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joined Jul 2015last seen Aug 2015
I got involved in erotic dancing via a background in modern dance and ballet. I was a very good athlete in high school who took ballet to improve quickness and balance. I also took dance in college and landed my first erotic dance/show position in Vegas and from there danced in Tokyo Japan and Macau where I performed erotic ballets. I then returned to the states and began part time career as a male exotic dancer. I danced at the Unisexx Club in New Orleans on two separate occasions.

Comments made by gregJ

discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for poledancer83
Guys shed some light on this
Good question and very good replies. Lots of truisms and insight here. My take on the whole issue is probably going to be about as messed up as anybody is ever going to read. I doubt that "Pole Dancer" would respond but let me put the shoe on the other foot and ask her "would she ever date and consider a relationship with a male dancer?" Women and female dancers as a whole are horrifically threatened by guys who do this. It directly challenges the female desire to want to be front and center all the time. It is in their feminine psyche to want to be noticed and beautiful in order to attract most suitable male. They want the basic needs of a female to be filled and financial security is huge with them. I was very unique in that I have high paying job but also dance for the fun. Is it narcissism on my part? Hell yeah! Once the female dancers find out what I did for a real living though, then all of sudden the threat dynamic changes. This is their "security" activation system going in full mode. They go into a tizzy trying to reconcile it all=LOL! Some female dancers I saw fought through the threat factor and for awhile just went along with it. Intimacy sets in with them usually much quicker than with men and soon enough they would try and convince me to stop. Had I continued to have a relationship with them whereby they knew there would be a commitment then I am sure they would have stopped dancing and me as well. If they wanted to continue to dance then I would have as well. No double standards with me. Narcissism matches narcissism. Women are so damned cute though. At one club I worked at the male dancers had an area at back of bar and the females at the front. The manager tried to be strict about interaction during working hours between male and female dancers. The female dancers prided themselves on saying "oh I would never go back there and gawk" and whatnot yet they would always wander back there. I always found this funny. They want to look but their feminine psyche gets in the way.
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for warhawks
Crazy Town USA
OT: Cheaters
Cheating numbers are way higher than anybody would ever imagine. I hate to sound negative but it most likely is happening right under a lot of unsuspecting guys and gals noses. My ex cheated on me front the outset of our marriage and there were times when I was getting suspicious but she always was excellent at deflecting or misdirecting everything back on me. She was really great at it. I fell for her BS for 13 years. She finally found a really rich guy and filed for divorce and cleaned me out.
discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
Was lopaw in Detroit?
Not surprised. Most female entertainers these days are gay.
article comment
10 years ago
avatar for gregJ
Live Love Acts New Orleans
I certainly cannot fault you "John" for your thinking=LOL! I recall a lot of younger couples coming in there and the guy not being comfortable at all being there. In retrospect, I could not blame him at all. They would pitch a fuss until they would leave. No equality for his baby cakes in the Quarter=LOL! My best obvious guess is that her man had taken her into some to the all female joints and now she wanted some of her own action. Obviously, the dude having to watch semi nude dudes dance probably didn't spice up their love life much=LOL! The older couples were far more comfortable as perhaps, their best love making days had long since left them behind. We got a lot of couples whom I would peg as bona fide swingers and they were awesome clients. Swinging is big big business. Obviously, more than a few voyeurs would wander in there. Asian tourists were also big on that place. They would just sit in stony silence but they could be tight with money as you can well imagine. The very best clients though were Europeans. Especially Germans. Its no holds barred over there. The more debauchery the better for them. They would always remark that "our strip joints are nothing compared to the stuff that goes on in places like Hamburg." German males also, seemingly not threatened at all at seeing male nudity. Guy/Girl acts are common over there so I suppose they were just used to it. Of course many reading this would assume they were gay but this was not what I observed at all.
article comment
10 years ago
avatar for gregJ
Live Love Acts New Orleans
Point well taken Lopaw. I did sort of figure in that the rants were sour lemons to be sure. As I mentioned in the article, "I might be stuck in the past". Again, that is very fair.