Sunday Clubbing

I'm bored. Even though I spent Thursday afternoon in the club with my CF, I feel the urge to see some strippers today. But it's Sunday. I've never gone to a club on Sunday, and I'm afraid that there would not be many dancers and it wouldn't be much fun. Any advice on clubbing on Sunday?
last commentBefore she came in, there were only 2 dancers.
vm, You know "C" is one. :)
1. Like Clubber mentioned, if you have a fave or dancers you know that you like that work on Sundays, then you'll have less interference from other dancers by clubbing on Sundays.
2. If you're not looking to spend time with dancers you already know, and you want to maximize your potential, then go to a club that has a high number of dancers compared to other clubs. They'll still have more dancers on shift on Sundays, than the smaller clubs.
Generally, clubs are dead on Sunday afternoons. I do have a CF that works Sunday, day shift. So, occasionally I'll see her on a Sunday afternoon, but I prefer to see her when she works during the week. If I don't have other plans on weekend afternoons, I'm usually at home watching sports on TV, year round. Clubbing on weekend afternoons, is the last thing I'd think to do at those times.
Sunday nights tend to be mellow too, if that works for you I recommend it.
Read a book, watch TV, watch a video - all less expensive that clubbing. :)
You may have a point gatorfan! LOL
As far as Sundays go, most aren't open til night and then they are usually pretty dead. But as others have stated its great for securing some time with a fave.
I SCed last Sunday eve and had a blast. About the same # of dancers as in Fr/Sat nights (~12 to 14 – it’s a smallish club) – but about half (or a bit less) # of PLs as on Fr/Sat nights – I got really good QoS.
Seems in many clubs it is ALWAYS one of the dancers birthday.
I bet Jestie is a total closet case. You so want to be straight but just can. I can see you sitting in pervert row trying to imagine yourself fucking the strippers. But you keep imagining Justin Bieber's face on the girls. Its sad.
Just give in to sin Jestiedude. Most of us on this board dig chicks. But it is ok to dig dudes. Find some dude you can give big sloppy rimjobs to. You'll be happier.
I'll make it easy for you to hate me. The answer to your question is "Yes".
Thought, to be fair, the adjective "religious" isn't required for it to be a true statement.
Now while I've never been religious I did spend a fair amount of time around religious people when I was younger. While there are exceptions, the majority of them are decent people who treat everyone reasonably well even if they didn't approve of their lifestyle.
And the chick-fil-a dude...I bet he has a full on gimp mask and pays rent boys $1000s of his fried chicken money to spank him hard and give him sloppy rimjobbies. When he feels extra naughty he buys a bucket o' the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay and asks them to show a drumstick up his ass. Just think Jestie... That could be YOU pleasuring your chick-fil-a hero!!!