Founder: something needs to be done

JohnSmith69layin low but staying high
I’m on tuscl less lately than ever. While there are several reasons for this, a big part of it is the fucking trolls that infest every inch of the place. I won’t bother to describe it. If you are here you know what I’m talking about. Yesterday’s fake report of shadow cat’s “death” should be the last straw.
I don’t regularly do discussion boards so I don't know what the solution is. But there needs to be a solution or people will be driven from here in droves. I don’t want any morality police and I’m not suggesting that we need anybody to enforce political correctness. But the completely worthless crap that permeates the discussion board should be wiped out.
last commentIt takes a lot of time and dedication to create and maintain multiple personae.
I just try to provide a little comic relief. I know my sense of humor is a bit odd, my wife often doesn't find me funny either.
Are you saying you are not appreciative of all the effort?
Because of the crappyness of the forum I have taken to messaging here a lot.
Might work well for tuscl to have an open unmoderated forum and a second closed one with some sort of rules.
A lot of inside joke stuff - also some posters seem to use it like a twitter feed, which is kind of tedious
That post yesterday about Shadowcat was in poor taste. That was going way too far.
Founder should honestly just close the forum down for good.. Reviews only
I agree, that post yesterday was terrible, I think the problem is the idiots are constantly attacking and (I know I’m guilty at times) and there is no bright line for many, that spells out where to stop. Some folks are just too stupid to get it, others are mentally defective.
For my other hobby someone started a competing forum which which you had to be approved to be allowed to post. Once a critical mass moved everyone followed. Because you have to be approved it keeps the riff raff out.
For TUSCL a second forum for people with over a certain amount of trusts would work really well.
Shut the forum down !!!
I think founder should tailor the board to whatever JS69 wants. His is the only opinion that matters.
^^ I was thinking the same thing; great minds think alike.
I'm in the wee minority, but I have always thought, and continue to think, the forum badly needs a moderator(s). With so many local sex forums shut down, this could be the place to come for discussion about SCs, and actual non-troll discussion could lead to more eyeballs, reviews, VIP memberships. On the other hand, maybe I'm radically over-estimating the place; threads about what kind of cake should I eat get scores of replies, and guys posting on-topic discussion get attacked, so maybe that's what the majority really wants to talk about
It's gotten so bad I'm actually considering getting a real life
We really need a return to @Smith's feature-length erotic literature about a guy pushing sixty fucking a teenage prostitute.
I don't mind off topic discussions, there's only so many SC thought provoking threads that can be created in a day and it's nice to sometimes just keep it light.
There is a difference b/w posts that one doesn't agree with and posts that are just meant to troll/spam the board, no place for the latter, for the former, judicious use of the Ignore function should help a lot.
On one hand, I DO see a fair point when somebody’s words cut too far, or spamming, or as studme pointed out, inside jokes that potentially make others feel excluded.
But on the other hand, what would be the community standards of what is “just politically incorrect humor” and what is truly bad?
For example, most here got angry about the poor taste of the shadowcat troll thread. I did not. I stopped and wondered why that is, and I think the answer is just simply because jokes about death are nothing new to me. We millennials can be shitheads and I wouldn’t be surprised if itsmytime is also a millennial.
( )
BUT if more millennials posted on the board more, I think there would be way more backlash against how, say, the word “faggot” or “fag” is thrown around so casually here.
I’m mentioning generational differences as an an example to question if community standards get imposed, how would one be able to continue to encourage diversity of thought with discussions?
Maybe others don’t consider that a main priority, but I certainly do. If this site ever turned into an echo chamber, then I will just go back to hanging out more often at the tumblr echo chamber with fellow strippers. And while there is more reliable content quality, the echo chamber makes for a strong misandrist bent that I find off-putting.
...and btw tumblr doesn’t do much with moderation either. But strippers I guess are better at ignoring trolls? Or maybe it’s the format of the site that makes trolling harder?
So I think moderation is dicey. But here are some alternative ideas:
People can choose to upvote/downvote threads whether or not they choose to comment.
The OP of a discussion is allowed to delete comment replies to his/her own thread.
Two tiers of the ignore feature.
I. Ability to ignore what threads others start. But the ability to read comments still work just fine.
II. The regular ignore that we have now.
Ability to only create one thread per 12 hours
A thread not being counted as a bump if the last commenter is the same user.
^Idea # 2 has some merit, but it could be problematic by promoting the echo chamber effect
I think what flagooner said makes a fair point as well.
My personal peeve is threadjacking, where some moron trolling that completely ignores the topic and does so incessantly, a single smart asshole remark is fine but arguing a different topic, shouldn’t be allowed.
I feel like users shouldn't be allowed to post until they've written X amount of reviews. And even then, discussion creation should be allowed to 12 hrs or so per nicespice's suggestion.
Founder should make Shadowcat the moderator of the TUSCL forums for the remainder of his life. His first order of business should be to ban the poster that started the unfunny and tasteless thread about him.
Would there be a way to utilize Nice's idea #1 on individual posts to combat the threadjacking that 25 suggested. Some form of like/dislike that if a poster received some number of dislikes for a specific post, then they are barred from posting anymore on that respective thread and the disliked post(s) are removed from the thread. That might make it harder to jack threads, but still allow for the slight deviation that all threads seem to take.
That would put the onus on us, the forum users, to police our community and make so no one single person or group can edit the board to match their opinions.
In agreement with JohnSmith69.
-->"Would there be a way to utilize Nice's idea #1 on individual posts"
Reddit works because actual users outnumber trolls 100s or 1000s to 1. In here, the ratio is more like 1:1, and the trolls are incredibly highly motivated. Nor should an OP be allowed to pick out responses he doesn't like, just because they're in disagreement or whatever. Ignoring can work in theory for established members, but does nothing for new people just checking out the forum, who potentially might be great new contributors, but who (rightfully) just leave because it's such a shit show.
Nicespice has some great ideas and I like the minimum # of reviews before you can post; say like 5.
The ignore function is all that most people need to fix this problem.
If somebody deleted a thread reply I made, and I thought it was a good enough one, then I’d just simply start a brand new thread saying the exact same thing that got deleted.
Yes, but you need to be logged in to use the ignore function. A lot of people browse the forums frequently without being logged in and only log in occasionally. I think it would be fairly easy to delete duplicate accounts. If a troll has 10 accounts under one IP address, a moderator could delete 9 of the 10 accounts and leave them with one account to post with. .
^Yes but the person that deleted your thread also having you on ignore defeats your attempt to disagree therefore creating an echo chamber. Sometimes it’s better to confront an obvious bigot other times it’s better to pay them no nevermind, that’s a judgment call that is the real beauty of this forum, it’s actually quite ingenious if you think about it.
-->"The ignore function is all that most people need to fix this problem."
This is just repeated by rote, when in the history of the interwebs, I don't think it's ever worked. If it were actually practical, the forum wouldn't be such a shit show. QED.
Moreover, even if we lived in a fantasy world where all the experienced users used ignore all over the place, that does nothing to address the fact that we've gotta be scaring away a ton of new users who just peek in.
Meanwhile, moderation has basically addressed the issues just fine, in a zillion other forums and discussion groups. As long as it's not the heavy-handed Stripper Web type moderation that does create a forum consensus view that no one is allowed to deviate from -- but that isn't hard to avoid, and in the case of Stripper Web, it's something they were evidently purposely going for.
I used to enjoy the forum, now I rarely look at it. The trolls are just too much to deal with, I still look at reviews but I imagine that will slow down also if this shit continues
“Sometimes it’s better to confront an obvious bigot other times it’s better to pay them no nevermind, that’s a judgment call that is the real beauty of this forum, it’s actually quite ingenious if you think about it.”
Good point, 25.
Okay, so if theoretically there was a mod, how would one go about it to prevent it turning into an echo chamber?
I honestly don’t think it’s possible for it to not turn into a “PL stripperweb” if one or more users gets power over others.
I can only imagine two different routes with two different problems to solve:
Devise a new, very careful way to select moderators and hold them accountable. People here are a bit...erm, passionate when it comes to their viewpoints. Who is the best man or men to stay objective?
Fuck it if the board turns into an an echo chamber, even if only moderately. Unity is good.
Okay what will be the tenants to decide what is good behavior and what is not?
If one wants to attempt to appeal to founder for moderators, (my guess is) the easiest way would be to convince him that he would get to deal with less complaints like this thread.
He has already stated multiple times getting involved with others is not his concern. And why would he? He’s a tech guy and TUSCL isn’t his only source of income. He has heard the requests for a moderator many times already, and if I were to guess the reason it’s because introducing moderators would lead to either one or two of the issues I stated.
The thing about the shadow cat announcement was that it was not immediately obvious that it was false. it could be upsetting to people to think that shadow was dead. i don't know the guy and i was sad for a second.
Or, alternatively, if the trolls piss you off then either go find an alternative forum or make your own. Perhaps even post links on here showing off what the cool kids are saying?
There is one member on here who has no complaints about the trolls on the board, yet still nonetheless has already created his own discussion board.
if you guys want to burn it down why don't you just stop going on?
JS69 hit the nail on the head. I used to be here often but due to personal reasons, I club rarely, but still enjoyed the discussions. I mentioned to others on here that I've about had it with the idiots. Ignore helps, but hardly the solution.
Of course the low life ass from yesterday was the kicker. I immediately called sc and got no answer. I was expecting his daughter to answer, so didn't know what to think when she didn't. I heard back from sc later, but by then I had read more comments. If the asswipe had been in front of me, I know he would never do something like that ever again!
^ yep.
To put it in old person lingo...
If you don't like it, change the channel
And get off my lawn while you're at it.
I like nicespice idea #2
I also agree with JohnSmith69. The post yesterday was totally classless and quite frankly, sickening. However, I also find that a great percentage of the threads get hijacked, and it seems like the major goal is to amuse the troll who finds himself or herself hilarious. I usually don't.
I’m no fan of trolls - and the board has gotten a bit trollish lately.
I’m not sure there is a foolproof method to keep the trolls from making a mess of the discussions. The reviews suggestion is a good one - as the reviews must be approved.
I was thinking there could be moderated/approved discussions and unmoderated discussions - and an option to see one - or both. But that would make more work for Founder.
The ignore feature is not even remotely adequate. I often don’t have time to log in but beyond that there are just too many to deal with. I don’t have the time or energy for the daily process of ignoring all of the new ones that crawl from under their rocks and emerge.
I personally like the idea of a discussion forum with limited membership. That way you avoid the potential evils and time/expense of a moderator but still keep the scum out.
"If one wants to attempt to appeal to founder for moderators, (my guess is) the easiest way would be to convince him that he would get to deal with less complaints like this thread.
He has already stated multiple times getting involved with others is not his concern. And why would he? He’s a tech guy and TUSCL isn’t his only source of income. He has heard the requests for a moderator many times already, and if I were to guess the reason it’s because introducing moderators would lead to either one or two of the issues I stated."
"Or, alternatively, if the trolls piss you off then either go find an alternative forum or make your own."
I agree with this^^^
If you don't like something, do get the door hit you on the way out... there really has not been that much complaining in the last couple years of trolling in my opinion.
Although I thought the post yesterday was in bad taste. I would not have even said anything about it unless something like this thread came up. In my opinion the shadowcat thread yesterday is it really my deal to be upset about. It is up to shadowcat since it involves him to complain.
I admit this thread had me going for a minute. I would have felt bad if shadow passed because of some of the trolling I have done on him.
-->"Okay, so if theoretically there was a mod, how would one go about it to prevent it turning into an echo chamber? "
I'm not sure this is something worth agonizing over... I can't even count how many forums I've been on over the years, it's a non-issue, except on forums where they specifically try to do this. Of course, I can see why someone with a lot to lose of the troll personas get targeted, might want to throw up a red herring or two :) but that's all it is
-->"If one wants to attempt to appeal to founder for moderators, (my guess is) the easiest way would be to convince him that he would get to deal with less complaints like this thread. "
Probably not difficult to show him lots of forums that run better, with light moderation. But I don't think that's the issue at all. Founder just thinks it isn't worth his time either way, he doesn't care that this place runs like shit at times, and isn't as convinced as I am that a high quality forum could attract lots of paying or reviewing members, and lots and lots of eyeballs. That's what we'd have to convince him of -- that it's worth putting in much effort into a forum at all, for any reason. I don't think that's going to happen, so at this point, this is just a venting thread. Hey, I'm onboard!
"I don’t have the time or energy for the daily process of ignoring all of the new ones that crawl from under their rocks and emerge"
It takes about a second... quit being a baby
Ignore works well for me and I encourage people to stay logged in and ignore people.
Anyways, joking about somebody dying isn't funny, and shouldn't be a way to prank people. That's fucked up
C'mon. Be serious. If you have time to read a post you have time to log in. What is it? 10 seconds? To say you don't have time does nake you sound important though.
Let's not undermine our own credibility.
Flag, not sure why you think I’m pissing in your cornflakes today. I’m not suggesting that we ban people who have an oddd sense of humor or sometimes piss people off. I also don’t think we should get rid of the truly insane like SJG. Those kind of people add color to the community. But sick fucks
who falsely report that a member is dead, or those who post shit of equal “value,” are a drain on us all. They also seriously diminish the value and appeal of the web site as a whole.
Well I'm late to this discussion. I was busy making funeral arrangements. Other than installing a moderator there is not much that Founder can do to stop the trolls. Only you can stop them. Don't feed the trolls.
I feel like there should be sub forums on here. So off topic from clubs and on topic. So if u dont wanna hear about fried chackn u dont have to or Nicole's newest insane rants and rambles lmfao
Did I find it funny? Not really.
But don't be so damned sanctimonious about it. Geez, get over it. Don't have Bambimbo skin.
My thoughts
I don't like the idea of any censorship. Use the ignore button.
I am willing to create a VIP member only discussion board, but the last time I suggested it, the response wasn't favorable.
Founder, I will probably just leave if that is the final decision. However, things have clearly gotten a lot worse since this was discussed previously. So I think it’s reasonable to revisit the issue. And I don’t see much opposition to the idea of a private forum with limited membership. Several people endorsed the idea, and I’d bet that the regulars would quickly move to such a forum if we had one.
I dont care if there is a forum I can't access or whatever, but I'd still like to see reviews if changes are made.
I didn't mean to piss anyone off with my comments.
Just kidding, of course I did. But it was mainly to emphasize a point that we should feel fortunate to have what we have. Thanksgiving is right around the corner.
Founder did a great job setting up this forum for us to share our hobby and other unrelated topics. (Gag, cough, cough)
There have been ebbs and flows in regards to how on topic discussions have been. It will swing back. If you don't like how it is right now take a little hiatus and try again in a few weeks.
Is anyone going to pay founder for his time to make the changes you want?
Lmao @ shadowcat
“I can't even count how many forums I've been on over the years,”
“That's what we'd have to convince him of -- that it's worth putting in much effort into a forum at all, for any reason.”
Founder has occasionally griped at stuff like long thread titles or the anti-VM board spamming when that happened. It’s not like he’s cool with all of it.
If there is a solid argument that a moderator is a legit way to outsource potential future PM complaints he may receive, and thus lower his overall efforts in the long-term, then I see it as a possibility he could get persuaded.
Feel free to post some links to these other boards, with three separate categories. Where moderation was highly successful, where it was moderately, and where it wasn’t.
If you have something solid, then I do believe you have a legit change of persuading founder. I mean, this dude hasn’t even deleted this thread yet. He strikes me open minded enough to consider changes.
(Bonus points if you compare and contrast how these websites balanced stupidity+drama and also diverse discussion.)
Then at least there are concrete examples of what can be looked at where they went right and wrong with their moderator choices and your claims have more weight.
“Of course, I can see why someone with a lot to lose of the troll personas get targeted, might want to throw up a red herring or two :)”
You just admitted that you would rather vent than try to make a serious effort to change anything. So I guess the power of my red herrings are pretty good then :)
“My thoughts
I don't like the idea of any censorship. Use the ignore button.
I am willing to create a VIP member only discussion board, but the last time I suggested it, the response wasn't favorable.”
Ah, didn’t read that. Okay, so an appeal for moderators would get even tougher then.
But still, why can’t the complainers here come up with an argument about the difference between censorship and moderation.
Hell, now I’m half tempted to write something up myself. And of course get MackTruck instated as the moderator.
@founder I would think a VIP only section would be a good idea. Idk why it was shot down.
I personally have found the ignore function to be quite effective. But then, I don’t feel like some kind of pussy for using it like some have suggested that I am. I also realize that other people have different reasons, unrelated to being a pussy, for not using it.
Personally, I am the only moderator that I would trust, and I’m betting that many others wouldn’t trust me.
How about this one:
Users are allowed to post as many times per day as they have published reviews plus one. They’re allowed to start one new thread per day per 5 reviews. Paid VIP members would be unlimited for the duration of their VIP. Verified dancers might also get that privilege.
Basically, a new user would get to make one comment per day until having a review published. Then they’d get two. And not be able to start a new thread until they had five reviews. Alternately, maybe have “nonreview” users have their posts reviewed by a mod for some period of time.
If that were implemented right this moment, most of the posters here would still be able to post an effectively unlimited amount.
However, the biggest downside is that I think it would cut traffic, and traffic is money. That, in addition to the dev time, is why I think founder will be hesitant to implement anything that limits posting.
This is the second time in less than 2 years that board issues forced founder to take the extraordinary step of weighing in, I think there are perhaps 3 members that are responsible for 70% of the real bad flaming, I’m sure founder knows who they are and if he doesn’t wish to get involved you guys probably know who they are as well, my hunch is if those three were ignored the rampant bullshit would stop, it’s up to us to agree collectively to ignore or repudiate, one in particular ignore works best the other two repudiation seems to be most effective.
What we do not want is other users deciding what gets posted. That will lead to the echo chamber effect in record time.
I think Juice should decide what gets posted -
he's a very level-headed guy
VIP forum would be an improvement.
Also, providing the ability to up-vote or down-vote content would also help.
Some degree of throttling (digital, not physical... though if given the chance...) would help. Meaning, new profiles can only post X number of times per day for the first 30 days and/or until they have made at least X number of posts.
There's a number of measures that would help and are not censorship. Ultimately, though, it's your sandbox.
In its current form, the discussion forum is neither entertaining or useful (personal opinion). So, in its current form, it's not where I want to spend my time.
My 2 cents.
Stop kissing Founder's ass so he doesn't band you - that's pretty-sad
Tl, dr but seriously pull up your big boy pants and use the ignore button if it bothers you too much. Or don’t log on at all.
Hay John Smith...
Remember when the Carolina Panthers beat the Broncos in the Superbowl?
It seems to me that the vast majority of posts and threads are not the problem, only that 5-10% that torque someone the wrong way and the issue is we do not want censorship. Instead of putting the control to moderate the board in the hands of 1 person to decide, thus opening the opportunity to direct the board, could a moderator panel be established. Make it like a "appeals court" situation where we have 5 people as moderators, that way we can have a simple majority to decide if the post/thread needs to be closed/deleted. I say 5 because 3 makes it easier to guide the board if 2 of the 3 are of similar philosophy, but the odds of 5 having a majority element that agrees on everything is probably significantly less. To reduce the demand on the panel, some type to method could be established to nominate posts/threads to the panel for their adjudication.
Just a random thought from a newbie here
Everybody thinks they know everything about something, yet the truth of the matter is they all don’t know shit.
@Meat72: you are wrong my friend. MackTruck knows his shit and everyone else's that he hauls around. : )
@crazyjoe LOLOL
Juice for moderation 2019
That sucks. It would just be groiup chats
Thanks 25
How about forum sections so you can pick what you want to see. I consider myself a part time troll. I don’t have any alternate handles, I just switch personas based on the topic at hand.
I enjoy being able to offer help or ideas in a legitimate thread, but I also like getting all troll like in someone’s idiotic thread.
How about a Troll Free Zone that is moderated and a No Holds Barred section that is enter at your own risk?
@JS69 Do you remember when dougster told founder he was going to quit if he didn't ban Vince Micheals ?
A) dougster didn't quit
B) a few weeks ago you said that you missed dougster
Obviously you are complaining about yourself, really sounds like humble whining to me.
There's always been issues w/ trolls - we've always had the "wow the trolls are worst than ever" posts - I do think some light-moderation should be present mainly to get rid of the spammers that only post to spam/troll, vs just posting silly stuff b/c that is what they believe - e.g. the ones that will start 20 threads in 20-minutes for no good reason or the ones that bump 20-threads for no good reason - if someone posts something silly I just scroll past it or just put them on Ignore.
It doesn't appear that Founder wants to be investing time in policing the board - in the past he's mentioned that if he blocks one troll account all they do is just create a new-one although one would think going by the troll's IP address a good chunk of it could probable be eliminated - but in the end Founder has always been as hands-off as possible and things will likely remain as they are - and IMO it's not that bad now - there's been time it's been worse and also when Dougster was around poisoning the board w/ other mental-defectives thinking what he did was cool and egging him on and joining-in at times.
IMO creating all sorts of standards for posting is overkill and will likely block certain good contributors that for w/e reason don't meet certain requirements
It's not that there are too many troll threads, it's that there aren't enough threads on point. In other words, not enough about fucking barely legal redheads while stoned.
Juice juice juice juice
im gonna go ahead and break persona for just a little bit. all of my trolling is done purely for the sake of comedy and entertainment value. i am not trying to disrupt the board with my trolling and i refrain from harassing or attacking any actual members even though i frequently make other trolls the target of my jokes. im not doing this for malicious purposes but rather just to give a few laughs to people who find my stuff funny. i don't know if anyone considers me part of the problem with tuscl trolls but if you don't like my stuff then I would suggest that you just put me on ignore and let the people who do like my stuff continue to enjoy it. for me, this is just a way to be somebody different from who i am in real life and i have fun getting to act and play a character.
I agree John, the board has been full of a whole lot of crap lately. Interesting how it has changed through the past 6 years or so since I've been on here.
My ignore list is extensive and growing monthly. I think the trolls certainly keep some new members from joining in once they see all the crap. I know I look in a lot less than I formerly have. At least the reviews are still relevant.
I sure miss Motorhead and FarmerArt. And glad to know Shadowcat is still supporting the ladies at Follies.
I agree the "forum" section needs moderation.
It's tedious to cut through all the bullshit to find actual, meaningful discussions.
All of the trolls and AE's need to go.
just use your ignore button, its not that hard.
i have had several users tell me they find me entertaining. a little bit of trolling is just a part of tuscl and always has been.
My opinion is if you can’t apprwciate the trolls for their entertainment value then you’ve got serious issues. Everything on this site should be considered fiction. The disclaimer is buried somewhere on here. If it weren’t for the entertainment value I’m not sure I’d visit often. There’s more humor here than going to a comedy club, and it’s convenient from just about anywhere I go.
^ +1
The only difference between this round of trolls and others is the current crop is convinced they're clever. If you don't want trolls don't feed them (or be them under a doublefake handle).
It's censorship to try and prevent someone from falsely posting that an elderly board member died?
“More humor than a comedy club”... I shudder at the thought of a comedy club where the humor of the trolls on here is actually well received
IMO the trolls probably have served the purpose of keeping membership down. I followed TUSCL off and on for a few years before becoming a member. As a non-member you can read discussions, but not reviews. The discussion board is so childish, I figured the reviews were worthless, so why join?
I finally joined as I am retiring soon and planning on traveling and visiting clubs.
What if you could ignore all posts made from the same IP address.
"@JS69 Do you remember when dougster told founder he was going to quit if he didn't ban Vince Micheals ?
A) dougster didn't quit
B) a few weeks ago you said that you missed dougster
Obviously you are complaining about yourself, really sounds like humble whining to me."
Johnny quit your bitchin
I am in favor of a VIP forum.
Any dork can figure out how to use VPN or proxy to hide their IP address.
Correct me if I'm wrong: didn't you pull a massive prank on SA, pretending to be a sugar baby and wasting the time of other paid members, using your unpaid account? Trolling for allowance numbers even though you claim to have your house paid off and in the process of buying a $200K car? You sure sound like a troll to me.
Didn't you post wall-of-texts in SJG threads like a pathetic troll?
@johnsmith... do you remember when you told me Fuck you and good night
I would be in favor of giving free lapdances to Johnsmith if he stays
OK. I just read all these comments. WTF is considered to be a troll?
I am sorry, I made JohnSmith do this. I am the troll behind John. So sorry
We don't need no stinking moderator.
I agree with Che's suggestions, except to encourage new membership, I'd allow just 1 "freebie" prior to submitting their first review. I recall my very first post where I presented some club scenario visits with different levels of fun, dancer attractiveness, and club amenities. I asked how people would grade the club, which gave me helpful guidelines for submitting my first few reviews.
I keep hearing the rationalization for keeping things status quo that more hits = more ad revenue. OK, but too many trolls treating Tuscl as their own low cost (FREE) version of Facebook (re- starting a new thread every time they fart, or get a girly crush on a guy) wastes bandwidth that could otherwise be used for useful reviews and club discussions.
DC....this forum is awful. Not only is it not organized, but there’s tons of trolls and awful threads. You gotta sift thru all this garbage just to find the good discussion topics
i've done that. but all a troll has to do is make another username. you shouldn't have to keep putting people on ignore over and over and over again.
of all the message boards/discussion boards i've been on......this is the only one i've seen with no moderator--so i guess i shouldn't be surprised that the forum is out of control like this one is
-->"IMO the trolls probably have served the purpose of keeping membership down. I followed TUSCL off and on for a few years before becoming a member. As a non-member you can read discussions, but not reviews. The discussion board is so childish, I figured the reviews were worthless, so why join?"
I felt exactly the same for years; and that's before the current state, which in the troll cycles feels like the worst I've seen. Aside from ignoring any sort of reality about how forums work and the fact that "just hit the ignore button" has from what I can tell never solved anything in any forum, that's what the "just use the ignore feature" people are missing -- ignore helps those who are here already, it doesn't address the fact that it's pretty likely scores of great contributors have probably looked at the shit show, and not joined at all because of it. That's pretty big, to me -- it's a missed opportunity that this place drives people away instead of pulling them in. Founder has been consistent on his view, so again, I think we're mostly just engaging in some blowing off steam
You posted "... if those three were ignored the rampant bullshit would stop...".
I have to disagree. Like always, they'd just coin a new TUSCL name and continue. You'd have to, at least, cut them off at the IP level, in my humble opinion.
^ Or you need to grow a thicker skin, I’ve been attacked plenty, yet you’ll notice I don’t attack those that treat me with the same respect that I start out with, I think as someone said to me in a PM that the user group here is getting younger, I generally like young folks and welcome them wholeheartedly, unfortunately some of us older guys have forgotten what it was like to be young and dumb, my hunch is the younger ones won’t be too different from us in a few years, if you can remember being young, at that time in your life there was so much you thought you knew, but as you got older you found out how little you really know, that’s what seems to be happening here.
Look at how you and I get along yet we disagree politically on a lot. Yet I don’t doubt your sincerity I I believe you don’t doubt mine. Yet we both have a common agenda, to make the world a better place for those that come after us.
It is fun to bust the chops of dumb millennial dorks.
(No Homo)
"Hell, now I’m half tempted to write something up myself. And of course get MackTruck instated as the moderator."
; )
Mack the truck for moderator
Better you than me ;)
Founder has set up a great forum. It works because there really is no moderation and so people can post what they want.
On TJAmigos, they have as much trolling as we do. Its just that their the trolls are the ones who have moderator powers.
Trolling on TUSCL is much less than it was a year ago.
Consider also that some of those screaming the loudest for moderation, like JohnSmith69, are also often trolls themselves, senselessly insulting other members, posting negative meta-narrative.
^^^ : )
^^^ : )
This forum has flourished because it welcomes people.
Making a special VIP area would divide people.
Most of those screaming for moderation, like JohnSmith69, are some of those posting the most accusatory and denigrating stuff about other members.
Saturday I reported on a man who had vanished from a 49er's stadium game the previous Monday. Saturday they found a body in the water near the old unused Alviso Marina and some old concrete boat ramps. The stuff is unused because silt comes in from the bay and fills it up.
I have years ago explored all around there. It is interesting, but even in the day time potentially dangerous. I once got stuck hip deep in mud and a shoe came off. Getting my foot back into the shoe I was able to recover it. But I was taking more risks in doing so.
This man was in the military, maybe Special Forces. So likely he handles himself quite well in the outdoors, even at night.
Not sure if any conclusions have been reached, but to me it sounds more and more like a suicide. Left his cell phone, battery run down to zero, in his car at the stadium. Also left his girl friend and her two kids there. But talking on the phone and using video up until the point he vanished.
Here SJPD say that the body was found floating face down about 1 mile out from the Marina and the Ramps.
I believe that police probably have more tidbits of information which they are not going to disclose until they are ready to close the case.
In a homicide it is usually those closest to the deceased who did it, and they are exposed by the contradictions in their stories. To me, this is sounding more and more like a suicide.
^Explain yourself
Why the hell did you find it necessary to post that crap and what the fuck does it have to do with this topic ?
For extra credit tell us why you didn’t just make your own thread about this topic instead of threadjacking another persons thread ?
You really have no respect for anyone do you that’s fucking sad.
Dem trolls make me wanna drink henny
2018 necro thread.
I didn't often agree with JS69, but I did in this thread.
Just noticed that wallanon hasn't posted since early September.
^ Exhibit B, on why older threads need to get locked.
Tough guy
The trolls only post because they get a reaction. Ignore them, at the very least don't respond, and they'll starve and move on.
^ Not our trolls. Our trolls are self feeding and can masturbate in a thread for days using multiple accounts.
This Alucard dude is really starting to annoy me. Something needs to be done!
This forum flourishes because we can talk about all sorts of things. We can do that other places too. But here we can talk about:
keeping women in highheels and makeup
putting women in restraints
doings in Strip Clubs and AMPs
initiating women as Sex Slaves
On the vast majority of sites that stuff would never be tolerated, people would go berserk.
So TUSCL continues to flourish!
The Black Crowes - Remedy
Jealous Again
Deep Purple-Child in Time
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower
Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven, from The Song Remains The Same, no flute, but John Paul Jones with keyboard synth. And no acoustic guitar, but Page with his double neck.