Please explain I noticed this morning on each monger's listing page you have now added a category that states verified monger or unverified monger, what does that mean ?
^ I’m waiting for founder to explain I’m betting that it has to do with paid vs unpaid posters, but I don’t know for sure if that’s the case I object, because it gives credibility to people who don’t contribute anything else to the community overall.
On every forum I"ve been on, except this one, Monger = someone who sees escorts (or maybe goes to AMPs) only, it never means strip club patrons. This is the only forum I've been on where people sometimes use "monger" for strip club patrons. Still, I'd prefer verified/unverified PL, or even Clubber (apologies to the actual Clubber), or almost anything except monger. The fact that we're NOT mongers is what makes the conversation interesting here. Just some side bitching, in the end, it's in the "don't sweat the small stuff" bucket
^ that’s why I thought the verified monger label on her profile seemed out of place. We could say verified troll, or at least just label her as verified since pics of her with nicespice do exist.
@ founder how has she been verified I’m curious, also does verification include paid membership? Not putting a lot of stock In the words, and I really don’t care beyond what is the meaning, of who is verifiable and who is not. But if y’all are looking to attract more people especially dancers to this site, how does a linker know who can be trusted to contribute to the community, if the community grows, it should enhance your bottom line.
But doesn't paying to fuck equate to monger, the same way that accepting money to fuck equates to whore? I mean monger is just short for whoremonger isn't it? If you don't like the term being correctly applied to you I suggest you don't rag on strippers that sell extras for disliking being called a prostitute.
I know that term doesn't apply to many of us, but there are quite a few of us (probably the majority) that do partake in that in VIP, OTC, Sugar Relationships, escorts,...
That was fast! I also wonder how dancers and PLs get verified, currently? Probably going to be a lot of trial and error on founders part but I’m glad changes are being made already
^if that’s the case we’ve met so have a dozen other members both verified and unverified, yet you’re a verified monger and I am an unverified monger is just like an explanation is all.
^ I think it might just be vip status.. based off that. Otherwise I’d be a verified dancer I think? Idk. I suggested to founder that dancers submit some kind of photo with their username and TUSCL written somewhere.. ideally like Woodstock’s avatar but paper works too haha. That’s what they do to very camgirls on a different forum I post on, that has a main area and a separate “verified only” section. It seems to work pretty well over there.
I am verified, but I see a lot of the regular users here are unverified. Perhaps the label is based on who has paid for a VIP membership and who hasn’t?
I seen some profiles with 0 reviews written labeled as verified and several with tons of reviews but labeled as unverified.
My theory is, the verified label is on the profiles of users that have paid for a VIP membership. If you’re maintaining VIP status by submitting reviews, and not paying for it, then that is why you’re profile has the unverified label. This is just my theory on how these labels are currently applied.
I’m sure that adjustments will be done to get everyone the correct label on their profile.
But ok now looking through the dancer directory I really can’t figure out the logic behind certain dancers being verified and others not. Who’s boner do I have to grind on? Haha I’m ok with being a monger but I’m confused!
Founder already said the feature is in it's infancy stage now. So don't put much stock into any label right now. Probably has to work out the kinks. Much like when he started messing around with the contribution score and at first it was showing weird scores. Probably same thing here.
@ April, Are you in the dancer directory? The settings may have been switched when the site was down. I know I got put in the dancer directory twice and I corrected it.
^ I thought you were supposed to be either my sock puppet account or a sexy blond 19 year old Ukrainian with C cup titties. You should be in the directory. :p
Lmao@ Nicespice. I will have to look into this. I may have to show pics of my sexy titties. I may need some tips before I show them though. I accept butcoin...haha
Subraman explains some of the reasons I don't like to be called a "monger." It's an ugly term. I'm OK with verified/unverified PL. "Totally awesome dude" is also acceptable.
-monger combining form suffix: -monger denoting a dealer or trader in a specified commodity. "fishmonger" a person who promotes a specified activity, situation, or feeling, especially one that is undesirable or discreditable. "rumormonger"
“I suggested to founder that dancers submit some kind of photo with their username and TUSCL written somewhere.. ideally like Woodstock’s avatar but paper works too haha. That’s what they do to very camgirls on a different forum I post on, that has a main area and a separate “verified only” section. It seems to work pretty well over there.”
Interesting. I know I had a different idea for founder, and I was going to help out with implementing it. But that suggestion seems a lot less complicated, and if it works well then I wonder if I should scrap it.
^ya because you’re kissing up because of all the troll accounts so it’s understandable your a bit nervous when he sorts through the IPs and realizes you have 10-15 personas
Nicespice has no character. She comes on here ruining the forum with her trolling and then kisses the founder's ass. That's like someone talking shit about you but smiling to your face.
Nicespice has character. She comes on here making the forum interesting with her trolling and then kisses the founder's ass. That's like someone talking shit about you but smiling to your face. That is badass
^ play the victim that’s your MO, I don’t troll anyone that doesn’t troll me You’re a crybaby, and an asskisser. I’m betting that you’ll just disappear long before this old trick. BTW I haven’t said anything about you on this thread, you’re not a happy camper, don’t be constantly looking for some drama like the whiny little loser that you are.
I swear to God I'm gonna have to create a "bitch at each other" thread. As far as the original point of this thread, I'm just assuming this is still a work in process as founder continues to change things. Nobody needs to get worried if they're verified or not, eventually it'll work out.
"Interesting. I know I had a different idea for founder, and I was going to help out with implementing it. But that suggestion seems a lot less complicated, and if it works well then I wonder if I should scrap it."
@spice what was your idea? i feel like what i mentioned might not work as well as it does on the other forum BC with camming you can go to their profile on MFC, streamate, whatever and immediately see if the person is real and the one in the pic. i'm not quite sure how that would work with proving active dancer status. like blahblah said in another thread.. there are a lot of fake strippers on stripperweb, so there'd probably be even more here if more women started joining
maybe a girl can hold up a paper with her screen name while in a dressing room live on skype with some1 here? idk. but it would have to be like with the dude not on camera or at least civil if he is. I am not sure? lol
last commentOddly - SJG isn’t classified as a Verified Chump/Rapist - so I’m not sure how legit this is...
Many of us, including twentyfive, are as verified in our mongering as shadowcat! Just think of it that way twentyfive and it’s all brilliant! ;)
Not Brilliant
But if y’all are looking to attract more people especially dancers to this site, how does a linker know who can be trusted to contribute to the community, if the community grows, it should enhance your bottom line.
I know that term doesn't apply to many of us, but there are quite a few of us (probably the majority) that do partake in that in VIP, OTC, Sugar Relationships, escorts,...
My theory is, the verified label is on the profiles of users that have paid for a VIP membership. If you’re maintaining VIP status by submitting reviews, and not paying for it, then that is why you’re profile has the unverified label. This is just my theory on how these labels are currently applied.
I’m sure that adjustments will be done to get everyone the correct label on their profile.
But ok now looking through the dancer directory I really can’t figure out the logic behind certain dancers being verified and others not. Who’s boner do I have to grind on? Haha I’m ok with being a monger but I’m confused!
Lmao@ Nicespice. I will have to look into this. I may have to show pics of my sexy titties. I may need some tips before I show them though. I accept butcoin...haha
Good point
combining form
suffix: -monger
denoting a dealer or trader in a specified commodity.
a person who promotes a specified activity, situation, or feeling, especially one that is undesirable or discreditable.
Interesting. I know I had a different idea for founder, and I was going to help out with implementing it. But that suggestion seems a lot less complicated, and if it works well then I wonder if I should scrap it.
"Damn! I knew I worded that wrong. :)"
At least it seems founder is working on an edit feature of some type.
Or... "Verified Customer" and "Verified Dancer" if there's going to be different designations.
You’re a crybaby, and an asskisser. I’m betting that you’ll just disappear long before this old trick.
BTW I haven’t said anything about you on this thread, you’re not a happy camper, don’t be constantly looking for some drama like the whiny little loser that you are.
As far as the original point of this thread, I'm just assuming this is still a work in process as founder continues to change things. Nobody needs to get worried if they're verified or not, eventually it'll work out.
lol just kidding. Or am I?
what was your idea? i feel like what i mentioned might not work as well as it does on the other forum BC with camming you can go to their profile on MFC, streamate, whatever and immediately see if the person is real and the one in the pic. i'm not quite sure how that would work with proving active dancer status. like blahblah said in another thread.. there are a lot of fake strippers on stripperweb, so there'd probably be even more here if more women started joining