
Slim or Curvy? I say both..

Sunday, November 30, 2014 7:14 PM
...at the same time preferably! Lol, so after posting in a thread about an ideal woman, I thought about it some more. Perhaps it's because I'm young, and a bit of a glutton...but I cannot decide what is more ideal to me. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have no type. While scrolling down my Instagram feed, I saw this gorgeous, curvy Latina. Ugh. Perfect. Then, I saw this stunning, tall skinny Russian babe with a nice tight butt. Also perfect. I simply cannot decide which is better or which I prefer! I guess I'll have to say both haha. Alyssa don't discriminate! :) Which do you guys honestly prefer? Or do you like both so long as there's a pretty face and personality?


  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Curvy for me, but I don't mind slim. I just don't like the girls that are so skinny that they don't have a body.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    I agree with you. A little meat is always fun! Also here's the aforementioned ladies: Russian Babe: [view link] Latina Babe: [view link] If I had to choose between those two, it'd be the closest tie.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    There's one Brazilian who dances at Spyce ( [view link] ) , I like her body type.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    The Russian chick has a much better face than the Latin chick, so I would have to say the Russian one looks better overall. I do like both of those body types though.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    Brazilian girls are so sexy. I knew one at the old SC I use to work at. She had the hottest accent with the nicest ass I've ever seen.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    Same here ranukam! I think both body types are perfection, though I like the latina's face too. If you have instagram, check them both out! Definitely two of my fave models. Latina: AnaCarolinaTV Russian: YourYani
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    The Russian babe would empty my wallet in a heartbeat - she looks almost exactly like I described my ideal woman (assuming that she's also fairly tall). I would be in BIG trouble if a chick like that wandered into my fave stripclub!
  • Ironcat
    10 years ago
    A skinny girl with big natural tits is my ideal.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    Yani is soooo gorgeous lopaw! And she's super tall with a great ass! I would love to have her bod. I hardly ever see skinny girls with large breasts as most seem to have smaller ones or enhancements. No doubt in my mind they exist though! There's a tall, skinny Indian girl at the club I work at whose stunning! She even has a lil butt! But then there's this curvy blond...ahh..variety! Lol
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    [view link] This is also the kind of girl I'm into. She's slim, but not too skinny or thick. And that hair...gosh, where are these ladies in real life? If you find a girl at a SC who looks like this, someone, anyone..let me know! Lol
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Both those chicks are just fine. I have always liked tall, slim women, but also require they have a nice round, tight ass. A combination that is difficult to find. Seems the spinners have most of the tight, round butts. I might say @Alyssatanggg has the type of body I love, but damn if I can find a pic of her anywhere!
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    I think you'd like Yani, Corvus! She's tall and skinny with a nice butt. Hehe, well..that's me in my profile picture. My dad is Asian. How many tall Asians do you know? Lol, So I'm petite and tiny. My mom is Jamaican..so I have a pretty decent amount of curves. Enough for my small frame I think. In any case, I think my best feature is my eyes and backside. At least it always grasps attention from custies! Lol I'm an assgirl more than a boobgirl by nature. If she has As or Bs with a nice butt and face, she's a winner!
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Alyssa, Normally I don't participate in these types of threads, but for your benefit I will. As a skilled and seasoned boobologist, I feel compelled to comment. A skinny figure with large breasts is an uncommon figure type but there are some girls out there with those characteristics. This was discussed in a thread within the past couple of months. (If someone recalls whose thread it was, please provide the link.) We were asked to comment on this particular girl. She's a porn actress: [view link] In the adult entertainment industry, her figure type is known as "slim and stacked." Although, she doesn't look that slim in the one photo of her in Boobpedia. If you're curious, look at some of the video and photos of her in the links provided.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    Haha, aww, I feel kinda special that you're participating! Thanks for your input! :) ...Woah oh my gosh. She's cute! But jeez, those are way too much for me personally. What an interesting body type though. I can't stop looking at her pictures, wow. They're pretty tits too, but those would suffocate me.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Alyssa, They're not too much for me (heh, heh)!
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    Damn, and here I sit no where close to south Jersey.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Corvus, I'll bet I'm even further away--in Seattle!
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    I can like both body types, although I've realized I'm not that excited about dancers with narrow hips. Average is fine, but I like *something* to grab onto. I'm fine with little boobs and little white girl booties if everything else is good.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    That Russian chick is hot. That Latina can take a walk. On the Russian girl, the larger boobs are nice, but I wouldn't find her any less attractive if they were considerably smaller.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Pretty much everything about a woman factors into whether she's atteaxtive or not. Proportion matters more than breast, waist or ass size alone. Face and skin tone are right there at the top of the list as well. No one thing, except possibly her face, is a make or break attribute.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    " A skinny girl with big natural tits is my ideal." These are hard to find. Jennifer Love Hewitt is a good example of what you're describing
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    She's got to be slim. What people call curvy usually looks out of shape to me.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Simple, the Russian lady wins easily. Such an exotic look about her. Also, I think living in S. Florida jaundices me. Just so many latin ladies, no big deal to see them.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    Oh wow, I'm surprised most of you liked the Russian babe! Well, maybe not surprised...as she is a hottie..but where I'm from, most men seem to like curves! I remember back in high school when I was 80 lbs, no guys gave me the time of day haha. I feel as though they pay a little more attention to me now at 125-130. Still, I agree with Clubber. Not that many curvy babes here where I'm from, so to many men and women here, seeing one is ideal. Exotic women seems to be a huge deal at the SC I work at too. Being Blasian raised a lot of inquisitive questions regarding where I was from. I love reading what y'all post! It's cool to see what different people are into. What did you guys think about the hot black girl with the afro? Her body type is neither slim nor curvy..pretty cool balance.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    By the way, just in case other ladies are reading this: this thread is in no way trying to put down body types. All body types are considered beautiful to someone. :)
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    More pictures of the girl I mentioned if anyone is curious: [view link] Her body is probably the closest I can describe my own to be. Her body type coined a term called "slim thick" lol.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Never been a fan of black dancers. Has nothing to do with race, rather contrast. Example, I love Asians with their jet black silky hair contrasted with their fair skin. Their pink lady parts with the same contrast. A black woman doesn't have this. One with fake blond hair is so far out of the norm, they usually look clown like. Same with an Asian woman with that bleached out hair. Yuck!
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    Ah, I get what you mean. I like black dancers who look authentic. By that, I mean I'm not into the wigs, weaves, or any of the sort. The girl above would be the kinda black girl I'm into: natural beauty! Skin tone doesn't bother me either--most black women I know have gorgeous skin. My mom is a great example..she must've done something right for my very Chinese father to fall in love!! Lol Contrast is definitely important. Most black girls can't pull off blond hair, but I've seen a few who can! If it looks good with the skin tone, I'm totally into it. There's a fully Asian girl at the club I work at with tan skin and bleach blond hair. She's pretty to me and attracts a lot of custies with her look! I'm a bit darker than she is as my tan is natural, but I too have had a pretty good stand in with custies. I feel any dancer can get attention so long as she exudes confidence and is friendly.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    There isn’t one “best type” or “right type” – although I know that is not what the OP was trying to state. We all have different preferences of course and different backgrounds which influence our preferences and likes. e.g. perhaps for white guys growing up in the mid-west or mostly white areas; they seem to often be attracted to slim type white girls. Black men and Hispanic men have traditionally been attracted to curvaceous women although not every black and Hispanic man is this way of course. I was born in the Caribbean and raised in Miami – the Caribbean probably had as many, if not more, African slaves than the U.S. and huts why there are so many black folks in the Caribbean and why many Caribbean white women (Cubans; Puerto Ricans) often have curvaceous bodies similar to black women (hips and ass) since they may have some black mixing within their family tree. [Side Note: Brazil also had a huge influx of black slaves and why so many Brazilian women have those banging curvaceous bodies w/ great asses and hips] So for me as a Hispanic perv; I love curves and tend towards the thicker women since they tend to have the curves – but a slim girl w/ curves also gets my attention – and based on my love of curves is why black dancers are def my preference – there is no body like a black woman’s body IMHO.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^ Disagree about African women having curvy bodies and big asses. Zulu women tend to be slim and well toned, Makes sense, Giant asses seems to me to be an American diet thing. I am basing this on a movie i saw about the Zulu Nation.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I go for white and slim, but not so slim that the breast size suffers too much. The perfect dancer leans towards slim but has enough curves to support D cup breasts. I bet most of you can guess who in my life fits this description.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    Awesome information as usual Papi! And I never heard of the Zulu Nation..I guess I should do my research! My mom would agree with Mikey though. She believes colossal curves is just Afro-American diets as Jamaicans tend to eat differently. I'm assuming you're talking about your DS John? Lol This is such an interesting topic to me. There's such a variety of ladies in the world though--I still could never go for just one. Especially in a SC setting.
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    Slim, always.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    As much SCing as I do in all-black clubs that does not make me an expert on black culture or black women LOL. But there were probably African tribes in certain regions where the men and women were just naturally bigger just as there were tribes where they may have been smaller than avg – and one would think the slave traders would not only focus on the tribes w/ the biggest Africans but also just on the biggest Africans within a tribe or region – thus a good chance many of the slaves that were taken out of Africa were the physically bigger ones. Also – it has been stated w.r.t. slave history; that many masters would purposely/forcefully have the biggest male/female slaves mate in order to produce big and strong offspring. I *have* noticed there is often a difference b/w African Americans and blacks in other areas with AAs often being bigger and more built – could be the diet thing and the abundance of calories afforded in an advanced society/economy such as the U.S. So def there seem to be certain types of blacks from certain regions that are naturally smaller so not *all* black people are going to be big and strong – many here in the U.S. are often stick thin and small – but overall many a sista is nice and thick w/ plenty of junk in the trunk :)
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    That's interesting! I guess if I really had to choose..I'd choose a "slim thick" body type. Similar to this: [view link] It also really depends on the many variations of slim and curvy. What's curvy to some may not be to others and so on.
  • Alyssatanggg
    10 years ago
    Haha, yes Papi! You can never go wrong with a natural sistah. Them curves slay me every time! Amber Rose, Beyoncé, Miracle Watts...yummy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I tend to go for the hip-hop video vixen types w/ the 28” waists and 40”+ hips/booty
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I can confirm Papi's statement. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ I didnt think you had noticed during my visit to Follies - was it that obvious :)
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    LOL. I think every black chick in the club knew it. Maybe even as far away as Shooters Alley.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ ok – I admit it – once you go black …
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I lome the Russian better of the two. I do not have one specific type. I mostly prefer brunette girls. I do like certain blondes though. I prefer exotic looks like blue or green eyes on brunettes. I like latino girls as well as black mixed girls. Like black and asian, black and mexican, black and white, etc.
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