the perils of 'keeping in touch'

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A while back, one of the women I know who dances in a club suggested we trade email addresses and link up on Facebook so we could 'stay in touch'. She made the hint that, if things worked out, this could lead to some further "interaction" of a sexual nature. So, thinking no doubt with the wrong head, I decided to go ahead with it. Things did not go well from the start. She'd ask me to write, and I would, while her replies were infrequent and short at the best of times. The Facebook link-up took forever for her to accept. When it finally did get set up, one of the first things I found out was that the husband she'd told me she was separated from, she was still living with. Then she started asking me why I was talking to other dancers, why I wanted to talk to them. Finally, she tried to lay down an ultimatum: either I spend my time and money when I'm at the club with her, or she wouldn't be communicating with me.
I think she was actually shocked when I told her where to get off at.
The moral of the story, fellow clubbers, is that it's nice to think they want you, just remember what they really want is your money, and if you give them the chance, they'll hound you even when your not in the club.


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14 years ago
I communicate back & forth with my ATF. BUT not on Facebook. I DON'T know why any person would plaster their life & activities all over on an Internet site like Facebook. Excuse me me, but I believe it is just FUCKING STUPID!!! And potentially DANGEROUS!
14 years ago
I use FB. With an account with a made up name, and tied to a throwaway email address. It's worked out so far, without any undue drama such as you describe.
14 years ago
And to think awhile back a dancer wanted my cell number just so she could call and say hi. That was the realization I had "made her evening"...
14 years ago
Dancers are not to be trusted with personal information or access to cell phone, email or social networking. Give it to her and you will get calls for you to come to the club and spend money as part of her stable of regulars. And, usually, that's all you will get. I know some guys have had the ATF/OTC experience, but that's a rare exception. Also, a dancer told me that the wastebasket in the dressing room is always overflowing with tossed business cards.
14 years ago
yeah, well, I'd hoped it wouldn't end up in some sort of drama showdown, but like a lot of hopes in life, that one when down in flames.
I thought the same thing when she asked me to hook up with her online (FYI, if you remember her, it's J, the tallish brunette who claims to be from Naperville). not what happened, so I figured I'd pass the sorry story on to give guys a chance to learn from other's mistakes.
14 years ago
Google Voice for phone numbers, for throwaway email addresses.
14 years ago
Really?!? She still works there? The money at that club must've been better than I thought. That said, I think you were spared; you should take the same sum (and maybe a little more) and head for Detroit. For one, The Penthouse Club would put Heartbreakers to shame.
14 years ago
I use FB as what I all a Project / Intelligence Gathering, Photo Mining Site. I use my stage name I have for Strip Clubbing which matches the business cards asociated with it. A number of my ATF's are on it and I have used it to hook up with one otc. However, FB is not necessary with a frequent fav as text messaging will do in setting up sessions.
14 years ago
yeah, she's one of the ones complaining loudest about the new owners and their plans. seems she figures she's a "senior" dancer, and shouldn't have to "put up with this shit" as she put it. as to why she's still there, well, I found out she was still living with her husband when I "friend-ed" her on Facebook by using her email address. it came back with two pages, one for her and him and one for just her. did a check for him and found he had his own page where he lists his occupation as "biker", so my guess is she's making the money and taking it home to him. as to why i went down that path, what can I say, every once in a while the 'little head' outshouts the big one, and she was hinting hard that sex would be in the future. she's still fairly good-looking, and if the shit hadn't hit the fan, I'd have happily parted with some coin for a few hours of sweaty pleasure.
14 years ago
BTW, Detroit sounds like a good place, but that's a hell of a drive just for a visit to a SC. from what I've read, there are a couple of SC's down on the Illinois/Indiana border where you can get ITC or OTC without any problem. maybe I'll have to start considering a trip over that way someday soon. sure as fuck going to get boring around here I fear.
14 years ago
Sanitago, when I've done Detroit I've spent the nights at the Mariott at the airport. It's around $45 a night (bid $36 for starters) through's "Name Your Own Price". With housing secured, one then gets to hop around from club to club on their mini vacation. While there are many clubs, I'd start with what has been the best: day shift at The Penthouse Club.
14 years ago
I dropped $150 on a dancer a few weeks back. It wasn't as much for the 15 dances (the grind was great) but for the good conversation. We shared alot of the same interests. You've got to love nerdy/quirky nineteen year old girls that also are also hot. During the dances she told me her real name and INSISTED I add her on Facebook. She told me her name multiple times and said I HAD to find her on Facebook. So a couple days later, I add her on Facebook. She messages me back and acts like she has no clue who I am, which is impossible. I retract the request because I really don't give a shit one way or another. Kind of strange that she'd give me her real identity and then try to ignore me. Very naive. She is lucky I am a nice guy and not a stalker. Anyway, I do see she has a loser "boyfriend" living 2,000 miles away and she posts pointless status updates every hour practically like a narcissist. Whatever.

Two weeks later I go back to the club and she is working. She sees me and tries to act all like I came back to just see her, etc. I play her game back on her. I pretend I have no clue who she is, like we've never met before. I proceed to have fun dropping lots 'o' cash on other dancers and make sure she sees me doing it. You should have seen the look on her face!
14 years ago
I have email accounts with four different ISPs - one purely for stripper communication. I do NOT do Facebook and I do NOT pass out my phone number; I happily accept dancers' numbers, however. I was paranoid about security while I was in business and some of the paranoia follows me into retirement.
14 years ago
I'm a FB friend of a number of dancers and ex-dancers. These are girls I've gotten to know and like over time. Our posts do not include anything of a sexual nature.
14 years ago
I don't use Facebook but I have exchanged phone numbers with about half a dozen dancers. Outside of 1 who was a pain in the neck, myself or none of the dancers have abused the privilege. Typically I make the first contact to see when they might be working. Lately I've only communicated with a couple of the girls though. Plus as others have mentioned, Googlevoice is your friend.
14 years ago
yeah, I keep about six open email accounts. mostly this is due to the occasional need to give an address to some site I know will proceed to bombard me with advertising. I also have a couple I give out to some of the 'by the hour' women I occasionally see. one or two of them keep in touch with me semi-regularly, but none of them have given me level of possessive shit I got of the woman I speak of in the post. I keep a 'burner' phone for setting up meetings with the hourly women, something I learned about years ago. bought for cash, hours paid for the same way, registered under a name in no way connected to me. figure if the cops ever bust one of them and finds my number, if they can trace me out from it, they've earned their pay.
14 years ago
fuck keeping communications OTC keep it all ITC, if she really wants my money she will show up at the club on the regular to get it. i am not coordinating times thru FB, email, or phone to see if a stripper is working. if she is there then she gets paid if not there is always another who will step up.. and how does the saying go 'the only good pussy is new pussy'
14 years ago
Some clubs don't tolerate ITC activities; keeping it all ITC would, for me, significantly reduce the opportunity for sex. At least for *comfortable*, no-watching-out-for-intrusions, sex. If I couldn't hand out my phone number and exchange text messages, I wouldn't get half of what I do now.
14 years ago
ITC works for me for some reason. i can meet em that day and we handle business and when i return a month later if she iis there then she can get the business again or its off to a new one. i guess the girls talk afterwards cause when i return others hit me up for the same service
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