Ok guys I have come across a terrible situation and need your guys advice... The last month or two a couple of my favs all quit at once so I have been scouting for a new CF. I am pretty picky as far as who I am attracted to so usually I sit in one of the cabanas that surround the main room at my club and just watch the room, see if there are any new girls I might be interested in. I usually hang for an hour and then leave. I have noticed that a few girls have been avoiding me and I couldn't figure out why (I tip the stage more than average for this club and take girls to the back on occasion)...
So today a dancer I know pretty well came up to me and said that some guy gave her $20 to give me a lap dance. I was like ok cool. She quietly pointed the guy out and I didn't recognize him. My home club has a table of permanent regulars who all met going there and this guy is one of them. I tipped the dancer and said let me know if you figure it what was going on...
She came back half an hour or so later and said that the group of permanent club regulars has decided they all think I am an undercover cop. And they are telling dancers that which is why they are avoiding me...
I am really not sure how to handle this situation. The dancer in question said she argued with them that I wasn't a cop, she has known me for a while and I have LDKed with her a bunch. But they seemed convinced...
Just ask the girl what you need to do to her to prove you are not a cop. In my experience if you are good enough with your hands or tongue you can convince them that you aren't a cop. (Or at least a perverted cop that isn't going to cause anyone to get arrested)
Lol! Is this the same clique with the overweight guy who wears a Texas Tech hat? And a tall dark Hispanic guy, etc?
I guess ride it out and time will heal their nonsense.
The only thing I can think of is to start leaving your Tesla (or whatever other brand that a cop is unlikely to have) key fob on the table in front of you in a more obvious way.
Go over to their table and in a really loud obnoxious way say which one of you fuckers wants to go to jail, that should make them go to another club, problem solved Your Welcome
Ah hell. Gsteph’s suggestion of a weed vape pen may not be a bad idea. Pretend to have already taken a few hits yourself (or cut loose and actually do it 😃) and offer for any dancer in front of you to take a hit as well.
Yeah the car suggestion isn't bad. But I can't exactly get them to come out to the parking lot to see I have an expensive car.
The drugs thing is also not bad. Except I don't do any drugs. One of my favs is a hard drugs user so I could get some cocaine from her and tape it to a $20 bill and then go to the guy that bought me the dance and say thank for the dance and hand him the $20. Then go "oh yeah I also got you some cocaine".
But that could also be construed as I'm a dirty cop who is trying to intimidate them.
Thinking back a few weeks ago I was talking to this dancer who avoids me and sits with those guys. She was quizzing me on specifically who I had been a regular with in the past.
Just engage with them, get friendly with the ones you want. Things will straighten out.
I've been called a "Buzz Kill" on this board, and a lot of people see me as kind of a heavy. Strip clubs and lots of situations people have asked me if I am a cop. Really, I find the idea silly.
Strip club girls have frisked me, including in my crotch, to make sure I don't have a concealed badge.
It's no big deal though. Engage with the people you want and let them know you.
Generally with girls I'm pretty forward and physically friendly. That seems to handle it.
I would invite a dancer over after tipping her at the stage, then when she comes over say , look im not a cop and to prove it... (proceed to pull out your junk) ... satisfied? Now let's get some dances. Lol
But seriously, Is this an extras club?otherwise why would there be an undercover cop there?
Porsche: The last time someone came this fast, it was this 50 year old man who was dressed up like a little kid, told me how dope fresh he looked, and then made me say "I'm a high end vegas girl". But as soon as I said the first word, he came and then ran away. Fucker didn't even pay me
I get this a lot as well. Probably because of all the antennas on my vehicle. People notice that shit for some reason. So, I first make sure that the dancer is not a cop, then I accidentally expose my concealed expandable antenna that I hide behind my zipper so that she can be placed at ease with me. Works every time.
In a general audience travel book about Mexico they did talk about strip clubs. They said that Mexicans cannot understand our no touching clubs. In Mexico, if a guy likes a stripper, the first thing he does is kiss her.
Now in the general audience book they may not have wanted to be too explicit, kissing her may be the way of telling her that they are going to the back room.
Not that far from that sometimes in our local underground and primarily Latina circuit.
And then in AMPs, girls are used to guys who are lying on the massage table and offering amounts of money.
With me, its more standing up embracing and coming on to her, and then kissing her. That goes a long way towards getting her off script and eliminating her concerns about me being a cop. Lets her know that it will be FS instead of HJ too. Some girls are completely disarmed by this and they just let go.
Back in the 1970's I read in an issue of Hustler about prostitution venues. They talked about
Escorts AMPs Street
No mention then about strip clubs. They said that AMPs were often the best deal.
But more important, they emphasized that you should treat prostitutes no differently from how you would treat any other woman.
Well I have extended that even further, so I never put them in a position where they have to sell anything or otherwise solicit. If I want something to happen, I come on to her, in a civilian manner, and then at the earliest opportunity, GFE ensues. She will get whatever money is customary, even if she never asks for it. But never does she have to do say or do anything to make it happen. All she has to do is let go.
Yes, some do show concern once in a while. One wanted to know that the calculator in my pocket was, after DFKing had ensued.
Another was checking my crotch in a strip club, making sure I'm not going to "pull out a badge". So then I asked her were she kept her badge, not too many places for her, not much on.
Sure, I often come across as a heavy. I am a heavy, I can be really mean.
But I like women and I show this freely and make it happen with them. Many of them really go for me too, and sometimes even say to other girls that I am "totally cool". They say this just because I have been coming on to her, because usually I am not someone people see as "cool", and I don't seek to be seen that way.
I am too old to look like a cop now but 15 years ago it happened a few times. I simply showed them my drivers license and they were satisfied. This won't work for those of you that are squeamish about letting dancers know too much about you.
I’m a pretty clean cut person. In better than average shape, short hair, usually clean shaven, mostly wearing a collared shirt and slacks when I go out.
A new girl at my dancer friend’s club once asked her if I was a police officer and she told her “would a cop come in here looking so obviously like a cop?”
If you’re a regular at the club can the dancer you know or the bartenders help you out? Instead of spending an hour there, spend a long time, drink a bit and get dances from someone, anyone, and do non-cop things. Word will get around that you have money to spend and aren’t a cop.
A long time ago I was asked by some braggart what I did for a living, it was on a small business jet coming back from a trip to Atlantis in the Bahamas. Prior to that this guy had been telling me all about his brilliant deals and how he made money while seated next to me. The jet was full of high rollers and comped by the casino host. I was getting tired of listening to this guy when he asked me what I did for a living, I told him I was an ATF agent, the guy turned green around the gills and didn’t say another word the remainder of the flight back to PBI.
The real question here is *why* do they feel like they need to tell everyone that you're a cop. A couple of theories: (1) they just like to fuck with other guys at the club at random, or (2) they see a well-off guy who spends a lot of money, gets a lot of dancer attention, and they feel that threatens their turf as regulars. So, tell everyone that he's an undercover cop and crimp the hose on his fun. Maybe 'well-off guy' will take his fancy-pants car and wad of cash to another club.
The easiest solution, from my point of view, is to spend even more money. And spend it on things a cop would never do, because the dancers will gossip amongst themselves. There will come a point where people will start to think "no police department has that kind of cash...".
It's an expensive solution, but not complex or dramatic.
CallMeIshmael - I get it where they are coming from. They are trying to protect the dancers and club. And I can also see why they would think I'm a cop. I definitely don't act like a normal customer. I show up right before 3 as a ton of dancers arrive at that time. I watch who is heading in and out of the dressing room to see if there is anyone new I'm interested in. Most of the time that's a no so I leave. One of my ATFs said (long ago) that I stand out because I am really "observational". So yeah I can see why they would think I'm a cop.
Depends on how many you buy at once. $250 for one usually. You can get 2 for $400 and better deals the more you get. I mainly get them in order to have a cabana on a busy night.
I guess if all you've been doing is showing up, sitting and just looking, then taking off, and you've consistently done this several times, then yeah I can see why it msy look suspicious to some of the regulars
But PaulDrake hasn’t always been doing this. He’s been going to that club for over a year and IIRC he actually interacted with one of the members of that clique several months ago. So they should know he *has* purchased dances before. I’m in the they-being-petty camp.
Granted I do have a bias against them because I view them as club furniture, and one of them tried to convince me blowing him for $200 is the norm and a good idea (LOL)
Vice cops undercover can lie all they want; asking them if they are LE ensures nothing. Even genital exposure has become a gray area as I have also recently read a few stories (one in PA) where an undercover cop was naked with a provider getting his knob rubbed and then proceeded to pull out his badge and arrest her.
I agree, Paul doesn't fit the MO of a regular PL. He's only there for a short time, doesn't really drink as far as I know, seems to turn down dances from most girls, and is mainly an observer.
I still think it's odd that they'd think he's a cop though. I mean he does go to VIP if he finds a dancer he likes. One of my faves (busty, gorgeous blonde) sits with these regulars sometimes and she's met Paul a couple of times now, so maybe if she's seen with him again, it will put them at ease.
Stripper hoes I know claim to recognize cops by their cheap shoes, poor fashion taste and being kinda stiff, not very easy going. They also ask very direct and precise questions ie "May I touch a boob if I tip you $10?" "If I tip xxx will you perform intercourse with me in VIP?" etc...
Also, keep in mind that vice doesn't always use cops... A lot of times they use civilian moles who wear wires.... They have more leeway in what they ask and the way they engage with suspects.
Ok serious idea... What about getting a shirt that says FBI on it. Not one of the joke ones that say female body inspector just FBI. An undercover cop it not likely to do that.
Also I am planning on: Sitting in a different spot out of view of those guys Vary my visit times a little bit Hide in the back a little less (a lot of the time when I have a fav there we go straight to the back and stay there for hours)
The real proof is you just have to fuck one of them. Cops on duty are never allowed to do that.
In AMPs girls have been dressing for me and jumping in front of each other to get a turn with me. But it never would have been that way if I had not fucked one of them.
last commentI guess ride it out and time will heal their nonsense.
The only thing I can think of is to start leaving your Tesla (or whatever other brand that a cop is unlikely to have) key fob on the table in front of you in a more obvious way.
problem solved
Your Welcome
You're welcome.
The drugs thing is also not bad. Except I don't do any drugs. One of my favs is a hard drugs user so I could get some cocaine from her and tape it to a $20 bill and then go to the guy that bought me the dance and say thank for the dance and hand him the $20. Then go "oh yeah I also got you some cocaine".
But that could also be construed as I'm a dirty cop who is trying to intimidate them.
Porsche: *starts walking over*
PaulDrake: Female subject, caucasian, approximately 5'2" 125 pounds, approaching from my 2:00
Porsche: Hey baby, want a dance? Have you ever been here before?
PaulDrake: Female subject presently making contact with this undercover's genitals in a linear fashion, at a high rate of speed
Porsche: did you cum already omg
PaulDrake: Officer needs assistance
Just engage with them, get friendly with the ones you want. Things will straighten out.
I've been called a "Buzz Kill" on this board, and a lot of people see me as kind of a heavy. Strip clubs and lots of situations people have asked me if I am a cop. Really, I find the idea silly.
Strip club girls have frisked me, including in my crotch, to make sure I don't have a concealed badge.
It's no big deal though. Engage with the people you want and let them know you.
Generally with girls I'm pretty forward and physically friendly. That seems to handle it.
But seriously, Is this an extras club?otherwise why would there be an undercover cop there?
It’s almost as ridiculous as the time a waitress lectured at me because I didn’t sell a cabana to @woodstock because he allegedly had a black card.
TUSCL troll culture spilling over IRL. Smash that like button.
Now in the general audience book they may not have wanted to be too explicit, kissing her may be the way of telling her that they are going to the back room.
Not that far from that sometimes in our local underground and primarily Latina circuit.
And then in AMPs, girls are used to guys who are lying on the massage table and offering amounts of money.
With me, its more standing up embracing and coming on to her, and then kissing her. That goes a long way towards getting her off script and eliminating her concerns about me being a cop. Lets her know that it will be FS instead of HJ too. Some girls are completely disarmed by this and they just let go.
Back in the 1970's I read in an issue of Hustler about prostitution venues. They talked about
No mention then about strip clubs. They said that AMPs were often the best deal.
But more important, they emphasized that you should treat prostitutes no differently from how you would treat any other woman.
Well I have extended that even further, so I never put them in a position where they have to sell anything or otherwise solicit. If I want something to happen, I come on to her, in a civilian manner, and then at the earliest opportunity, GFE ensues. She will get whatever money is customary, even if she never asks for it. But never does she have to do say or do anything to make it happen. All she has to do is let go.
Yes, some do show concern once in a while. One wanted to know that the calculator in my pocket was, after DFKing had ensued.
Another was checking my crotch in a strip club, making sure I'm not going to "pull out a badge". So then I asked her were she kept her badge, not too many places for her, not much on.
Sure, I often come across as a heavy. I am a heavy, I can be really mean.
But I like women and I show this freely and make it happen with them. Many of them really go for me too, and sometimes even say to other girls that I am "totally cool". They say this just because I have been coming on to her, because usually I am not someone people see as "cool", and I don't seek to be seen that way.
Still better than being a cop
I would tell the dancers to assume the position.
I also let know now i was going to do a full cavity search.
I would tell them I was ready to use my night stick.
A new girl at my dancer friend’s club once asked her if I was a police officer and she told her “would a cop come in here looking so obviously like a cop?”
The easiest solution, from my point of view, is to spend even more money. And spend it on things a cop would never do, because the dancers will gossip amongst themselves. There will come a point where people will start to think "no police department has that kind of cash...".
It's an expensive solution, but not complex or dramatic.
What's the cheapest bottle service at bucks samiel? I guess in the future I don't mind pitching in a few bucks anytime you buy one.
Granted I do have a bias against them because I view them as club furniture, and one of them tried to convince me blowing him for $200 is the norm and a good idea (LOL)
I still think it's odd that they'd think he's a cop though. I mean he does go to VIP if he finds a dancer he likes. One of my faves (busty, gorgeous blonde) sits with these regulars sometimes and she's met Paul a couple of times now, so maybe if she's seen with him again, it will put them at ease.
Also, keep in mind that vice doesn't always use cops... A lot of times they use civilian moles who wear wires.... They have more leeway in what they ask and the way they engage with suspects.
Also I am planning on:
Sitting in a different spot out of view of those guys
Vary my visit times a little bit
Hide in the back a little less (a lot of the time when I have a fav there we go straight to the back and stay there for hours)
In AMPs girls have been dressing for me and jumping in front of each other to get a turn with me. But it never would have been that way if I had not fucked one of them.