

layin low but staying high
Last night I'm leaving the lap dance area with my ATF to be. A guy in front of me is paying for 4 dances ($80) with all $1 bills. It takes the bouncer a few minutes to count the huge pile of $1 bills and a line forms of guys and dancers waiting to pay behind him. When my turn finally comes, I tell the bouncer that I need to pay in quarters. He's laughs at the joke, and I hand him my $20s .

I get that the guy probably had a huge wad of $1 for stage tips that he wanted to get rid of before going home. But rather than create this huge line, he should've just done what I do -- either save the $1s for the next trip, or forget them in my pocket so the wife has something to be suspicious about on laundry day.

My joke with the bouncer made me wonder about something. Has anyone seen (or been) such a huge PL as to pay or tip a dancer in coins and not bills? I've never seen it done but I'm betting somebody probably has. Seems to me that sort of conduct would be right up there with jacking off while watching another guy get a lap dance.


  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Come to any Alberta club. You will see a blizzard of loonies and toonies flying through the air. The poor dancers have to deal with changing up all this shrapnel to something less weighty. The bouncer then loads the coins back into the change machine for the next batch of PLs who need some shrapnel to toss at the glistening pink vajayjays on stage.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Farmerart - I wonder if any of the dancers can catch them in the snatch? Wouldn't that be fun to watch? Let's see who has muscle control where it counts. Who's really got a tight pussy?
  • ww
    10 years ago
    Haven't tried to give dancers coins, but I have been to clubs where they charge drinks in some "coin" amount, like $5.75 or $7.50. Whether you are dealing directly with the bar or through a waitress, they seem to take offense if you tell them to keep the coins and there are no other dollar tips associated with it. My take is, why are they charging that way? Just stick with $5 or $7 dollars! I typically don't want the coins cuz they fall out of my pockets if sitting at couch or low chair level.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    @ JS69:

    What club was this? I don’t recall ever being in a club where I have to pay the bouncer, instead of the dancers, for the dances.
  • steve229
    10 years ago

    @papi - that's how the local Paper Moon does it
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    How ghetto pimp-like is it to pay the bouncer for the girl? Geez,some of these clubs.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    A penny for your thoughts
    A Benji for your pussy
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    This was a North Carolina club where many are operated this way. I've also seen this in other states. For example, Brad's in Indianapolis works the same way I think.

    I think it's a good system. The bouncer sits at the entrance to the lap dance area and makes a note of when the dancer enters with a customer. When you leave, the bouncer has counted the number of dances and collects the money. He gives the dance her share, and keeps the club's cut.

    The advantage of the system for the club is that it makes it easy to monitor the dances and collect their share. From the customers perspective, the advantage is that it prevents a dancer from over counting dances. A well-managed club is unlikely to overcharge, whereas an individual dancer even at a nice club might not be as honest.

    The only downside to the system that I'm aware of it is that it makes it harder to just sit and talk in the lap dance area without being charged for a dance. Instead, conversation is to be out at the tables. However, in several instances where I've talked to a dancer through a song, the bouncer took her word for the fact that we didn't dance when I left. The system works well in my opinion.

    Some of the nicer LA clubs
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Some of the nicer LA clubs (4 Play and a few others) have a similar system, but you pay the bartender rather than a bouncer at the entrance to the lap dance area. I didn't think this system would surprise people. I've encountered it a lot. I've never had a problem with it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I agree that having a lap dance counter is a good thing.

    Tootsies in Miami works similar to this but one gives the money to the dancer ($25/LD) and then the dancer pays the bouncer that stands at the entrance of the LD area (dancer gives bouncer $5/LD cut) – this is the method I’m more familiar w/.

    Thanks for the feedback.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Has anyone seen (or been) such a huge PL as to pay or tip a dancer in coins and not bills?"

    No, I always round the 45 cents up to an even buck.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Papi, I had forgotten that Tootsies has something similar. I love that club.

    Steve, you are a generous guy but be careful making those admissions. You're really going to piss off jerikson if you admit to spending that kind of cash.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    JS69 and Papi, yeah, I've seen it work that way at Brad's in Indianapolis, where the dancer will pay the bouncer overseeing that area after she and customer are done. It's also done at Club Northern in Fargo, ND, and it's been a several years but I think it's also done at Beach Girls in West Des Moines.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    @JS, I guess so, I've never seen bouncers handle money, a bathroom troll or a house mom.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    I had some dollar coins a few years ago I gave a dancer who was sitting with me. It was more of a novelty and way to purge them than a tip. I would never tip with coins south of Canada.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I collect Morgan silver dollars, and I always have a few that aren't in my 'permanent' collection due to grade. I've been known to tip dancers with them when I'm especially impressed. The ones I use are typically not valuable; $30 is the average. But they're beautiful coins and the girls seem to like them.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    You ask, "Has anyone seen (or been) such a huge PL as to pay or tip a dancer in coins and not bills?"

    Have i done this yes, was I a "huge PL", no. That was the norm back in days gone by. At Tootsies, in Miami coins were give for the dancers to play the juke box for their songs. A $1 would have been worthless. Quarters back then were the dollars of today.

    Most peoples "history" begins with the day they are born, so if something seems strange to you, don't think it never was.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    @Clubber, I remember that from the old Tootsies.

    I've seen it more recently at Cheetah, a homeless guy came in with a crown royal bag full of change. He was in front of me at the door paying the $1 entry fee in dimes, nickels and pennies. I saw him across the bar buying a beer with change, and then later sitting at the smaller stage sliding dimes onto the stage for every dancer. I was kinda surprised, the door girl, bartender, dancers, bouncers, and waitresses were all nice to him. On my way to take a piss I noticed him with a dancer naked in front of him dancing around, but I can't say I sat there and watched him pay with coins although I'm fairly sure he did. This was probably almost a year ago.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    @Dolfan, I saw something similar at a club in Minneapolis one afternoon years ago: a guy just sleeping away in one of the chairs, even with a couple of somewhat naked women wandering the floor. One dancer told me he was a homeless guy the manager let in every now and again, just to give the guy a warm place to crash and some food. I don't think they ever charged him for anything either.
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