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Joined Jan 2016
Last Seen Mar 2022


Cleveland, Ohio

at the end of the day when the pain of not having what you want becomes so strong you will find a way to find out what is really important to you and will see people in a different light, until then in my opinion you simply are not ready

If you're looking for a healthy weight loss diet, I posted one that is simple back on Aug 8, 2016:

"Lust over a Stripper"


That diet is proven and it is bachelor friendly, cheap on a per meal basis, while easy to prep with little cleanup. I've helped a couple 400+ lb guys go down to 170 in 15 months (lose 20 lbs/mo) on it.


Community Defense Act (of 2007 of Ohio). Ohio's Anti-strip club laws.

HGR's post about making your own pinup-girls calendar using high-rez pinup girls.


"Why Sally can't get a good job with her college degree" (Stanley too)


AZ Rider

9/5/2014 1:59 PM EDT

Sally, like many students today, screwed up. They are not planning and looking at the market trends. They choose a degree that won't give them the return they need to thrive. So now that Sally realizes she messed up, she needs to get out there and pound the pavement, find a mentor, apply for internships and develop good communication skills. She needs to network, demonstrate a sense of urgency and good work ethics and let prospective employers know how she will bring value to their companies. This is not for the faint of heart, but it can be done with perseverance, passion and hard work. Too many just give up and accept that job at Starbucks rather than putting in the hard work to land a good job. Get off your duffs and make it happen people.

Cher B.

9/5/2014 2:15 PM EDT

Before choosing a degree program, it is important to decide what you hope to achieve. Do some research and find out what opportunities exist in the field you are considering and what additional training may be involved. www.jobs444.com

Eric Hondzinski

9/7/2014 2:20 PM EDT

Studying Economics -- Labor economics in particular -- was the best thing I ever did because it taught me how to view my own worth in the job market. A person is going to be paid the value of the their marginal product and not a single penny more. At the end of college you have to ask yourself a simple question: What value do I provide? If you you struggle to answer this question, you are in for a serious struggle after graduation.

Mark Zinan

9/6/2014 6:18 AM EDT

Because innovators and entreperneurs (sic) create jobs. That's not what college teaches. Job creators typically leave college early because for them it is a waste of time.


9/6/2014 2:07 AM EDT

Although it should have been her responsibility to make sure her degree would be useful, I don't think it's entirely her fault. When I was in high school (three years ago), we were told by our teachers, school counselors, and parents that we should go to college for whatever we're interested in and the money will follow. We were told that as long as you have a degree, you'll get a good job. I wouldn't be surprise if they're still telling that to current high school students.


9/5/2014 3:59 PM EDT

Not everyone should go to college right out of high school. If you struggled, never learned how to learn or study, and just eked by because of luck or compassionate teachers, then college is not for you. If you don't know what you want to do with your life, college is not for you (yet).

Go out and get a job and figure out what you want before you waste your money. The more people who get BS degrees end up diluting the accomplishment for everyone else. That's why people need to get graduate degrees to separate themselves in the white collar world.


9/6/2014 12:06 PM EDT

I'm an employer.

I regularly get letters and resumes littered with grammatical and spelling errors, sloppily photocopied, sometimes even with coffee stains.

I regularly have new hires with no idea at all that they must be at work every day, on time, for the full day, that they cannot spend any time, not one minute, on their personal business during the working day. They are astonished, insulted and enraged when I tell them that if they answer their cell phone one more time I will fire them on the spot.

AZ Rider

9/5/2014 2:03 PM EDT

That's hogwash Aideen. There is room for everybody who is willing to put in the work to land a good job. You can't just stroll in and demand $100K job because you have a degree. You have to put in the time to plot your course. And that includes doing things for a few years that are not always fun and exciting. Nobody wants to pay their dues anymore thinking the degree is the holy grail. Well, it's not. You still have to earn your way and pay your dues.

AZ Rider

9/5/2014 2:10 PM EDT

As for number 2: While it may be true that employers always don't know what they want, the applicant has responsibility for bringing these things to an interview:

  1. A clear understanding of the company and the company's directions

  2. Their vision and ideas to add value to that company.

  3. Their plan on how to get there

Nobody gets a high-paying job unless they can demonstrate value, passion, good work ethics and determination. As an interviewee, you MUST drive this discussion or else you could easily end up slinging burgers.


9/5/2014 11:07 AM EDT

"We are lending money we don't have, to kids that will never be able to pay it back, to train for jobs that no longer exist." - Mike Rowe

Sally, like millions of other Americans, believe in the great myth associated with higher education. Government subsidies have turned college in to a big, ridiculously priced, business with no accountability for the success of their graduates.


9/5/2014 10:48 AM EDT

(cut here) I think the bigger question is why it's so hard to find meaningful and financially supportive work in America. (cut here)


9/5/2014 10:21 AM EDT

(cut here) But yes, jobs are hard to find for people who have neither a relevant degree nor any relevant work experience. (cut here