Strippers with guns.

avatar for shadowcat
This afternoon I saw a dancer come into the club and waved to me on her way to the dressing room. I had gotten dances from her in the past and even did 1 VIP with her that was good enough for me to think about doing another one with her today. Then a few minutes later I saw her leave the club. Aw shit! But then a few minutes later she came back in and after changing into her stripper clothes she came right over to me. She explained that she had accidently brought her gun into the club and had to take it back out to her car.

I can't remember any other dancer telling me that she owned a gun. I guess I can understand why women and especially strippers would want the protection. I assume she must have a clean record in order to qualify for a permit. I had previously put her on my list of possible OTC candidates but now find myself having second thoughts.

We did do a great VIP.


last comment
avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
3 years ago
You're having second thoughts on paying a woman because she chooses to protect herself? I mean, good for her for taking the first step in refusing to be a victim. I don't want to know half the shit they have to deal with (well, ok maybe I do, but I wouldn't want to deal with it).
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
Not that she chooses to protect herself but rather how safe she is. A lot of accidents happen especially when alcohol or drugs get involved.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
There are dancers where their having a gun would not affect my decision to go for OTC. But, there are other dancers where I would have second thoughts.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
I've known several dancers that carried guns for protection. Personally if they are going to take the risk of doing OTC I would hope they would be smart enough to protect themselves like that.

Dancers who carry a gun are no more dangerous to see OTC than any other P4P partner. I am a lot less concerned about the risk of being accidentally shot by an OTC date carrying a gun for self protection than I am about a P4P partner setting me up to be robbed by a pimp or boyfriend who has a gun. As long as you choose your P4P partners carefully the risk of violence is minimal.

That being said, if you know she is carrying don't let her get wasted drunk or let her snort lines of coke back at your place. Of course, I wouldn't be doing OTC with someone like that anyways if I were trying to stay safe.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@shadowcat did you see the permit? Oh never mind, strippers are always so law abiding, of course she had a permit.

In my experience, the (many) people who prefer to be strapped whenever they can, legally or illegally, generally hope they never have to pull their gun. I do worry about it very much.
avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
I knew a dancer when I was in school. I knew she was packing on campus because she showed it to me one day. There had been a slew of rapes that year. Away from the club, I would think a woman might be carrying regardless of her profession.

I have seen customers with guns in clubs a few times. Twice in the Dallas area, once in Huntsville and once in of all places Follies. Follies had a metal detector that never worked and the door girl giving a half-assed pat down. That was day shift. Night shift they had a swat team in body armor.

In all cases these were concealed guns that I noticed. Clothes get disarrayed from lap dancing, etc. One was an ankle holster. I'm sure there have been others I have not noticed.
avatar for Michigan
3 years ago
If her last name was Baldwin, I probably wouldn't do OTC with her.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago

You should have asked about her gun and offered to get her a nice holster so she can have it “undercover”.

A stripper gun carrier will prepared to defend themselves and others (you) in the event of a dangerous situation.

As long as she has the training and practice she will be able to respond fast and effectively to OTC situations that may arise.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
Huh. Shadow I'm surprised at this stance you have. I have comfortably been in stripper OTC and SB relationships with girls who have guns and frankly I respect them for protecting themselves.

Now if she was a total drugged out shitshow I would not even be there to begin with. But I can understand if thats really the issue. Crazy bitches can have knives too tho.
avatar for WavvyCain
3 years ago
They need them esp if they don’t have pimps. A girl going home with over 1-2k stuffed in a duffel bag>
I rather my girl have one and be safe instead of being a lick. Atlanta is a wild city now.
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
I’ve had several mention to me that they were gun owners, but I’ve never known one to be carrying while with me. At some point, it becomes obvious they do not have one on their person. When OTC, they usually have a purse with them, so I suppose it’s possible they could have a small pocket type pistol in there. But I’ve never had one show me or mention it if they did. It would not bother me if they did, unless they were acting crazy or were really drunk.That would be pretty hypocritical of me since I have a concealed carry permit and usually have a gun within arms reach.
avatar for Daddillac
3 years ago
I carry with me most everywhere I go
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
Strippers have a right to defend themselves just like we do. I normally carry a pistol when I leave the house.

However, I would rather not be around an armed stripper. Strippers do not always make the best decisions, and drugs and alcohol don't help. A CF asked me to teach her how to shoot, but I always put her off because I did not want her waving a gun around me.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
People are entitled to carry, but no one carries at my house, office or in my car. If they do their choice is to get the fuck out; use it; have it shoved up their ass. I am pro-second amendment, but anti-gun.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I meant to say do't not do. founder, edit.

Seems like I've seen reviews where the author mentions sneaking a piece past the pat-down in an ankle holster.

Basically, the whole fucking point of pistols is to make it easy to be strapped while you go about other things. Canada has low gun crime cause they make it relatively easy to get a long gun, but like pulling teeth to get a pistol. But, in any case, poor judgement + cars kills and maims more than poor judgement + guns. We couldn't take automobiles away from all the people with questionable judgment, it would shut down the economy. I hear strippers talk about so and so driving with a suspended license all the time. And now they're going to make people wear masks and get a jab lol.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I have a CCP two handguns a fancy engraved baretta shotgun.
I keep one handgun in my car the other in my home both in fingerprint enabled lock boxes and the Berreta is kept in a locke gun safe, I haven’t felt the need to be armed in quite some time, and many places that I go it is illegal to carry, so rather than look for trouble it’s easy for me to access my handguns , I can’t speak to most of the country but it is illegal here in Florida to sit at a bar and drink when armed.
avatar for Michigan
3 years ago
I knew a stripper who shot her pistol in the air as a warning shot in a parking garage if I recall correctly. I can't remember what was going down, but she wanted to send a clear message to the criminals that she wasn't going to be a victim. Now she's a felon for reckless discharge of a firearm. Like mentioned above, strippers don't make the best decisions.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
I’m a gun owner and hunter and I have no problem with people who find themselves in the unfortunate position of having to carry for protection. That said, I avoid situations where carrying is necessary. I’ve also shot someone accidentally and know that it can happen, so I’m extra cautious. They weren’t seriously hurt, by the way.

“Hey Drew, want to go to bar X tonight?”
“Sure, but isn’t that in the shit-goes-sideways-fast neighborhood?”
“Yeah Drew, but we could strap up first and then get drunk… what could possibly go wrong?”
“We sure could. But I think I’m going to stay home and watch re-runs of Friends instead, have fun!”

So i guess by the same reasoning if a dancer does feel the need to carry to hang out with my harmless ass, we can’t hang out. Probably another reason why I’m not a good fit for otc.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
A lot of dancers have guns. And if you're seeing a hooker of course she has something for protection whether it's a tazer pepperspray gun whatever. And it's not like she's gonna tell a trick.
avatar for RTP
3 years ago
I know a dancer for many years and she has told me that she is ex military and has a gun. Only recently I found out that she has used it on a guy who she lived with and had his child. She claims that he hit her, maybe that is true, but I am stepping much more lightly near her. That is not her only arrest, so I am assuming that gun is either not registered or registered to someone else.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Shit, here in J'ville I just assume that everyone is armed, including the strippers.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
I got a shed full of guns!
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
People keep handguns for protection. I decided to not keep one for protection. I have never felt the need to have one to defend myself, even though my office is in a terrible neighborhood.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Long as she's adequately trained and not under the influence, great for her.

I'm licensed to concealed carry but don't want the responsibility (I know I'm not John Wick), and don't hang out in bad areas.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
So today I have learned one way to preemptively discourage others from asking about OTC.

Haven’t been to a shooting range in years. I think I’ll go at some point soon 😋
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
I've definitely been to the shooting range with a stripper. I don't know if that'll work nice 🤷‍♂️ Could also backfire and make you more appealing to gun nuts. I'm not disparaging gun enthusiasts by calling them nuts, I'm talking about genuine crazies.
avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
Many of you keep referring to registration and licensing...

I'm wondering where you live?

Here in the supposed liberal lala land of Seattle, License is only required for concealed carry. And, to get that license you are fingerprinted and a background check looks for felonies or (I assume?) domestic violence charges or just convictions (likely only convictions).

I'm aware many places have more requirement for concealed carry licenses. But I'm only aware of NY and CA that restrictions beyond concealed carry, i.e. as long as it's in your trunk anything goes if you aren't a felon.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
You might be right Dolfan, because I refuse to go OTC unless she HAS as gun! Lol
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I had a FWB a few years back that I used to take her to the range, most times she would get so hot after firing a bunch of rounds that we never made it back to her place, just went at it in the car like a couple of teenagers
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
In Florida it's required to for concealed carry, open carry is illegal. But, to 25's point you can't bring guns to bars or other places of nuisance, which is a defined with a fairly broad scope of places that might be where you'd OTC.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago

In NJ you first need an FID (Firearms ID card). To get it you do the fingerprinting, background check, mental health history check, provide two references who WILL be contacted and need to vouch for you. Also required to give your employer information, and they will contact the employer informing them you're applying for an FID. If you prefer to keep it private, THEY DON'T CARE. So good luck on that raise or promotion if your boss is a liberal anti-gun person.

Once you have your FID card you can purchase long guns (rifle/shotgun) but you need a separate purchase permit for each and every HANDGUN you will ever buy. When you first apply for the FID, you can get a purchase permit at the same time, but after that you go through the whole process over again, except for fingerprints which remain on file.

As far as concealed carry, it is all but impossible in NJ. You either have to be a cop, a judge, or a politician. Other than that, you can only get one if you demonstrate a "justifiable need" but that's not realistic. You could get robbed 10 times, shot 5 times, stabbed twice, and receive written and verbal threats that "We're gonna kill you next time you step out onto the sidewalk" and you still won't get a carry permit in NJ. You'd pretty much have to be dead to prove your need is "justified."

Other than INSIDE your home or place of business you can only put a gun (of any kind) into your car if you're going to the range or moving. Needs to be unloaded and in a locked case, then put in your trunk or the far back section of an SUV, and ammo must be in a separate container. Also you have to go STRAIGHT to your destination. Supposedly you're allowed "reasonable deviation" from your route, but that is a very grey area. If I went to pick up my buddy for a day at the range and got pulled over a few miles off course, it would be up to the cop. If he arrests me then a jury will have the final say.

Also, any failure to follow all the administrative and arbitrary gun laws in NJ (the above is just a small sample) is a felony "gun crime." You don't have to use the gun to commit an actual crime like robbing someone - it could be something like accidentally forgetting to snap the padlock shut on your gun case before it goes into your trunk.

That said, the jackass Governor Murphy is up for re-election in a few days. Part of his platform is "strengthening" NJ's weak gun control laws.
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
Mr. Orange, why have you decided to live in a police state?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I agree that concealed is better than open carry. A lot (not all) people who want to open carry seem to be type who want to be obnoxious and not get confronted about it.

I've been to poor countries where a military-grade rifle was easier to get than a nice TV. But people were generally chill, I never felt nervous about all the guns. Like they say, guns don't kill people, ricks kill people.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago

Lol. I didn't decide - was born here and haven't managed to get out yet. Slowly nearing retirement though!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@Michigan better in the felon registry than the death registry.

Good to keep in mind, if you've got $ to go to strip clubs regularly, you've probably had better breaks in life than the average stripper. Like they say, walk a mile in someone's shoes before judging.
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
I would have no qualms whatsoever about her owning a gun. Guns have been around a long time. Strippers have been around a long time. Strippers who own guns shooting their OTC guys just doesn’t seem to be a thing.

That’s not to say one shouldn’t be choosy about who one sees. But that’s true in a general sense, not because I know she owns a gun.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
^^ Plus that wouldn't be a very good business decision, if she wants repeat business!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Justifiable homicide of ricks during OTC may be a slow but steady solution to all the world's problems.
avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
I pretty much assume that all strippers are carrying guns, legal or otherwise. It goes with the territory.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I get sentimental about my favs, gives me comfort if they have a gun and know how to use it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
“… I am pro-second amendment, but anti-gun …”

Pretty-much describes me – I have never owned a gun; have never even fired-one; have never even held one on in my hand – I’d heard too-many stories of people accidentally being harmed by them or them being used w/ bad-consequences “in the heat of the moment”. In the last year or two I’ve thought about finally owning a gun but I tend to procrastinate about most things.

w.r.t. a dancer owning a gun; being as impulsive as many are; and a good # just batshit-crazy; I rather not have a strapped stripper around me – and as a guy, and a “depraved strip-club goer”, she’d likely get the benefit of the doubt being a woman and you being a perv that pays women for sex – all she’d had to do is say “he tried to rape me; it was self-defense”; and decent-chance she’d get away w/ it.

Having said this it’d likely wouldn’t be a no-go but I’d be uncomfortable and would ask her not to have it around me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
TUSCL dancer @NinaBambina I believe posted once that she carries - I think she posted something along the lines that it was better to have one and hope to never have to use it vs being in a situation where you needed one and you didn't have one.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
Michigan is an open carry state, meaning you can openly carry a firearm without a license. But that seems dangerous to me. Some citizen is likely to call 911 and several cops will respond with drawn weapons. You will have a bad day or may even be killed.

I have a concealed pistol permit. You have to be fingerprinted and undergo a background check in Michigan. The process is now pretty easy if you have a clean record.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Yeah, just wait. Michigan will be the next to adopt NJ laws and Ted Nugent will move to Arizona.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I understand most all our members support responsible gun ownership and proper gun safety.

I guess I’m the only guy who thought - thats fucking hot! If a hot dancer strutted on stage with a pistol stuck in her g string - that would make me very hard! I’d ask her to describe her weapon - the smooth cold steel shaft - the thickness of the barrel, how the trigger feels when her finger presses against it… I’m getting hard just typing these descriptions!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I carry a gun sometimes. Dancers think it's sexy.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
If a dancer is such a flake she'd shoot someone impulsively, she'd be too much of flake to even get near, strapped or not.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
I don't mind strippers protecting themselves, women in general really should carry they can't handle themselves like (some) men can in a fight. But as stated their a lot of them don't have their shit together that when it comes to basic safety practices, they'll might be going all Alec Baldwin. Just be edcuated and be an adult if you have one. A lot of people have no idea wtf they are doing and have no basic restraint over their emotions.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
How would you know they can't handle a gun?

I've gone shooting stuff with dancers and they did just fine
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Given a choice to go shooting with a strung out junkie hooker or thefoolusedtobeknown2icee, I'll take the busted up whore. Much safer.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
If Icee were to actually own a gun that would be dangerous, and most likely stolen, fortunately pimps cannot pass a background check in either of the two states he claims to reside, Cali, Or Nevada
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Why do you insinuate they're strung out junkie hookers? That's your misogyny talking
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
Poking around the internet, I see that ~30% of Americans own guns, and ~60% of those have attended a firearms safety course. Assuming that strippers are on average as responsible as their fellow Americans, it’s 60/40 your gun toting otc pal knows how to not accidentally shoot you.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
I didn't insinuate that "they" are junkie hookers. I don't even know who "they" are. I was using "a" hypothetical junkie hooker as an example of someone I'd rather have handling a gun than you. That's your inability to comprehend basic concepts talking.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You used the term junkie where coz that's how you see dancers
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
It's kind of endemic, looking down on the women they go to for sexual gratification.

avatar for goodyman
3 years ago
I've seen a few dudes in Platinum Club ATL with pistols on the hip and was actually talking to a follies dancer i met for OTC about how she protects herself from creeps. You don't really need to do any thing extra to carry a gun with you in Georgia, especially if you have a good place to conceal it like a stripper bag.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I don't own a gun, but is gun safety that complicated? Isn't basically just keep the safety on until you're going to use it. I thought gun classes were mostly about how to shoot properly/effectively.

For self-defense in a bar or something, I think I'd prefer a switch blade anyway, I'd be too worried about hitting a bystander with a gun. If the MAGA people keep going in the direction of doing Hitler/KKK-type stuff to non-white people, then I'll have to get a gun and do my best to stop it. I'm an old man anyway, may as well go out standing up for what's right. But I wonder if it wouldn't work better to get a good sized truck and just run over as many of them as possible before they take you out. @nicespice you were talking about volunteering, this would be a good way lol.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
"Isn't basically just keep the safety on until you're going to use it."

@ilbbaicnl You dumb fuck. Please don't ever buy a gun because you don't know shit.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"If the MAGA people keep going in the direction of doing Hitler/KKK-type stuff to non-white people, then I'll have to get a gun and do my best to stop it."

Um okay Batman. LOL.

Go save Jussie.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Gun safety is actually not complicated, just keep firearms away from folks that don't have any training in Firearms safety.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@ilb: Gun safety is in fact not complicated. You can teach it to 12 year olds in a few evenings at your local sporting goods store. “basically just keep the safety on until you're going to use it” is not gun safety, but it is exactly the kind kind of wrong idea that a safety class would disabuse you of. However you are right to be worried about hitting bystanders in the scenario you imagine.

This is a good example of why I don’t hang out with strapped people that I don’t know well and know to be safety conscious. It is very easy to make a permanent mistake with a gun.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
ilbbaicnl said: "I don't own a gun, but is gun safety that complicated?"

The first part of that question really informs the ignorance of the second part of that question. I mean, gun safety all by itself isn't quantum mechanics, but when it comes to the split-second decisions of a self-defense situations, there is *a lot* that you need to know and think about before you point a gun at someone, at least if you don't want that situation to go horribly sideways. And then there's a different set of training to cover how to operate a gun in a highly stressful and fast moving conflict without losing control of the gun, shooting yourself, or shooting an innocent bystander.

"For self-defense in a bar or something, I think I'd prefer a switch blade anyway"

While that makes it harder (but not impossible...) to hurt a bystander, using a knife in self defense is a learned skill. And if you don't have that skill, and your opponents decides to not be afraid of your knife, then there's a pretty good chance that it's not going to go well for you.

"But I wonder if it wouldn't work better to get a good sized truck and just run over as many of them as possible before they take you out."

Oh, now I understand. You're a moron.

I know how to shoot based on a lot of experience, but I've never had to defend myself with a gun and I hope I never have to. Because the moment you pull a gun, you're making the decision to kill someone (shooting someone in the leg or shoulder is great on TV, but it's bullshit in real life). For the vast majority of men and women, if you're going into standard environments where you think you might need to defend yourself, then it's much smarter and safer to have some pepper spray, mace, or those incognito knuckle dusters. If you lack good training, then it's more likely that your gun or knife will wind up causing you more harm than your attacker.

That's why I'm not nervous about a stripper owning a gun just because she's a stripper. I'd be nervous because the vast majority of people who own a gun for "self defense" don't know sweet fuck all about using a gun for self defense. But as far as OTC is concerned ... if you're the sort of guy who might do something that'll get you shot by a stripper, then there's a pretty good chance that you deserve to be shot by a stripper.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@CMI, all true. There's a big difference between popping out a few rounds at the range, and drawing, shooting under stress, discerning who's the threat and who isn't, cover and concealment, yadda yadda. And combat arms requires constant training. A one-time course at the gun range won't cut it.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
"shooting someone in the leg or shoulder is great on TV, but it's bullshit in real life"

A truer thing has never been said. Remember how Barnaby Jones always shot 'em in the shoulder like every single time? If that was reality, he'd have been dead by the 2nd episode.

Haha, CMI and I agree on something again? Take another picture!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Except for #10, this looks like it would take 15 minutes max to learn:…
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ You'll need more than 15 minutes to fulfill your Jason Bourne fantasies.

Please quit this conversation, you're embarrassing yourself.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
ilbbaicnl said: "Except for #10, this looks like it would take 15 minutes max to learn"

You know, inexperienced guys with this attitude towards carpentry wind up with the nickname "Stubby".
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@drew if a stripper had 50 hours of penis safety classes, would you let her give you an HJ without a condom?
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago

I could write about 10 pages on how stupid you sound, but instead I'll just say that SJG seems more intelligent to me than you do at the moment.
avatar for bang69
3 years ago
Knowing first hand what strippers go through on a daily basis. I don't blame her for caring a gun for self defense.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
^^ @bang69

Agree with you bro, but no more shots okay? Time to switch to beer.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If you're afraid a hooker would shoot you. Don't do anything to make her consider it.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@ilb: yeah but I’m afraid that thing could go off without warning! =)
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
^^ Asshole
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Not you, drew. I meant the weirdfaggotknownas2icee.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
This thread is for creepy ass rapists afraid of getting shot
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
^^ Oh, I guess that's why you posted here 7 times Icee you stupid piece of shit.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
No... it really isn't.

But it's been a solid minute since you've done some pot stirring, so we were about due.
avatar for RandomMember
3 years ago
I could post ten research studies showing that you're less safe by having a gun in the house. And the rest of you could post ten studies showing just the opposite. Coming to any conclusion based on actual data and statistics is hopeless because the subject is so emotional.

My gut feeling? I'm with @jackslash that strippers aren't known for being calm, rational, decision-makers and that drugs & alcohol make the situation worse. I probably wouldn't want to be around an armed stripper. That goes for SBs, too.
avatar for Pussylicker2
3 years ago
My ex-girlfriend did some private dances for a guy and he just told her he wasn't going to pay. She pulled out her 9mm and took everything he had in his pockets which included some dope.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago

“strippers aren't known for being calm, rational, decision-makers and that drugs & alcohol make the situation worse”. Exactly! strippers + guns…. What could go wrong? Hahaha
avatar for theeastcoast757
3 years ago
Considering more than you think get murdered by crazy delusional I don’t blame them.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 years ago
My only experience with a gun owning stripper was really into guns and we'd talk about classic rifles like the SKS, AK-47, and Garand. She even did club promotion pics with her AK in hand. But due to club policy she didn't carry at work. She did carry a knife in her purse, though. Her BF was a self defense instructor and had trained her to knife fight. She was a badass. Totally fit and the kind of woman you want on your side when the SHTF.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
There's something wrong with you if you think dancers are impulsive junkies and you're afraid they'd shoot you. Your fears and views are more reflective of who you are.

Women in general are sweet and fun around me. You guys sound like you're used to crack where's when they're going through withdrawal.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I had one fav who felt uncomfortable when she wasn't strapped. I never had a fav I thought would be dangerous with a gun. So I'm surprised you guys are so worried about you your favs. According to this statistic, I think it means you need to check if they are tucking:…
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