So what happens after the CF, ATF, DS quits?

avatar for Bavarian

My CF does not have much time left as a stripper. Could be burn out, getting married, starting a business. Who knows.

So what has been your experience?

Do you keep in touch and see her OTC, do you forget about her once you find another favorite, or does she simply block your number?


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

It seems most of the time they just disappear & never make contact again once they are ready to move on - some may keep the lines of communication open if they feel they may still need ($$$) you.

avatar for Dougster
8 yrs ago

Don't be a creepy stalker, Bavarian. If you were paying her for sex she'll want to leave her hooker days behind her, which she associates you with. So you won't be hearing from her again - unless she relapses.

avatar for ime
8 yrs ago

You act like a man.

avatar for motorhead
8 yrs ago

After my ATF had child #3, she decided to retire. She used to text me weekly...then monthly....then just on holidays and my birthday. It's been 3 years since retirement. I thought I might never hear from again but she texted me a few weeks ago

avatar for Subraman
8 yrs ago

Totally depends on the girl and your relationship with her. I've had every single scenario you've mentioned -- in fact, I've had several with the same girl.

  • Some girls simply disappear, they drop their google voice line and remove all customer contacts from their phone
  • Some girls, I don't know what happened to them, because I was ready to move on anyway
  • Some girls who I've gotten really close to -- usually ATFs, not mere CFs -- we stay in touch for a time, and they keep me around for OTC while they adjust to their new non-stripper job and the lower finances involved
  • With a number of my ATFs, we've stayed in touch. I still occasionally talk to a girl who retired 3 years ago, one of my all-time ATFs. We just catch up now and then, I still think she's an awesome chick

In one pretty fun one, I had an ATF who quit stripping, OTCed with me for a while, then stopped responding to my texts. I figured she'd blocked me because she was ready to move on, but a year later just for kicks I texted her, and she texted me back, and pretty soon we were OTCing ... and a few weeks after that, she was back to stripping again!

avatar for rickdugan
8 yrs ago

In my experience, when they really quit, the cut all connections to that part of their lives. Makes sense really since she is trying to put the memories of sucking and fucking for money behind her, at least until her next breakup or other life implosion. ;)

avatar for jackslash
8 yrs ago

I am Facebook friends with some old CF's, and some others text me. But they mostly disappear.

avatar for sclvr5005
8 yrs ago

With so many strippers out there competing for our $$$, why lament over one? Strippers come and go. I can't believe that you wouldn't be able to find a replacement pretty quickly.

avatar for RandomMember
8 yrs ago

I'm genuinely happy for any dancer who gets out for good and gets married or finds a better career path. It's a wretched lifestyle for any girl over 25 who gets trapped in the stripper lifestyle.

So many other sex workers out there, Bavarian. Get yourself some white polyester. Chin up, buttercup.

avatar for ppwh
8 yrs ago

I have never kept in touch with a dancer after she left a club. I have always just played the field for a while and eventually found a new CF.

The thing I had to learn to avoid was the expectation of jumping straight to another dancer and thinking she would pick up where the former left off. In my experience, getting to a comfortable place with a favorite can take a bit of time because a lot of it depends on establishing some level of rapport. Also, a new potential CF probably has a different special thing about her, so trying to get her to recreate the old one's charm might just waste your money and annoy the stripper. ;) There have been some where it has gelled right away, though, but that was more being at the right place at the right time.

Sometimes a former favorite has come back after a fairly extended period of time. It's a toss up on how they have treated me once they're back, though. Sometimes it's like things never changed, sometimes a dancer who had treated me like one of many will start treating me like a king, and sometimes she has pulled back and it's like starting over with a dancer I just met.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

Don't worry Bavarian, you still have us


avatar for wallanon
8 yrs ago

My experience has been to move on, but I get why others keep in touch with their favs.

avatar for Bavarian
8 yrs ago

Two years ago, I moved on from the first favorite while she was still stripping. It took about 4 months to come across the CF. It was lust at first sight. The moment I saw her, I knew she was going to become favorite #2.

Yeah, most likely the CF will cut all communication with me after she quits. Oh well, bring on favorite #3.

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

Good topic.

I give a lot of money to my CF ITC, and she lets me fuck her for free OTC, but I have no doubt if she retired that she would disappear out of my life.

Think on the bright side Bavarian, now you can find a girl who won't take advantage of you so badly, and you can get some better value for your money.

avatar for Dougster
8 yrs ago

Just don't pull a stevie-girl when it happens. No going into a funk and kinda letting yourself go. Just remember the Doritos commercial: don't worry the world is constantly making a stream of new hookers to replace any that move on.

avatar for Timex345
8 yrs ago

Usually the girls I have bought dances from simply disappear. I fight the urge to become someone's regular because at some point it becomes weird when emotions get involved. I recently lost contact with a favorite. I think she may have a serious boyfriend now who helps support her. So, things usually end one way or another. I always have more fun if I know very little about the girl dancing for me. It keeps it fun and the emotions out.

avatar for stripfighter
8 yrs ago

If they truly quit and find a more fulfilling life, I wish them well. Some take breaks for burnout or until the next drama, in which case they haven't really quit.

If it were my ATF, i'd take a break too and go semi-regularly at least until a new CF emerges.

avatar for K
8 yrs ago

Depending on the lady, I keep in touch. This ranges from the occasional text or email to occasional drinks to private sessions. Several disappear of a period of time and come back.

Be ready to find a new favorite and new OTC options. better yet, have a few at all times.

avatar for TravelingGolfer
8 yrs ago

Sounds like good timing for a trip to Deja Vu and Hong Kong, if she decides to hang up the clear heels. :)

avatar for ButterMan
8 yrs ago

Id leave the door open to them to still do OTC once in a while. Thats her call. As far as in the club you find a replacement or two. simple.

avatar for grand1511
8 yrs ago

The wave crested with my ATF about 10 years ago. No big deal. We had been seeing each other in various clubs for about 7 years. That's a pretty good run. Then just a couple months ago, I got a LinkedIn request from her. Accepted it, but does she really want me to recommend the only skills I know she has to other potential employers?!? BTW: She's now working an office job for the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs. Didn't see that coming!

avatar for larryfisherman
8 yrs ago

^^^Lol, that's hillarious

avatar for JuiceBox69
8 yrs ago

Rejoice and come visit Follies

avatar for ATACdawg
8 yrs ago

My ATF has just left dancing behind her. She's got a great new guy in her life after a whole succession of frogs and I am overjoyed for her. I'm still on her Instagram page and she is on mine so we can still keep track of each other. That said, that is as far as it will ever go

What next? Probably a bit less clubbing. There are two favorites behind her. Both are among the most beautiful girls I have ever seen and both have great personalities to match.

avatar for Dougster
8 yrs ago

That's interesting. I get lots of friend recommendations for strippers on Facebook, but have only see one pop up as a recommended connection on LinkedIn. I guess many of them just don't use LinkedIn even after they've moved on from stripping?

avatar for Cowboy12
8 yrs ago

3 of my favorites have quit over the last 2 years. Only one keeps in touch, texting 1 or twice a month. She is only 30 and wants to return to dancing, but her BF hates the idea. I think she is just keeping in contact with me in case she does return, since I was her best regular.

One of the others I thought to be more of a friend, as we had went out to dinner a few times. Disappointing, but there is always another girl waiting for CF status.

avatar for Bavarian
8 yrs ago

Most of the crop of strippers is very young and the average shelf life is 3 years at the most. I met first favorite when she was 19. She must be 22 now and must have stopped dancing around 21. I have her on Instagram and is now engaged and expecting a baby.

I met the current favorite when she was 19. She is about to turn 21. She's been dancing since she turned 18 so her 3 years are coming up.

We get older but the crop of strippers remains the same. Mostly 18-21 years old.

avatar for Dougster
8 yrs ago

Bavarian: "We get older but the crop of strippers remains the same. Mostly 18-21 years old."

See now you're becoming a bit less of a PL and you're thinking is getting on the right track.

avatar for ime
8 yrs ago

Just pull an SJG and drug her and chain her up in your basement she will be yours forever

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

LOL -great idea :)

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

What happens?!? You go looking again. To quote RandomMember --> "Shopping for gorgeous girls is mind-blowing fun. It's as simple as that." --> end quote

avatar for GACA
8 yrs ago

Who are we kidding Bavarian wasn't paying for sex, he was paying for the opportunity to take then shopping. Let's get it straight

avatar for 3LeggedMan
8 yrs ago

My first ATF not only quit dancing but enlisted in the military and deployed to Afghanistan. Knowing her real name I discovered that she married a soldier overseas. I hope she stays happy.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago

You turn gay

avatar for Bavarian
8 yrs ago

LOL Papi. I guess SJGay had a CF who quit at some point.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 yrs ago


avatar for georgmicrodong
8 yrs ago

Depends on the nature of the relationship, if guess. If it's strictly P4P, I'd expect her to go dark unless she thinks she can continue making money. I can't even begin to count the number of girls who've just dropped out of sight, even ones who professed to "like" me and promised to keep in contact. :)

My ATF quit dancing almost five years ago and subsequently moved out of state. We still talk almost every week, and we've even visited each other a few times. I expect most here would agree that our relationship is outside the norm, though. :)

I expect that the MILF, even though she likes me enough to fuck me for free OTC, will be one of those who breaks it off clean when she's done with me. For all her friendliness, she's a pretty ruthless person. If she sees a threat to her marriage, she'll be gone in a heartbeat.

avatar for K
8 yrs ago


"even ones who professed to "like" me and promised to keep in contact." She wasn't talking to you. She was talking to the founding fathers in your wallet. She kept her promise to them. I am sure of it.

avatar for georgmicrodong
8 yrs ago

I did use the word "profess," which in the context of the rest of that clause, should be taken to mean that's all it was in most cases.

I have no illusion that a fat, ugly, hairy old man like me is these girls' preferred sex partner. I've gotten lucky a couple of times, but those are aberrations, however good they are.

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