Who are our favorite movie villains lately? Hollywood gives us many to pick from but among the more common bad guys lately are Middle Eastern terrorists. After all, they’re in the news all the time for killing and maiming people around the world (and often even each other) over petty disagreements about the proper way to worship their idea of a god.
Who could love a bunch of disheveled, hate-fueled, bloodthirsty rag heads?
Not me for sure!
There must be something terribly wrong with the Middle Eastern culture, right? What else would explain why the Middle East is such a mess and why their principal exports are religious extremism, hate, terror and violence?
Kinda - sorta!
There is no question that the Middle East is not a happy place today. But anyone who has done any reading has to face up to another incongruous fact about the Middle East. The Middle East was the cradle of Western Civilization. Mathematics and the Western writing system were developed by the ancestors of the people we now call those dirty, murderous rag heads. It is no accident that the words “algebra” and “alphabet” have an Arabic ring to them. The first two letters of the Arabic alphabet are “alif” and “ba.”
“Alif, ba” ... sound familiar?
To add insult to injury, the leading religions of the Western World were developed in the Middle East by Bronze Age brown-skinned rag heads. Like it or not, Jesus undoubtedly resembled Osama bin Laden a lot more than than he looked like Donald Trump.
But everything changes eventually. The Western World, not the Middle East, has been at the leading edge of human advancement on a variety of scientific and technological fronts over the last few hundred years. But this is no guarantee that Western societies can or will continue to lead the way.
Everything changes eventually. If there is one thing we can say about all human endeavors it is that failure, not success, is the norm and when it success is achieved, it is always fleeting.
Civilizations rise and civilizations fall.
Don’t believe me? Just ask the rag heads.
If the idiocy and hatred that is awash in American society and much of the West today continues to grow, we will go the way of Nazi Germany. For those who haven’t heard, as things turned out blind, ignorant devotion to a demagogue who spewed hatred, divisiveness and a disdain for the rule of law was NOT the pathway to renewed national greatness and glory that the Nazis promised it would be.
But some people haven’t read history and some people just never learn.
last commentIn my opinion one thing that seems to define any modern politician is the failure to act on anything except their own self preservation, let’s be realistic Trump is no different than any of the politicians that he constantly whines about as he is full of himself and never acts in any interest other than his own, whether it is with respect to the Ukraine, profiting from his position and a whole host of others basic stuff. He puts his personal needs ahead of anything you know it as well as all of us. He is a hypocrite that we will survive and come out of this stronger than before and people will be amazed at this era in America’s politics maybe even call it similar to the McCarthy era which eventually came to an end.
We have just as much a right to voice our dislike of this man as you have, to like him, it’s when you start suggesting that your patriotism is stronger than ours you lose the argument we have earned our right to be here so my suggestion is you learn to accept it, we aren’t going to the Middle East or any place else we are staying right here and exercising our rights and privileges to be the patriots of the opposition, any suggestions to the contrary are unAmerican.
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money”
-Alexis De Tocqueville
You're right about "algebra" coming from Arabic. But I think our word "alphabet" comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: Alpha, beta.
Speaking of math, I think it's time to ban the teaching of Arabic numerals in public schools.
I think progressives ironically live in the past. They talk as if issues that were resolved 10 years ago, 50 years ago, or apparently even 100 years ago are still relevant today.
As a member of subtly (though not to the degree some others are) persecuted minority in the U.S., I feel him.
The Greeks didn’t start from scratch when devising their alphabet. In the late ninth century BC or early eighth century BC, the Greek alphabet emerged. The Greeks adopted theor alphabet from the earlier Phoenician alphabet, one of the closely related scripts used for the West SEMITIC languages.
Our alphabet’s heritage can definitely be traced to ancient Arabic writing systems.
I studied Hebrew when I was in grad school. The names of the first two letters in the Hebrew alphabet are “alef” and “bet.” That’s when I first realized from where our alphabet had been derived.
You think its a coincidence that racial tensions got worse under Obama? Its because of the fucking SJWs trying to make everything about race. Conservatives have been trying to say that race is unimportant for decades now. It was progressives who insisted on making it a national problem again.
I am a registered Republican, but I haven't voted that way since
W left office. I consider myself a fiscal conservative and a social liberal (weird combo, I know) Trump has been a disaster in almost every one of his policies. He has a couple policies where I think he's on track, but even those have caused friends a lot of anguish.
Basically, this nation has been built by immigrants. Einstein, von Braun, ...hell, there are damn few of us who can trace our family histories in this nation more than three generations back. The time to start reducing our carbon footprints passed about 50 years ago. Think it's not going to get worse? Try reading the reports on increased global temperature rises as more of the Arctic permafrost melts and releases trapped methane into the atmosphere. Solving, even denting these problems is going to require leadership with real vision and a commitment to do some hard things. I don't really see it on either side of the aisle, but I can see who'll make it worse faster.
My view is that DT is purely a self-serving lout. He needs to go, and soon.
SJWs are probably the least courageous people I've ever seen. There's nothing courageous about agreeing with everyone around you, virtue signalling on Twitter, and demanding that the college administration prevent you from ever having to hear opposing viewpoints.
By the way, you seem to really be counting on those 2018 midterm results. You know I voted for the Democrats in 2018? It seems you have not considered that extreme behavior on the left might have caused people to switch sides.
I have good reasons for opposing the SJW lynch mob. I've already told people that you don't count as an SJW unless you are attempting to use accusations of all the various "isms" to win an argument and doxxing people. SJWs want to destroy your life if you disagree with them.
If someone's goals align with mine. What do you think I'll tell them? Don't agree with me? That would be foolish. Following the herd is when you blindly support whatever the people around you believe.
@Reverend wrote: "If the idiocy and hatred that is awash in American society and much of the West today continues to grow, we will go the way of Nazi Germany"
I used to wonder how Germany allowed Hitler to rise into power. But the answer is more obvious now: fear, idiocy, and hatred.
Recent article about how Hitler pioneered ‘Fake News’
Sound familiar?
To believe otherwise is to misapprehension history and human nature.
Humans share 98% of their chromosomes with chimpanzees. When humans are scared or angry (or both) our genetic heritage really shows!
Not enough coffee in my system yet.
If you are gonna bring age into this. I am just about 100% certain I am younger than you are. I am 21 years old, at a large, public college, studying a liberal arts degree in a field absolutely dominated by liberal ideology and that has only intensified my disagreement with how the left has been acting. If you are relying on the boomers dying off to bring about democrat victory then you may be in for a rude awakening. The baby boomers were extremely liberal when they were young in their 20s. I mean they were the hippie generation for fuck's sake. Millennials and Gen Z are mostly going to be conservatives when they are 60 as well. Especially given the backlash and resentment by many towards how the school system has tried to brainwash us.
Oh, wait, this is the politics room....
Sigh, well then, go ahead
Turns people off from listening to your input though
Just sayin
What arguments of mine are "Hannity talking points?"
Your party's desperation to get Trump impeached before 2020 says otherwise.
Bring it on. We'll see who wins this election.
Also makes the white nationalism argument really fucking stupid when the country I think the world should look up to isn't even a white one. My opposition to progressives' race politics comes from the fact that they've institutionalized and think its okay to demonize and be racist towards white people while claiming that they are the anti-racist ones.
Can Founder delete your account if that happens?
I'm fairly certain Trump has visited one of these establishments. Question is, did the North Koreans take videos of the golden showers he received there and are they holding it against him, like Russia is.
Read the comments on this post. They are not atypical of what passes for “political discourse” in America today.
Yet, there is virtually no political discussion going on. Instead, there is just a nonstop stream of vilification devoid of factual comment about what the POTUS or his detractors have promoted, demoted, done, failed to do, said or failed to say, whether they have delivered on their promises or failed miserably.
Whether you love Trump and hate Obama or the other way around, if you think either of them is a piece of shit, we should all thank our lucky stars that someone like Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Duterte or Erdoğan isn’t in the White House (yet).
But if we cant be bothered to bone up on the facts (instead of listening passively to all the horse shit flavored pablum that people like Hannity, Chris Cuomo, Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow routinely deliver), then we all richly deserve what’s coming to us.
Bend over, America!
It's no surprise people have come to dislike progressives given that their prime strategy with regards to all debates since 2013 has been to scream "that's offensive! You can't say that! You're racist! You're a misogynist!"
I can't wait for 2020 so I can experience the deep satisfaction of bubbling in Trump's name on the voter ballot.
And actually it was Southerners who caused Lincoln to win in 1860. At the Democratic Convention they demanded "a slave code for the West", meaning the areas not yet admitted as states, and trying to nullify the Free State Constitutions, like California's.
So when they did not get this, they followed the lead of the Senator from Mississippi, Jefferson Davis, and they walked out.
So they formed their own Southern Democratic Party, thus guaranteeing the the new Republican Party, always a Northern only party, would win.
And Lincoln had pledged that he would not interfere with slavery where it was now practiced. But still, by the time he took the oath of office in March, 7 states had announced their intent to secede. The remaining four followed suite when Lincoln required that they supply troops to put down the rebellion in the Charleston area.
Southerners started the Civil War, and it was just because they were so pig headed.
Lincoln held to his pledge too, up until the point that it became untenable when England and France were preparing to give diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy, so that they could jump in.
England had already tried to break up the US during the War of 1812. And France was being ruled by that Louis Napoleon III who already had his puppet Maximilian in Mexico.
So someone please remind me what a conservative Mr. Trump is, really.
Trump is spectacularly bad at his job though but he does enough things that republicans like that they ignore everything else while he continues to lower the bar.