2 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedHigh Heels Saloon2678 N 48th Rd Somonauk, IL 60552A good Night at High Heels
5 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onSeekingArrangement.com, A Sage SpeaksI used to have a profile there. too many girls with severe cases of GPS eventually put me off it. if I'm expected to shell out 4-500/visit, I…
8 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedclosedThe Candy Factory2849 US-30, Compton, IL 61318, USAa long-delayed visit
8 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onSeeking arrangementI had an account for roughly a year and for all the action I got, I should have saved the money and gone for a straight-up P4P arrangement.…
8 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onGirls only play inside the club..sorry, dude, but odds are those strippers aren't 'into' you, they're just playing up to you to score extra $$$ off you in the form of return visits.…
9 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedclosedThe Candy Factory2849 US-30, Compton, IL 61318, USAI had nothing to do so...
10 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedclosedThe Candy Factory2849 US-30, Compton, IL 61318, USAI think I may need to...
10 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onMy bucket list consist of fucking girls from different races.let's see: asian: yes, several. black: see above white: see above hispanic: at least two indian (hindi/pakistani, whichever): one (so far)
10 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedHigh Heels Saloon2678 N 48th Rd Somonauk, IL 60552Decided to go down to High...
10 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedclosedThe Candy Factory2849 US-30, Compton, IL 61318, USAIt's no longer called The Candy...
10 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedclosedThe Candy Factory2849 US-30, Compton, IL 61318, USAThe club has changed hands and...
10 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedclosedThe Candy Factory2849 US-30, Compton, IL 61318, USAIt having been nearly six months...
11 yrs ago•sanitagoreviewedclosedThe Candy Factory2849 US-30, Compton, IL 61318, USAI visited the club on Saturday...
11 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onWell wish granted. Welfare is cutting down bit by bitokay, I'll ask: WTF does this have to do with strip clubs? or has this place suddenly become yet-another place for people to throw out the political 'opinions'?
11 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onIs this the smallest town with a strip club? Population is 459Compton, Illinois (closest town to The Candy Factory) has a grand total of 298 people in it, but it's actually about two miles from the club. as far…
11 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onhow many of the dancers are drug addicted?I'm not sure how many are really addicted, and how many only use occasionally. I do know that of the few strippers who have told me they were…
12 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onOT: Wealthy's Tax Bill Will Hit 30-Year High in 2013why do I fear this thread is going to turn into a giant pi**ing match? can we get back to what this place is *supposed* to be about,…
12 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onWhy couldn't we have teachers like this when we were in schoolit sounds like those three judges are 'playing to the crowd' of moral monitors who still seem to be the loudest voices in politics. I hope she appeals…
12 yrs ago •sanitagocommented onIs the lap dance an endangered species?from what I have read, over in Germany, the have what's called "FKK" clubs (please don't ask for the translation of the abbreviation). they're a lot like the…