Sometimes poor, old txtittyfan doesn't make enough money from the $10 BBBJs he offers in the parking lot of HiLiter in Phoenix. He thus, often, also has to restort to collecting bottles out of trash cans to raise a bit if additional cash for meals.
BBJamesDude... Was that you going through my recycle bin yesterday? You scared the neighbors my friend.
You guys will know if James is in your neighborhood. Homeless lookin' dude with dreads that walks around chanting "MAN-DANG-A-LOW" at the top of his lungs. That shit is what freaked the neighbors out.
My club just throws all that stuff out. I asked why they don't recycle and the barmaid just shrugged. Now, if I had the desire, I could raid their garbage bins and collect enough for at least a couple dances!
last commentI think some people, in particular in larger cities; actually make a living out of this.
Melt them down, make a tire, and call it a Goodyear. Now that's recycling, muthafucka!
You guys will know if James is in your neighborhood. Homeless lookin' dude with dreads that walks around chanting "MAN-DANG-A-LOW" at the top of his lungs. That shit is what freaked the neighbors out.