How are extras scuh a frequent thibg in strip clubs but no one sees customers ge

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Given how frequent it is to receive extras , I would assume that every PL and his mama would get caught in the VIP/front from receiving extras. Why is this not the case?


last comment
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Extras almost never happen on the floor, except perhaps for the occasional under-the-bar hand job. That said, there are some guys who have gotten more by way of a dancer being skilled at concealing what's actually going on while she's sitting on his lap. That's never been me, but others can speak to that.

Extras happen far more often in the VIP rooms, which are private. There's a door or at least a solid curtain. In clubs where extras are prevalent, there's usually an unspoken agreement between the dancers and management that they (management) won't look into the rooms as long as the dancers keep everything relatively discreet and quiet.

It's not like there's some grand continuous caper going on. Everyone knows it's happening. They're just minding their own business about it.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
^^^what CMI said.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I asked because i know some strip clubs have VIP but ive been to two famous ones that don't..

I'm sure that extras also occur in clubs where VIP has no curtain. Any experiences with this? Lol..I was asking for these types of clubs
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ there’s no sex in the VIP Nicole Chris Rock told us that long ago;)
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
The types of clubs you're talking about are typically known for expressly *not* being extras friendly. If VIP has no real privacy, then that sends the customers (and dancers) a pretty clear no-extras message.

That said, extras can still happen in these clubs. It's much more rare, and there is more risk of getting caught. Typically, the dancer won't offer extras except to a very regular or generous customer.

There's other mitigating factors when it comes to (not) getting caught in a non-extras club. Most of these clubs will have a booth/room or two that is a little more private than others. The dancers will also know which bouncers are inattentive, don't care, or can be bought off. Some bouncers and managers play favorites with dancers and let them get away with more.

Honestly, in a non-extras club it's often dancers ratting out other dancers about giving extras.

And dancers do get caught and punished for it. The very first time I got FS extras, it was in a non-extras and it took me by surprise. When I went back to the club for round two a couple of days later, I was told that the dancer had been let go. I presume because she got caught, got rattted on, or we weren't the sex njnjas we thought we were.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
I have gotten extras in front room, at the bar, and in VIP Areas. When they occur in the front room or at the bar, it is simply because the management does not care and probably endorses it because they are making money due to it. It is not Uncommon that the bouncers are the local LEOs off duty. One establishment had an Off duty Federal ATF Agent as their main bouncer.

One of my extras establishments has a set of 4 booths with beads that cover the front of the booth in which complete FS, DATY, BJ, HJ, CIM, COT all occur while the pool players are literally 4 foot away waving at you as they break the pool balls up on the table. They unwritten rule is that you don’t gawk. The most difficult part of the act is getting the damn raincoat on.

When extras occur in the VIP Room, the girls are keen on how to camouflage and how to be on lookout for the room troll. I had one gal litterally give me FS with the bouncer talking to her 2 feet away. Her ass was fine and covered all the evidence. She just grinded away.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
lol... "sex ninjas," rather.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
To Nidan's point, there will be regional differences.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
I don’t know what others have seen or heard. But I know what I have seen and heard. What I’ve seen and heard unavoidably leads me to believe that patrons of some strip clubs are frequently getting extras.

Of course, I can’t be absolutely certain. It’s possible (though very unlikely) that they were only pretending to be getting extras.

Then there are other types of evidence such as dancers explicitly offering extras and quoting fees for the various extras they were willing to provide. I’ve seen VIP room floors littered with used condoms.

It’s possible that extras are either unavailable in strip clubs or at least that they are very rare.

If you believe that, then I can probably guess what you believe about extent to which the Mueller report totally exonerates the Grand Orange Buffoon in the Oval Office.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
have gotten extras in front room, at the bar, and in VIP Areas

UMM WTF does it not feel weird hetting extras out in thr open in the front room?

Do men srsly not stare at u?

I guess u said unspoken rule about not gawking so I guess not?
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^^ correct. Real men don’t watch other men. Etiquette. It is also one of the reasons we should NOT break in on another PL when they are actively engaging a stripper. One does not always see the full interaction. Best to let them alone until they break it off.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
In all fairness, Nicole, I have had full on sex in a normal bar while standing behind the gal while we watched a damn guitar player play his songs. Risky, yes! Fucking awesome, DEFINITELY!!!!
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Here’s the honesty that all gals such as yourself need to know if they REALLY WANT TO KNOW (as suggested by your thread questions). If a guys cock is big/long enough, he can get away with a lot more than average due to distance that needs to be dealt with; easier to tap from front or back without the gal needing to contort to make it work. Truth.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@ nidan I just have one more question beforr I stop talking to u...

How did the guitar player react??
And how are ok with being ok with getting it on in public like wtf???
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
I believe Nidan111 is saying that the guitar player and all around were not aware sex was happening.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
He simply played his music while about 150 people sat around drinking and clapping. Excellent acoustic player.

How am I ok with getting it on in public? Felt pretty damn good actually. She seemed to like it as well. As far as all the others are concerned ... they never caught on. Her miniskirt was made for the action. It was slit into 4 quadrants. Made for ease of entry with perfect camouflage.

Why are you going to stop talking to me? Do I strike some bad nerve in you?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Ohh okk

I'm sure there are other men who stare tho (;
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^ I wouldn’t know. Mainly because I pay no attention to the “Other Men”.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@nidan not strike a nerve but I mean ur jokes aren't anythung I would call nice or respectful lol...

But honesty this is a fucking online site so idgaf anymore it's fine
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I dont mind talking but just not gonna be as friendly and open LOL.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
@Nicole.... Many of the vocal ignorami on TUSCL are talking out of their asses. You can't get extras at most strip clubs, and hookers make up a small percentage of dancers at clubs. That said, many men on here dislike normal strip clubs and pretty sketchy dives known for prostitution. These are basically last chance clubs for girls who are strung out on drugs, hookers, not hot enough for better clubs, etc... So their life situation coerces them into having to do whatever to survive. The myth of the happy hooker is delusional but it makes them feel good.

Yeah there are some hot hookers at more normal clubs, but most of these guys couldn't afford them.

The way extras happen in clubs is that managers get kickbacks for letting them happen, or girls work in pairs, with one helping hide the couple having sex in a semi private area, for the camera.

I know of two clubs where girls turn tricks in the parking lot then come back to the club like nothing happened. Bouncers get a cut to act as security...

I've had sex in clubs before.... strip clubs as well as regular clubs. Its actually a lot easier in VIP at a regular club.

One time at a strip club, I was just flirting with a girl and ended up giving her some coke. She grabbed me and took me to a couch in the back and rode me. It was dark....other dancers and employees knew what the couch was used for and just stayed away.

I once met the owner of a strip club chain and he liked me.... gave me his card and wrote his cell number on it. And gave me a card that apparently only a few VIPs get. I got free entry, free drinks, staff kissed my ass...I started seeing a girl at the club and a few times I had the bouncers guard the semi private dance area so I could fuck her there. Sometimes they kinda watched.

As far as seeing guys have sex with hookers in clubs. I've seen it.... Its nasty. Guys who resort to it do so for obvious reasons. The girls usually try to get away from them afterwards and the guys sometimes act like they're ashamed. Given the bs on here you'd think the hookers loved it and everyone high fives the trick afterwards , but that's not reality. A lot of the times the girls just wanna get high, clean up...

What you get on TUSCL is generally tricks desperately trying to legitimate what they're ashamed of, but in reality, the shame and deplorableness if pretty obvious.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I've also seen normal strip clubs 86 tricks trolling the club for hookers...they're about as welcome as obvious pimps.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
One time, I saw a fat old guy washing his shriveled dick in a sink, he could barely reach it
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Clubs don't really care to police it.

And hair or her body can hide a lot.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Everything stated in this website should be taken as a statement of pure fiction.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
That statement doesn't mean anything though
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Voyeurism is part of the appeal of strip clubs, cabaret shows with audience participation. Same for swingers clubs.


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avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Jesus Christ Icey do you ever fucking know what you're talking about? Wtf is a normal strip club genius? Where I go its a clean, well lit establishment with an exceptional sound sytem and as many tv's as a sports bar. Lap dances are done in boots with a door - totally private; CR's are done in a separate area in larger rooms with a couch and a better door; the member's club is on a different floor, accesible by an elevator. Other than simple strip club groping at the bar everything is done priovately. Fri and Sat? Two cops on duty, no difference. Your comment about tricks here fails to accept that you're either one of them, or a liar. My guess is both. Progressives are tedious, joyless, pompous, assholes. Go fuck Ilhan Omar the Maduro cock sucker.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
See... Nicole posts something on topic. I try to be helpful in response. And yet this is how it ends nonetheless.

This is why we can't have nice things...
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, a normal strip club is one that operates within the limits of the law. Any deviation from there of would be seen as abnormal or out of the norm by the average individual.
avatar for Harderlap
6 years ago
It varies from club to club, but usually if extras occur in a club, even occasionally, management knows about it. As long as it is not blatant, and there are many ways of concealing extras, management usually looks the other way because the guy getting the extras is a paying customer and the club makes money as long as he comes in. If they put the stop to extras, it is Iikely that the customers getting extras will stop coming in and they will lose money. If they fire a dancer for extras, they will lose her regular customers, particularly if they go to other clubs. Some clubs impose a fine on dancers caught doing extras, but it is usually low enough that they make up for it with one or two dances with extras. Usually there is no sanctions on the customer, although occasionally they will be asked to leave. Like most things in strip clubs, whether or not no extras are enforced is all driven by money.

There is usually little downside to the club allowing discreet extras in the club. Most, but not all, clubs that get in trouble with the law or alcohol control boards, do so because of things other than extras (prostitution). Things like drugs being used or sold in the club, fights, neighbors complaining about how patrons behave, pissing on their lawns, parking in their drives, how many times law enforcement gets called out to the club, and littering are al usually bigger drivers for clubs being shut down than extras, even though extras (prostitution) are usually cited along with other causes.

Also, clubs tend to be politically connected, donating to police athletic leagues, police brotherhood drives, and politicians of both parties. If you ever look at who contributes to local political races, you will often find strip clubs donate heavily to both sides. With that money in play, those who enforce the law are likely to look the other way at extras, but not on the drugs. It is a matter of having bigger fish to fry and knowing which side one’s bread is buttered on.

It is also very dependent on where the club is located; whether or not extras are allowed is very different in El Paso or Detroit than in Denver or Omaha fo example. Time of day can also be in play, clubs are usually more tolerant of discreet extras during the day when things are slow than in the evening. Similarly, weekdays are usually better than weekends.

Just some odd thoughts. It is an interesting topic, though as I said, when you have a question about what happens in a strip club, follow the money.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
There was a club in Tucson which, for many years, had a wide open VIP where everyone could see everyone else. It was anything goes. Customers didn’t stare at each other. Oh, they’d glance and were fully aware of what was going on, but they were occupied with their own fun.

The club eventually lost its license, mostly for drugs and a shooting in the parking lot.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^^ exactly. As far as the local police are concerned, 4 of the most PROLIFIC Extras clubs in Washington Park, IL are basically just BROTHELS with a stage that few dance on. The Police Station is literally smack dab in the center of all those clubs, one to two blocks away. The cops are all standing outside bullshitting with the Firemen as you drive past them to get to the club. I wave to them every time I go. They absolutely know what goes on there.
avatar for woodstock
6 years ago
Nicole, what two famous strip clubs have you been to that don't have VIP?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
Back in the late 80s to 90s in the Bay Area/San Francisco the street prostitution was a big issue. Part of local government/LE solution was to turn a blind eye to ITC prostitution. It was the lesser of two evils to not have so much street prostitution. Not coincidentally the Mitchell Bros club became a well known extras place.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Back in the 80s, I saw a couple cops in uniform walking around Mitchell Brothers. I got the clear impression they were looking for some action for themselves. Seemed like a bold move.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Our local clubs, Santa Clara County CA, don't have VIP, and really no private spaces in booths either.

Very tough LE. DA's office committing to stopping things from becoming like San Francisco. They know that one lost trial could do it.

Nicole, most of the time these "extras" are happening in the booths or the back rooms, so no one else sees it.

But lap dancing started in San Francisco, Mitchell Brothers. No booths or back rooms, all front room. And this would prove central to their trial defense, saying that it was not prostitution.

Jim and Artie prohibited FS, but nothing else was prohibited, and all front room.

So besides DATY, BJ, FIV, there was also lots of DFKing. Not universal, but still common.

After Jim and Artie won an acquittal, humiliating Dianne Feinstein, then there was no more legal risk. So that was when the Mafia came in, followed by Deja Vu, and they introduced booths and back rooms. Mostly all this does is raise the costs, let the house take a bigger cut, and spoil the rapport one might have with the girl.

This is why I say that buying dances is a chumps game. Start by selecting and approaching the girl yourself, show generosity, and get a front room makeout session going. Then only when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

Then take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.

avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^^^ holy shit! Has that bitch been in politics that long?!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I still don't get the appeal of paying hoes...
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^ The night Dan White killed George Moscone and Harvey Milk, she was the only other person in City Hall.

As Vice Mayor, she spoke and seemed to stabilize a city which was heading into riots between the Police and the Gay Community,.

Prior to that she had run for Mayor several times, always a third candidate and not getting into the runoffs. To most people it seemed like her political career was over.

So she would get elected Mayor a couple of times, always courting the gay community, while putting out this extreme anti-porn message, and a very conservative pro-business message.

She had up on her office wall a map, blue stick pins for everywhere there had been a rape, and red stick pins for everywhere there was a "sex oriented business". She was intent on showing a causal relation.

After one raid, Jim Mitchell announced that he was closing the club, saying that he did not want to sell a ticket to a tourist and then have him die of a heart attack from another raid.

So on their marquee they put up, "For Show Times Call Mayor Dianne Feinstein" followed by her home telephone number. She would change her number many times, but within 30 min it would be up on the marquee.

She ran for Governor against Pete Wilson, and lost. Then Wilson got elected to the US Senate, and he appointed a replacement. Dianne Feinstein beat him, and the rest is history.

Know what her first act, her first day she was in the US Senate was? To torpedo Zoey Baird, she was Bill Clinton's nominee for Attorney General. First time a woman was nominated for one of the top 4 cabinet positions. She was General Council for Aetna.

What was becoming an issue was this Nanny Gate, immigrant, no Social Security contribution.

She deserved to go down, that was a real issue.

But Dianne Feinstein did not have to do it herself. She could have let the Republicans do it.

But no, she spoke for her first time, started talking about all the phone calls her office was getting, that kind of stuff, and Baird went down, as did Clinton's next choice.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ LMAO are you sure? You've posted all this before, trick bitch:

"Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke."

"Don't care where I met her and have no problem spending the money, its not an issue."

"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$. You'd think she'd want to push it. And at this stage while I know itll hurt in the long run, Id be down with it. She knows I'll spend it on her.It was pretty much like we were living in a hip hop video...materialistically, it was there for her. Designer shoes, bags, clothes, the best weed, expensive restaurants. She grew up poor and likes fast money..."

"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."

"... I'd even be fine with it just being about money if she just stays and acts normal."
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
"I still don't get the appeal of paying hoes..."

It's the Ultimate Power Trip, and a strip club is the best place for it. You get the girl you select, dressed and painted up exactly as when you first spotted her. See, Want, Get!

If you want to be waking up with her in the mornings after, I think that's great.

But you only get that See, Want, Get experience with a given girl once.

To me the idea is never to be paying a girl to do anything she would not otherwise want to do. And this is why the Front Room Makeout Session is so important. You give her money as that is customary and expected, but you are still treating her as though she is a girl you just met at a party.


Live - Freaks…
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
The ultimate power trip would be for her to give herself coz she wants to. That's what I crave and go for. My ego won't let me enjoy P4P
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
In a strip club all time and attention costs money. Its not that the girl would not want to fuck you for free, its just that the reason she is there is to get money, so that she can pay her bills.

If you try to talk her out of money or act like you don't have it, that will not make a good impression on her.

Girl in an AMP fucked me for free, when my credit card proved to be at its limit and would not take the extra charges. Real good.

I went than and got cash and brought it back to her.

Would do other sessions with her, no problem with me paying.,

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I don't mind spending money in the club. Its good etiquette.... she's there working. At most use the time in the club to get to know her a little, see if there's a connection. I have a rule that I'll try up to 3 times and if she doesn't by then I'll move on.

If I fuck a stripper...... sometimes we do hook up that night. I've had nights where we hit it off and I ask them to leave early(I offer to pay the house fee, tip out and fine for leaving early) and smoke some weed. We'll go to somewhere with a view, or cruising, and smoke. A lot of time it ends up in sex. Sometimes we just end up texting a lot and then hang out and it ends up happening. Sometimes we go on normal dates. I don't mind doing normal things like giving her weed, alcohol if she can't buy it, or some money to get her eyebrows or nails done... a bill here and there...But that's normal stuff if you're seeing a girl. If we move in together or it gets real serious I'll take care of her the best I can....
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ LMAO, "playa", you sound just like an RIL trick or sugar daddy.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@IceyDodo my ATF DS is an escort and she'll fuck a trick like you and act like your GF OTC just like you describe for paying her just like you do with your stripper "GF"

I only LDK with her ITC myself but as business friends we've discussed the things she does as an escort. And LOL yeah she gets her nails done with money from tricks just like you.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
That's not tricking, its stuff boyfriends do for their girlfriends whether they're dancers or not.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
^ That exactly what an RIL with his stripper whore wants to think.

LMAO keeping that fantasy of not paying feeds that ego of yours, no?
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
How the fuck is a guy giving his non dancer girlfriend money for her nails a RIL?

And when dancers catch feelings, the dynamics are nothing like what you're familiar with as an old trick.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
Why the fuck are you making an argument about a non dancer when clearly the point is that you pay your stripper whore money to get her nails done. The point is that she IS a stripper, dumbass.

ROFLMAO more importantly, why the fuck are you replying to me when a minute ago I just checked and you have me blocked?!? LMFAO!!!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMFAO every RIL trick like IceyDodo wants to think they're the special one.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
You're blocked for a reason.

Me ....its normal to buy your girlfriend stuff whether she's a dancer or not

Sircumsinhispantsalot You're a trick and a RIL

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
"I don't mind spending money in the club."

"If I fuck a stripper...... "

"I offer to pay the house fee, tip out and fine for leaving early) and smoke some weed."

"I don't mind doing normal things like giving her weed, alcohol if she can't buy it, or some money to get her eyebrows or nails done... a bill here and there..."

^ ROFLMAO the words of an RIL.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
"You're blocked for a reason."

^ LMFAO and the reason is so that you don't have to see my posts. LMFAO but instead you have to unblock me, reply, then put me on block again. That's just too fucking funny.

"Me ....its normal to buy your girlfriend stuff whether she's a dancer or not"

^ But my point is, it's also normal for an RIL trick just like you to think of his stripper whore as if she's a girlfriend. LMAO you sound EXACTLY like one. A trick in denial LOL.

"Sircumsinhispantsalot You're a trick and a RIL"

^ LOL you're the one posting and admitting to doing exactly what RILs do for stripper whores. Too funny.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
There's a difference between dating and being a regular. If a girl spends her free time with you, has sex with you and texts you all day, every day coz you give her money for her nails, she's pretty bad at hoeing.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
For the record I like having a boner and getting my rocks off LDKing ITC it's fun just like that and I don't complicate it. It's business of pleasure and entertainment and I acknowledge it as such. I'm not into having a stripper GF w/sex OTC like the RIL trick IceyDodo.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
There's a difference between dating and being a regular. If a girl spends her free time with you, has sex with you and texts you all day, every day coz you give her money for her nails, she's pretty bad at hoeing.

^ LMAO that you made the strawman argument as if it's only about giving money to her for her nails. That wasn't the entire point at all but LMFAO that it's your argument when clearly you pay your stripper whore in more ways than one. But just like an RIL trick you want to keep fantasizing she's give you her "free" time but then admit to giving her all kinds of forms of payment. LMAO keep fantasizing, RIL trick bitch!

And more importantly, keep replying AND blocking! LMFAO!!!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
You're a married man who pays hookers to make you cum in your pants. Not sure where your credibility or assumed knowledge of stripper culture comes from.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
"You're a married man who pays hookers to make you cum in your pants. Not sure where your credibility or assumed knowledge of stripper culture comes from."

^ And by your admitted actions and doings you are a PL RIL that is living in a fantasy land that his stripper whore is his girlfriend. That's exactly the stripper culture that you're admitting to being a part of LMFAO.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMFAO IceyDodo's Stripper Culture Knowledge Executive Summary

1) Identify a club stripper ho

2) Shower her with money

3) Offer her drugs

4) Have sex with her

5) Pretend that all the money and drugs had nothing to do with the sex and any feelings that she appears to have with you

^ LMFAO straight out of the RIL trick bitch handbook.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
As with the rest of the geriatric trick clique, you're just projecting.... Shows how you view these girls as less than human, less than women and as incapable of having normal relationships coz you can't fathom anything other than tricking. Its all you. Say hi to the wife... maybe it would be cheaper if she made you cum in your pants.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMFAO you're just in denial at the same time admitting you're an RIL trick bitch by your actions. Shows how desperate you are coz you can't handle being a trick bitch.

When I want to fuck I do it with my wife who I do have an awesome relationship with. FYI with her I don't want to LDK coz we want to actually fuck like a normal sexually active couple.

LMFAO say hi to your stripper whores that you have no choice to pay and give drugs for them to be your pretend "GFs". LMFAO that's your "system", trick bitch.

Oh and don't forget to put me back on block after you read and reply to this. ROFLMAO!!!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMFAO IceyDodo is the poster child for the hypocritical trick bitch RIL clique. Pay strippers drugs and money so they pretend to be your GF but it's not about the drugs and money that you constantly pay them.

ROFLMAO it takes a special type of denial to be in the clique.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Men in normal marriages don't pay strangers to make them cum in their pants. Which is legally solicitation...gross and lewd behavior...

You're giving the argument that dating strippers is impossible and any money you spend on them is tricking. Which is inane....

But keep repeating yourself, its your trolling strategy.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMAO the RIL trick bitch is now the expert on what a normal marriage is. But that's exactly your trolling strategy: make a strawman argument coz you don't really know shit about it LOL.

Your giving yet another inane strawman argument. All I'm saying that you are just like an RIL trick bitch. You have "GF" stripper whores that you pay money and drugs to. They make you feel like you're a boyfriend when you do this. It's as simple as this which is exactly the same thing most RILs do with their stripper whores. Don't overcomplicate what I'm saying or continue to misinterpret it.

To be clear since you are a dodo head I NEVER said dating a stripper is impossible. YOU are saying I said that.

But keep repeating your denial and keep trying your strawman arguments, it's your ego feeding troll strategy. LOL.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Given the cost of living here. I don't think so.

If you love your wife and have a good marriage how come you pay hookers to make you cum in your pants?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
You suck at blocking people.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMFAO now IceyDodo, the RIL trick bitch, is the expert at marriage and wants to divert the discussion to that since it's clear that she pays her stripper whores just like an RIL trick bitch and she can't deny it. LMFAO keep trying to change the argument, IceyDodo.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@Ishmael FYI I just checked and right now at this moment I'm blocked by IceyDodo. LOL so that means she unblocks me (or logs off) first to read my post, then replies, and then LMFAO she re-blocks me! For every single one of her replies she's doing this! LOL too funny.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Not surprised.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Icey, that the girl will be getting money is what allows her to be there. But for myself, I never look it as the money making her want to fuck me. And I never talk to her as though she would be someone whom I thought could be bought with money.


Deep Purple
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avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I try to get them without money being a deciding factor. It often works. The key is simple. Just treat them like you would any other women. If they like you they do. If not they don't
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LMAO you two sound like a couple of RILs in denial. LOL no matter how you want to mentally justify it, you pay money by your own admissions.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
If you're exchanging money for sex, well that's what it is lol
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