
Does it seem like there's less pretty girls stripping anymore?

>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Tuesday, April 6, 2021 3:58 PM
Me and a friend are arguing over the phone. I haven't been dancing that long but it seems like there's just less and less attractive women. And seems like guys don't go for the hot girl just cause she is the hottest girl like they used to. Seems like these days it is more about the ok looking girl that's "within reach" or w/e idk. Thoughts from customer point of view? Also I'm aware I'm crazy. Just wondering if I am objectively wrong here or what. But I have seen some of you guys bitching about the girls are getting uglier wtf so I know I am not the only one thinking this...


  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    I don't really agree with this. If anything the talent in my area has improved a lot recently, probably because the MILFs dropped out when the clubs closed and have been replaced by younger girls. We have definitely been the beneficiary of girls traveling from other areas to work in the clubs. As far as dudes trying to get obtainable girls vs. the hottest, idk. I can only speak for myself when I say that I don't go to clubs to spend time and money with mediocre talent. I like 'em very attractive and I'm usually willing to pay the extra freight. With that said, sometimes the hottest girls are also the least pleasant to deal with, so it's easy for a hot girl with a bad attitude to mistakenly conclude that it's some widespread customer defect limiting her income rather than her own poor sales skills.
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    Maybe the girls feel the same way about the customers and their wallets lol, either case beggars cant be choosers right .... . If you're not thrilled with the selection go land yourself a 5 or higher on your looks and charm outside a club sir!
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Thanks sir Jayne
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Blahblah was have talked before about GPS - Golden Pussy Syndrome that so many top of the heap strippers have. Some guys will deal with it some guys don’t want anything to do with it. Just like guys that buy the Porsche and have all fun with it but also have to pay the price to maintain it, where as a lot of guys will just go with the Toyota because they never have to deal with the issues. It serves the same purpose as the Porsche, just may not be quite as fun or prestigious. To each their own there is no right or wrong answer but as Rick states if “I’m paying $200 to spend time with a mediocre stripper, I’d rather pay $400 to hang with one of the best looking girls in the club.” As for ugly, Rick is in Florida where a lot of girls from other states flocked too to work so like his theory there may very well be a new influx of top tier talent. On the other hand if you read the recent reviews of many Midwest clubs it appears the strippers have returned to the club with extra weight just like the rest of America bringing their looks down as the needle on the scales goes up. After all not every stripper in Indiana and Nebraska can simply pack their bags and move to Florida.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I find a lot of texas strippers fucking ugly too lmao not just midwest. And theres ugly girls in FL too lol. Tho ya a lot of them are really hot.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Used to be fit and attractive dancers would dance and provide some decent contact. Now a days you don’t find the dancers are in as good of shape like you used to find, and to find one willing to give good contact means her appearance is not too talent. This downside was happening slowly over the past 5-10 years I noticed. Maybe post COVID will bring some fit and attractive talent that wants to keep in shape by dancing and make money at the same time.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    There are cute strippers in tx too just not as many as you would expect for a growing state with girls flocking.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Important thing to note when it comes to weight, it’s not just a problem with strippers. I live in a town with 33,000 college students and although the majority isn’t here this school year I have noticed over the past several years the student population as a whole is much more heavy than 20 years ago when I was in school. Society is embracing fuller figures these days and you’re seeing it in children, young adults etc etc. fat shaming is no longer allowed.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Well to me the worst thing is these skinny little girls that have a lot of belly fat but dont have the rest of the body to match?? Like how can you be so skinny with such a belly???? And I am not talking about the girls who are pregnant. I actually don't mind bigger girls that are well proportioned and not so fat they need to contour their facial features back on.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    I do think that there was a time period clubs (especially higher end ones, that their debut in the early 90s, or so I heard) had a more specific look that was accepted as a dancer. Mostly being white and a “spinner” body type, where the main source of acceptable adipose is having tits (and on a small enough frame, the main way to even realistically achieve that is through a boob job). At that time period women were actually concerned weather their butts (and not stuff like their stomach) were too big—which yes I’m sure you were already well aware but I felt like explaining that because it’s weird to remember that time period. Thanks to popular culture pushing the other way as much (sometimes in a rather extreme way, like 2icee likes to troll this site with images of) for the past few years, I think a lot of complaining on this site is more reactionary just because they are tired of “thick” as a trend—which admittedly probably has been forced upon an aging group of customers a little bit too much when they would rather have clubs be a “fantasyland” away from what is more “pc” or “current”. Ditto on the complaining about tattoos. And if we want to get really blunt, talking with the upper 30s/dancers in their 40s, it seemed like there was a lot less anger at the idea of having dancers as young as 15 working in clubs. Seems many OG strippers brag on that about that about themselves (while simultaneously decrying the legal-aged 18 year old strippers today for being too young) Idk when that became more taboo, maybe early 2000s? Not going to comment further on that...but wanted to point out that probably helped out keeping the roster of a certain body type + softer&firmer skin+ fresher faces out there back in the day... If that 90s/early 2000s look is ones preference, then yes indeed standards are WAY down. Plus also things like post 2008 and more clubs being “house fee mills” (clubs putting in more quantity of bodies in the store over quality) and the like don’t help.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    ^Lol you overestimate how sociable I am. I tend to pick things up more in passing. 😝
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Meh maybe it is just my burnout talking but I see more and more girls that wouldn't get a second glance on the street from anyone making the money. And then the cute ones getting passed up
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Out here in Portland I see it the same. There's always been a consistent distribution out here where the hottest strippers are rare (but still exist) and there's a good proportion of "less than attractive" strippers. And then there's everything in between. This hasn't changed in 20 years. Just taking DV8 for an example... [view link] ...this is their current twitter. If you scroll through it and check out some of the dancers you'll find 8+ quality in a few of them but then a lot are also over tattooed and rather "butchy" looking. This is just an example that it's been the same way out here for 20 years. Portland has always had the "full spectrum" of stripper looks as much as I've observed. I like it because there's always an 8+ hottie out there...if you know where to look.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Ok maybe it is a burnout and attitude thing idk. But ya most customers do act like pos imo. If I am near you or talking to you don't grab me muffucka etc. I kinda get dudes wanting to grab during dances and cant get mad really but out on the floor y'all bitches need to learn how to act. I do think the uglier chicks don't demand as much respect or as u guys say they got less GPS. LoL and ya uglier chicks are more excited to get male attention and shit so maybe it makes their attitude better or whatever
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Wait, did I accidentally agree with rickdugan? What's going on..." I know what's going on. You were actually right for a change. But if it's any comfort, I'm sure you'll go back to saying stupid things soon enough. 😉
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Yeah idk how to stop hitting dudes when they pull that shit. Then I get fired. Or I get fired for something else. I am pretty bad at taking bullshit and going with the flow. Need to maybe figure out anger management techniques or creative under the radar revenge idk. I don't need to be carted off to jail tho for hitting some dumbass here and there...
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I have heard of girls legit getting carted off to jail over this stupid shit I pull maybe too often. Or for doing less than I have gotten away with over and over... And ya a criminal record would totally suck. Although it seems like every little thing is illegal like what's the deal??? lol!
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Ok maybe it is a burnout and attitude thing idk." Blah, I say this with all kindness, but all too often when I hear a stripper complain that the customers are the reason that she can't earn enough, she's ignoring her own role in that problem. It sounds like you're getting a bit burned out and it's creating defensive feelings. Customers can pick up on that, not only from what you say and how you say it, but from body language and a myriad of other unconscious cues. It's not just about enforcing boundaries - it's also about how you do it. Maybe it's time to take a break or mix up your income sources a bit more?
    3 years ago
    I started clubbing circa 1990, Looking back those girls were attactive but not overly so, But they could dance, costumes theme sets ect, toward the mid 2015 the girls were MUCH more attractive but just walked around obn stage waiting for table dancers, circa 2020 before corana there were way too many fat grls and girls tatted way up
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I do feel like the customers have changed tho since when I started. They just seem even more fucking entitled. Maybe I am crazy idk. And ya working on mixing my income sources.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    If you want fat 5/6 dancers, make sure you go to an extras club. If you want beautiful dancers make sure you go to a non-extras club. Dancers are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less hot than 20-25 years ago and prices have gone astronomically.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Oh no, how will I ever recover..." Take comfort heaving. You're already posting stupid things again, which is a surefire sign that your recovery is well underway. 😀
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    To be fair a lot of girls don't do much on stage cuz a lot of dudes seem to expect a free show. Like why bust your ass for nothing? And I hate the argument of "oh he might not tip on stage but will get dances/rooms if he likes you" yeah no. so he won't tip for a good show/effort but will spend money to basically try and molest girls. What I don't get is how in some places people are literally allowed to sit at stage and not tip and are not made to fucking leave. If someone sits right at the stage they have to tip like even if you don't like the girl. Don't like her and refuse to tip? just get up, damn.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    To the original question, I hope not. Just got my 2nd shot, looking forward to trading some 💰 money for beautiful company/fun.
  • SalaoLikeSantiago
    3 years ago
    Rule #6: If the woman dancing for me at the end of the night is below my standards, it's time to lower my standards.
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    I don't get why these itches have to dump tacos all over me!
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    We are in the middle of a post CoVid transitional period. Still a lot of shaking out to do before the dust settles it’ll be a few months before we know what the new normal is.
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    Run from the ugly girls! They have yucky vaginas anyway! Cum see me like Ricky!!!
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    " a lot of girls don't do much on stage cuz a lot of dudes seem to expect a free show. " Here's a different perspective. The sign out front says "nude dancers". I paid $5 or more for parking, I paid $20 or more cover, and I am paying a nude girl premium for my drinks. To my thinking, that's not a "free show". It is the entry level service that strip clubs provide. For my part, if I watch a dancer get naked, I will go up to the stage on the last dance of the set and drop some money. But, there is a huge difference in how much I tip a bored/boring, hate the stage obligation, minimal effort dancer and an engaging, enthusiastic, damn she can move dancer. Many times a dancer that I turned down on the floor got my attention on the stage and kept my attention and my money for the rest of the night. As far as girls not being as pretty. This is probably true to my tastes because I like more natural fit women. Cartoonish enlargement of lips, breasts, and asses leaves me cold. Also. the clubs are way slower than they were 10 years ago. Less customers = less dancers = less variety = less of what you as an individual find attractive.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I think some enhancement is fine, but I have seen some women that just go seriously stupid with the body and face enhancements to where it just detracts...imo
  • CarlitosPeligro
    3 years ago
    I always think I don’t like that fake look too but then I catch myself turning my head when one walks by. Sometimes I remind myself of a trout watching a fake lure go by. I can’t help it.
  • DrStab
    3 years ago
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My first strip club trips were in the late 1980s. The women, then, seemed more slutty (I hate to say that), but that may have been more of my innocence in a strange, awesome new world. The dancers today seem a little more upscale that what I remember from back in the day. I hope I’m wrong, but it seems like the future of the clubs will be “make it rain” where I guess the only thing that matters is how a gal twerks her ass.
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    One can see the gradual decline in female attractiveness over time. If one looks at women in the 1940s for example, they were extremely sexy and attractive on average and pretty much with each subsequent generation have become less so. This is finally starting to become obvious with the late Millennials and Generation Z. The higher mutational load in successive generations is starting to take its toll. Its got a lot to do with decreasing rates of infant and child mortality. 200 years ago 50% of children died in infancy or childhood; gradually this has improved, and today in developed countries that rate is under one percent. While that is good in a humanitarian sense, it also means many people who should have died in infancy due to weak genes or harmful mutations are surviving. While much discussion of the resulting "spiteful mutant" phenomena has focused on the mental mutations that seem to be proliferating more and more over recent generations, there is no reason to believe that there would not also be subtle physical degeneration as well at the statistical level. While this was offset for a while by improved diet, environment, and childhood health care, by the time we get to today's young adults it would not be a surprise to find these physical flaws becoming more readily visible.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    Before Covid, each of the bigger clubs here in Indianapolis seemed to have three or four really pretty strippers who spent a lot of time with high spenders. Occasionally if I got lucky I could get lap dances during a slow moment for them but I often didn't get that chance. Now it seems like the average girl is about the same but those three or four extremely attractive girls in each club are missing. Maybe the high spenders were older guys who stayed away during the epidemic and while they stayed away the girls who were the objects of their spending decided it wasn't worth coming in for the reduced income.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    Granted, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But in general, I think hotness in strippers has gone down a bit overall, mostly due to weight gain. That’s also true of society overall, though.
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Heaving are you talking about Meg from Family Guy?
  • TFP
    3 years ago
    Blah posted: "And I hate the argument of "oh he might not tip on stage but will get dances/rooms if he likes you" yeah no. so he won't tip for a good show/effort but will spend money to basically try and molest girls." Yes actually, that whole paragraph describes me as a customer. I usually don't sit at the stage because I'm not really there to watch stage routines and pole tricks. I'm there for some good grinding dances, while I have handfuls of boobs and ass. Usually once I spot my physically preferred type I ask her straight up for dances. But if she hits the stage before I have a chance then I might pull up a chair and tip so she knows I am interested. But that's about the only reason I sit there. Soon as she leaves and some pale no tits girl hits the stage I'm out of that seat faster than the roadrunner.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I go back and forth with skinnier is better or not. But I don't think it is healthy to go out of one's way to be a body type they are not naturally. If a girl is thicker naturally as long as she isn't disproportionately big in the stomach and has some muscle tone I'd say it is a good look. I just think that a lot of people do use "thick" when they really should be saying fat, but that isn't PC. So at this point I think it is dumb to starve oneself if they are not naturally skinny. And it's dumb for the naturally skinny girls to get fat while trying to get an ass. I feel like I always default to a weight I can manage to maintain anyway, but maybe I am big for some anymore. Oh well.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I think that dudes wanting women to be really thin and working hard to be thin is a control thing for men honestly. And also the guys wanting women to be plastic surgeried out to the max is also a control thing. Like ha ha ha ho i got some money so I control how you look. Idk it disgusts me. Now if a girl wants to starve to be thin or wants her whole body and face done that's fine if that is what she wants and is happy with it long term. And yeah a lot of guys claim to dislike plastic surgery, but it does seem like guys just say that... Overall I find most guys love the plasticked out look. I like the unnaturally perfect BBL butts/hips, but every girl I've ever seen who had that has a weird looking stomach. Like their stomach is little but dented... I've considered just doing lipo on the flanks (?) but i don't wanna have these dents I keep seeing.
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    Goats > sheep
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    @heaving I feel like your average male likes Cardi B's body which is totally fake. or Kylie Jenner who again doesn't have a single thing real on her not even her face. Guys don't give a shit
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    This Connie Carter chick is hot.
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Agreed! WTF Heaving she is hot as fuck. Why the oh not the ideal...?!?! BTW BBB You look great. Don't drop your perspective on how you appear for what you consider to be perfection.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Ya I wanna say when I saw this connie carter she would be one of the ideal types to most guys I know. I think that less and less people worship the fashion model type. Or the less extreme Victoria's secret type. That being said, I do think there is something really nice and regal about tall thin or slim women like 5'10 or 5'11. No homo
  • reverendhornibastard
    3 years ago
    I haven’t been to clubs very much in the last year (hardly at all), but it seems to me that the number of dancers available is down significantly. This probably only reflects that the number of customers is also significantly reduced. But it seems to me that the PERCENTAGE mix of beauties and beasts is about the same as it ever was.
  • Usccln555
    3 years ago
    CAMING! It is quite safe and lucrative for hot women to make money with a Webcam compared with working in a club. Plus Covid shut downs of clubs kind of left no other choice.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Connie Carter is smoke-show hot. The original question is too subjective to answer. Many guys here, who are older, grew up with a beauty standard for women that is very different from the type of girl who is stripping today. Which is why you'll see a lot of complaints about thicker girls, tattooed girls, or even darker/exotic girls. So, what is declining quality for one guy is awesome sauce for another guy. Personal opinion ... there's still plenty of hot women stripping, but what that means has changed a lot over the years.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I notice less beautiful girls. Onlyfans is a huge thing. 250 fans at $20 a pop and after onlyfans cut she gets $4000 a month. I know girls making that and more posting 1 lingerie pic or twerking video a week. At least clubs im familiar with got in touch with girls to work. Its usually managements favorites. Also seeing more fucked up dancers than usual. Trying to work as much as possible while her pimp is in jail. Very expensive drug habits. Girls are lured into working underground clubs and parties. Average girls who lost their jobs during the pandemic. Girls don't go into it coz of their looks and its like there's a broader spectrum of girls going into it.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I blame camming and onlyfans.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Honestly I think the (junior) college girls just aren't back yet.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I notice a lot of dancers who are simply huge now. Not for me.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Given that areas of the country seem to vary, and PL's definitions of "pretty" vary even more, I don't think the *ratio* of "pretty" versus "not so pretty" has changed much. The absolute numbers of dancers seems to have declined somewhat over the last year, but not by a huge amount here in Louisville. PT's (which arguably has the objectively hottest girls in town, by a little) just recently reopened after being closed for close to a year, and while many of their dancers went to Indianapolis to dance, many *also* moved to other clubs here in town. I've seen a fair few posts on TUSCL over the years about the decline in talent over the course of time, and I've just never seen it to the degree often described. At least not here in Louisville. There are ups and downs, seasonal and event based, but overall, it's been pretty stable.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I think a lot of girls do leave the clubs because the general mileage is extremely high in most clubs across the country. A lot of this shit that is considered normal and ok in say texas is just way too much for any halfway sane female. Yuck. Cam is a decent alternative as well as just doing vanilla work or starting their own non adult biz.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    If I didn't suck so bad at golf I would play more and strip club less.....
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    If you played more golf maybe you'd not suck so bad
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The post pandemic strip club scene will definitely be different for a while. The dancer mentality is really different from just a year ago. The whole scammer culture. Girls thinking Meghan the stallion or saweetie s lyrics are a guide to life. Being impressed by anything flashy. Its unattractive coz its so over the top fake and out of touch with reality. Some of these clubs in California trying to make dancers models. The dancers are so stupid they think it helps them while all it does is rid the club of employee liabilities. And I'm seeing lots of bbls. Fake lips. Fake hair. Bad over the top eyelashes. On girls who pretend taking money for sex isn't prostitution. These girls are in their early 20s or late teens and look beat.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    yes, ime the dancer mentality is different now vs a year ago. I thought I was just being me and over the top but nah a few customers have said something like this to me as well so I'm not the crazy one. Yeah I have also noticed some of these late teens early 20s girls who get into the over the top plastic everything and face injections and way too much makeup. A lot of these girls I honest to god thought they were at least mid 30s or older. That's pretty bad when they are 21 and all this fake shit makes them look at least 35. It isn't cute. And don't get me started on some of these artificial late 20s or early 30s ladies. A lot of them I honestly thought were like 45 or something. Nah they are just going too hard with the lifestyle, plastic surgery, face injections, caked on extreme makeup. LOL I feel like with many of them the harder they try to look a certain way the uglier they make themselves. What is the point??? I don't see so much of that demographic in smaller areas, but in the bigger cities for sure there are more of these types of strippers. Hey I am not against the artifice, but I thought the idea was to make one look better not age you a decade and a half + make you look totally busted in general hah Ditto on these girls having sex for money with random customers or "sugar daddies" and don't think it is prostitution or cheating on their man. Then they get surprised or pissed off their man doesn't wanna deal with them anymore and leaves. I am honestly surprised that their men put up with these girls fucking around on them for a while before leaving. Either they are being funded by these ladies or are just stupidly in love with them. Or maybe the guy just doesn't know for a while that his woman is sucking and fucking old dudes for cash. I guess it is different if they are in an open relationship, but I am speaking that this sort of shit is fucked up in a standard monogamous non-open ended relationship. I have encountered a few of these types of girls and they always act like their man is in the wrong here... Umm if he stayed faithful and you are fucking around left and right for cash idk the logic here??? I think a lot of these bitches stay drunk and/or drugged up constantly to deal with how fucked up they are and all the fucked up shit they do.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Im only familiar with LA and Vegas right now. So thats the scene I'm going by. Youre right about them staying drugged up and drunk. Thats how they get through their days. Weed alcohol and bars during the day. Nozzing in the evening. Coke for confidence and energy to get through the night. I've been with girls like that. Honestly its not that great. Bbls leave scars. The butts get stretch marks and when you grab her waist it doesn't feel natural. They're in pain even like a year later. If they gain weight they balloon up disproportionately. If they lose weight the butts look terrible with skinny legs. When they wear anything baggier it looks like they're wearing diapers. Kissing fake lips is weird. Some are so big they have the consistency of a piece of orange. It does age them. I've seen 19 year Olds with skin so bad. They go for a generic look where they all start looking the same. Then the attitude that they need to get a return on the money they put into their bodies. Some started out as really pretty girls with fucked up self esteem. They think they trap that they're hustlers and bad bitches. But they're insecure girls who have to constantly be fucked up to cope with what they do for that bag they're so proud of. And to constantly change themselves hoping they'll be happy with themselves if they do. Its all so dysfunctional and toxic . I like a little crazy and don't mind some toxicity but its too much
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    You would think so 25 ..... but it just no longer happenin lol
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I mean just with COVID I think a lot of hot girls sat on the sidelines. [view link] I mean they’ve been open but now they are doing mass hiring? So it’s been really down obviously. As far as through the decades, now a days it seems easier to just land a sugar daddy but I really think girls have never been more down to fuck then right now. It’s just the way the cultures going, hooking up ain’t a big fucking deal that everyone makes it out to be. Jesus you would think we’re all bank robbers.
  • Cowboy12
    3 years ago
    There are fewer smoking hot girls stripping now than 10 years ago. Now, they have other options to earn a living showing off the goods.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    I can only speak for NE Florida as my travel has been limited this past year, but here the opposite is true. Right now there is more hot young talent in the clubs than I have seen in a long time. There are also more guys throwing money at that talent than I was seeing pre-COVID. It actually sucks in a way because this new crop of girls is definitely more self entitled and prices are going up fast.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Inflation stripper style. LOL
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    @2icee I didn't know all that about BBL's. I just know that every single one I've ever seen there is some weird stomach and back dents shit going on. Even with the best BBL's I've seen I guess their stomach gets smaller but they always have the skin looking weird and dented. Not smooth like it was pre op. Just with the better bbls I see less of the stomach denting but I can always find it if I actually look lol. I guess with the better work it is a small tradeoff for the look they want. I guess I don't like the overly obviously fake look, but I also understand that a lot of women don't wanna pay like 10k for a bbl and have people think it is just squats. They want you to know they paid for a pricey procedure and are proud of it. Same with the girls getting crazy lip injections. I've met some that get annoyed with it looking too natural or like they haven't had anything done. I believe the part about these girls are in pain a long time after. I wonder what the long term pain is from? Does the doctor cut into some sensitive nerves?
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Ok with Florida I think it is different. Idk I've never set foot in jax and have little desire too. It just has zero appeal to me and seems trashy as fuck no offense. But yeah Florida was always different in that even the small towns have a bunch of beautiful women. I just think that comes with having your body on display so much at the beach or whatever.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Desire to* lol me cant grammars
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    @blahblah The dents are basically scarring from where they insert the lipo tube. They can minimize them with special massages but they're like $200 here and they need to go every week. They also have little stab wound looking scars from the insertion points. The stomach is sensitive to touch even after like 7 months. And it doesn't feel like a flat stomach. Its weird the way the skin is stretched. They get the look they want when looking at them from a distance or filtered pics. But up close its worse. Same with the lips. They get lumps and need to be redone. Yeah they want it to be noticed like a status symbol. That they paid for it. And its never enough. Then they go to breasts noses. They never feel good enough or complete enough. I know girls who were insecure about their stomachs. Got them done and now its breasts or noses. The high of feeling better from the surgery doesn't last. And it never gets positive attention. No one looks at them as hot or pretty girls. They get looked at as body parts. She'll become her ass. Some embrace it thinking its positive. But that shows their self esteem or lack of. These so-called bad bitches are so insecure and settle for so little. The long term pain is from the healing process. The more fat gets taken out the worst it is. Plus not every dr is well trained in the procedure. In Tijuana there are clinics that are just bbl mills basically.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Ok so basically a lot of them dont budget for the aftercare of bbl. That's what I assumed. Yeah I have never seen a post bbl stomach/back that looks good in bright dressing room lights up close. I've thought about doing this procedure but instead to have hips. The dents turn me off though and I've seen them in pretty much every girl who has had lipo in the stomach and didnt gain enough fat afterward to kinda cover the dents. I have seen girls get their lips done not too crazy and it looked good, but yeah most of them wayyy overdo it. Again, I'm not against all the fake stuff, but sometimes it is way too much on some girls. I got my tits done and the side I had a minor lift done still pains me sometimes, but I think the surgeon cut some sensitive nerve or something. So now both my tits are symmetrical and my lift is unnoticeable to customers, but I would almost rather be lopsided. The side that was only implant never gave me issues after I healed from surgery. This was over 2 years ago.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    With the after care most don't also realize they're supposed to maintain a certain weight and exercise to keep the results. Exercise and a butt lift give more natural and more sustain results. Lips can look good if they were too thin before and the results look natural. Plus it depends on the type of filler used. But its like most prefer an extreme. With breasts if they look natural they're okay. But I think a lift is all some girls need. Like I know a 19 year old who is 34 DD and she wants 500cc implants.... I heard that implants can scar tissue inside the breast. Anything invasive can hurt nerve tissue. When I get older I think I'll get both or juvederm or something . So I'm not against any procedure. But this current trend is just too much for the wrong reasons
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    As I rapidly approach the age where I no longer care about the shit I have my whole life, i just realized how lucky I am. When I was young and single, women were promiscuous and the drinking age was 18. Few women got pregnant and most sex was unprotected. I would hate to be young and single now. When I was young twiggy was a size zero; now she'd be a negative 14. A size 10 woman in 1973 is now a size 5. Women were thinner and better looking and now that I no longer really care. I like real. No make-up real. Work out, don't eat too much real. Very few women are like that. Now they are plastic and large. Hell, climate change is killing skiing and soon I will be too old for that lo.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    ^^^well said, it applies to men too. most men cant do 1 pull up, no drive, blame it on the government. I still dont get why men like having sex with condoms, its been like 10 years for me since i bought condoms
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I hardly ever use condoms . Most girls don't ask for them and I don't suggest them so... I think its just people are used to them not that they actually like them. Even the best condoms feel okay but it's not the same
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    All this talk from the no-condom club might be one explanation for why today’s young is less physically attractive. 😝
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    When we swing I use a condom 10% of the time. There isn;'t a dancer on the planet I would do without a condom. No, its not disease I fear, its impregnating a young woman and ruining the rest of my life. The new things in lap dances seems to be the girl grinding on me and then grabbing my dick and trying to mount me. Other than walking in ice cold ocean water, near a chainsaw, nothing makes me flaccid quicker.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    LOL I did meet one old white man once who iirc was married and admitted to getting some stripper preggo. I guess he was talking to me and tipping me cuz I looked like baby mama. Funny shit
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Nobody looks forward to using a condom. But I weigh that against how much less I look forward to getting someone pregnant or catching a bug that can't be cured. Personally, I think boning strippers without a condom is like Russian roulette. Eventually, you're going to shoot a live round.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I wanna get someone pregnant though. Want a family
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    I thought the 'prettiness' level at local club was done a little bit on my recent visit, but that's one data point only.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    DOWN, not done
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    If I compare the looks of all my faves since the 90s, they've all been pretty and it hasn't changed. I don't see a decline in it myself.
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