A good amount I would think ( about the same as you, 500 or so) but on the flip side I will say that Im buying more food at the grocery store and Home Depot and Lowes are liking me a lot more than before. It seems a lot of the money I saved is being spent on me now :)
I'm not saving anywhere near what you guys are. The past few years things have been so bad in the dives that I frequent, I often didn't spend much more than the price of a beer and a tip because I didn't like what I saw and was in a hurry to leave and kick myself for wasting my time.
Probably close to 1k/mo. Most goes into my speculative Robinhood account now. Turns out there IS a way to light money on fire that's less satisfying and rewarding than strip clubs lol.
Am saving a ton on food though. Pretty much am not spending shit right now
Not sure, because when you add up fuel, wear and tear on the vehicle, time spent being away from more constructive duties, and pickling the liver a lot less when I am at home, I’d say I’m saving a lot more than hundreds of dollars. My sleep is better and my body is healthier so I equate that to big savings, especially on my sanity. Chicks be crazy at times.
Probably $600 a month.
$200 a month less in food.
There are other savings as well, but I’ve devoted those resource to my audio/video Home Theater interests.
All things considered with club visits, I estimate a few thousand. Considering I don't plan to go to a club until at least July...so much more to save!
About $500/month from strip clubs, $300/month in reduced fuel since I am not going anywhere, maybe $200/month from restaraunts, and $250-300 in live entertainment (sports/concerts/plays) and about $1k/month in travel. So in the last month that has saved me more $5000 so far and when you add in the stimulus check and a $2k bonus from my employer that has paid off the last $2100 I had in credit cards and helped paid down almost $6k extra on the mortgage.
I'm probably saving about $800 a month. I was saving about that much a month until about 10 years ago. When I had saved up about sixty thousand dollars I asked myself what was the purpose of increasing it further since I can't take it with me. So for the last 10 years I've spent everything I earn and just keep the money I saved previously as a rainy day fund.
I never tracked my SC spending although I know it was fairly significant - hard for me to say for sure how much I spent since I didn't plan my visits nor had set days I went, kinda went mostly when in the mood - when I was SCing hard over the last few years I'd guesstimate I'd spend about $1K/month on avg and probably up to $2K on certain months - in the past when I'd stop SCing for a few weeks I'd see my bank-account swell up, but in the last year or so as I started to club a lot less I started moving that $$$ towards stock investments so I wasn't quite seeing how much I was saving since my bank-account remained fairly-low and my investments would be going up and down.
Am saving a ton on food though. Pretty much am not spending shit right now
$200 a month less in food.
There are other savings as well, but I’ve devoted those resource to my audio/video Home Theater interests.
maybe ten so far.
a penny saved is a penny earned.
I hope I got it right.
. I think I can say that was a quote from Benjamin Franklin .