If you're rich, do you get hot pussy?

I think a lot of men go through life assuming that if they made more money, hot women would throw themselves at the guy's feet. We've all seen unattractive rich guys with unreasonably hot girlfriends and wives.
But between this site and the fact a lot of rich famous guys clearly go with prostitutes for easy hot pussy (Charlie Sheen, Hugh Grant, Tiger Woods) and those are the guys that got caught. Then there are the rich guys of this board who have found that paying is a way more effective way to fuck 9s+ than trying to find a hot 20 something to "date". I've also read a few stories of guys who made a killing in Silicon Valley but were disappointed to realize a padded bank account didn't bring in much free pussy.
It honestly seems like the only two truly reliable ways for rich guys to bang models is to be young and attractive AND rich, or to be famous. So my hypothesis is money alone doesn't hurt, but by itself it doesn't get you that far.
last commentI would also say being rich may be a positive and negative. ESPECIALLY if your personality sucks. What's stopping her from cooing to the rich man's ego but immediately cheating on him with a lower class but HAWT citizen? Nothing. Just ask these quote "loser boyfriends" strippers date.
$$$ may not always get you a relationship but will get you short-term pussy.
^ in the P4P sense
"If you're rich, do you get hot pussy?"
It just means that you can buy a better grade of pussy, compared to the average wage earning schleps of the world.
Money gets you pussy without the headaches of a relationship. I believe it was Charlie sheen that said he didn't pay women for sex, he paid them to leave when the sex was done.
I don't think I'm rich, but my income is above average. Other than free girl (a stripper), I don't get any young attractive pussy for free. However, I'm not trying for free young pussy because I doubt that I'd be very successful at getting it, and there's no reason to. If you have money, you can afford to pay for it. And paying for it is so much easier in all respects. I don't really want a hot young girlfriend. Instead, I'd rather have hot young strippers who play the role of my girlfriend wheneverI need them. I think most of you understand why this is better.
But this is all a matter of degree. If I were a multi-millionaire, or a billionaire, then I think I'd have no trouble getting all of the free young pussy that I wanted. Certainly gorgeous young things would be lined up to marry such a man. Donald Trump is a good example. But when you are well off but less than a multi-millionaire, I think you're right -- money helps but its not enough by itself.
"Money for nothing and the chicks for free"
No, of course not, Melania has pure, unconditional love for him.
"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac ". Henry Kissinger
Lord Helmet will tell you women love power and $$$:
The more my income grew the harder it was to get free pussy, true story. When I was broke I got ass thrown at me. But now that I make a decent living (six figures ) I find it's a lot more work because now they see me a boyfriend material and the regulate the pussy so I'll respect them...jokes on them hoes though
Bit more money definitely doesn't equal more free pussy
Money is merely another tool to get what you want. Some have a lot more to throw around. I knew a lot more hot girls when I had almost no money in college than I know now. I vaguely remember seeing hot girls everywhere. One of my male friends even once asked how come whenever he calls our suite, an all male suite, a girl always answered the phone. I could have just said we had her trained. One guy did have like 8 gf's though. I once had a roommate that some said had twenty gf's. He said it was only 8 or 9.
No, being young (20's),working, being interesting, and making girls laugh, gets hot free pussy.
^ I kinda disagree - young chicks often don't know any better and often give up the pussy to the unemployed underemployed bad-boys or very good looking guys - not the funny intelligent ones; IMO.
"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac ". Henry Kissinger
That man never had an 18 year old pussy bareback in his old age.
Seems to me like unemployed bums and good for nothings get more pussy than guys with their heads on straight but I guess since they don't have money they make up for it with their "game".
Papi, that's why I threw in interesting What some girls think is interesting is a complete mystery sometimes.
^ Oh yeah; I see what you mean now; kinda when a hot young chick saying that unemployed guy w/ no car but w/ 6-pack abs is “interesting”
At the risk of derailing my own thread, the fact JS and guys who make his kind of money live in denial they are rich might be the biggest problem with this country.
If you gross 300k+ a year you're not middle class. You're not upper middle class. You're not well off. You're rich. You are the 1%.
Sure unless you're gates or Zuckerberg or buffet, there's always someone richer. Half the NFL owners (many who inherited their franchises and are slowly destroying the league with their second generation bullshit ) probably don't acknowledge they are rich.
At least Trump acknowledges he's rich and pretends he's richer than he is. I suppose Hillary should acknowledge her wealth more...
The strippers go for the unemployed bums, I don't think it's that way for civilians.
Being rich certainly doesn't hurt in the quest for hot pussy.
@JS: Oh, Henry K had plenty of 28 yo pussy! However, he had the government's (NSA branch) special forces dudes cleaning up after him. One mention of it and these guys would break in and ki........ack.
I'm not rich but I'm comfortable. I'm getting more hot young pussy now than I ever did in the past. I can spend as much as I want on strippers because I don't have a sail boat or a wife.
Attractive, well-educated young women are different than strippers, so there is no firm and fast rule.
"@JS: Oh, Henry K had plenty of 28 yo pussy! However, he had the government's (NSA branch) special forces dudes cleaning up after him. One mention of it and these guys would break in and ki........ack."
My theory is if u have more money you can use it as a resource to help search for pussy. I know if you have more time to search it will increase your odds. Guys with money can concentrate on where and when to search, therefore their odds are better since they are being more efficient.
"Attractive, well-educated young women are different than strippers, so there is no firm and fast rule."
So it's mutually exclusive? Lol.
Nina...you got guys offering to "save" you from the life all the time I'm sure. Obviously they are offering a shit ton of money... safe to assume you never took up the offers.
On the other hand the five guys that got the ass from you probably never spent a dime in the club.
It's definitely not about the money. It's about personality, money just helps, but fundamental is personality then money is icing on the cake
Money for a guy is akin to a girl who puts out. A girl who puts out can be a fat ugly bitch you wouldn't fuck, but the fact she puts out makes her more attractive than a fat ugly bitch who doesn't
I prefer body temperature pussy, myself.
I see what she's saying. Are "attractive, well-educated, young women" only in the civilian class and not the provider (sex worker) class?
If we're talking civvis, yes, many of them cannot be "bought off" by a sponsor like a provider can. Or if they can be bought off, they have other criteria that also must be met.
Normally a provider looks for the following:
Boundaries respected
Most everything else the PLs are saying are civilian concerns (looks, genetic/family stock, muscles, age, personality, etc).
I'm not sure if I qualify as rich yet, but the past couple of months I have made more money than my last five years combined. I can definitely say it's easier to get hot pussy, they just throw themselves at you.
^^^Your music career must be taking off.
^^^I wouldn't say taking off yet, but it's a pretty decent start. I just bought my mom a house.
I think money is a bonus and isn't a guarantee to get just any pussy. I think looks, and personality play a big role in it.
Also to all the comments stating that they are more likely to go after the unemployed but good looking guys rather than someone who works and can make them laugh. I feel its a lot of a times more than just the fact that they are good looking, I think a lot of girls go after the "bum" guys because of drugs honestly. They met them found out they did such and such drug too, they are not bad looking (even if they are bad looking they might just use them for money and drugs) and say hey I will go out with them/ be a booty call for them and get some free drugs out of it too.
Ha ha. Yeah, that might burn.
I think there is something that most are forgetting in this discussion - as you have listed a bunch of guys who have lots of money - but many of them are also famous. I think that's where the difference is. Those guys - like Charlie Sheen, Hugh Grant, etc - have money - but they are also famous - and that is what many of their girlfriends are using when they have a relationship.
They get women who tend to want to become famous - and they see their relationship with a famous guy as a pathway to fame.
Money alone isn't going to get you that much. If you make millions and have it stuffed away - and don't partake in any part of a millionaires lifestyle - you will be passed up just like any other average guy.
When I started working out of college - it seemed like a dream for anyone to become a millionaire. When I commute to my office in midtown - and if I'm in an odd mood - I will sometimes glance quickly around and wonder how many around me are multimillionaires? I'm quite sure there are more than a few.
I think this depends on what you mean by "gets pussy"... because if someone is using wealth as their "game", they'll certainly be paying, just in a different way.
Case in point: I've spoken about a young woman I know who moved to Vegas and is basically a professional hot chick ... that is, she walks around the casinos looking for big spenders at social games like craps, or guys who are spending many thousands of dollars for bottle service at a club, wander over to them, and get them to spend lavishly on her. You want her company, you'll be paying bigtime. Sometimes, she plays the guys along for as long as possible, hinting at interest, maybe allowing some light kissing or whatever, and then when step too far over their boundaries, leaves them -- but by then, they'll often have spent many thousands on her. Sometimes, if she genuinely likes them and they're seriously spending on her, if they do something like take her on a vacation, she'll dole out some sex. Here's the thing - she has an entire female social circle who all does this, and I get the impression that Vegas is full of gorgeous young women who play this game. I imagine you can find this type of thing in most cities, Vegas just raises it to high art.
So, that rich guy does have access to some beautiful women, but he's PAYING, even if his relationship with these women is not transaction on cursory inspection. The last wealthy gambler who spent time with the woman I'm talking about -- he spent around $10,000 on her, and he got a little light kissing for his money, before he put his foot down and demanded sex, and she walked.
I think the most effective way to get hot pussy is just to get experience trying for it. You'll find out whether it is better to pay for it or to get it free.
So the example of the Silicon Valley newly rich guy, he has not gotten experience trying for it, so he is still alone.
But the once poor GACA, got lots of it, because he tried. And now the not so poor GACA gets lots of it, but usually for money, because he tries and that way seems to work more easily.
No one right way, but if you want it you do need to try for it.
Listening to Music
SJG, I got pussy when I was broke because a lot of girls luv a charity case....
I got used to how easy it was...but then hit a wall when I was over 30... thought by making more money I'd get more pussy. ..ya, no.
The only way to get "easier" pussy is to have girls as friends and then you can fuck their friends. That doesn't always work out either because of jealousy but it's the most effective way of getting free civies
Yes, you've posted lots of stuff along these lines, dealing with both strippers and civvies.
All I can say is, given the chance girls will chew you up and then spit you out. And becoming part of their world of drama goes no where good.
But I still don't believe that it really all comes down to money. I think it comes down to knowing what you want and then just asserting yourself to get it.
Good Luck!
Zarathustra, Strauss
Beauty is to a woman as power is to a man.
So a guy with lots of money is like a girl with a great set of tits.
It's not everything but it's just one part of the equation. I think it has more to do with how you use the money to present yourself.
Did you get caught by spell checker and intend to ask if rech gets hot pussy?