Guys shed some light on this
I'm curious as to why guys have double standards when it come to girls they mess around with vs girls they marry or seriously date. Most men have a fantasy about a pornstar/dancer and would love to get into bed with them however wouldn't think of doing anything serious with them. Wouldn't you like a girl to wake up to everyday that does those things that you like? I have friends outside of adult entertainment that don't even blow there hubbys anymore. Most dancers I know including myself consider things like bj and ass sex part of normal sex. Wouldn't that be what everyman would want? When I was in serious relationships in the past I did things that I didn't even really enjoy that much just to please him. I mean I know its not idea to have your lady naked around strange men everynight but wouldn't the good outweigh the bad? Just curious to all the guys opinions.
Yes, in a perfect world you want both, but the reality is we don't look for 20+ years to find her. Sometimes you get lucky, but usually not.
Guys can have sex with girls and not feel that connected. In fact for guys, sex is sort of like exercise like bicycling except they feel a pressure release. After it's over, they are ready to do other things, after resting.
Plus there are a surprising amount of civies who are down with some bed room kink without the dancer baggage.
I would marry my ATF for her looks and personality but I can't rely on her for ANYTHING. In fact she just broke a date yesterday, so I went to the club and spent quality time with my new #2, who is surprisingly reliable.
Poledancer, I don't know if you're one of the small % of dancers who can manage a normal life outside the club, but if so there's plenty of guys who would be serious about you for a LTR. If you want a white collar husband, you can't be all tatted up though and if you're a smoker it would help to quit.
Be aware even 'civi' girls struggle to find Mr. Right since so many men are pigs. Men who frequent clubs are at the top of the list, myself included. Oink. Educated men prefer educated women for wives; for sexual partners they're a LOT less picky.
To be fair there's a large percentage of women, sex worker or not, who are just as insecure. And just like a strong, secure woman, a strong, secure man isn't likely or willing to play the bs game of Jealousy.
JS69 said it best, we want hot sex with a woman who isn't going to run you through the wringer because she's an emotional train wreck.
Unfortunately, hit sex seems to be tied to emotional train wrecks. And boring sex to girls who are more emotionally stable (not that any woman is absolutely stable emotionally )
I've noticed that girls who have Hot Sex a actually more self centered, entitled, a generally less responsible than the boring girls.
So the double standard isn't a double standard really, it's a decision "Boring Sex with a less drama-filled loyal and responsible woman who will help me take care of my home and assets and actually provide support to help me to continue to down that road of success" OR "Great Sex that will cost me everything thing in the long run, with a woman who will bail when the next best thing comes around"
Ya that's still not an easy choice for guys to make, Sex is usually #1 on our list of priorities, but that's what I think is coming across to you as a double standard when really it's just long term thinking
So the double standard isn't a double standard really, it's a decision "Boring Sex with a less drama-filled loyal and responsible woman who will help me take care of my home and assets and actually provide support to help me to continue to down that road of success" OR "Great Sex that will cost me everything thing in the long run, with a woman who will bail when the next best thing comes around"
----> /GACA
And, of course, the thing about option #1 is, if your moral fiber allows for it, you can always get your great sex on the side, with a stripper, escort, etc. Choice #2 is a disaster, and no one who isn't self-destructive or blinded by lust would choose it
My ex-wife was the closest I found to not having that baggage until her bipolar disorder took a turn for the worst. Then my life was hell. No sex, no love, and wondering when I was going to get my head ripped off for something. Before that the sex was good, and we got along great.
Finding that special someone is difficult and quite frankly the older you get the harder it is to find someone imo. Most of my married friends say they wouldn't get married again if they divorced or their wife passed away. I'm in the same boat, I don't plan on ever getting married again, but my heart is a sucker and I could see myself falling for someone enough to consider it again.
I hope you find what you're looking for poledancer, there are some good guys out there, you just have to find them. If most women understood you could keep the majority of men happy with the mantra "keep his stomach full, and his penis empty" there wouldn't be as many issues with relationships. Guys will do just about anything for a woman if they know a good blowjob is coming at the end if the day. Lol
I don't think I'm that way! I think it would be brilliant to date a dancer if we shared some common interests! Even if it is just dachshunds!
Of course my ex was crazy, so the rimjobs had a cost! Crazy = not brilliant! :(
I'm probably lucky I didn't grow up in Australia. I think my life would have been a lot different.
Personally – I could see myself dating and *ex*-stripper or even *ex*-escort; but not a current one.
The reason we want a freak in the bed is obvious. The reason we want a lady in the street is because we don't want her to do those things with any other guy. Men are possessive. We don't want her to look or act like she'd fuck another guy even if she wouldn't cause she belongs to us. We don't want to imagine or contemplate her fucking another guy.
The problem with this standard is that it doesn't exist in real life. People are themselves in all situations. A freak is always a freak, and a lady is always a lady. You've got to choose one or the other. Very few are both.
Most men as a result choose a wife who is a lady. There are more ladies, and even ladies can get a little freak on when they are young. But that never lasts. So we turn 35, 40, or 45, and find that our sex life is crap. And has been crap for a while. And it always will be crap. Cause we married a lady but what we really needed was a freak.
I am recently separated and soon to be divorced from my sexually frigid lady. To the extent ever get seriously involved with another woman, she must be a freak. I'm done with ladies. In the meantime I just have sex with strippers cause you are all mostly freaks. One dancer is particular is my very special sexual freak. I love stripperz.
That is why when I am ready to settle down, I'm getting a prenup!...
"Knowledge is power." Like I said, I'm lucky! :):)
You may go out with 100 guys who can't deal with your job but you'll finally find the 1 who can. Yes, it's a stigma and not really anything you can do about it so worrying about it will just make you unhappy. Strippers get a bad rap about being flighty but I think it's just a personality type. Most strippers are just about what's good for them and to hell with worrying about anyone else but you find people like that in ANY profession. If you're a decent person who keeps your word and cares about others you'll eventually overcome the stigma with someone.
Mrs sea even said she could be a dancer and we both agreed if all she had to do was dance on stage it wouldn't be a problem but hearing what the guys here post about and knowing first hand what we've been allowed to do with strippers in the back room neither of us would be okay with that.
Not all, but certainly many. Even my ATF, though I definitely place her firmly in the marriageable category, has some issues that would make that difficult. Not insurmountable, but difficult. Most men simply can't deal with those issues, and to be fair, don't want to.
It's one thing to deal with it for a few hours in a strip club and maybe OTC, it's a whole other level to deal with it in a marriage/serious relationship.
I see a super hot former part-time stripper. Just hot as fuck and seemingly as sane as you could ask for. On my last visit the bat-shit crazy appeared and I'm very happy I don't see her more often. But I will continue to see her when I can because the sex is off the charts outstanding.
@poledancer, keep looking, keep the bat-shit crazy to a minimum and I bet it works out for you. And if it doesn't I'll be happy to help you out short-term!
I have always been struck by the fact that many TUSCLer's have a deep seated disrespect for the women they are paying money to and engaging in sex acts with.
For myself I have always tried not to be like this, not to hold sex workers in contempt. After all, if I am partaking, then I am just like them. In fact, there are reasons I like them better than civilians or conservative women. I like women to dress sexy and to be highly sexual.
Even as a child I learned that the double standard is wrong, even if most people live by it.
So the girl I go after is one I would be open to all forms of long term relationship with. How that would work would remain to be seen. But there wouldn't be any reason she is disqualified up front.
There is one issue though. Lots of strippers lead screwy lives and they are screwy people. They have substance habits, they are screwy with money, and they get into problems with their automobiles and the with the law. These would place limits on what sort of relationship I could have with them.
But I also believe that this is most common with White strippers and in the United States.
Good topic.
When the kids are grown and the wives are dried up, the wives either figure out how to satisfy our needs one way or the other (blow jobs work, so does anal, perhaps handjobs, maybe just not nagging us about golf is enough), or we look elsewhere. That is why divorce happens and that is why strippers exist.
Most dancers would not tolerate if if there SO wanted to go out sometimes and get lap dancers from other dancers. Dancers say "I never enjoy it, it's all an act, it's different". But it's hard to believe, a dancer is going to turn down a polite, attractive custy who happens to come in the club out of loyalty to her SO? So, while dancers cry in their beer about men being unfair to them, they don't stop to think they are really looking for a power advantage in the relationship. I get to do it but you don't.
Not an issue with me, but traditions are just something people follow and don't think twice about. The tradition is, unless a relationship is exclusive, zero sexual contact of any form outside of it, it isn't serious. It might not be as hard to find a guy who will live with you while you're dancing and marry you after you stop. But he might not be ready to admit to his friends and family that he is serious about you, for fear they will look down on him.
I know it sounds depressing -- sorry . . . it is depressing. My advice: make sure you and your life partner agree completely on the BIG TWO: Money and Sex. These seem to be the two areas in which compromise doesn't succeed. If she spends more than you are comfortable or you want more sex than she is comfortable, there is gonna be friction. If you have any qualms about either, well, like I said, that is what strippers and/or divorce are for.
I am stupid. I missed all the signs 20 years ago. While dating, we were having sex no more than once a week -- red flag number one. That was soon once a month and then once a quarter. My last action was Thanksgiving. Also, when we married, she had no retirement accounts or savings of any kind other than her checking account -- red flag number two. Now, I am trying to out-earn her spending and reserve spare cash for my PL hobby. Might not make it. Sigh . . .
In my case my wife had a full hysterectomy at age 38 and her sex drive withered. After a few years of faking it she said that I should do what I need to do, just don't rub her nose in it. There's lots of different scenarios.