Top Pet Peeve at the SC

New York
Mine has to be dancers who eat delivery at the bar. This only happens at hole in the wall places that I visit once a year. It happens the same way at each club. The girl is dancing and then some delivery guy shows up. She steps off stage to pay him, finishes her set, and then hides in a corner to eat her food for half an hour. Usually the girls spend this time staring at thier phones. Im all for dancers eating, but it can be annoying if its the girl you had your eye on lol. Whats your biggest pet peeve?
Bad breath.
Wearing too many clothes.
etc etc etc
I don't like the eating thing, either.
Mine is super hot women with no personality. It's frustrating when that kills interest for me.
There’s guy who delivers food to the local clubs in the evening. If I see his delivery guy come in, and I’m near him, I’ll ask who it’s for. If it’s one of the girls I’ve spent time with, I’ll buy it and ask one of the other girls to go tell her that her food’s here.
Virtually guaranteed free half hour while she eats.
Almost every club Ive been to doesn't allow them to eat in the front room unless its like chips from the bar or be on their phones.
What a deal!!!
On the plus side:
That more than makes up for the peeves.
@nicespice: I don’t mind the manipulation and hustle, but please temper your desire to cut my throat. :)
My pet peeves mirror Johntitor's. Hate girls that try to rip you off by up counting songs or saying a certain amount of time has passed and it's largely in-accurate.
I think from clubbing a long time I've identified a lot more things that I don't like.
-Pushy girls, who you have to tell no like 5 times before they finally give up asking you if you want dances.
-Outfits that cover too much skin. Not a fan of one piece outfits either even though they aren't a deal breaker.
-Smokey smelling body or breath is a pet peeve. Weed scent is ok, just don't like cigarette scent.
-Low mileage girls in a generally high mileage club. Like every other dancer allows boob and butt touching no problem, but then there's the one or two that brush your hands away from those areas. Yes it's her body and her choice and it's usually my choice to only do a single dance with these types.
-Girls who rapidly switch positions during dances.
-Overdoing it with moans and noises during the dance. Done in moderation it's cool, but when she starts sounding like one of those porn actresses that do too much then it's a turn off.
-Too much airdancing. If I want air dances I can just go to the rail and tip a couple dollars, fuck paying $20/$30 for little contact.
Another is girls that don’t outright admit that I am the King of the strip club. Then they refuse to call me Simba. I won’t tolerate it.
DJ's with inconsistent song length is another. Never really paid attention to this one much until recently in a club I noticed some songs seemed hella short. Timed ten of them and sure enough, two of them were only 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Garbage.
Also mentioned above, dancers who try to start in the middle of the song. Unless they say they're not gonna count that one. Then they go from ROB to cool ass dancer in one sentence.
Wanna dance girl
Drink hustle waitresses
PLs who make it rain, at non make it rain clubs
At TJ:
Mi Duele Girls
Maseros who are too pushy
But yeah a really packed club with no seating sucks.
I also hate when other guys stare at what we're doing or listen in on convos.
-When a PL takes money that floated off the stage and sticks it in his pocket instead of throwing it back onstage.
-Dancers with armpit BO.
-Clubs so worried about their liquor license that bouncers and waitresses try to take your drink from you at 1:45 AM.
-Dancers I've never met who use the line, "Oh we had such a great time in VIP last time, let's do it again."
-PLs that attempt to interrupt and speak with dancer you're with.
-Cocktail waitresses that you pay with a bill larger than $20 and they don't bring your change and you have to get up from your table to chase them down. Has only happened once but it was bullshit. I must have been visibly drunk to her, but not too drunk to not notice what she did.
-Hot dancers at non extras club that unleash unsolicited DFK (that it happens in the front room is an unfounded SJG myth)
-Dancers with whom mileage increases at no corresponding price increase as the regular relationship develops
Not much bothers me in clubs, or at least enough to qualify as a pet peeve. Two things that piss me off though is super loud music and places that charge me for tap water when I am already buying expensive liquor. Super short alcohol pours piss me off too.
The first because I need to be able to talk to the girls. Clubs that jam the sound up always end up being wanna dance operations.
The second and third because that is just one last hair too greedy for my tastes. Hustle me, rob me nearly blind with a 400 percent alcohol markup, run a variety of gimmicks - no problem, it's part of the price we pay for this. But even in clubs there are limits, at least for me.
Cops and ABC. GTFO, assholes, you’re ruining my fun.
Bachelor parties.
When I see a bachelor party, I simply walk out of the club and spend my money somewhere else.
When the dancers outnumber the customers but they still ignore the customers.
Dancers that won't take no for an answer.
Girls spitting in your face while they talk, or too much in ur personal space.
Lazy ass lap dances. I just don't get it, ...the better u are at that, literally the more money u make. This is a big part of ya job, y u so trash?
When u get a dancer number, talk talk n flirt on the phone. She talk all wild n freaky n makes all kinds of promises, n when u see her again, she back pedaling. I wasnt sending any money or anything, and u ask to see me again. N u shy now.
Finally, watered down drinks. I think this scan at bars is the ultimate disrespect. U not making enough money on lq, u gotta water down bottles? Trash
I know it’s a fucking strip club and I can’t expect PLs to have any etiquette.
I'm peeved by false advertising/bullshit specials. Several clubs around here have "2-4-1 dances" that are two dances for one price, its just that price just happens to be 2x the price of 1 dance. One place (looking at you Rhino) has the nerve to call it a 3-4-1 & change MORE than 3 dances and insist they're giving you a FREE shot glass. The half price drinks, or 2-4-1 drinks, that aren't either annoy me too. That's mostly because I'm sitting there with a silly little flier on my table saying "half price drinks till 8pm" and I'm paying $6 for a beer I know is $7 at night. Neither stops me from going it, but they annoy me a bit. Refilling bottles does annoy me too, but I've taken to ordering beer at places where I suspect that may be an issue.
Another one with girls is shit that gets on me, particularly "bronzer" and particularly on black girls. I'll never understand why black girls put that shit on, but I get annoyed as hell when it gets all over my pants. That one I guess is an actual peeve, it bugs me enough were I've been taking my cocktail napkin and wiping it on girls thighs to see if it gets dirty. Not all the time, but certainly a few times now.
Ask me for a drink right away
Wanna dance girls
Girls that interrupt me mid conversation
Other thing is dancers who chew gum, which is a ton of them. I saw one recently who was chewing gum with her mouth so wide open I thought she was going to swallow her teeth and gums.
Also I hate when they walk by me and run their hands through their hair. Don’t even know what that’s about. And the ones who do it usually need a stylist.
Don’t like loud females or ones that ask 20 questions. I have sent away females I otherwise would have gotten a dance from if they weren’t so nosy.
When dancers ask what I’m doing on my phone in a strip club when every single person, including them, in the club is on their phone at some point.
And I hate it when some dancers take their aggression out on me as if I’m going to take their attitude. Take it out in the guy or girl that pissed you off earlier that day, not me.
Fat PLs who just sit there sweating waiting for girls to come up to them
Old men who fall asleep
Cheap assholes who won't buy a dancer drinks
I think it could be hot if dancers sucked ice pops on stage too.
After a roll call a dancer walked by each PL and just pointed, I guess to ask if they wanna dance.
She was too lazy to actually walk up and ask if they wanna dance.