
Am I the only one that misses dougster?

Everything written by this member is a fact.
Monday, September 3, 2018 7:17 PM
Just asking. I thought he was a hoot.


  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    From what I’ve heard, I’m sure txtittyfag does.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Do you like taking it up the ass like dougster also? If so BigDickSammy would have a hay day with you flagoo
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Dougster was an intelligent person and knowledgeable about finance. He made good contributions to this discussion board over the years. But he could become obsessed over an issue or a person and would not let it go. I believe he's still lurking or posting under a new alias.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    “I believe he's still lurking or posting under a new alias.”. Really? You think? A new one?
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    At least Dougster made sense on his posts.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    In a word, yes.
  • tumblingdice
    6 years ago
    Dougster was a hoot.Vincemichaels set himself up for failure by lying about his military service and admitting his lust for underage girls and it pissed Dougster off and he just couldn't let go.Its kinda like Mueller,CNN and MSNBC and Russian collusion.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    I miss realDougster.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    I still think my theory about Dougster [view link] is likely to have merit. Dougster could be obsessive but the whole trolling vincemichaels bit went over the top. When Dougster trolled rickdugan it seemed like Dougster was in control of himself. I'm not justifying Dougster's behavior, just describing it. I fully understand why some folks found the Dougster-rickdugan beef to be non-brilliant. I'm just saying that the Dougster-rickdugan beef had a certain rhythm. Dougster would repeatedly post "lol". rickdugan would try his best to ignore that rapier wit but he'd finally snap and post a 20 page rebuttal to "lol". Then the cycle of life would repeat. But he just couldn't let vincemichaels go. Had to be some reason for that.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    People who say they miss dougster perhaps don't remember what the discussion board looked like when you logged in and there were 20 to 30 (or more) junk threads being constantly bumped. I didn't dislike dougster; he made good points when he could be coerced off of his one-track war with VinceMichaels. But I don't really want a return to that dynamic.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    VinceMichaels was his own worst enemy. He insisted on replying to *every* attack by goading and insulting anyone who was critical of him, and that prompted a variety of users to dive deep into his posting history. This is how it came out that he had bragged about having sex with a 14-year-old girl on his boat. That, plus his creepy posts about cheerleaders and Miss Teen pageants, made it difficult to be remotely sympathetic. I have zero tolerance for people who have sex with minors and VinceMichaels' absolute lack of remorse or regret was unforgivable to me. I didn't love the board being clogged up with relentless attacks and I don't want a return to that. But, VM fanned those flames relentlessly. There's an old saying about reaping what you sow...
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Well, in case you hadn’t noticed, he’s still posting regularly.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Well, I've always assumed that he was still here (at least) and posting (most likely) under a new user name. If it's been made obvious which one, then I missed that.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    He was one of the most ignorant trolls on this board, which is saying quite a bit. I've no doubt he still posts here on another alias, but as long as he doesn't spam up the board again I do not care, either.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @flagooner You don’t really miss dougster you just miss the conflict and bickering ! Stir stir stir lol
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    Towards the end the bad far outweighed the witty and intelligent posts...to the point I had him on ignore. Agree with Ishe's 20-30 junk posts comment.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    I liked Dougster except the tons of troll thread bumping, but lets not pretend there are less troll theads now. just different ones non vendetta based, passes are now given because the poster may have a vagina and this place is full of thirsty motherfuckers.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I like Dougster, he knows about lots of things. But I do not agree with his promotion of financialization and market speculation. And I oppose the way he picks whipping boys to target. SJG Kavanaugh Confirmation [view link] Feinstein, Kamala Harris join Democratic attacks at Brett Kavanaugh hearing [view link] Harris: 'We cannot possibly move forward' with Kavanaugh hearing [view link] The Hill's Reid Wilson: Kamala Harris sees Kavanaugh hearing as a political opportunity [view link] A specter is haunting Europe [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    This is what Dougster and his bro are bringing us to, a utopia - distopia apocalypse, where there is very little work and lots of people just forced out, and the entire society is a Ponzi Scheme, and then much of the population is to be considered expendable! [view link] [view link] SJG
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
    [view link] Legends never die...
  • Lil_Baller100
    3 years ago
    We be gettin faded
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    2018 bumped thread, FYI. But my opinions above haven't changed.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Lil_Dougie be bumpin'
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Some of the trolling Dougster did was totally uncalled for, and it was cruel. But I always appreciated Dougster even though his views were too far to the Right for me. Dougster was really smart and he was someone you still could have a reasonable conversation with. I would often intercede in his trolling by posting something way off topic, like how to use numerical quantum mechanics to find better magnetic materials. I posted to Founder before, that if he has mended his ways, I think it would be nice if he could come back. SJG Fast Layla w/ organ [view link]
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Does founder ever respond to your messages?^^^
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    SJG said "I would often intercede in his trolling by posting something way off topic, like how to use numerical quantum mechanics to find better magnetic materials." First, you don't know how to do those things. You just post links about those things as a form of intellectual theater. Second, it's not like you've ever needed Dougster's trolling as an excuse to hijack a thread with off-topic horseshit.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    I posted before that @Dougster was a troll with a 160 IQ. When he wasn't trolling, he could be really funny. He's probably some kind of quantitative analyst. Enjoyed his posts on finance, Ayn Rand, the economy, etc. One of the best posters over the years.
  • crazyjoe
    3 years ago
    ^ way to suck a dick random
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    I don’t remember the Dougster versus Mr. Vince stuff. Must not have been paying attention. What I remember was the way Dougster would just bump anti-Dugan threads with a “lol” until Mr. Dugan freaked out and replied. That shit was funny, but it did require a lot of thread bumping and I could see that getting tiresome. I assume the issue was that Mr. Vince replied to every thread Mr. Doug bumped and it got really tiresome. I could see that.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    Also...a 160 IQ? Really Mr. Random? I don’t remember many of Mr. Doug’s non-LOL posts, but I wouldn’t say anybody on here has a 160 IQ. I’m sure he was smarter than, say, Mr. Dugan or Mr. Anderson. However, my dog is smarter than those guys and my dog licks his own ass.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Dougster is extremely intelligent and he can be very entertaining. But has he mended his ways? I'm still trying to access what happened over the weekend. We shouldn't test Founder. I guess Dougster hasn't mended his ways. SJG Origins of the Ricks [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] Taylor Swift didn't jump [view link]
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    I don't miss him. He was BigDickSammy's boyfriend
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Dougster finds his Dream Girl. [view link] SJG
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