
avatar for shadowcat
Another new thread this morning got me to wondering if kissing/making out is against club rules. It certainly is not against the law. As most of us know kissing is pretty much up to the entertainer. Some do some don't. Some we want to kiss and others we don't. You might get a taste of another guys semen, etc.

But has any one come across club rules that don't allow it? I haven't so far or I have found a lot of girls breaking the club rules.


last comment
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
In my experience most dancers won't kiss, and most clubs don't allow it. I've had a few kisses though even in my non-extras clubs but only from regulars. I read lots of reviews with lots of kissing from first time girls, though so my experience may be limited.
avatar for BigPoppa99
10 years ago
It's not again the rules, just each dancer's own personal preference. I do not think clubs have rules against kissing; that would seem just stupid. I've had girls, who just want to "make out." But really, who knows where her lips have just been!
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
The clubs I attend have a "no kissing" rule when in any area other than the lap dance areas, because technically it could impact their liquor license if seen. Only thing I ever get shit about there.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I suspect it's a matter of club policy and local regulations. I doubt there's any blanket prohibition on the practice.

As much as I love kissing, there's a very limited set of dancers with whom I'll do it regardless of rules. Currently, that's a set of one.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
I'm with GMD.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
I had a regular who didn't kiss beyond a peck on the cheek. I asked her once why not and she said its too intimate. I said but you've had my dick in your mouth, your pussy, and up your ass, but that's not intimate?
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I think kissing is one thing where strippers are more concerned about being seen by other strippers. The bouncers don't usually take notice as long as you aren't creating a spectacle.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Tried to get a cutie to kiss me last night as part of VIP outing. She claimed it was against club rules and declined. I've had others tell me that as well. However I think that's often just an excuse because they consider it too intimate. The hand job she gave me was against the rules, as was her taking off the bottoms in this particular club, but she had no problem breaking those rules. BTW I only ask for missing after she refuses a blow job. Good rule to live by.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
I've not known it be against any rules in any club I have ever visited. I'm all for it myself, not experienced it much from dancers in the club. OTC is a completely different matter.
avatar for RTP
10 years ago
I have had dancers tell me in a number of clubs that it is against club rules. I had one dancer tell me that the management will look the other way for a bj, but will fire her for kissing on the lips. Not sure I understand, but I think she was telling the truth.
avatar for fastscrs
10 years ago
I've had dancers give me open mouth, tongue deep inside, kisses while other dancers, at the same club, only give a peck on the cheek. I think its dancer's preference, not club policy, at least at the clubs I've been to.
avatar for Dolfan
10 years ago
The SR WPB has a club policy against employee's kissing customers on days they work. I've never asked management, but strippers who've kissed me outside the club, strippers I've kissed while they were working at other clubs, as well as a civi I had a relationship with prior to her becoming a dancer all report back the same thing. Even pecks on the cheek are technically prohibited but they generally ignore those. The few times they've slipped, I've seen what appeared to be a look of panic on their faces. I'm told Scarlett's Hallandale has a similar policy, but I the sources aren't nearly as reliable so I can't be sure. Evidence seems to suggest it's true. I ran into a few of those girls in non-strip bars/clubs in the area and been greeted with big kisses, but never so much as a peck on the check in that club.

Other Club's, the Cheetah PB & Cheetah Hallandale's within 3 miles each of those places have no such policies.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I haven't heard of any no kissing policy in my area. However I never see strippers kissing customers in plain view of everyone. I assume all the kissing takes place in the lap dances.
avatar for James1557
10 years ago
In almost all the clubs in England kissing (other than on the cheeks) is not allowed either by the licensing rules or by the club rules or both.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I had one dancer tell me that she could get arrested for prostitution if she kissed a customer. Lmfao @ stripper shit
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Whats with all this kissing shit? What a bunch of simps. I just don't get it.
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
Yeah, kissing girls is yucky!
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I'm not a lawyer, but I have seen them on TV, and I don't get the notion that kissing is illegal. Or for that matter against club rules. What happened to dancer choice?
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago

"You might get a taste of another guys semen"
Enough said right there.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I think is mostly dancer choice as others have mentioned.

I mean – thank about it – most dancers that will do anything in VIP often will still not kiss – if they are “allowed” to get away w/ FS and BJs in VIP; why not kissing – in VIP no one is looking/knows anyway – and still they (dancers) don’t do it.

I’ve also gotten from dancers the “if I kiss you then other custies will think it’s ok and also want me to kiss them” – kinda makes sense when out on the floor or open LD area.
avatar for occurious
10 years ago
I can't imagine that kissing would be illegal in any city but I guess since "sexual contact" is illegal in strip clubs then if a dancer did kiss but didn't do any other illegal stuff they could still get busted but I think that would be a very funny trial to watch.

I've really only had one dancer kiss me other than very lightly and every time I've gone back and gotten dances from her it's become a very sensual make out session. Interestingly she's never offered any other extras.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
I think it more depends on what they are kissing.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Thank you Shadowcat for starting this thread. The replies people have made indicate that there is ambiguity, and a fair amount of kissing, but it is often kept hidden.

As far as liquor license rules, that depends on whether or not there is a no touching rule. But in the state I live in, those who want to go high mileage or nudity just drop the alcohol anyway.

You could be out on the sidewalk in front of the strip club kissing girls all day long. So long as you aren't blocking the sidewalk, doorways, or driveways, there is nothing the cops could do about it.

So there is talk of licensing rules. This is addressed in this thread about legal issues:…

Once they convince people that they need a license, then they try to impose rules which don't apply in any other situation. But what is it which necessitates a license in the first place? The licensing requirement itself is unconstitutional, just as are the Adult Entertainment Ordinances.

I've been in SC's where girls DFK anyone who gives them $1, to try and get an OTC set up before closing. I was in another one where a girl was DFKing anyone who gave her $1 when she was on stage. If someone wanted more of the same from her, I'm sure that would have been just fine.

Mostly what it is is that the owners want to suppress the top mileage level because they are afraid of it turning into an uncontrollable situation, and they want to always be getting a deeper cut of the money. So they convince the dancers to keep all of the kissing and all of the action in the booths, and that this is in their best interest.

But those who have worked in raunchier environments know that DFKing gets better results than "Do you wanna dance." If she does it this way, she can be metering in money for 60min out of every hour. Likewise these front room tips she does not have to cut with the house. So in the most extreme black FS places, lap sitting and DFKing is their standard approach. I don't think they put any time limit on it either, though they would probably want sitting tips if a guy wanted to continue it for a long time, without going with them to the VIP room for FS.

Mostly DFKing means that the girl is dropping her emotional barriers and letting you develop face 2 face intimacy with her. A girl you can connect with this way is the one you should look for, before going into any booths or back rooms.

I know that this is the most important area to look at, in order to raise the quality of SC FS, and to get away from this "extras" model. where the girl is treated as a vending machine.

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avatar for BagBoyJames
10 years ago
Mostly DFKing means that the girl is dropping her emotional barriers and letting you develop face 2 face intimacy with her. A girl you can connect with this way is the one you should look for, before going into any booths or back rooms.

Enough said...i pay top doller for intamentcy
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
No kissing policy? Never heard of such a thing. How would that even be enforced? The kissing police skulking about in dark corners waiting to pounce? Actually that sounds hilarious!
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
This is one of the benefits of having women customers. The dancers are always kissing them. What no kissing policy there is, only applies to men.

If you can, try to get them into open tongue kissing when they are on stage. They do this with women all the time.

Best thing to do is just to try and play a dancer out some. Try and get her to sit on your lap and start making out with you. Start it slow and gentle. Try to give her sitting tips. If she acts like she doesn't understand what the tips are for, tell her, "It's because I like it when you sit with me, and it's because you are pretty."

Then if she tries to get you into a booth or a backroom, "I'd like to sit here with you some and get to know you first. It makes things go better if we do it this way." Really do use the time to talk with her and get to know her. Present her with contact information if you can.

I read in a travel book about Mexico that in their clubs when they see a stripper they like, the first thing they do is kiss her.

If she says, "I don't kiss." Then don't argue with her. Just say, "You're too pretty to be saying something like that. It's better if we can get friendly together first."

If she still holds out, or promises kissing in a booth or a VIP Room, still best then to let her go. Odds are though, another one will jump at the chance to take her place. Always reward the girl who does it this way in every manner possible.

In the South Bay AMPs I used to kiss the RA's (Relaxation Assistants) all the time. Often I'll go for the one wearing the most extreme eye makeup, or the most slutty outfit.

I would use words and eye contact, and manipulate the window shopping routine to soften her up. I would hold her hand and let her tow me, or put my arm around her waist, to slow her down as she led me to the session room, so that I could keep her listening to what I was saying a bit longer. Then once we were in the session room I would move to kissing her.

In the South Bay it worked about 65% of the time. In San Francisco, where the AMPs are more openly FS and the women dress sluttier, it worked about 90% of the time.

When it worked, there really was nothing further to discuss, as she was completely off script and would let it become a girl friend audition, like a first date. So then of course the FS which just naturally ensued was mind blowing. And if I'd of been available for it, I'd definitely of had myself a new girlfriend.

Now as good as that was, it could be even better in an SC. At an AMP they want to get you paired up with a girl right away, and sometimes they want to present them to you serially, so you can thumbs up or thumbs down. Of course this is no good, as the Nevada style line ups are also no good.

At an SC you can fraternize freely. You never do have to give any of them a thumbs down. You can keep playing them out by telling them that you'll do a dance later, and by talking with them, and by sitting at their stage and tipping them. So this is where you try to get them on to your lap and making out with you. I often find that it works extremely well if I can get two girls competing for my attention simultaneously.

We shouldn't take the things that go on in strip clubs, or the women, at face value. We should try and understand why they are that way, and look to see how things might be changed.


Like a Rolling Stone…
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
^^^lmao advice from a virgin. Hysterical.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I've been to my fair share of clubs where kissing is banned by club rules, but I've also gone to the VIP in these places and experienced much kissing. I really only know about one club which has a rule against kissing and you really can't kiss there (because everything's being recorded and I personally believe they live in fear of the police closing them down).
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Never heard of a ban. I see it often enough to know that if there are bans, they certainly aren't enforced. Doesn't your ATF or CF kiss you when she sees you, or is just tonsil tango kissing that is banned?
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I'll tell this one story from a place called T's on Old Oakland Rd. in San Jose. I only speak of this because T's has been closed for many years now.

T's was strictly no touching. The common transgressions against this were minor. They had one common VIP room, with a couch going all the way around. You had to pay a one time fee to get in, and then a $20 per song fee for air dances. Mostly it was just a way of showing appreciation of a dancer. She would have to dance on this little thing like a coffee table, to comply with the 18" stage height and 6' rule. This is an example of the adult entertainment ordinances I have spoken of, rules that don't apply in any other situation.

Legal Issues and how to get around them:…

In T's I sometimes paid the $20 just to have the dancer sit next to me, instead of dancing. That way I could be right up next to her, and caress the outboard side of her thigh some too. It was better for talking as well. Later I just took to doing the same thing with the girl in the main room.

Anyway, one time this guy came in, and two girls sat him down on the couch right where the VIP Room joined with the bar. The girls were on opposite sides of him and they were taking turns getting right in front of him to kiss him.

Someone told me that a dancer said he was some guy with lots and lots of money. Also at T's more of the girls were real open about doing OTC. They had business cards, 1-800 numbers, and phone operators. The cards talked about bachelor parties, as that is more ambiguous. But I assume that most of what they did was escorting.

Anyway, I assume that they guy eventually left, probably with both of the girls.

Many of the T's girls really rubbed me the wrong way.

My point is, don't be taken in by a no kissing policy. If the girls want to kiss it will be hard to stop them.

My experience in store front AMPs is that the sooner I can kiss her the better. It makes the FS just flow naturally like a civilian date.

In San Francisco the AMPs are more straight up about being FS. The girls dress sluttier and are more likely to wear extreme eye makeup. These are usually the ones I will go for too. The shops don't have window fronts either.

It will be a while still, but the next time I go I will pick a girl and get her DKFing with me in the lobby, before I have even given her the standard massage fee.

Mostly it comes down to how you present yourself and how you engage with her verbally, which makes the difference.

In SC's we should be able to do the same thing. It should go even easier because there is freer fraternization.

Once in SF, a dancer was giving me tittes in the face and some pussy in the face when she was on stage. Then I encountered her later coming down some stairs. I met her and embraced her a bit, with her one stair higher up.

"Do you want a dance?"

I asked if we could sit and talk some. She reluctantly agreed. I got taken by the drink hustle. I talked with her about kissing.

"I don't kiss"

and then later

"I don't kiss in this building"

Then after a pretty crumby dance, $20, I was done with her."

If I had it to do again, when I was embracing her on the stairs and she asked if I wanted a dance, I would have said, "I want to sit somewhere and makeout with you."

She would have rejected that and offered the dance. I would have told her probably later and then been done with her. But eventually one of them might have yielded. Better to fail than to pay the money for nonsense.

This was a San Francisco club which in my opinion was ruined by DeJa Vu. They force all the action into the booths, because the club makes more money and it also limits the overall mileage.

But at more open anything goes places, I know that front room kissing can be made to happen. At the best of the black FS places, this is what the girls make happen, in order to get you into the VIP room.

I think we need to stop talking about "extras" and "mileage" and instead start identifying the parameters which effect the quality of FS-ITC offering.


Deep Purple…
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
I was surprised at the thought of club rules against kissing, but based upon some of the responses it sounds like it is, in fact, a legitimate rule in some clubs. Funny though how people with no knowledge of the subject seem so sure that no such rules exist.

What surprises me now is that, if it does exist in the rulebook of some clubs, why not in all clubs? Generally, club rules are a result of local and state and federal laws, and I assume that the end result is widely recognized practices and restrictions in order to comply with those laws. So unless the local legal situation is vastly different, you'd think that most club rules and restrictions are fairly identical.

I'm guessing that a no-kissing rule is the result of state liquor license requirements which restrict nudity and sexual contact, so if kissing can be interpreted as sexual contact (which doesn't seem too much of a stretch) then it seems pretty obvious that a no-kissing rule would exist.

But I'd think that would apply to most or all clubs that serve liquor.


It would be nice if someone who really knew the laws and regulations would answer this...
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
By the way, kissing a chick, even a stripper, is awesome. 'Specially if she's got some really excellent tasting lipstick on, and knows how to use her lips and tongue, and smells really good, and gives you nasty talk in between the kisses. Damn...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Yeah – for me kissing is about the most sensual thing and will often get me more turned on that straight out fucking.
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
I think there may be a small minority of clubs that may not allow kissing but as someone before said; How can you enforce it? I have seen two dancers go up on stage and lay down 69 fashion and give each other oral. That was again a lot of rules but no one not even the bouncers said anything. Everyone just watched.
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Yeah – for me kissing is about the most sensual thing and will often get me more turned on that straight out fucking.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I agree with Duke
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Enforcement is almost irrelevant....there are many mnay general rules for employee conduct and behavior in many businesses that are very difficult to enforce. Drinking or drugs or being under the influence while on duty? Yeah, if you're really blatant it might be obvious if the supervisor is watching you, but how many jobs have supervisors looking over your shoulder your entire shift. Just because it might be difficult to enforce is no reason to throw out the rule
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
And by the way, the mere presence of an employee rulebook which clearly states the rules, which are in support and compliance with all local state and federal laws, is what the business really needs for its protection. They have limited responsibility for enforcement
avatar for steve229
10 years ago
" I agree with Duke"

Sausage fingers!
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
I can't believe all the comments are all about the topic Sins of Kissing.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I agree with Steve
avatar for slaux_pas
10 years ago
How would they enforce it?

Are you kidding me? Fines, suspensions and ultimately being fired from the club for not following the rules. Maybe a customer won’t get tossed out but dancers definitely suffer the consequences if they piss off the club.

Seriously I wonder how many posters on here have not ever been to a strip club because some of you don’t seem to know anything about how they work.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Dude, when people said enforce what they meant was monitor and identify incidents of rule're talking about penalties. Any idiot knows what the possible penalties are..geez
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I went to the club today. I had my choice of 3 dancers that I knew to be good in VIP. But my mind was made up as soon as I saw the one I wanted because I knew she was the best kisser of all the girls I have taken to VIP.

I told her that I loved the way she kisses and she said she really liked mine too. "soft" she said. we have agreed to take the next step and meet OTC. It can't be good for her business to be seen kissing me out in the open but she sure doesn't seem to mind.

I'm just about positive that my club has no rules against it. But I am looking forward hooking up with her OTC soon.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
alabegonz sez: "I can't believe all the comments are all about the topic Sins of Kissing."

avatar for slaux_pas
10 years ago
jerikson40 wrote “when people said enforce what they meant was monitor and identify incidents of rule're talking about penalties. Any idiot knows what the possible penalties are”

...monitor and identify incidents of rule breaking? That is even more naïve and ignorant than not knowing how clubs enforce their rules. I can only conclude, based on the absurdity of your post that you are purposely playing the fool at my expense. Well good sir, the laugh is on me.

If OTOH in the unlikely event that you intended to be taken seriously then I can absolutely, positively guarantee that you can make a small fortune in the strip club industry virtually overnight as long as you are prepared to start with a huge fortune. In other words don’t quit your day job.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Is it a full moon or something? Geezus, I dont know what the fuck people are talking about lately...

Slaux_pas, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
The legal issues are laid out here:…

No law enforcement has ever tried to prohibit kissing as a sex act. If they do, they are making a rule which applies no where else, except in a licensed strip club.

So unless there is a general ban on all touching, then a no kissing rule is just the house trying to limit the action and make more money. They convince the dancers that it is in their best interest to force all the action into booths and VIP rooms.

So what we need to do is subvert this.

Dancers make more money when they can approach with physical aggression and get tips that they don't have to cut with the house.

The quality of FS goes up radically when it starts with DKFing. Best thing to do then is let dancers know that that is what you want, and in the main room.

another excellent Led Zeppelin cover
Kansas City…
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago

Stripper kissing ...

Pay the stripper to kiss you ...

What else is new.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
alabegonz, seriously....

Whatever drugs you're doing, you need to stop it. It's messing with your brain.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
"The quality of FS goes up radically when it starts with DKFing"

Neither of which you have ever done.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
"Whatever drugs you're doing, you need to stop it. It's messing with your brain."

Dude, you need to calm down. You're too hyper and too detail oriented, hope the SC ladies will appreciate that.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago


SC ladies....


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