
Do you think there would be social unrest if the US government revealed it knows

Avatar for sharkhunter

Probably no worse than hurricane Harvey. Actually not that bad at all. However the press would want to know everything. Forget the Russians. Forget talking about number of people that trumps son had In a meeting. It would be all about the aliens and what connection trump has to the aliens. Has trump had meetings with the aliens? Is trump making a great economic deal with the aliens making America great again? The press would not stop asking questions. Just imagine the social upheaval. People might even forget that congress and trump were not passing any tax cuts. NK could launch a missile and people might ask if the aliens were going to intervene in NK.

Then finally a representative alien comes forward. The alien says he goes by SGJ. Just imagine the social upheaval. Girls might be falling asleep at SJG's feet. It'd be horrible. Some girls might even attempt to break into SGJ's basement just to say they slept with an alien. Juice might claim to be an alien as well just to get some too. I might even have girls throwing themselves at me too thinking I know too much. Just imagine the upheaval if the aliens turned out to be hit playboy blondes and there mission involved lots of sex. Turmoil. Stock market up 5000 points.


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Avatar for Dougster

Themes of Independence Day/LifeForce/Species.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I doubt it would make that big of an impact on most Americans. In my view, Americans care about what affects them directly, and aliens aren't going to have much effect on them. As you mentioned, aliens don't get tax reform or healthcare reform pushed through, so it's not going to effect them.

That being said, the news media would go wild over it. Conspiracy theories would run wild over the levels of secrecy over when the knowledge was originally discovered, etc.

Avatar for warhawks

It would be one of, if not the biggest news event of all humankind time.

The possibilities that it would open up would just be unimaginable.

Avatar for jackslash

All I have to say is, "Nanoo. Nanoo."


Part of the reason I have a bug out box and a arms locker.

Avatar for Clubber

Like there is no social unrest now???

Avatar for grabbingsomepussy

Think if SJG's society was in charge, think of the social unrest as people start another Civil War.

Avatar for ppwh

Probably wouldn't make that much difference, as we already have created powerful artificial life forms with corporations. I don't think it makes that much difference whether your malevolent overlord is named Zorg or Larry Page.

Avatar for londonguy

As long as you have Bruce Willis you don't have anything to worry about. Mind you, he was to frightened to fly to London after 9/11 so maybe he isn't 100% reliable.

Avatar for sharkhunter

That was funny rh48hr. I'm glad I found this thread to see what comments I missed.

Great video.

Much funnier than a YouTube suggested video from some guy that claimed the US concocted a reason to invade Iraq due to wanting to find a 4000 year old ancient artifact that only Kings had access to that could alter the weather or cause earthquakes that they were afraid sadden Hussein might find first and cause havoc with it.

Better than the other videos that says retired US navy personnel know of a pole shift that is top secret and will raise ocean levels at least 400 feet in a matter of years or sooner because the water is 400 to 600 feet high at the equator minimum and with othe earth changes, the earth will undergo dramatic changes. Even better than the alien interruption of UK television signals YouTube video from the Astra Galactic command. I do find it entertaining that YouTube recommends I watch all the crazy videos. Hmmm I also saw a video on female jeans that only went half way up their ass and the top of the jeans looks like a bikini. I never saw it before. Apparently the Japanese wear those.

Avatar for Mainster

Let's allow that there are aliens, and that they are involved in the daily running of this planet, and that the US government not only knows, but is taking orders from said aliens. Look at how the government handles everything else and tell me that you really believe they could manage a cover-up of that magnitude?

Avatar for 4got2wipe

Brilliant point londonguy!

Avatar for 4got2wipe

sharkhunter, I don't think there are any intelligent aliens in this galaxy. At least not now. If there are they don't engage in interstellar travel.

Some time ago, Enrico Fermi (the pioneering - and genuinely brilliant - physicist) asked a simple question: "where are they?"

His point was that the amount of time it would take to colonize the Galaxy, even with the ultimate speed limit of c, is fairly low relative to the age of the Galaxy.

If technological civilizations are common at least one would have colonized the Galaxy. So there are several possible conclusions:

Technologically-advanced aliens don't exist

Technologically-advanced aliens do exist but they are very rare and haven't colonized the Galaxy. I say very rare because, as Fermi suggested, one Galaxy-colonizing race is enough.

The lifespan of technologically-advance civilizations is universally short. Again, this is an unlikely unless civilizations are rare. All it would take is one civilization that survived and colonized the Galaxy.

Also, the energy necessary for interstellar travel is high enough that astronomers worldwide would detect a spaceship approaching the Earth. A large solar sail would reflect light. Nuclear engines would emit light. And so forth.

So don't worry about the aliens! Focus on naked strippers! Naked strippers showing you their buttholes = ace! ;)

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