Anybody know how busy the clubs will be on Thanksgiving?

avatar for Liwet
I've gone on Christmas Eve which was horrible. I'm wondering if Thanksgiving is going to be busier than normal or slower than normal.


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avatar for jacej
5 years ago
It probably depend on where you are. I understand that some strippers call the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving Black Wednesday because it's so busy. Apparently, a lot of guys cooped up with family for the holidays need some stress relief before Thanksgiving itself. Thanksgiving Day itself is probably hit or miss.
avatar for WinningdaChumpsGame
5 years ago
FYI- you'll have a hard time getting the bouncer to buy your story about just trying to get a second helping of stuffing out of that bird

Definitely don't mention gravy

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
If you are counting on a strip club, you better call to make sure, and then also have backup. Make sure the person you are talking to is looking at the staff schedule.

Strip clubs will be open Black Friday. Lots of married guys will have had all of The Family they can stand.

I know with AAMPs most close on Thanksgiving, but some offer special time deals. But on Black Friday both the husbands and the wives to off to spend money, but they spend it in different ways.

avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Thanksgiving Eve is the #1 barhopping day of the year. It's like Black Friday for drinking. That means a full dance roster and fewer customers since strip clubs are not as attractive for coed drinking. Sometimes, it also means dancers skipping work, and slim pickings at the club. I've seen both, and it's all luck of the draw.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Black Friday is usually busy too. Lots of husbands who tell their wives they are “shopping”.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
The couple of times I clubbed on the night before Thanksgiving the clubs were busy, but it's been a few years.

The couple of times I clubbed on Thanksgiving itself the clubs were dead throughout the night. Most of the normal Thursday night dancers did not come in and there were only a handful of guys. The last time I did it, the club didn't open until 6, but they offered a Thanksgiving buffet. Seeing those few guys all line up for the buffet just completed the whole depressing scene, since they obviously hadn't had their turkey elsewhere before coming to the club. Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family and friends and I don't think I ever want to watch a scene like that again.

I've never clubbed on Black Friday, so I have no idea.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
I don't care how busy the club is on Thanksgiving. I've invited a dancer to have Thanksgiving dinner at my house.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^^ jackslash +20

avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@heaving: No clue. Maybe someone who has been in Vegas on Thanksgiving can chime in.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I would assume that in Vegas Thanksgiving changes nothing. But maybe we have some here who actually know.

avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
I guess I'll find out this Thursday.
avatar for DandyDan
5 years ago
Are clubs even open Thanksgiving? I only know of one that was ever open on Thanksgiving and the one time I went, it was dead. Black Friday was not a whole lot better in general, either.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 years ago
I'll be home working a double like last year. Thanksgiving is also an annual Lions home game in Detroit.
avatar for EndlessSummer
5 years ago
The night before any holiday always tends to be far busier than the holiday itself... however, our club has served up a Thanksgiving feast in past years (pretty sure they will again this year but haven't confirmed) that draws a great crowd and boasts really amazing food... turkey prepared 4 different ways (including deep fried) and all the fixins.
I'm still debating whether or not to work this year, but all this talk of yummy food is def tempting me! 🍗🌽🥒🥕

avatar for pistola
5 years ago
I've been in Vegas for Thanksgiving. It's dead AF. Pretty sure only a small handful of clubs are open and they dont open until late. Thanksgiving and Christmas Day - the only two days 24 7 clubs close in Vegas....
avatar for Pistrolla
5 years ago
I hate how the Vegas clubs close during thanksgiving because Kings of Hustler is my favorite place. I wanted to get stuffed with gravy...
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
^Mack/Spice - my goodness you really suck at trolling, that's the best you can do? Disappointing.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
I da kang of trolls
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Oh shit...wrong account 😢
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
The night before any holiday always tends to be far busier than the holiday itself... however, our club has served up a Thanksgiving feast in past years (pretty sure they will again this year but haven't confirmed) that draws a great crowd and boasts really amazing food... turkey prepared 4 different ways (including deep fried) and all the fixins.
I'm still debating whether or not to work this year, but all this talk of yummy food is def tempting me!

avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
I da kang of da trolls!
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I was at Follies yesterday and a dancer asked me if the club was open on Thanksgiving. I replied "You tell me" :)
avatar for rell
5 years ago
I've never been to a club on Thanksgiving but I couldn't imagine it being very busy . I might go tonight because a local strip club is advertising more girls than normal so I might give it a shot
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I would avoid the night before Thanksgiving at all costs. The clubs will be crowded with guys taking up time with dancers.

Lots of amateurs and college guys drinking and wasting time for a dance or two. These guys think the dancers really find them interesting - and they bring $50 thinking they will come home with money.

Clubs know there will be lots of tards out - so they add security. So you get the bouncers who can’t get a job trying to keep guys from having fun.

Stay far away from clubs this weekend. It’s a bad scene. Unless you like seeing dudes puking in the parking lot - fights - and very limited time with the top whores.
avatar for marty_mcfly
5 years ago
I went to a Denver club tonight (Thanksgiving eve). Will post a review later. The club was very quiet, maybe 6-8 dancers and 10 customers. But the dancers were all very attractive, so it ended up being a fun night for me.

I went in thinking that I might pay the cover, buy a drink and bug out if it was too crowded or crazy. Not the case.

Besides Thanksgiving, we've had like two feet of snow in the past few days. So conditions are not ideal for shlepping around to SCs or otherwise.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
A couple of months ago I had a dancer tell me that the night of Black Friday (tonight) can be a madhouse because a lot of dancers blow through a lot of cash shopping for themselves and others, but the customers are spending less (or just not there) because they have also made some larger purchases on Black Friday discounts.

I interpreted that as a "buyer's market".

I don't know if that's true, though. I've never gone to a strip club on Friday night. But I'm contemplating it for tonight. We'll see.
avatar for PrimetimeSchein
5 years ago
Hmm never thought of it that way Ishmael. It appears deals can be had
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
5 years ago
Maybe I'll also test Call-Me-Ishmael's theory here in my local market :)
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
Wednesday night, one of the clubs had "customer appreciation night." They did it last year as well. Nothing fancy, but it was filling, and tasted good. Lots of dancers, and a good customer crowd as well. I assume they did well.
avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
(Black Friday is usually busy too. Lots of husbands who tell their wives they are “shopping”.)

Wish I had thought of that.
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