forum to attack its other members"
^^^ agreed! Here's a great example of that...
"Everyone knows that anyone who regularly seeks sexual gratification by buying dances in strip clubs is pathetic."
Wanna guess who posted it? 😂😂😂
"A troll is not just someone with some minority opinions, a troll is someone who uses the forum to attack its other members and the privacy of their f2f lives."
So you are attempting to make a distinction between a troll and a spammer?
^ Using the definitions posted both SJG and Iceefag qualify on all counts.
LMFAO by san_jose_creep's own definition he qualified himself. 🤣
Iceydodo's own definition...
"A 6roll isn't someone who doesn't share the views of a clique that tries to dominate the forum. It's those who incessantly attack other members and constantly derail threads with personal attacks"
... and here is her recent post and personal attack...
"I say my peace and you can fuck off."
And she claims she's only being trolled. 🤣🤣🤣
@gamma: I don't agree categorically with what you are saying... unless centrism for you is the center of the republican party, there are definitely more skewed-right perspectives here. Left wing views are certainly the target of some less than collegial comments. I seriously doubt that Icy and SJG "have no lives", while the bits of their lives that they share aren't for everyone, they certainly exist.
That all said, I think you and I are making a similar point: however broad the political differences, there is more to certain tusclers getting picked on here than just politics. I'll go further: "trolling" in the merriam-webster sense, is certainly a part of it. Regular inflammatory posts suggest an affinity for the negative reaction. Making the SAME inflammatory post over and over is weird but even more strongly suggests the affinity.
There is no other reasonable motivation that I can think of. It's dictionary definition Trolling, capital T.
BigThirdEye, Icey, and Dougster are all different people.
A troll uses the forum to attack other members and tries to get beyond their online avatar and violate their f2f privacy, and generally tries to run them off of the board. Usually a troll refuses to engage in the conversation at hand, and instead tries to start a meta-conversation, that is a conversation about the conversation, and they do this by attacking other participants. F2f no one would be stupid enough to do this.
A spammer is usually someone posting stuff motivated by commercial gain, advertising.
Minority opinions, so long as they are within the subject realm being discussed are not trolling or spamming.
The way I see it it's a simple equation, we have offensive and inoffensive trolls,
the issue is the offensive ones are also bullies and the majority of our members aren't really the type to be intimidated by a psycho who claims to be starting a sex cult, and a homeless pimp, if either of those two ever actually came face to face with anyone here, they'd soil themselves. I'm bored by both of them, neither one of them have any of the qualities that I'd ever look for in a friend, and truth be told I seriously doubt either one of them have any friends.
These are sad, sad, people and truly losers.
@sjg:"A troll uses the forum to attack other members and tries to get beyond their online avatar and violate their f2f privacy, and generally tries to run them off of the board. Usually a troll refuses to engage in the conversation at hand, and instead tries to start a meta-conversation, that is a conversation about the conversation, and they do this by attacking other participants."
...only in the SJG Dictionary. If you're using the same language as the rest of us, it's:
troll noun
Definition of troll
1: a lure or a line with its lure and hook used in trolling
2: a person who intentionally antagonizes others online by posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content
After all these years, I finally put those 2 miserable motherfuckers along with this new political douchebag that has like 3 accounts all on ignore.
All 3 of them have serious mental issues and it’s not worth the headache anymore.
No one except trolls, as I have defined them, are intentionally antagonizing anyone or posting anything inflammatory or irrelevant. As far as offensive, well when you have people who are addicted to the endorphin rush of ejaculation, anything which makes them look silly will offend them. And there isn't anyway of talking about their habitual practice without making them look silly.
And again, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms for people who only live for that endorphin rush.
Duran Duran -- Come Undone [[ Live Video ]] HD At London
Although I completely understand why people put an obnoxious troll on ignore, I always tried for the opposite, like a game. If I could get an obnoxious troll to do that, I "won" my own game.
san_jose_creep, Iceydodo, and Nicole1994 were the three I played this game with and only Nicole1994 was the only one who never put me on ignore.
But all that said, both san_jose_creep and Iceydodo still read and replied to my posts so it didn't matter anyway. 😂🤷
"As far as offensive, well when you have people who are addicted to the endorphin rush of ejaculation, anything which makes them look silly will offend them. And there isn't anyway of talking about their habitual practice without making them look silly."
^^^actually there is a way. But a dumbass might struggle with it. 🤷
Good idea shailynn I'm going to do the same I've become bored with their game, hope at some point founder will smarten up until that time this board will continue to be a shit show, like a psycho circus.
^^ yeah I finally did it after all these years.
I mean Icee is a retard, I noticed no matter what statement anyone makes he always makes an argument no matter what the statement is. If he acts even the tiniest bit like that IRL then there’s the reason the loser can’t keep a girlfriend.
SJG is truly mentally ill, and there is absolutely no reasoning with that. Feel sorry for his ex wife and kids, that had to be the most horrible of horrible marriages.
Shailynn, if you've got me on ignore I am very happy. And I would still point out that since you seem to want this forum to be limited to idiocy, you might find more of what you want in one of the Underground Circle Jerk Rooms.
Duran Duran -- Come Undone [[ Live Video ]] HD At London
"And I would still point out that since you seem to want this forum to be limited to idiocy, you might find more of what you want in one of the Underground Circle Jerk Rooms."
^^^And I will still point out that this is a troll post per this definition...
"A troll uses the forum to attack other members and ... generally tries to run them off of the board. ... and they do this by attacking other participants. F2f no one would be stupid enough to do this."
SLD, you and Shailynn post all kinds of stuff. I only object when you are trying to attack other members or trying to violate the privacy of their face to face lives.
You two are both keyboard kowards, saying stuff no one could ever say f2f.
"You two are both keyboard kowards, saying stuff no one could ever say f2f."
This just drips irony and lack of self awareness.
Post your own stuff Tetradon, don't attack our members or try to violate their f2f identities.
@san_jose_creep you post all kinds of stuff. I only object when you are trying to attack other members that like getting lapdances.
You are a keyboard koward, saying stuff no one could ever say f2f.
"don't attack our members or try to violate their f2f identities."
I never have. Someone who doesn't intend to follow through on a threat is a talker. Someone who does, gave away the advantage of surprise.
If I cared enough to stalk anyone here F2F, I'd choose someone more interesting than you (like literally anyone else here).
SLD, Not going along with extras and buying dances is a perfectly reasonable read on contemporary US strip clubs.
Tetradon, you are still doing online trolling.
I think the reason san_jose_creep is so against lapdances is because it's a defense mechanism protecting him from his traumatic past. I think he once enjoyed them at strip clubs, just like any other PL that clubs. But then he lost everything he had in life - his wife, home, and wealth - from excessive clubbing and getting lapdances. He failed miserably as a PL. And now, instead of acknowledging his own failures as his own, he's developed elaborate theories and excuses for anything BUT he himself as the cause of his own demise in life. These theories to him are absolute truths because otherwise he's his own failure. Getting lapdances is for chumps, his organization, front room making out - these are all just his defense mechanisms that he must hold as absolute "truths".
This is why he's clueless that he trolls others when he calls them chumps for getting lapdances. His psyche won't let him open his mind about them.
"Tetradon, you are still doing online trolling."
You are the biggest internet tough guy here
You are wrong Tetradon, I engage in reasonable conversation. I only show another side when people try to attack my f2f life and its privacy. With that, I do not compromise.
"SLD, Not going along with extras and buying dances is a perfectly reasonable read on contemporary US strip clubs."
^^^ it is here on TUSCL too, dumbass. To call lapdances are for chumps is just YOU being a TROLL about it, dumbass.
"I only show another side when people try to attack my f2f life and its privacy."
No one is doing that. You are paranoid and one hundredth as intimidating as my cat.
The biggest internet tough guys
Tetraplop is just sheltered
^ Whatever. You're just trying to stir shit up like usual. Get a life.
Tetradon, I suggest you find your own material to post about, and keep things about my f2f life out of your mouth.
^ I didn't say anything about your F2F life. Do the voices in your head tell you you're the reincarnation of John the Baptist, too?
SJG is doing something phenomenal with the Organization. I haven’t seen any other members on here doing something like this. Id be willing to sew my asshole shut to join, if that’s what it takes!
No, I would never want you to sew your asshole shut.
The Organization is slow in coming, but it is real.
Sounds like one of the villainous groups in daredevil! Just the name
:) :) :)
"And again, we have not just one, but two underground circle jerk rooms for people who only live for that endorphin rush."
I think it's telling that san_jose_creep doesn't want to read about another man's enjoyment of a lapdance to the point that he wants to drive them away so the posts are out of sight and mind to him. Again I say it's because he harbors internal guilt and resent for being the same way. And in his case he lost his wife, home, and fortunes because of it. He doesn't like, rather, he hates, the constant reminder on TUSCL of an activity that he's EXTREMELY guilty about.
It's also telling that he calls the VIP and Verified Forums 'Underground Circle Jerk Rooms' out of spite. Especially when they aren't really that different than the Front Room in terms of content. There's maybe just less trolling. His disdain is out of resent that he can't get into them. He'd either have to pay for VIP or write a review - which he can do neither. And for Verified he just needs to submit a picture that proves he's a dude. Again he can't do this. But he does want full access to everything at TUSCL since it is an escape for him. A vacation from his destitute life, if you will. But since he is denied access he resents those areas and calls them names and assumes they are for "chumps" anyway. It's a sour grapes thing with him.
@sirL “san_jose_creep, Iceydodo, and Nicole1994 were the three I played this game with and only Nicole1994 was the only one who never put me on ignore.”
Nicole posted a lot of stuff and her opinions were wacky, but she was attractive and posted nude pics of herself. I’ll take that as a good trade.
I have two fifty pound sacks of Troll Kibble, laced with anti troll powder, they’re yours use the well and ruthlessly.
@Jimmy she was a pretty girl but a mental wreck (but she knew this too). And out of those three she was the only one that owned and admitted to her trolling. I respected that in the end. And I really tried to break her. Hit her with every troll I had in my arsenal. But she never broke down and put me on ignore. I still don't consider her the queen of trolling but she made a good princess.
And her honesty and self awareness of it is why she was so tough. To me, the easiest troll kryptonite is the literal truth. In order to beat a troll by counter trolling you need to hit them with the brutal truth. It's something that cannot be countered because to do so would make them have to reply illogically or deflect the issue. They end up looking stupid by trying to deny the truth. So if you want to get under a troll's skin, troll them with the irrefutable truth. Best is to find the truth of why they are even posting here to begin with. Find out what motivates them to post. And Nicole never shied away from her true intentions here. That's why she could never be broken. She owned it!
Contrast that to dumbasses san_jose_creep and Iceydodo. They are in complete denial about their trolling. Oblivious actually. Even though it's painfully obvious. It's because their real agendas here are for psychological defense mechanisms that they don't want to admit themselves. Moreover admit it TO themselves.
In san_jose_creep's case he's here to escape from his past and current destitute life. He doesn't want to face it and TUSCL is his escape. Any reminder of it will trigger him to react with violence and attack back at you. Up to and including blocking you.
In Iceydodo's case she's here to boost her own fragile ego because she's secretly remorseful for using and abusing stripper whores. She uses TUSCL to hide from this and tries to turn the table in her head that she's some sort of stripper whore snake charmer. When she cannot refute getting called out for this she either deflects the issue or calls you a troll.
In both of their cases they want to keep up their facade and fantasy here as their defense mechanism/ escape. And so when I exposed them to their truths, they put me on ignore and then played the victim of troll card. OTOH Nicole never shied away from her intentions or dirty secrets.
LOL I always liked her nose and though her face was pretty. But if you analyzed her expressions in detail. There was a deep sadness there.
@twentyfive thanks bro but I got more kibble than I know what to do with. I can't shovel it out fast enough. 😂
^ You nailed these two.
"In san_jose_creep's case he's here to escape from his past and current destitute life. He doesn't want to face it and TUSCL is his escape. Any reminder of it will trigger him to react with violence and attack back at you. Up to and including blocking you.
In Iceydodo's case she's here to boost her own fragile ego because she's secretly remorseful for using and abusing stripper whores. She uses TUSCL to hide from this and tries to turn the table in her head that she's some sort of stripper whore snake charmer. When she cannot refute getting called out for this she either deflects the issue or calls you a troll."
I da kang of da trolls and Jimmy McNulty is one of my minions!!!
If im a liar or a woman as you claim then your trolling accusations can't be right. At least make your delusional mind up lulz
@Iceydodo Once again and as I predicted you try to deflect the issues from yourself.
Dumbass, I have posted numerous times, consistently, that you are EITHER a woman OR a highly effeminate man. I NEVER have outright claimed that you are a woman.
Get you facts straight, dumbass. Work on your reading comprehension while at it.
Oh and go back to putting me on pretend ignore too. LMFAO!
...all while stewing in your guilt from taking advantage of and using stripper whores for your selfish gain. LULZ. 🤭🤡
The sound of one hand clapping is wonderful
@twentyfive see how easy it is? Iceydodo trys to obfuscate, twist, and deflect from the truth and she ends up looking like a dumbass.
But she's not done. She so stupid AND narcissist that she'll either double (and triple and quadruple) on her dumbassery or she will just quit and play the troll victim/ignore card. Rather, the PRETEND ignore card. 🤭🤡
Her behavior is completely predictable.
^ I don’t have any idea what she’s said, the sound of one hand clapping is great, in fact Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song about it, it’s called “The Sound of Silence”
@twentyfive good on you actually using ignore like it was designed!
LMFAO contrast that to Iceydodo where in some threads she'll boldly proclaim someone is on ignore and then her very next post is her replying to him.
That shit never gets old to me. Cracks me up every time. With my game I play and all. 🤣🤣🤣
Icey you are still misspelling, you referred to subraman as subhuman, among other things you spelled batching instead of bitching. And sometimes you post suck fucks 10 times in a row. With some peoplentypos are due to laziness but the way you do these typos makes it seem you’re furiously smashing away at your phone or keyboard
Icey often posts drunk/high/under the influence of whatever. It clouds her judgement and makes her stupid and careless. It's also why she can't correct her spelling. She's literally slurring her typed words to the point of sometimes being incoherent.
LMFAO and then when she's triggered it always gets worse. She makes even more mistakes. 🤭🤡
Looks like Iceydodo has now changed her name and troll persona to 'biggbubba'.
Seems like she wants to shake her reputation as a pathetic troll and is trying to reset and reinvent herself. I think biggdumbass is her trying to make a mockery of geriatric tricks.
But no, she's not a troll. She's just a victim surrounded and harassed by them. 🤦🤷
^ Fuck her and the air she sucks out of the room
And fuck them trolls. Imma get at them after I have my apple sauce. Or in 20fags case his daily bottle of whiskey
Shaoooooowwwwww my geriatric niggaz
Given this evolution of her troll personas I'm pretty sure that she's lost and been heartbroken by many stripper whores to old guys with money. It must drive her crazy at times knowing that when she kisses or fucks her bottom bitch that she's making secondary contact with an old white dude's wrinkled dick.
LULZ! 🤭🤡
If this thread was a TV series, roughly this point is the "jumping the shark" episode.
Follow and attack members in every thread for years
Racist trolls who stir shit
His only contribution to discussions is calling anyone he disagrees with a troll.
Mental illness isnreal
^ Newest reincarnation of Iceefag
on ignore
Here's rooting for Big Bubba to be diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
Eltriste (I mean Iceydodo) you should at least try to type and misspell in a style that's different than Iceydodo. It's so obvious you're her new troll account.
Bye Icey, I tried.
Lulz, did you notice iceydougster named the members who bitch slap him the most?
He's till a clown...
What's interesting is that Eltriste (aka Iceydodo) is trying really hard not to be perceived as troll and will try to appear different than Iceydodo's account.
And now she's trying to run around pointing out how others are being trolls.
In effect, she actually might stop her trolling ways through all this!
But I'm not going to hold my breath. LMFAO trolling is her inner child. 😂
Just learned about the “Ignore” feature. Thankfully that asshole BigThirdEye, SJG, Icey, and several other time wasters won’t grace my browser screen anymore. Carry on gents….