I guess it depends. Nude of bikini (though some girls remove their tops)? Dayshift or nightshift?
For all intents and purposes your best options probably are:
Bikini: Wackos, Emperor, Thee Officers Club and New Solid Gold
Nude: Sinsations
Bare Assets is the only other bikini club that hasn't gone urban and it is a hell hole dive across from a Budweiser plant. Dollhouse is also white girl friendly, but it's very small and business is inconsistent.
A few other random notes:
Wackos has a reputation for being a catty place to wkr, especially for new girls. You do also need to factor in competition with the Cuban girls, who will do pretty much anything in the back.
Thee Officers Club and Emperor's are probably what pass for the highest end clubs in J'ville and they are owned by the same group, so if you get into one you can work at both. Both clubs are always looking for girls, but on weekend nights Emperor can be saturated with dancers
You're quite welcome Pink. There are a few other J'ville area club hounds who routinely post reviews and club comments on here but rarely come into the Discussion room. It might not hurt to post comments on their reviews and/or the club comment areas to get their perspectives as well.
^ That would be Emperor's. They licensed the Scores name for a while but I guess decided that it wasn't worth it. Same club and ownership then and now.
^PSD.. Rick is correct in his info.. Officers Club is very inconsistent and small compared to Wackos or Emps. Those are your best 2 choices. And from what i can see from your 2 pics.. you would do extremely well at either. If wanting only days, Wackos is your only choice. Let me know and I will gladly be one of your victims.
It's a weekday leading up to Easter, which means that a lot of family guys are otherwise tied up with holiday activities (school spring performances, church obligations, etc., etc.). Some are also getting ready to leave town since the kids around here have a 4 day weekend from school. Things should get better as the weekend rolls in and more of the single guys hit the clubs.
Just to add, Jacksonville is definitely a bible belt city. The southeastern tip of the belt for sure, but bible belt nonetheless. Easter is very important around here. You probably picked a less than ideal time to come here to dance. You might find Daytona a little more upbeat and definitely busy on weekends - just a thought.
I went to Wacko’s and to Emperor’s. I got hired without audition at Wacko’s, at Emperor’s the Mgr said he is not a hiring authority and come back tomorrow.
I don’t have a rental today and it’s a $40 Uber one way from my air Bnb so I probably woo
Probably won’t work tonight bc that’s an $80 ride.
I thought the clubs were both decently busy for the day and time I went (8-9), but I didn’t see anyone doing anything but drinking, saw one dude go for a dance and one dude tip the stage in Wacko’s, there were probably 25-30 dudes in there.
At wacko’s I did not feel welcome. Those girls did not want me there. There were A LOT of girls there for a weeknight. Different kind of girls than I would normally work with, I feel like I will stand out and not in a good way. 😬 maybe I am too upscale for this club and that is saying a lot since I just came from working in the grimey-est and most dangerous area of a military town in NC.
Idk about Emperor’s, I didn’t stay too long, the club wasn’t too nice to me and saw no one spending money, tip rail was empty. Maybe same amount of customers.
I see. I guess you have the budget to absorb several days of traveling expenses without the need to work. That's a good spot to be in for sure. I also suspect that if you're a $40 Uber away from the Jacksonville SS clubs that you were enjoying a stretch by one of the beaches. Nice! Otherwise I don't know why in the world you'd put yourself so far from the places that you intended to earn from while you were in town.
As far as the clubs themselves, while I don't disagree about the cliquish girls at Wackos, it doesn't sound like you gave them much of a chance. 8-9 is far from the busiest period for each club. Shift change is at 7:00 and many of the night girls and customers don't show up until 10 pm or later. Indeed Emperor's gives the dayshift girls the option to stay until 9:00 with no additional house fee precisely because 7-9 is the quiet period.
I've been to the grimiest parts of town in Fayetteville and I can comfortably say that both Wackos and Emperor's are far nicer than many of those clubs, lol.
I'm not at all trying to be argumentative here PSD, but honestly I'm scratching my head a bit at these explanations.
Don't sleep on sinsations. I dont how you feel about going full nude but I feel like more ppl get dances at sins because its still cheaper than the alcohol clubs and the weekend crowd from 9 - close is still decent enough for 20+ girls to make money. But I do think you sticking out as a non-cuban at wackos will get you more dances than otherwise.
It has been a long time since I have been to Jacksonville because…well, why the fuck would you go to Jacksonville?
Anyway, I won’t detail the reasons I was there, but I will say that the last time I was there was a long time ago and I could swear the club that I enjoyed the most was called The Doll House. I had enough fun that it actually stood out in my mind. I tried three clubs, which is actually and unusually large number for me because I usually have other things on my agenda when traveling.
I was surprised not to see this mentioned so looked up the Jacksonville clubs to see if my memory was just plain wrong. There is indeed a club with that name, although it seems in a different place than I remember according to the map. Not that far away so probably just imperfect memory…who knows?
So Ace and Dugan (gulp! I can’t believe I’m asking “the Dugan” anything…), what’s the 411? Is Doll House any good? Should PSD think about dancing there? If I ever return to Jacksonville… scratch that, I can’t see a reason to return to Jacksonville. When I next go to Florida it will be the nature coast or the Apalachicola region or St. Pete/Clearwater or even Orlando… someplace with something to recommend it… someplace not Jacksonville.
—>“I see. I guess you have the budget to absorb several days of traveling expenses without the need to work. “
Sorry to burst your bubble, but plenty of travel dancers will do things like consider their expenses before going out of towns. Heck, in dancer groups many will do things such as …gasp…share tips on how much to have on them and how to save money on the road.
—>“I've been to the grimiest parts of town in Fayetteville and I can comfortably say that both Wackos and Emperor's are far nicer than many of those clubs, lol.
I'm not at all trying to be argumentative here PSD, but honestly I'm scratching my head a bit at these explanations.”
She put herself out there, gave the clubs a shot, and happened to form a different opinion of a place than you have. There’s nothing to scratch your head at. It happens. I remember not too long ago when Hi-liter in Phoenix was super hyped up as this place I HAD to dance at if traveling (by more than one individual) and I ended up not liking it there and not vibing with the people there. Big freaking deal.
Perhaps if you want PSD to change her mind, instead of scolding her for her views, perhaps you can offer to meet her at a club of her choice at some point between 7-9pm. (Since that’s the slowest period anywhere according to you) Extend her a her a warm welcome with stage tipping or lapdances or whatever. And engage in actual face to face conversation about local Jacksonville area club gossip, places you guys have both travelled, or how juicebox69 was da mane of TUSCL. Have some southern hospitality there.
^ Nice, she's hardly putting herself out there. The story had more holes than a block of swiss cheese. One more question arose with her last post: Why does she need to pay $80 in Uber charges when she has a car with her?
Btw I happened to be at one of those clubs last night between 8-9 and I didn't see any strange girls in civilian clothes show up and then leave. I probably would have noticed as my seat had a direct line of site to the door and the bar - I'm always on the lookout for new talent.
Also re: Wackos, why would she just leave when she had been hired and already spent the time and money to get there? As a traveling dancer it can't be the first time she's run across catty girls - all she had to do is steer clear of them and focus on the dudes and her $$.
@DP: I don't have much experience with the nude clubs, but the few times I've visited it was small and with a small number of customers. My understanding also is that many of the customers expect higher mileage in the back. I'll let Ace and busta opine further as they probably know a lot more about the place.
Pink and Nicespice, why do you two want to range about so broadly. You have no regulars in these new places, so what is the benefit of traveling so far?
I am here to paint my car. It is sitting in the paint booth in Jack stands. Also why I am nonchalant about working, I’m tired from working on my car for 8 hours a day and I didn’t come here for the purpose of dancing.
I got a rental car and the work took longer than expected and I couldn’t extend the rental bc it’s already reserved for someone else. Reason for an Uber.
I am also stating near the paint booth and not the clubs, because I didn’t come here to work.
So that is the reason I said I will respond later, and I again will respond later bc I am going back in to spray. 👍🏼
I left wackos bc I wanted to go audition at emperor’s. And I didn’t get there until 8, left at 830. I had to be at the booth today at 7 and I am not good with very little sleep so I knew I would have to leave by 12. 830/9-12 is not a very good shift. So that’s why I left.
@rickdugan, PSD has no reason to be deceptive. Why not just believe her. I certainly do. She is in Jax for the car. Working if it happens is incidental.
Ok I think I have explained most of the holes in my Swiss cheese story but here is some additional context.
I’ve had a few custom painted cars, all painted by the same person, who became my friend. We met in Washington and now he lives in Jacksonville. I bought the car I have here now close to him so I could bring it here for paint, and now that I’m on a level where I work on my own cars, I wanted to be as involved as I can in the process so I can learn more about how to do this stuff for myself. So, I am doing everything in the painting process 7-5 every day I’m here. It is hard work, A TON of sanding and being on your feet all day, so I’m tired and I don’t necessarily want to work when we are done for the night.
I had a rental car reserved until today at 5 pm. I couldn’t extend because someone else reserved it. We were supposed to be done today so I could have driven my car this evening but we are not so I am carless for a day or so.
Yesterday/last night I did have the rental, I did not have to pay for an Uber, and I went to the clubs with the intention of getting hired and seeing the clubs only, not to work (very normal for travel dancing if you are unsure of where you want to work, if you get into the city and there’s not enough time to work a shift, make the most of your time by taking one night to go to all the clubs you’re interested in and get hired so you don’t have to do that when you start working).
I went in to Wackos just after 8, I told the manager that I was here to paint my car, a gentleman with salt and pepper hair and maybe a New Jersey or New York accent—check with him if you’d like. I also met a bouncer with dark brown hair and a goatee who was very, very tall. I wore a white crop tank top with no bra and olive green velour jogger pants and white sandal slides and I sat at the very first table right by the door. There was a mid engine corvette parked in front of the door when I arrived and when I left, graphite silver with what I believe was an aftermarket spoiler.
There was also a mid engine corvette parked in front of Emperor’s, it was parked against the building, backed in, and was white. I only stayed there about 5-10 minutes because I couldn’t do an audition, there was no reason to stay. The door girl was blonde and the manager there was also a very tall guy, maybe late 20s.
Catty girls, as you say:
In clubs where girls don’t want you there, they will beat the shit out of you. Rip your hair out and break your teeth. So that is a safety thing. I don’t desire to be in the hospital when I am really far from home so I would like to avoid that stuff all together.
I have only worked in the nice clubs in Fayetteville, not the sketchy ones, but they are all in the same area, except one. To me, the clubs here are comparable to the decent clubs there, and for someone who has been everywhere and seen everything (like you RD) but favors the opposite type of clubs as you, for me these clubs here are just kinda medium-nice. And I think that’s an ok opinion to have. 👍🏼
I don’t mean any disrespect to you or your city. The most concerning thing for me for the night was feeling uneasy about the girls, and that is ok for me to feel that way, I am a stranger in a strange land. It is different to be in that position as a female dancer by yourself, vs a male customer by yourself. It is scary sometimes. It is normal and ok for me to be wary of people and things and places when I’m traveling by myself.
Hope that clears some things up 👍🏼 No disrespect to anyone or any place.
^ Nice of you to post all that, but you really don’t owe anyone an explanation Good luck with your car and good luck whichever club you decide to grace with your presence, go get ‘em.
Thank you, I really just posted it bc sometimes I am bitchy to people on here (only for good reason imo) but I really didn’t mean any disrespect or to seem snobby.
We all only owe more details to Desert Scrub, obviously.
Sorry for not responding sooner, but I was out last night partying at the club that you thought you were too good for. Man it was packed. Then there was the after party, lol, but I digress. So also forgive me for any fuzzy or misspelled words as I'm a bit hungover.
I'm not saying that there aren't elements of truth to the story, like the car or doing a couple of club drive by visits. But whether this is actually a dancer or someone else is the question. I don't know the answer, but it's highly implausible that someone who relies upon travel dancing for a living would absorb several days of travel expenses and not work when she could. The travel dancers I've met in the past, even those with savings, understood that they were normally just a few bad weeks or a holiday period away from being backed against a wall.
Now maybe she has the luxury of remaining idle because she is just a tourist dancer with a stable vanilla income. Maybe she can afford to sit out for this long because someone else is footing the bill for her to be here - cool beans and I hope he's enjoying some ass for his troubles. Who knows? But these unicorn situations that only seem to exist on here have the strong smell of BS.
Sir you mentioned a lot of dancers cheating otc cause jobless SOs and kids are expensive. However it seems many of the dancers are buying very expensive items. Like $1000+ purses, expensive shoes and more
So is that true and feasible? Some dancers will cheat on their SO’s in order to get the latest iphone, fancy shoes, purses etc?
Additionally, with OTC, are dancers still looking for ripped tall good looking guys, or are the standards much lower since they’re being paid?
Why is what PSD does important to you ? Don’t get all the negativity towards her, she really doesn’t owe you any explanation and if you don’t believe her why should she care, I know one thing to be true, if it ain’t my responsibility or costing me anything I can find no reason for your posts on this thread, they don’t enhance your credibility or make you look very good. SMH
"I just came from working in the grimey-est and most dangerous area of a military town in NC."
If that was Fayetteville, that town used to have a lot more clubs and was very underrated. It has a different vibe to it since the number of clubs went down, so I started clubbing in other places if I couldn't get into the clubs early.
Pretty crazy that anyone should be made to feel like she need to explain herself THIS much on this site.
Good on you for doing so PSD, but c'mon already RD, shouldn't the gals be ENCOURAGED to post here? Having to defend oneself this much could easily have the opposite effect. Just sayin'...🤷🏼♀️
Oh ok, now I’m not even a dancer, ok got it lol (what??).
I didn’t come here to work, I said that several times (??). I’m good on my finances, please don’t worry about me. I just bought a second car in cash…so I am good…on my finances…(??).
I am taking about a week off from working, I just came from visiting my really close friend in NC and I worked when I was there. But, I don’t work at all in the months of December and January (this year was November-February 20th because I moved and then got a late start to 2022 bc of weather) and May and June, because those months are slow. Because I’m good…on my finances…
Part of being good on finances is not having debt, and making decisions about your lifestyle that are manageable for you, so that’s me 👍🏼
I do have a vanilla job, because I’m smart enough to do so, because I’m a hard worker, and because I have the bodily ability and the time and the drive. I don’t always do it, I am freelance so I can work when I want. I kinda got the feeling in your mention of having a vanilla job that it’s a bad thing or like it’s sneaky of me though, that was confusing. 🤔🤔
Using your words—a conclusion of mine could be:
Perhaps it is telling for you to think a club “[I was] too good for” maybe isn’t right for me if “The travel dancers [you’ve] met in the past, even those with savings, understood that they were normally just a few bad weeks or a holiday period away from being backed against a wall,” because that isn’t my situation. Maybe that club isn’t for me, because if that’s not my financial situation, and my financial situation is based on a lot of things, including my earning situation, which has a lot to do with how I choose my work environment situation, I am maybe different than the girls you know. And, again no disrespect—but I would have a better handle on what is the right club FOR ME than anyone else.
(BTW I didn’t say I’m too good for any club, you did, I said I don’t want to have any physical altercations and I felt unwelcome).
So I kinda answered to everything you keep putting out there as far as calling me a fake (how we got there, I don’t even know), each time I do, you keep coming up with something else that’s another conspiracy theory about how I’m making stuff up?? The “you’re not a dancer” thing is just pretty weird (was that what you meant when you were talking about “creative writing” earlier in the thread?). But, like NiceSpice said, you could easily meet me yourself if you are THAT skeptical.
No bad feelings though 👍🏼
Take care everybody, I won’t be checking this thread again bc I don’t like drama. 👍🏼
Sorry—wallanon, yes, Fayetteville is what I was talking about, and I like working there a lot actually. There are a few decent clubs there and I just meant in general that street isn’t a safe area. 👍🏼
^ Endless I am quite supportive of actual dancers posting on here. Indeed IMHO this site is a whole lot better with that kind of participation. It's the pretenders that irk me. I'm not saying with certainty that this is PSD, but it sure has all the hallmarks.
Some years back I was in Memphis for work and let one of the active "dancers" on the pink site know that I was in town if she was interested in a club visit. Suddenly she wasn't actively dancing at all, but just doing it from time to time when the mood struck and didn't have a particular club she preferred. Unlike here I did not question at all, but she was tripping over "herself" to explain, to the point where it was clear she was selling it too much.
Literally that very evening, when I was the only white dude in what I quickly learned was an all black club, a dumpy looking dude came in, introduced himself to me, walked right on out and left. I had told nobody else on either this board or the pink site that I was in town. Not long after someone on this site addressed me using my real first name. Clearly it was the same dude.
Ricky Boy seems to be off his anti-psychotics again. I think he has accused all of the dancers that post here of being fakes at one time or another, usually claiming them to be a troll alias of me, for some reason. For example, Eve Hartley and Nicespice, who numerous members, including me, have met in real life.
As for Fayetteville, it's been cleaned up considerably. Not upscale for sure, but I wouldn't call it grimy and dangerous. Now in the 80s when Hay Street downtown was the red light district before it was redeveloped, that was grimy and dangerous.
The doctorevil account tends to meet all of the mysterious ones with ambiguous (if at all existent) dancer schedules, as do a few other select accounts. Now that's not to say that he hasn't met real live ones too, but suffice it to say that he's always ready to lend a hand when someone questions the validity of one of the mystery gals. I'll just leave it at that. 😁
It's interesting to watch the narrative of this thread, with Ricky Boy starting out giving helpful advice and then ending by claiming PSD is fake troll account. It's like watching a psychotic break in real time.
Sir you mentioned a lot of dancers cheating otc cause jobless SOs and kids are expensive. However it seems many of the dancers are buying very expensive items. Like $1000+ purses, expensive shoes and more
So is that true and feasible? Some dancers will cheat on their SO’s in order to get the latest iphone, fancy shoes, purses etc?
Additionally, with OTC, are dancers still looking for ripped tall good looking guys, or are the standards much lower since they’re being paid? Are there gross looking men meeting dancers otc
FFS why do people argue with Dugan? He posts enough mix of good strip club insight, bragging (not a bad thing) and off the wall shit to entertain. His true love however is winning arguments. He doesn’t care if his own reasoning is tortured or hyper technical to the point of being unreasonable, he just wants to be able to declare himself the winner. Like here. He and PSD are both in Jax. Instead of offering to meet, he declares her a fake account. He’s just trolling the rest of you to argue with him. But go ahead and have fun if you will.
If PSD is fake, then she's from a pretty hardcore "Manchurian Candidate" school of trolling, because no one has figured it out during the course of 7 years, 50 discussions, and nearly 1000 comments of predominantly on-topic, non-trollish content.
At least until our very own version of Major Bennett Marco sniffed her out for us.
===> "I just came from visiting my really close friend in NC and I worked when I was there."
You must have a really good friend here too if he's providing a place for you to put the car up on blocks for several days and paint it (with all the inevitable runoff). You certainly aren't doing that in front of your air bnb.
As far as the rest of that improbable unicorn story, I suppose it doesn't matter whether it's true or not as I'm not especially interested in tourist dancers anyway. No offense intended with that.
It's just that, assuming what you say is true, IME dabblers tend to be weirdly different creatures to deal with than those who are fully invested in doing the job.
Mr. Dugan, I was going to praise you for being civilized, albeit uninformative, on this thread. But then you go and start dissing Ms. Sugan Doll. What’s up with that?
Well…now the good detective is on the case. Here is an idea: you should totally pay the good detective to track down your fictional wife.
Don't be jealous of a dancer that is higher class than you, and can work at clubs you can't afford. Don't belittle PSD because she is conscerned about her safety. Jealousy between women is a real thing, especially toward someone as beautiful as PSD. If she was having a bad gut feeling, she should go with it and put her safety first. PSD is on vacation and working on a personal hobby. She should not be expected to work at a club. If you still think people should work while on vacation, come to Colorado and I will put you behind a shovel to some real mans work. You might even get a callus over your blisters to show off to the ladies.
PSD said her car was in a paint booth, not in her friends driveway. If you knew anything about cars and painting cars, you would get this. Painting needs to happen in a paint booth to avoid getting dust in the paint and control quality.
Don't be jealous of a woman that takes your man card by knowing how to work on cars.
Being out of debt and handling your money right gives you options, like not having to work after you have been working on a car all day, or not having to work where you are not comfortable.
In response to PSD's comments.
I have done work on cars regarding painting and prepping for painting. That is hard work with some nasty fumes from sanding and other chemicals used in the process. I don't blame you for not wanting to dance after working on a car all day. Good for you on learning how to do all of that. Painting cars is an art, and requires a steady hand. Women have steadier hands than men, so you may end up being better than most men at painting. Also, cars is a great hobby! Keep that up!
^ LOL Nice. I've had the CJ account on ignore for years. As far as the rest, sometimes one just has to let the TUSCL Romper Room act play itself out, imaginary friends and all. 😉
Sounds good, will copy and paste the post that Ricky toooootaaallllyy didn’t read.
First of all Rick, you sir, are an idiot.
Don't be jealous of a dancer that is higher class than you, and can work at clubs you can't afford. Don't belittle PSD because she is conscerned about her safety. Jealousy between women is a real thing, especially toward someone as beautiful as PSD. If she was having a bad gut feeling, she should go with it and put her safety first. PSD is on vacation and working on a personal hobby. She should not be expected to work at a club. If you still think people should work while on vacation, come to Colorado and I will put you behind a shovel to some real mans work. You might even get a callus over your blisters to show off to the ladies.
PSD said her car was in a paint booth, not in her friends driveway. If you knew anything about cars and painting cars, you would get this. Painting needs to happen in a paint booth to avoid getting dust in the paint and control quality.
Don't be jealous of a woman that takes your man card by knowing how to work on cars.
Being out of debt and handling your money right gives you options, like not having to work after you have been working on a car all day, or not having to work where you are not comfortable.
In response to PSD's comments.
I have done work on cars regarding painting and prepping for painting. That is hard work with some nasty fumes from sanding and other chemicals used in the process. I don't blame you for not wanting to dance after working on a car all day. Good for you on learning how to do all of that. Painting cars is an art, and requires a steady hand. Women have steadier hands than men, so you may end up being better than most men at painting. Also, cars is a great hobby! Keep that up!
Have yall read Ricks comments? Dude takes lots of time out of his day to post advice and useful info on numerous threads. He doesn’t have to do so, but he does it, totally for free. That’s much better than trolling around and starting arguments and yelliing on every thread or accusing everyone of trolling or insulting everyone like some users do. Some people are just yelling and trolling on every thread
Nicespice, how do women have steadier hands than men, is this proven? Which hormones are involved in this? I havent heard of this. Estrogen is generally involved in unsteadiness...
^Haha, before going halfway across the country…maybe stick to your local area and think of how to make it up to pinksugardoll with your off-the-wall unfounded comments towards her. 🙂
"Tell you what - let us know which club you're working at now in Colorado and I'll find a way to make it up to you."
^Wow! You must really think nicespice is stupid! You want to come halfway across the country to see her and you wouldn't go see her at baby dolls Dallas when you were both in the same city? Or are you volunteering for the shovel?
Nice, actually I can't "make it up" to either of you even if I wanted since you're both the same type of account on here - a purported dancer that doesn't actually dance anywhere. Maybe next time someone will think twice before running that silly "oh I'm gonna' dance but really I'm not" song and dance when it relates to Jacksonville. Stick to the woods of CO or the western prairies of TX or some other place where someone on this board is unlikely to spot the obvious nonsense. 😉
^ Lol, I think you’re projecting. Judging by the stripperweb posts you have been making freaking out about inflation, I suspect you are the one who hasn’t made it into a club recently out of concern about money. Or if you are, then you’re just being a basic bar reg and don’t have the budget for anything other than a couple of drinks.
Sooooo…you have to accuse me and PSD of being fake dancers because if that were somehow true, then you could feel better about being a fake customer. And also this why you can’t apologize to PSD. Because given how much of a douche you have been in these comments towards her, you certainly don’t have enough cash for how much you should be spending as a proper way to apologize.
This is PSD’s thread and you went ballistic just because Emperor’s and Wacko’s were places she decided she didn’t care for and her car was more important. Most of the rest of this thread with your wild accusations at her, then docE, then me is YOUR deflections.
Wild accusations? Based upon the heavy level of bullshit in her posts they were very reasonable observations and questions. And btw where are you dancing again?
And they were answered very well despite the fact that nobody owes your broke self an explanation. Personally, I learned some pretty interesting stuff about the process of painting cars in this thread today. 😁 Definitely a very involved process there.
My home club is Platinum 84 in the north Denver metro area. I was over there earlier today, tho I’ll be heading out of town sometime this upcoming week. Woo!
And before we deflect too much…you still owe PSD an apology!
The complaint I always heard from dancers about Fayetteville is that the clubs are dead except for Fridays and Saturdays after a military payday. But the clubs try to force dancers to work while the club is dead in exchange to the chance to work on the busy nights.
@rd you're critical of it when anyone mentions spending more on dances from an non-extras stripper than what you pay for FS. So it seems expected that your favorite clubs would be ones that an in-demand non-extras strippers would prefer to take a pass one.
Oh sure you have me on ignore Rick. The real truth is you are too big of a pussy to respond to me. Instead you have to try to pick on the little girls and they keep slam dunking you... lmfao! Slam dunk that faggot Rick boi!
Plot Twist: Rick Dugan in reality is a vindictive stripper playing us all. She hates men.
Papi, Shadow, Desertscrub, and Shailynn are all CrazyJoe troll accounts
Rick was right though, all the dancer accounts on here are men, or should I say man. It’s me, I thought it would be hot to act like a bunch traveling dancers who need to buy a car are all over America. Matter of fact I’m jerking off right now in a Walmart bathroom.
But then again what do i know I’m really just a Nicespice alt account, fuck.
“you keep coming up with something else that’s another conspiracy theory about…”
One of the things old frustrated men are good at is coming up with the conspiracy behind whatever situation presents itself. This site retains paranoid types because it won’t kick anyone off, no matter how crazy they act. So, conspiracy accusations fly freely at tuscl. There probably are a few fat basement case septuagenarian male masturbators pretending to be dancers here, but the volume of accusations is way too high to correspond to any actual number of real impersonators. It’s just too fringe. The simplest explanation is that Mack truck is almost certainly not an actual truck dumping loads in basements., SJG probably doesn’t have a sex cult, and PSD and Nice Spice are probably dancers.
@rd would you announce what club you were going to on a particular night, other than in DMs with selected members? Yeah, most other members here, including stripper members, would not do that either.
Dugan looks about as paranoid as Desertscrub in this thread with the fake dancer accusations. Pretty soon he'll be calling all the reviews clubs ads, not just the Baby Dolls Dallas ones.
Since this is one of our many sock puppet and hidden motives accusation threads, I'll play. rickdgan feels entitled to try to badger uninterested dancers into doing OTC FS. When, unsurprisingly, many dancers shy away from him, he accuses them of not really being dancers.
===> "rickdgan feels entitled to try to badger uninterested dancers into doing OTC FS. When, unsurprisingly, many dancers shy away from him, he accuses them of not really being dancers."
I do? That's news to me. But even if it were true, I can assure you that I'd only "badger" real dancers. You know, the ones who can actually be found working in identifiable clubs. 😉
^ You tell em Ricky! Tell them you only hit me up for OTC because I don't have a yucky vagina and I am real!
By the way Ricky loves being exposed. We are going to have a meet up soon and play spanker! Ricky loves taking his pants off and letting everyone spank him! He always loves getting spanked 😜
@rd you feel entitled to dancers wanting to be found by you. Most or at least many of us find that dancers who have self-respect are typically the most attractive ones. But you seem to find self-respect in a dancer off-putting. That's why self-respecting dancers are not enthusiastic about being found by you.
You've posted many stories about badgering dancers to do OTC. If you don't consider what you did badgering, what can I say, enjoy your dream world.
Why continue questioning when there is photographic evidence? https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=2732 . Because the point of your existence is pointlessness.
SJG, you are a master at sewing the asshole shut! I have never seen somebody with your level of expertise in this area. But I would bet your former military experience helped. Reading your posts reminds me of the marvel Punisher series on netflix. You’re tough, youre brutal, and you dont take shit from anybody. Thousands have tried, and failed to bypass your firewall and expose your identity. And you have the street smarts to where nobody has dared to face you in real life.
"Nicespice, how do women have steadier hands than men, is this proven? Which hormones are involved in this? I havent heard of this. Estrogen is generally involved in unsteadiness..."
This is why I made the statement that women have steadier hands
last commentRicks living room? I heard he has a stripper pole in there.
I guess it depends. Nude of bikini (though some girls remove their tops)? Dayshift or nightshift?
For all intents and purposes your best options probably are:
Bikini: Wackos, Emperor, Thee Officers Club and New Solid Gold Nude: Sinsations
Bare Assets is the only other bikini club that hasn't gone urban and it is a hell hole dive across from a Budweiser plant. Dollhouse is also white girl friendly, but it's very small and business is inconsistent.
A few other random notes:
Wackos has a reputation for being a catty place to wkr, especially for new girls. You do also need to factor in competition with the Cuban girls, who will do pretty much anything in the back.
Thee Officers Club and Emperor's are probably what pass for the highest end clubs in J'ville and they are owned by the same group, so if you get into one you can work at both. Both clubs are always looking for girls, but on weekend nights Emperor can be saturated with dancers
I don't have much intel on New Solid Gold.
Good luck!
Thank you, that is very helpful ❤️
You're quite welcome Pink. There are a few other J'ville area club hounds who routinely post reviews and club comments on here but rarely come into the Discussion room. It might not hurt to post comments on their reviews and/or the club comment areas to get their perspectives as well.
Tonight a girl itc told me try Scores in Jville??
^ That would be Emperor's. They licensed the Scores name for a while but I guess decided that it wasn't worth it. Same club and ownership then and now.
Ah! Ty.
^PSD.. Rick is correct in his info.. Officers Club is very inconsistent and small compared to Wackos or Emps. Those are your best 2 choices. And from what i can see from your 2 pics.. you would do extremely well at either. If wanting only days, Wackos is your only choice. Let me know and I will gladly be one of your victims.
Thx! I have stuff to do in the day so I think I will mostly be working nights but maybe only a few days.
Night would be bikini clubs Wackos, Emperor's. Nude is Sinsations.. PM me when you are in area.
I am here, I went last night, ooh 😬😬😬
It's a weekday leading up to Easter, which means that a lot of family guys are otherwise tied up with holiday activities (school spring performances, church obligations, etc., etc.). Some are also getting ready to leave town since the kids around here have a 4 day weekend from school. Things should get better as the weekend rolls in and more of the single guys hit the clubs.
Mind if I ask where you went?
Just to add, Jacksonville is definitely a bible belt city. The southeastern tip of the belt for sure, but bible belt nonetheless. Easter is very important around here. You probably picked a less than ideal time to come here to dance. You might find Daytona a little more upbeat and definitely busy on weekends - just a thought.
I went to Wacko’s and to Emperor’s. I got hired without audition at Wacko’s, at Emperor’s the Mgr said he is not a hiring authority and come back tomorrow.
I don’t have a rental today and it’s a $40 Uber one way from my air Bnb so I probably woo
Probably won’t work tonight bc that’s an $80 ride.
I thought the clubs were both decently busy for the day and time I went (8-9), but I didn’t see anyone doing anything but drinking, saw one dude go for a dance and one dude tip the stage in Wacko’s, there were probably 25-30 dudes in there.
At wacko’s I did not feel welcome. Those girls did not want me there. There were A LOT of girls there for a weeknight. Different kind of girls than I would normally work with, I feel like I will stand out and not in a good way. 😬 maybe I am too upscale for this club and that is saying a lot since I just came from working in the grimey-est and most dangerous area of a military town in NC.
Idk about Emperor’s, I didn’t stay too long, the club wasn’t too nice to me and saw no one spending money, tip rail was empty. Maybe same amount of customers.
I am very iffy about this place lol.
I see. I guess you have the budget to absorb several days of traveling expenses without the need to work. That's a good spot to be in for sure. I also suspect that if you're a $40 Uber away from the Jacksonville SS clubs that you were enjoying a stretch by one of the beaches. Nice! Otherwise I don't know why in the world you'd put yourself so far from the places that you intended to earn from while you were in town.
As far as the clubs themselves, while I don't disagree about the cliquish girls at Wackos, it doesn't sound like you gave them much of a chance. 8-9 is far from the busiest period for each club. Shift change is at 7:00 and many of the night girls and customers don't show up until 10 pm or later. Indeed Emperor's gives the dayshift girls the option to stay until 9:00 with no additional house fee precisely because 7-9 is the quiet period.
I've been to the grimiest parts of town in Fayetteville and I can comfortably say that both Wackos and Emperor's are far nicer than many of those clubs, lol.
I'm not at all trying to be argumentative here PSD, but honestly I'm scratching my head a bit at these explanations.
I’m Gna respond later I’m spraying my car today ttyl 💓
Don't sleep on sinsations. I dont how you feel about going full nude but I feel like more ppl get dances at sins because its still cheaper than the alcohol clubs and the weekend crowd from 9 - close is still decent enough for 20+ girls to make money. But I do think you sticking out as a non-cuban at wackos will get you more dances than otherwise.
===> "I’m Gna respond later..."
If you want to give your creative writing muscles a fuller workout then by all means do so, but otherwise there's probably no need.
It has been a long time since I have been to Jacksonville because…well, why the fuck would you go to Jacksonville?
Anyway, I won’t detail the reasons I was there, but I will say that the last time I was there was a long time ago and I could swear the club that I enjoyed the most was called The Doll House. I had enough fun that it actually stood out in my mind. I tried three clubs, which is actually and unusually large number for me because I usually have other things on my agenda when traveling.
I was surprised not to see this mentioned so looked up the Jacksonville clubs to see if my memory was just plain wrong. There is indeed a club with that name, although it seems in a different place than I remember according to the map. Not that far away so probably just imperfect memory…who knows?
So Ace and Dugan (gulp! I can’t believe I’m asking “the Dugan” anything…), what’s the 411? Is Doll House any good? Should PSD think about dancing there? If I ever return to Jacksonville… scratch that, I can’t see a reason to return to Jacksonville. When I next go to Florida it will be the nature coast or the Apalachicola region or St. Pete/Clearwater or even Orlando… someplace with something to recommend it… someplace not Jacksonville.
—>“I see. I guess you have the budget to absorb several days of traveling expenses without the need to work. “
Sorry to burst your bubble, but plenty of travel dancers will do things like consider their expenses before going out of towns. Heck, in dancer groups many will do things such as …gasp…share tips on how much to have on them and how to save money on the road.
—>“I've been to the grimiest parts of town in Fayetteville and I can comfortably say that both Wackos and Emperor's are far nicer than many of those clubs, lol.
I'm not at all trying to be argumentative here PSD, but honestly I'm scratching my head a bit at these explanations.”
She put herself out there, gave the clubs a shot, and happened to form a different opinion of a place than you have. There’s nothing to scratch your head at. It happens. I remember not too long ago when Hi-liter in Phoenix was super hyped up as this place I HAD to dance at if traveling (by more than one individual) and I ended up not liking it there and not vibing with the people there. Big freaking deal.
Perhaps if you want PSD to change her mind, instead of scolding her for her views, perhaps you can offer to meet her at a club of her choice at some point between 7-9pm. (Since that’s the slowest period anywhere according to you) Extend her a her a warm welcome with stage tipping or lapdances or whatever. And engage in actual face to face conversation about local Jacksonville area club gossip, places you guys have both travelled, or how juicebox69 was da mane of TUSCL. Have some southern hospitality there.
^ Nice, she's hardly putting herself out there. The story had more holes than a block of swiss cheese. One more question arose with her last post: Why does she need to pay $80 in Uber charges when she has a car with her?
Btw I happened to be at one of those clubs last night between 8-9 and I didn't see any strange girls in civilian clothes show up and then leave. I probably would have noticed as my seat had a direct line of site to the door and the bar - I'm always on the lookout for new talent.
Also re: Wackos, why would she just leave when she had been hired and already spent the time and money to get there? As a traveling dancer it can't be the first time she's run across catty girls - all she had to do is steer clear of them and focus on the dudes and her $$.
I'm just not buying it.
@DP: I don't have much experience with the nude clubs, but the few times I've visited it was small and with a small number of customers. My understanding also is that many of the customers expect higher mileage in the back. I'll let Ace and busta opine further as they probably know a lot more about the place.
Pink and Nicespice, why do you two want to range about so broadly. You have no regulars in these new places, so what is the benefit of traveling so far?
Intro to Kabbalah Part I - The Tree of Life & Hebrew Letters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqKUZ4by0k0
I am here to paint my car. It is sitting in the paint booth in Jack stands. Also why I am nonchalant about working, I’m tired from working on my car for 8 hours a day and I didn’t come here for the purpose of dancing.
I got a rental car and the work took longer than expected and I couldn’t extend the rental bc it’s already reserved for someone else. Reason for an Uber.
I am also stating near the paint booth and not the clubs, because I didn’t come here to work.
So that is the reason I said I will respond later, and I again will respond later bc I am going back in to spray. 👍🏼
I left wackos bc I wanted to go audition at emperor’s. And I didn’t get there until 8, left at 830. I had to be at the booth today at 7 and I am not good with very little sleep so I knew I would have to leave by 12. 830/9-12 is not a very good shift. So that’s why I left.
Again…why I said…I’ll respond later.
So you really strip the car down, wheels off.
Whole under carriage, power train, windows, interior, gas tank, bumpers on the old cars chrome, everything inside engine compartment?
Prepaint by hand around hinges for doors hood and trunk?
New known a girl who does anything like this.
But you are not always in the metro where you do this either.
@rickdugan, PSD has no reason to be deceptive. Why not just believe her. I certainly do. She is in Jax for the car. Working if it happens is incidental.
Mostly for RD:
Ok I think I have explained most of the holes in my Swiss cheese story but here is some additional context.
I’ve had a few custom painted cars, all painted by the same person, who became my friend. We met in Washington and now he lives in Jacksonville. I bought the car I have here now close to him so I could bring it here for paint, and now that I’m on a level where I work on my own cars, I wanted to be as involved as I can in the process so I can learn more about how to do this stuff for myself. So, I am doing everything in the painting process 7-5 every day I’m here. It is hard work, A TON of sanding and being on your feet all day, so I’m tired and I don’t necessarily want to work when we are done for the night.
I had a rental car reserved until today at 5 pm. I couldn’t extend because someone else reserved it. We were supposed to be done today so I could have driven my car this evening but we are not so I am carless for a day or so.
Yesterday/last night I did have the rental, I did not have to pay for an Uber, and I went to the clubs with the intention of getting hired and seeing the clubs only, not to work (very normal for travel dancing if you are unsure of where you want to work, if you get into the city and there’s not enough time to work a shift, make the most of your time by taking one night to go to all the clubs you’re interested in and get hired so you don’t have to do that when you start working).
I went in to Wackos just after 8, I told the manager that I was here to paint my car, a gentleman with salt and pepper hair and maybe a New Jersey or New York accent—check with him if you’d like. I also met a bouncer with dark brown hair and a goatee who was very, very tall. I wore a white crop tank top with no bra and olive green velour jogger pants and white sandal slides and I sat at the very first table right by the door. There was a mid engine corvette parked in front of the door when I arrived and when I left, graphite silver with what I believe was an aftermarket spoiler.
There was also a mid engine corvette parked in front of Emperor’s, it was parked against the building, backed in, and was white. I only stayed there about 5-10 minutes because I couldn’t do an audition, there was no reason to stay. The door girl was blonde and the manager there was also a very tall guy, maybe late 20s.
Catty girls, as you say:
In clubs where girls don’t want you there, they will beat the shit out of you. Rip your hair out and break your teeth. So that is a safety thing. I don’t desire to be in the hospital when I am really far from home so I would like to avoid that stuff all together.
I have only worked in the nice clubs in Fayetteville, not the sketchy ones, but they are all in the same area, except one. To me, the clubs here are comparable to the decent clubs there, and for someone who has been everywhere and seen everything (like you RD) but favors the opposite type of clubs as you, for me these clubs here are just kinda medium-nice. And I think that’s an ok opinion to have. 👍🏼
I don’t mean any disrespect to you or your city. The most concerning thing for me for the night was feeling uneasy about the girls, and that is ok for me to feel that way, I am a stranger in a strange land. It is different to be in that position as a female dancer by yourself, vs a male customer by yourself. It is scary sometimes. It is normal and ok for me to be wary of people and things and places when I’m traveling by myself.
Hope that clears some things up 👍🏼 No disrespect to anyone or any place.
^ Nice of you to post all that, but you really don’t owe anyone an explanation Good luck with your car and good luck whichever club you decide to grace with your presence, go get ‘em.
Thank you, I really just posted it bc sometimes I am bitchy to people on here (only for good reason imo) but I really didn’t mean any disrespect or to seem snobby.
We all only owe more details to Desert Scrub, obviously.
Cool hobby. I found this thread interesting. :)
Let us know if you decide to take a detour to south Florida.
Let me know if you want to pay for my gas to and from and my lodging. 👍🏼
Sorry for not responding sooner, but I was out last night partying at the club that you thought you were too good for. Man it was packed. Then there was the after party, lol, but I digress. So also forgive me for any fuzzy or misspelled words as I'm a bit hungover.
I'm not saying that there aren't elements of truth to the story, like the car or doing a couple of club drive by visits. But whether this is actually a dancer or someone else is the question. I don't know the answer, but it's highly implausible that someone who relies upon travel dancing for a living would absorb several days of travel expenses and not work when she could. The travel dancers I've met in the past, even those with savings, understood that they were normally just a few bad weeks or a holiday period away from being backed against a wall.
Now maybe she has the luxury of remaining idle because she is just a tourist dancer with a stable vanilla income. Maybe she can afford to sit out for this long because someone else is footing the bill for her to be here - cool beans and I hope he's enjoying some ass for his troubles. Who knows? But these unicorn situations that only seem to exist on here have the strong smell of BS.
Rick good post
Sir you mentioned a lot of dancers cheating otc cause jobless SOs and kids are expensive. However it seems many of the dancers are buying very expensive items. Like $1000+ purses, expensive shoes and more
So is that true and feasible? Some dancers will cheat on their SO’s in order to get the latest iphone, fancy shoes, purses etc?
Additionally, with OTC, are dancers still looking for ripped tall good looking guys, or are the standards much lower since they’re being paid?
Why is what PSD does important to you ? Don’t get all the negativity towards her, she really doesn’t owe you any explanation and if you don’t believe her why should she care, I know one thing to be true, if it ain’t my responsibility or costing me anything I can find no reason for your posts on this thread, they don’t enhance your credibility or make you look very good. SMH
"I just came from working in the grimey-est and most dangerous area of a military town in NC."
If that was Fayetteville, that town used to have a lot more clubs and was very underrated. It has a different vibe to it since the number of clubs went down, so I started clubbing in other places if I couldn't get into the clubs early.
Pretty crazy that anyone should be made to feel like she need to explain herself THIS much on this site. Good on you for doing so PSD, but c'mon already RD, shouldn't the gals be ENCOURAGED to post here? Having to defend oneself this much could easily have the opposite effect. Just sayin'...🤷🏼♀️
Oh ok, now I’m not even a dancer, ok got it lol (what??).
I didn’t come here to work, I said that several times (??). I’m good on my finances, please don’t worry about me. I just bought a second car in cash…so I am good…on my finances…(??).
I am taking about a week off from working, I just came from visiting my really close friend in NC and I worked when I was there. But, I don’t work at all in the months of December and January (this year was November-February 20th because I moved and then got a late start to 2022 bc of weather) and May and June, because those months are slow. Because I’m good…on my finances…
Part of being good on finances is not having debt, and making decisions about your lifestyle that are manageable for you, so that’s me 👍🏼
I do have a vanilla job, because I’m smart enough to do so, because I’m a hard worker, and because I have the bodily ability and the time and the drive. I don’t always do it, I am freelance so I can work when I want. I kinda got the feeling in your mention of having a vanilla job that it’s a bad thing or like it’s sneaky of me though, that was confusing. 🤔🤔
Using your words—a conclusion of mine could be:
Perhaps it is telling for you to think a club “[I was] too good for” maybe isn’t right for me if “The travel dancers [you’ve] met in the past, even those with savings, understood that they were normally just a few bad weeks or a holiday period away from being backed against a wall,” because that isn’t my situation. Maybe that club isn’t for me, because if that’s not my financial situation, and my financial situation is based on a lot of things, including my earning situation, which has a lot to do with how I choose my work environment situation, I am maybe different than the girls you know. And, again no disrespect—but I would have a better handle on what is the right club FOR ME than anyone else.
(BTW I didn’t say I’m too good for any club, you did, I said I don’t want to have any physical altercations and I felt unwelcome).
So I kinda answered to everything you keep putting out there as far as calling me a fake (how we got there, I don’t even know), each time I do, you keep coming up with something else that’s another conspiracy theory about how I’m making stuff up?? The “you’re not a dancer” thing is just pretty weird (was that what you meant when you were talking about “creative writing” earlier in the thread?). But, like NiceSpice said, you could easily meet me yourself if you are THAT skeptical.
No bad feelings though 👍🏼
Take care everybody, I won’t be checking this thread again bc I don’t like drama. 👍🏼
Sorry—wallanon, yes, Fayetteville is what I was talking about, and I like working there a lot actually. There are a few decent clubs there and I just meant in general that street isn’t a safe area. 👍🏼
^ Endless I am quite supportive of actual dancers posting on here. Indeed IMHO this site is a whole lot better with that kind of participation. It's the pretenders that irk me. I'm not saying with certainty that this is PSD, but it sure has all the hallmarks.
Some years back I was in Memphis for work and let one of the active "dancers" on the pink site know that I was in town if she was interested in a club visit. Suddenly she wasn't actively dancing at all, but just doing it from time to time when the mood struck and didn't have a particular club she preferred. Unlike here I did not question at all, but she was tripping over "herself" to explain, to the point where it was clear she was selling it too much.
Literally that very evening, when I was the only white dude in what I quickly learned was an all black club, a dumpy looking dude came in, introduced himself to me, walked right on out and left. I had told nobody else on either this board or the pink site that I was in town. Not long after someone on this site addressed me using my real first name. Clearly it was the same dude.
Ricky Boy seems to be off his anti-psychotics again. I think he has accused all of the dancers that post here of being fakes at one time or another, usually claiming them to be a troll alias of me, for some reason. For example, Eve Hartley and Nicespice, who numerous members, including me, have met in real life.
^ I was wondering when the doctorevil account would be trotted out to protest. Not quite "right on cue" but pretty close. 😉
"I was wondering when the doctorevil account would be trotted out to protest. Not quite "right on cue" but pretty close."
See what I mean?
As for Fayetteville, it's been cleaned up considerably. Not upscale for sure, but I wouldn't call it grimy and dangerous. Now in the 80s when Hay Street downtown was the red light district before it was redeveloped, that was grimy and dangerous.
The doctorevil account tends to meet all of the mysterious ones with ambiguous (if at all existent) dancer schedules, as do a few other select accounts. Now that's not to say that he hasn't met real live ones too, but suffice it to say that he's always ready to lend a hand when someone questions the validity of one of the mystery gals. I'll just leave it at that. 😁
It's interesting to watch the narrative of this thread, with Ricky Boy starting out giving helpful advice and then ending by claiming PSD is fake troll account. It's like watching a psychotic break in real time.
This is docE’s alias reporting to this thread for the fun of it 🍿🥳
^ Oops rong thread
Rick good post
Sir you mentioned a lot of dancers cheating otc cause jobless SOs and kids are expensive. However it seems many of the dancers are buying very expensive items. Like $1000+ purses, expensive shoes and more
So is that true and feasible? Some dancers will cheat on their SO’s in order to get the latest iphone, fancy shoes, purses etc?
Additionally, with OTC, are dancers still looking for ripped tall good looking guys, or are the standards much lower since they’re being paid? Are there gross looking men meeting dancers otc
FFS why do people argue with Dugan? He posts enough mix of good strip club insight, bragging (not a bad thing) and off the wall shit to entertain. His true love however is winning arguments. He doesn’t care if his own reasoning is tortured or hyper technical to the point of being unreasonable, he just wants to be able to declare himself the winner. Like here. He and PSD are both in Jax. Instead of offering to meet, he declares her a fake account. He’s just trolling the rest of you to argue with him. But go ahead and have fun if you will.
If PSD is fake, then she's from a pretty hardcore "Manchurian Candidate" school of trolling, because no one has figured it out during the course of 7 years, 50 discussions, and nearly 1000 comments of predominantly on-topic, non-trollish content.
At least until our very own version of Major Bennett Marco sniffed her out for us.
Also, this thread is pretty much peak TUSCL.
Pink Sugar Doll. We're onto you.
^ Oops rong thread
Who made that detectivedugan account? Icey?
===> "I just came from visiting my really close friend in NC and I worked when I was there."
You must have a really good friend here too if he's providing a place for you to put the car up on blocks for several days and paint it (with all the inevitable runoff). You certainly aren't doing that in front of your air bnb.
As far as the rest of that improbable unicorn story, I suppose it doesn't matter whether it's true or not as I'm not especially interested in tourist dancers anyway. No offense intended with that. It's just that, assuming what you say is true, IME dabblers tend to be weirdly different creatures to deal with than those who are fully invested in doing the job.
^^^ you need to stop masterbation so much! It is Killin da brains cells you got left
Q who da biggest jack off on Tuscl
A Ricky Dugooder
Leave da Pink sugar alone! I dumpa loadz in your basement
Jesus christ. I surprised that PSD even gave an explanation when clearly she doesn't owe one.
Mr. Dugan, I was going to praise you for being civilized, albeit uninformative, on this thread. But then you go and start dissing Ms. Sugan Doll. What’s up with that?
Well…now the good detective is on the case. Here is an idea: you should totally pay the good detective to track down your fictional wife.
As always, you are welcome!
Poor Rick....
First of all Rick, you sir, are an idiot.
Don't be jealous of a dancer that is higher class than you, and can work at clubs you can't afford. Don't belittle PSD because she is conscerned about her safety. Jealousy between women is a real thing, especially toward someone as beautiful as PSD. If she was having a bad gut feeling, she should go with it and put her safety first. PSD is on vacation and working on a personal hobby. She should not be expected to work at a club. If you still think people should work while on vacation, come to Colorado and I will put you behind a shovel to some real mans work. You might even get a callus over your blisters to show off to the ladies.
PSD said her car was in a paint booth, not in her friends driveway. If you knew anything about cars and painting cars, you would get this. Painting needs to happen in a paint booth to avoid getting dust in the paint and control quality.
Don't be jealous of a woman that takes your man card by knowing how to work on cars.
Being out of debt and handling your money right gives you options, like not having to work after you have been working on a car all day, or not having to work where you are not comfortable.
In response to PSD's comments.
I have done work on cars regarding painting and prepping for painting. That is hard work with some nasty fumes from sanding and other chemicals used in the process. I don't blame you for not wanting to dance after working on a car all day. Good for you on learning how to do all of that. Painting cars is an art, and requires a steady hand. Women have steadier hands than men, so you may end up being better than most men at painting. Also, cars is a great hobby! Keep that up!
…well it’s super safe to say now that if the argumentative Rick who can’t let things go nope’d out of this thread, crazyjoe wins 😎
^ LOL Nice. I've had the CJ account on ignore for years. As far as the rest, sometimes one just has to let the TUSCL Romper Room act play itself out, imaginary friends and all. 😉
Sounds good, will copy and paste the post that Ricky toooootaaallllyy didn’t read. —— First of all Rick, you sir, are an idiot.
Don't be jealous of a dancer that is higher class than you, and can work at clubs you can't afford. Don't belittle PSD because she is conscerned about her safety. Jealousy between women is a real thing, especially toward someone as beautiful as PSD. If she was having a bad gut feeling, she should go with it and put her safety first. PSD is on vacation and working on a personal hobby. She should not be expected to work at a club. If you still think people should work while on vacation, come to Colorado and I will put you behind a shovel to some real mans work. You might even get a callus over your blisters to show off to the ladies.
PSD said her car was in a paint booth, not in her friends driveway. If you knew anything about cars and painting cars, you would get this. Painting needs to happen in a paint booth to avoid getting dust in the paint and control quality.
Don't be jealous of a woman that takes your man card by knowing how to work on cars.
Being out of debt and handling your money right gives you options, like not having to work after you have been working on a car all day, or not having to work where you are not comfortable.
In response to PSD's comments.
I have done work on cars regarding painting and prepping for painting. That is hard work with some nasty fumes from sanding and other chemicals used in the process. I don't blame you for not wanting to dance after working on a car all day. Good for you on learning how to do all of that. Painting cars is an art, and requires a steady hand. Women have steadier hands than men, so you may end up being better than most men at painting. Also, cars is a great hobby! Keep that up!
Have yall read Ricks comments? Dude takes lots of time out of his day to post advice and useful info on numerous threads. He doesn’t have to do so, but he does it, totally for free. That’s much better than trolling around and starting arguments and yelliing on every thread or accusing everyone of trolling or insulting everyone like some users do. Some people are just yelling and trolling on every thread
Nicespice, how do women have steadier hands than men, is this proven? Which hormones are involved in this? I havent heard of this. Estrogen is generally involved in unsteadiness...
@Nice. I hear all of that Nice. I really feel horrible now. Truly. It's clear that all of this has really disturbed you.
Tell you what - let us know which club you're working at now in Colorado and I'll find a way to make it up to you.
^Haha, before going halfway across the country…maybe stick to your local area and think of how to make it up to pinksugardoll with your off-the-wall unfounded comments towards her. 🙂
"Tell you what - let us know which club you're working at now in Colorado and I'll find a way to make it up to you."
^Wow! You must really think nicespice is stupid! You want to come halfway across the country to see her and you wouldn't go see her at baby dolls Dallas when you were both in the same city? Or are you volunteering for the shovel?
Nice, actually I can't "make it up" to either of you even if I wanted since you're both the same type of account on here - a purported dancer that doesn't actually dance anywhere. Maybe next time someone will think twice before running that silly "oh I'm gonna' dance but really I'm not" song and dance when it relates to Jacksonville. Stick to the woods of CO or the western prairies of TX or some other place where someone on this board is unlikely to spot the obvious nonsense. 😉
^ Lol, I think you’re projecting. Judging by the stripperweb posts you have been making freaking out about inflation, I suspect you are the one who hasn’t made it into a club recently out of concern about money. Or if you are, then you’re just being a basic bar reg and don’t have the budget for anything other than a couple of drinks.
Sooooo…you have to accuse me and PSD of being fake dancers because if that were somehow true, then you could feel better about being a fake customer. And also this why you can’t apologize to PSD. Because given how much of a douche you have been in these comments towards her, you certainly don’t have enough cash for how much you should be spending as a proper way to apologize.
^ Good try with the deflections Nice. Keep working the smoke machine and mirrors. 😉
This is PSD’s thread and you went ballistic just because Emperor’s and Wacko’s were places she decided she didn’t care for and her car was more important. Most of the rest of this thread with your wild accusations at her, then docE, then me is YOUR deflections.
Wild accusations? Based upon the heavy level of bullshit in her posts they were very reasonable observations and questions. And btw where are you dancing again?
And they were answered very well despite the fact that nobody owes your broke self an explanation. Personally, I learned some pretty interesting stuff about the process of painting cars in this thread today. 😁 Definitely a very involved process there.
My home club is Platinum 84 in the north Denver metro area. I was over there earlier today, tho I’ll be heading out of town sometime this upcoming week. Woo!
And before we deflect too much…you still owe PSD an apology!
The complaint I always heard from dancers about Fayetteville is that the clubs are dead except for Fridays and Saturdays after a military payday. But the clubs try to force dancers to work while the club is dead in exchange to the chance to work on the busy nights.
@rd you're critical of it when anyone mentions spending more on dances from an non-extras stripper than what you pay for FS. So it seems expected that your favorite clubs would be ones that an in-demand non-extras strippers would prefer to take a pass one.
Oh sure you have me on ignore Rick. The real truth is you are too big of a pussy to respond to me. Instead you have to try to pick on the little girls and they keep slam dunking you... lmfao! Slam dunk that faggot Rick boi!
Plot Twist: Rick Dugan in reality is a vindictive stripper playing us all. She hates men.
Papi, Shadow, Desertscrub, and Shailynn are all CrazyJoe troll accounts
Rick was right though, all the dancer accounts on here are men, or should I say man. It’s me, I thought it would be hot to act like a bunch traveling dancers who need to buy a car are all over America. Matter of fact I’m jerking off right now in a Walmart bathroom.
But then again what do i know I’m really just a Nicespice alt account, fuck.
Oh and Founder is really M Night Shyamalan
“you keep coming up with something else that’s another conspiracy theory about…”
One of the things old frustrated men are good at is coming up with the conspiracy behind whatever situation presents itself. This site retains paranoid types because it won’t kick anyone off, no matter how crazy they act. So, conspiracy accusations fly freely at tuscl. There probably are a few fat basement case septuagenarian male masturbators pretending to be dancers here, but the volume of accusations is way too high to correspond to any actual number of real impersonators. It’s just too fringe. The simplest explanation is that Mack truck is almost certainly not an actual truck dumping loads in basements., SJG probably doesn’t have a sex cult, and PSD and Nice Spice are probably dancers.
@rd would you announce what club you were going to on a particular night, other than in DMs with selected members? Yeah, most other members here, including stripper members, would not do that either.
Dugan looks about as paranoid as Desertscrub in this thread with the fake dancer accusations. Pretty soon he'll be calling all the reviews clubs ads, not just the Baby Dolls Dallas ones.
Ricki Boi has finally jumped the shark LOL
Since this is one of our many sock puppet and hidden motives accusation threads, I'll play. rickdgan feels entitled to try to badger uninterested dancers into doing OTC FS. When, unsurprisingly, many dancers shy away from him, he accuses them of not really being dancers.
Kick Dugan on da balls PSD
===> "rickdgan feels entitled to try to badger uninterested dancers into doing OTC FS. When, unsurprisingly, many dancers shy away from him, he accuses them of not really being dancers."
I do? That's news to me. But even if it were true, I can assure you that I'd only "badger" real dancers. You know, the ones who can actually be found working in identifiable clubs. 😉
^ You tell em Ricky! Tell them you only hit me up for OTC because I don't have a yucky vagina and I am real!
By the way Ricky loves being exposed. We are going to have a meet up soon and play spanker! Ricky loves taking his pants off and letting everyone spank him! He always loves getting spanked 😜
@rd you feel entitled to dancers wanting to be found by you. Most or at least many of us find that dancers who have self-respect are typically the most attractive ones. But you seem to find self-respect in a dancer off-putting. That's why self-respecting dancers are not enthusiastic about being found by you.
You've posted many stories about badgering dancers to do OTC. If you don't consider what you did badgering, what can I say, enjoy your dream world.
I'm questioning the unicorn story, nothing more. But you just keep working the smoke machine and mirrors ilb. Work it baby work it. 😉
Why continue questioning when there is photographic evidence? https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=2732 . Because the point of your existence is pointlessness.
So Pink, it sounds like you travel about the country, going from club to club.
Why not just stay in one home place?
Maybe because unlike you she works and can get internet access everywhere she goes.
^ lol
TheeOSU has his asshole sewn shut. So that alarm clock means that for the next twelve hours TheeOSU has to stop ingesting and only do purging.
Yeah we all know about your creepy 'stranger's ass to your mouth' fetish but are you ever going to address it?
And while you're at it, what's the deal with your Cesar Chavez's feet fetish?
BTW, how about you stop shitting in PSD's thread? Creep!
SJG, you are a master at sewing the asshole shut! I have never seen somebody with your level of expertise in this area. But I would bet your former military experience helped. Reading your posts reminds me of the marvel Punisher series on netflix. You’re tough, youre brutal, and you dont take shit from anybody. Thousands have tried, and failed to bypass your firewall and expose your identity. And you have the street smarts to where nobody has dared to face you in real life.
"Nicespice, how do women have steadier hands than men, is this proven? Which hormones are involved in this? I havent heard of this. Estrogen is generally involved in unsteadiness..."
This is why I made the statement that women have steadier hands
The income potential shown in this article are way off. A good pipeline welder can make over $200,000 per year.
And Rick Dugan is still a pussy. I am still waiting for you in Colorado. My shovel is lonely.
I am not holding my breath though... lol
even Rick is seeing through PSDs bs. This sounds like what her trip to Vegas would be 😭😭😭😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡
Watch her do this in Vegas
This troll has the geriatric trick clique fooled
^ You’re the only person trolling on this thread so far
Read the thread dumb bitch.
^you ma'am are an anal fissure.