$10 dances

How many of you have $10 dollar full contact dances at one of your local clubs?
Does $10 dances put more pressure on you to tip for the dances when you're asking for change back from the dancer?
Because let's face it, most of the time you'll probably have 20 dollar bills instead of 10 dollar bills.
On a sidenote, I have no idea why more clubs don't offer 10 buck dances. Follies and Inner Room seem to be thriving doing the $10 dollar thing.
last commentThe Miami black clubs are mostly $5 dances and some $10.
I don’t feel comfortable asking for change back even if the dances are $25 – in $25/dance mixed clubs I normally get two dances and if they are good I may often just give them 3 $20s.
For the $5 clubs; I def feel I should tip unless the dances sucked – for $10 dances I don’t feel as big a need to tip but I will try to get extra dances if the dances are good that way she can make a decent amount.
Whether it’s $5, $10, or $25 (prices in my area); I often try to have a fair amount of $5s and $10s – actually; when I club a lot I tend to hoard the $5s and $10s to use in the club (i.e. if I’m paying for something cash I will often break a $20 so I can hoard the $5s and $10s).
The only clubs I've ever visited that had $10 full-contact dances all the time were Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis and the Hip Hugger in Kokomo. Dances at Brad's went from $10 to $12 to $20, so now it's down to just the Hugger in my neck of the woods. If I lived nearby, I would probably be there every month. (But then I would live close to Kokomo, and who would want that?)
A few Indy clubs still have $10 dances on Tuesdays -- Harem House, Babes, Pure Passion West (formerly Babes West), Classy Chassy -- or at certain times -- Club Rio from 5 to 9 Monday through Saturday.
News alert for Chicagoland PLs: Club 390 in Chicago Heights is offering $10 dances until 6 all summer!
In Atlanta most of the clubs are $10 but there are 5 or 6 black clubs that do $5 dances. I carry mostly $20's when I go to Follies because the dances are usually so good one is not enough. I do carry a few smaller bills for the rare occasion that it is one and done.
Which century are you referring to, where you mention $5 and $10 dances? Here in Seattle, the $20 dance is becoming scarce!
The going rate in most areas used to be the standard $20 but many areas have gone to $25 where usually $5 out of the $25 go directly to house – so yeah; it seems more and more areas are increasing from the standard $20.
There are black clubs in certain areas w/ $5 and $10 dances (Miami; Atlanta; Prince George’s County (MD); some NJ and Philly clubs; etc).
ATL is about the only major city I know off where pretty much all clubs are $10/dance with a few black clubs @ $5/dance.
I tip occasionally, but never just because I'm shy about asking for change. Like Papi, I try to make sure I have plenty of $5s and $10s, but if I run out, the dancers or the bar can break a $20. In fact, when I get an odd number of dances at Follies, it's not unusual for the dancer to ask if I need change.
@Club_Goer- I agree! Here in Portland there are no 10 buck spots. 20 is the norm around here, but it's slowly moving towards 40. I refuse to pay 40 bucks for a dance. Time to get my ass out of Portland!
@Papi- I would be uncomfortable paying 5 bucks for a dance. It kind of feels being a employer and paying your employee minimum wage. I would be a lot more comfortable paying 10 bucks for a dance. 20 is fine too.
I never tip or ask for change. Most of the time I carry $10's and a few $5's. $10 is standard so there is really no need to. Atlanta is a rather strange city; there are a lot of rich people, celebrities, and high rollers residing in the metro area but the cost of living is still low as hell compared to many other major cities in the U.S. Same thing about the clubs. Many of the black strip clubs will have a lot of local hip hop celebrities and high rollers on weekends but, even with the drastic rise of inflation over the past decade, the full-contact nude dances are still no more than $10 and even $5.
Well... I guess adultworld Harrisburg probably qualifies at $10 one-way grinds... but why not just get $20 worth of LDs then.
Then next best pricing I can think of is the 2-for-1 specials at Stateline ID, where you get two for $25 plus a $10 dancer drink, that's $35 net, might as well round to $40.
As long as the dance isn't terrible, I feel obligated to tip when the dances are only $5 or $10 because I have gotten $20 dances from girls that have put in a whole lot less effort than the girls who are giving $5 or $10 dances and I believe $5 or $10 isn't enough to reward some girls' hard work
My favorite club in Kansas is $10/dance. It used to be $5 when I first started going there 15-20 years ago. I usually have some smaller bills and some 50's. If it is a girl I like or unless the 1st dance is horrible I usually do at least 2 dances so then I give a $20. My CF I get alot more than 2
We always take a stack of $20's and when we get to the club I'll immed get $40-60 change at the door in $1's. Once we're in I'll get $40-60 change at the bar in $5's and keep going back for $1's as she spends them. Dances here are $25 or when they run a special it's the 2 for $40. We'd give anything to have $5-10 dances. We'd be getting dances all night long for those prices.
I remember "dimies" (10 cent draft beer), 15 cent hamburgers, and 6 cent first class mail, but I've never seen a 5$ dance. Pretty much throughout the Northeast dances are $20 and up and have been for sometime. My favorite club is $20 but the dancer keeps it all.
A $5 dance would demand a tip.
$10 dances? Damn! $25 is the norm in the Detroit clubs I go to. Well, Bogart's advertises $10 dances on Tuesdays, but whenever I've stopped in I could not bring myself to get any dances from the disease-ridden porkers.
With the exception of the occasional 4/$40 nude specials still called out at Bliss (COI), I haven't seen a stand alone $10 dance offering since 2004.
My main club is $10 bikini dances. They're legally supposed to be air dances. In reality most girls provide at least one way contact, and many at least allow grabbing ass and tits.
Pressure to tip? No. But I have noticed if I only do one dance, the girl almost never approaches me again. Unless you go 2 fir $20, she assumes you didn't like it.
As for making change, do that at the door or bar. The girls aren't ATM machines.
@Lopaw- Apparently at DVCOI the topless dances are $10.
I thought $20 or $25 per dance is too much. The only place I know of that does $10 dances only offers table dances and you can't hardly touch the girl and she can't even sit on your lap. Nepals used to have a lot better table dances. I've only bought 2 or 3 table dances in the last 2 years. I guess I might have to pay more for lap dances if a club closes down and more people compete for dances from a limited pool of dancers. I'll probably end up paying more and buying less. I guess the number of dancers in smaller clubs could jump if that happens to everyone. Either that or I might have to visit Atlanta. The last time I was near there someone asked if I was an NFL coach or something. I might have to look that up to see what everyone looks like.
@ranukam - yes you're right. When they throw that blue light switch and announce 2 for $20 topless dances, it never registered to me that they were indeed $10 each.
I always have a variety of bills and feel no guilt about not tipping. If it upsets the dancers all they need do is find another customer. I do tip when I feel it is warranted and a I always tip the staff. Why you ask? Saturday I was so drunk I wasn't able to finish in a 30 minute room and yet the extra 7-10 minutes were free because i always t ip the timekeeper.
"I would be uncomfortable paying 5 bucks for a dance. It kind of feels being a employer and paying your employee minimum wage. I would be a lot more comfortable paying 10 bucks for a dance."
Let's say a 5 minute song. RARE, at best in a club. So you think paying $60 an hour is like "minimum wage?
More likely it would be a 2.5 minute song and $120 an hour!
Even though the dances are $10 each song, I feel a tip worthy after good service, so if there was 4 songs I will give anywhere from $50-$60, depending on her talents. However if she has no talent I will give two songs to show me what she's got, and if it isn't up to par with the others I will send her on her way with $20 for 2 songs.
For the really good dancers I give them $20 each song for doing $10 dances. They appreciate and always come back.
Like Papi mentioned, we've got $5/10/25 dances being fairly common price points in the greater Miami area. There's at least one place that does $20 dances too. I generally don't have a problem asking for change, but I pretty much am only doing it when the dances suck and I haven't acquired 5's/10's from parking/cover/drink purchases.
If anything, the $10 dance clubs are easier than the $25 dollar ones. The girls that give shitty dances tend to have $10's because they aren't selling them in bunches. I also usually have a $10 from my drink change, since drinks in those clubs are generally under $10 too. Just to pile on, the dance really has to suck for me to not be willing to give her a 2nd try at $10, if it sucked that bad there's no way I'm giving her a tip and I'm more than willing to tell her that if she asks while digging up my change. In a few cases, I've even gone into my ones to pay for a single $10 dance. I think I've only had one dance at a $5 club that wasn't worth another dance or two and a 5/10 tip. I probably had 5 singles or a 5.
I don't know why $10 dances aren't more popular either. I'm fairly confident a lot of dances would do better at that price point, and if the dancers are doing better I'm sure the club will find a way to get some of that money. The only explanation I can come up with is that both dancers and strip club managers are too dumb to vary price to find the peak profitability & simply think more $ per dance = more profit.
" I have no idea why more clubs don't offer 10 buck dances."
At Cheetahs in Sunnyvale they have $40 air dances, and they seem to want tips at that.
What it really comes down to is
Here that would get the club closed right way and there would be felony charges.
Are the girls trying to make as much money as possible, or are they taking personally how much dances with them cost. Girls who work in wilder and woolly places know that the best way to make money is front room friendliness, and not trying to get guys to agree to dances.
So in many clubs, the owner has to try and appease the girls with the high dance prices, otherwise the only girls who will work there are the ones who don't follow any rules except their own.
At one local place they had $5 dances, but then after doing a couple for a guy the girl would soon be seen walking out the front door. So to stop this and not get into more trouble with the law then they had already been in, they raised the dance prices to $20.
The more divey a club is, the less likely the girls are going to be following any rules.