
Soap Opera Part 2

layin low but staying high
Monday, November 2, 2015 9:36 PM
Holy shit I think PhantomGeek might have been right. I went back and read her messages. They sound like her mostly. But a couple of things she wouldn't likely say. And she said something about our history that was not quite right, it was very close but not exact, like somebody maybe told the person writing about it but they weren't there.

I never even considered this. But Then I thought about what PG said, I re-read her messages a couple of times, and I'll be damned as if it doesn't sometimes sound like somebody is doing a good imitation of her.

So what do I do now. See her itc and ask was that you? I could text her real cell no but if somebody has access to her burn ap they could delete texts. I could email her.

And yes I could just drop the whole fucking thing. But I really want to know if it was her. I don't think I could live with not knowing what this shit was all about.


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    WTF did people do before there was text messages? As I recall we just called them on the phone. So couldn't that still work?
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I still say you need to drop it. If it was someone else (her gf) then she never contacted you and you're back where you were before any of this started. If it was her then she blew you off and all the advice you received in the other thread applies. Don't over think things. You are suffering from paralysis by analysis.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    What rh48hr said.
    By your own admission - "Just drop the whole fucking thing".
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Go fuck another hottie and forget about DS. You are going of the deep end and you should be too smart to do that.

    Step away from the rabbit hole John.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I feel like you need an intervention at this point. You're spinning out of control with this bitch
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    ^ GACA +1000!

    John, a doctor here on TUSCL would probably tell you to take two strippers and call us in the morning. What I'm going to advise you to do is:

    LET. HER. GO. NOW!

    Consider this your new mantra. Step over to the nearest mirror (preferably a private one; it'd be too weird if you did this in public), stare into it, and tell yourself, "LET. HER. GO. NOW." Do this five times, every day, until it's completely and finally ingrained into you.

    And you remember what I said about saving those pictures and videos of her to a flash drive? Fuck that idea. If you've already transferred everything, just crush that drive under your heel AND MOVE ON already.

    If none of this works, it's time for you to find an applicable 12-step program for yourself.
  • clubdude
    9 years ago
    JS69 please move on. Either way (her or her girlfriend), you're just being played with (and not in a good way).
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Like sands through the hourglass
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Rech has a good point. In any event, I'm gonna watch out for a group of people who grab me at Mons this week and try to stage an intervention. Please don't interupt me if I've found a redhead.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SCat, that's a very quaint notion but I've never heard of calling a stripper. I think there's a rule somewhere that says you can only text.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "If none of this works, it's time for you to find an applicable 12-step program for yourself."

  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    In part 1 I cautioned about sending texts that could become joke fodder with the people she actually cares about. Sounds like it's too late.

    In another thread, I opined that she might have stopped seeing you because you freaked her out with how emotional you were getting. The more you post, the more I believe that this is the case.

    So with all that said, you've obviously left your sense of reality behind a long time ago, along with any dignity and self respect. I guess how much longer you want to keep being the butt of a running joke is entirely up to you.

    From her perspective, you are an old whiny and needy dude who she fucked for money until he became more trouble than he was worth. You'd probably still be fucking her if the whiny and needy parts didn't kick in, but you were obviously just too weak to enjoy sticking your dick in her without losing your damned mind. But now that ship has sailed and all that remains is for you to whine yet more on this board, unless of course you cannot help but make yourself look even more foolish by chasing after a young stripper who thinks you are a joke.

    Sack up dude and walk away. I can't read the same reconstituted shit over and over, so I'm out of your threads for now, but I hope that you finally find a little self respect and learn how to properly control yourself with strippers.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Dude you're fucking nuts.

    In the extremely rare case that someone else is txting you and it's not the DS, if that's really the case then you are likely a punchline for these bitches, so take your dignity and walk away.

    Been there done that, I've sat in hotel rooms waiting on a bitch that never showed, you got on a plane to visit a bitch that never showed. Game over.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    What rickdugan said.
    What shailynn said.
    What GACA said.
    What PG said
    What clubdude said.
    What motorhead said.
    What lopaw said.
    What rh48hr said.
    What Corvus said.
    Jeez, JS, there are only two possibilities here!
    1. She's a sadistic bitch who for whatever reason enjoys playing you like a cat plays with a mouse, or
    2. She didn't text you (meaning she didn't care!) and either her roomie or her whale did, just to be sadistic.
    Neither option holds any promise of all for you. So leave it alone; stop thinking about her; grow a pair and walk away from this rabbit whole before you show up as a 2 AMer!
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Damn auto correct! "...promise at all ..." and "...rabbit hole".
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    First, PhantomGeek is the one who said this happened. I wouldn't have ought of it on my own.

    Second, I was high when I posted this. So it might be possible that my elevated state of mind had something to do with it.

    Third, why isn't SJG here to tell me that divorced men have a smell?

    Fourth, while I did think this was possible while high last night, and while everything I post is true, I do also try (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) to post material with some entertainment value or interest of some sort. This was one of those posts that probably failed. But no need for everybody to have an discrete urine release over it. Go back to debating whether to pay cash for a car now. I'm fine. And no need for the intervention either (but remember the redhead rule if you do try it).
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    JS69 I still think she reads TUSCL and your posts and is having a blast fucking with your mind.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    You are really putting the Pathetic in PL. And Loser too.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Rickyboy +1000
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Sclvr5005 +1000
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Isn't it ironic that the inventor of the System is the most harsh in pointing out that I'm pathetic. It's humbling when Dougster turns out to be right in his judgment about someone.

    Meat, that would be really funny.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Isn't it ironic that the inventor of the System is the most harsh in pointing out that I'm pathetic. It's humbling when Dougster turns out to be right in his judgment about someone."

    JohnSmith69, there's no question that rickdugan is kind of creepy and d-baggy, but I suggest you take the actionable part of his advice for your own mental health.

    I understand breaking up and finding you DS no doubt blunted the pain. But her time is past. Whether the text was from her or her girlfriend or her new whale and whether it was sadistic or just thoughtless doesn't matter. She isn't worth your mental health. Swear her off and move on.

    Just a little sincere (and hopefully brilliant) advice. I really hope you get past this and get back to joyful crazy stories!
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    I think you should focus on dsII and leave ds alone before this turns into some sort of fatal attraction ordeal. This is not healthy.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Ok. I get it. Leave her behind. Move on. This is pathetic. Blah blah blah. I know some of you mean well, and some don't, but I completely understand everyone's advice. I might even follow it. Seriously, move on to whether to pay cash for your car. Nothing more to see here.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS, I suppose your need to suck troll cock by parroting a goofy phrase like "The System" is just another symptom of the same personality weakness that allows you to get fucked up over a little piece of young pussy. ;)

    Instead of being all butt hurt because I was too direct, you'd be better served in thinking about what I and others have said. Your youth is gone and with it your chance at ever having spring romance with a 20 something year old girl. Facing that reality probably sucks for a recently divorced dude, but the sooner you do, the safer you will be fucking strippers.

    Maybe you are struggling with your current reality more than others because you never really had a spring romance in your life and/or feel like your best years were wasted in a bad marriage. Idk, but what I do know is that trying to recapture lost youth with strippers will at best cost you a good chunk of money and dignity (case in point) and, at worst, deplete your life savings. I have seen it more times than I can count.

    So perhaps I was a bit harsh, but after seeing your posts over the past several weeks, it seemed time to lay it out as explicitly as possible. The message was well intended even if the delivery was a bit rough.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^ motherfucker right there is on point.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Dugan going off on DickSmith.LMFAO.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Holy shit! Rickyboy slamdunked that faggot johnsmith69!
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Hey Smitty,where'd ya go?
  • Dancer_
    9 years ago
    John. I have nothing to add here, I just wanted to say that I know how it is - being kinda obsessed with someone. Just like with you, it's been going on for a year with him and now it seems to be over. Our situations are very different, obviously, but I still understand you and damn, it's so hard to "get over it" and "move on".

    If it makes you feel better, no matter how pathetic you might be, I am way way worse - lately I have been spending all my free time stalking him on fb, rereading his texts and crying, lol, sigh. And just like you, I wanted to send him angry message - I still do and I might.

    Rick is being harsh but doesn't mean bad for you.

    I hope you will forget bitch as soon as possible. I wish you all the best.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ Give juice a call, he will give you the best 90 seconds of your life and you'll forget all the men from your past.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    As a White Hispanic I must say it is quite possible that the DS's S.O. (BF or GF) “may” be the one “pulling the strings” behind the scenes (and most likely with the DS's knowledge).

    I think you are adding fuel to the fire per se and making a bad situation worse and giving her (and/or her handler) too much control – and it could have been worse – they (DS and S.O.) could've tried to manipulate you into sending them $$$ w/o DS meeting you (and you know you “may” have fallen for it).

    You can come up with another 1000 “what if” scenarios but will still end-up in stripper-quicksand – it appears you are not addressing the problem correctly and you will keep chasing your own tail until you do.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    He has been given a lot of good advice, but there's no reason to kick JS69 when he's down. We're all pathetic losers.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Point of clarification: I thought she quit or was fired?
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago
    Damn straight that her "whale" is pulling strings to fuck with you. I'm the damn "whale" and she's a slut for BSLC.

    I wasn't too specific about what to text you. I just told her to periodically fuck with that John Smith ape so rick. rick, and I have some shits and giggles.

    Want to know why rickdugan is being 100% straight with you? We all know that the truth will only make you more butthurt. So we still get our shits and giggles but the three of us don't need to make up lies.

    It's the lion system for fucking with the minds of hairless apes. ROAR!
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    95, thanks. I seriously doubt that you are anything like as pathetic as me or most other guys on here when it comes to the opposite sex. But it's really nice of you to say otherwise.

    Papi, quicksand is a good analogy. Tempting to try and figure out what the fuck is going on. But the more I struggle to do that, the deeper I get.

    Jack, kicking people when they're down, or trying to knock them down, is what this board is all about for some people. I suppose it makes them feel superior in some sick way. It's the worst characteristic of the board in my view, and it drives people off more than anything else.

    And it's why more people don't share more genuinely and openly. They are intimidated by the assholes. I deal with similar assholes every day in my job so I'm more immune than most but even I get tired of the bullshit sometimes.

    James, she (or whoever the fuck is texting me) said she was no longer stripping but that the stoppage was temporary. If that's true, and I no longer have any clue what's true and what's not, my guess is that she got suspended for underage drinking or coming to work high.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "And it's why more people don't share more genuinely and openly. They are intimidated by the assholes. I deal with similar assholes every day in my job so I'm more immune than most but even I get tired of the bullshit sometimes."

    On the one hand, I agree. There's literally no motivation at all to discussing juicy details, being honest about a mistake or vulnerability, etc. And that means a higher amount of "fuck that faggot Rickyboy" posts relative to discussion that could be interesting. A couple of months ago a guy admitted to a sexual act most of us (me included) wouldn't dream of in a strip club, but hell, the post overall was about sexual acts at a strip club, which seems like a fun topic; instead, people acted like a bunch of little bitches and dogpiled him. I thought it was cool a guy was talking about actual sex with a stripper (even though one of the acts he did, I would not have. For that matter, I usually won't do BBBJ w/ a stripper either)

    On the other hand, JS, the tone of responses to you has definitely gotten worse and worse. At first there was mild scepticism and light predictions of doom, balanced with a lot of well wishes etc. As you've made mistake after mistake after mistake -- and I have to hand it to you, you have giant balls for admitting it over and over again -- the tone has changed, and that's only partially because of the usual douchebags, even some of the guys who can carry a conversation seem to have given up on any kind of discussion and switched into "tough love" mode. If I were giving you advice, I'd def be in "Tough love" mode also, partially because I see you making some of the same mistakes I did, with my first post-separation ATF
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ JS is in denial, and although we all try to steer him in the right direction it is only him with his hands on the wheel.

    Eventually he will come around but it's hard especially when the DS is playing "mind games." I've been there too, when you want to trust somebody, or see the "good" in them but they screw you every time, and the victim (JS in this case) has a hard time understanding why since in the past things were good and much different.

    I have a hrs time understanding all this though since money was always involved. In the past when I had relationships like this with strippers money was not involved - and from experience - I'd rather have money involved instead of emotions, I can part with money a lot easier than my sanity. JS has mixed money (business transaction) and emotions together - which never ends pretty, he even said it himself in the past.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    John, time to be tough. Slip her this at the club......

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I have skipped the last few of these Johnsmith's threads because it's too painful to read. The only thing I'll say is no woman should ever have this much control over a man. Good luck John.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Can't think of anything that overpowers men more than young pussy. Maybe old pussy, lol.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    JS, I'm the first to admit that the dipshit trolls around here are probably the reason why we don't have more detailed conversations about the trials and tribulations of dealing with strippers. Utterly gone too are trip reports because, nowadays, why bother? I've even had one of these fucktards suggest that I share less about the missteps in some of my adventures (as if we don't all have them) in order to provide less ammo to the trolls, which is a sad testament to what this board has become given that this is supposed to be exactly the place where these conversations take place.

    But dude, your saga is far beyond a misstep, mistake, etc. You've posted countless threads about her and, by this point, she's done everything to you but send you a video of her, her girlfriends and her young stud lover laughing at your texts and making you the punchline of their jokes. When we suggest that you preserve what's left of your dignity and walk, we are not kicking you when you are down, but rather trying to share sound advice.

    We've all been sucked in by a stripper to some degree or another at some point in our lives - it is almost a right of passage for any guy who spends enough time and money in strip clubs. At some point, a basic self preservation and/or self respect instinct kicks in and lets us know that something is wrong. For some reason though, that is just not happening for you.

    Ok, now I'm really out and good luck.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^he isn't going to listen. All this over a ho is what boggles my mind.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    John, pay no heed to Rick, He thinks half the board are trolls, has zero sense of humor, and is one of the last persons on here to preach about anything.
  • DivorcedDude
    9 years ago
    JS, here's my 2 cents for whatever it's worth, even if it's only 1 cent. Focus on the bright side. Remember all the great times you had with her and forget about how it end. Every relationship comes to an end eventually, whether it's a marriage that ends in divorce, or this one. You can dwell on the bitter ending and have it tear you up inside, or you can be grateful for all of the awesome times you had with her. Feel lucky that you got to enjoy those times, put a smile on your face, and go appreciate your DS2. You're a lucky man. Appreciate what you have instead of fixating on what you don't.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    The day I consult this panel on how to handle a stripper is the day I hang up my dollar bills.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    John your life crisis is getting worse. WTF is wrong with you?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Divorced Dude, first, good user name. Now all you need is a good avatar to go with it.

    Second, great advice. I completely agree that I should have the attitude that you describe.

    Third, you sound normal. I hope you'll keep participating in the discussions.

    Now, can we please let this issue die. I'm tired of writing about the fucking DS, and I know you guys are tired of hearing about her. It's over between me and her obviously so we can quit talking about it.

    I'm off to buy some cute young pussy at a Tampa club. I suggest that you guys head to your local club and do the same.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Buy or rent?

  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Oh,now she's the "Fucking DS".You know what punk?I used to take your lunch money.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @JohnSmith69 “Jack, kicking people when they're down, or trying to knock them down,…”

    what a whiney little thin skinned bitch. nobody was trying to knock you down because you were never up. your story was the same old tired, sad, told a million times tale of a PL train wreck playing out in slow motion. people telling you there is no such thing as a “Dream Stripper” were like the audience watching a horror flick in the theater yelling at the screen “DON”T OPEN THE DOOR” even though they all know the dumbass is going to open the door. but oh no, that’s not you. you’re different.

    “Dream Stripper”? ppfftttt. she was the run of the mill pig with lipstick, crack whore, standard stripper 70 – 75 IQ with a stable of johns fucking her for a lot less than you were paying her. the beauty queen was made up in your head, the sweet young innocence was made up in your head, the sexual exclusivity was made up in your head. she took your money and made a fool of you because just like most people on this board have done at one time or another, you practically begged her to.

    and i told you so months ago without trying to “knock you down”. remember this:


    “August 8, 2015 • @JohnSmith69 “…she is totally unlike any dancer I can possibly imagine. But the job is slowly but surely having an impact on her. The changes are very subtle so far, but I recognize them. How much strip clubs will change her eventually remains to be seen.”

    and so it begins...

    spoiler alert: she isn’t the one who is changing. the fog of John’s dream is beginning to lift. if he is lucky he will awake relatively unscathed. if not his dream stripper may become a nightmare he is unable to ever awake from. be sure to tune in next month for the latest twists and turns of yet another PL drama brought to you by TUSCL”


    the same with the bullshit of kicking you while you’re down. grow the fuck up. of all people, Dougster and i both gave you good advice without animosity back on September 17:


    “September 17, 2015 • @Dougster " Dude - time to move the fuck on..."

    okay, all kidding aside, but Dougster is 100% correct. this is the time when perhaps fairly normal men really earn the "PATHETIC" in PL.

    look dude, she is a 19 y/o stripper/hooker or whatever you want to call her but she was never going to be yours. she did NOT have a special thing for you. it was a business arrangement and now it is over. DON'T get all creepy.

    and don't take this personally because there are thousands of guys just like you every year who get all delusional and stalkerish. don't become one of them

    forget about her. she was never what you pretended she was. there is no need to argue or disagree with me because i am right and anyone who knows anything knows that i am. move the fuck on”


    so now you can either grow the fuck up or you move into the basement with the psycho rapist nut job in San Jose. your choice
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